What positives has Joe Biden accomplished as pres

Not if they are former KGB. Trump was Putin’s ”useful idiot”.
Why do you always say that?

How come you didn't say the same about Obama and Cuba

Or Obama and Iran?

Or all the times Putin bitch slapped Obama like in Syria?
A new weak president and you cannot get much weaker than senile Joe
Yet that “weak” president managed to strengthen NATO and unite Europe with the US into a strong coalition that is exacting far harsher sanctions then would have been possible under prior administration.

His supporters are stumped. I cannot name anything.

— US is more divided under him
— Afghanistan botched withdrawal
— Border crisis
— War in Ukraine
— Hyper Inflation
— Masks and vaccine mandates
— Child mental health issues on a dramatic rise
— Ridiculously high gas prices
— Budget Deficit
— College Tuition costs remain ridiculously high and lack of sufficient oversight on student debt issuers.

Help me out folks.

Divided? Republicans and Democrats stood up and cheered for Joe Biden at the State of the Union Address,

There were things that could have gone better, but you weren't born when the US withdrew from Viet Nam. People were clinging to the helicopter landing gear as they tried to take off. Biden got more than 120,000 people out of Afghanistan with minimal loss of life. How you can call that "botched", shows how partisan and gullible you are.

There is no border crisis no matter how many times you say there is one.

Joe didn''t start the war, but he has got NATO back together and singing the same tune. Putin and Russia are now pariah's, the economy crushed, and he's losing that war.

7% isn't "hyper inflation" or anything close to it. Inflation is a world wide event, not limited to the USA, so it's ridiculous to blame that on Biden.

Ditto gas prices.

Mask and vaccine mandates are ending. Republicans continue to die at an alarming rate.

Why didn't you care about the deficit when Trump was crashing the economy?

Ditto student debt.
Yet that “weak” president managed to strengthen NATO and unite Europe with the US into a strong coalition that is exacting far harsher sanctions then would have been possible under prior administration.
He has? I do Not see what you see. NATO is stronger due to Putin being a threat and knowing that Biden cannot help.
No Trump was friends with Putin ...

When your friends with a Russian they don't back stab you.

lol... when putin was in the KGB, he had his own citizens gassed being held hostage inside a theater just so the bad guys wouldn't get away.

that's some real loyalty, 'eh?
Divided? Republicans and Democrats stood up and cheered for Joe Biden at the State of the Union Address,

There were things that could have gone better, but you weren't born when the US withdrew from Viet Nam. People were clinging to the helicopter landing gear as they tried to take off. Biden got more than 120,000 people out of Afghanistan with minimal loss of life. How you can call that "botched", shows how partisan and gullible you are.

There is no border crisis no matter how many times you say there is one.

Joe didn''t start the war, but he has got NATO back together and singing the same tune. Putin and Russia are now pariah's, the economy crushed, and he's losing that war.

7% isn't "hyper inflation" or anything close to it. Inflation is a world wide event, not limited to the USA, so it's ridiculous to blame that on Biden.

Ditto gas prices.

Mask and vaccine mandates are ending. Republicans continue to die at an alarming rate.

Why didn't you care about the deficit when Trump was crashing the economy?

Ditto student debt.

The people in the video could not name one accomplishment. How do you explain that? Honk honk

Trump promised to get us out of Afghanistan
Biden got us out after 20 years with fewer casualties than Trump

Let’s Go Brandon!
Why do you always say that?

How come you didn't say the same about Obama and Cuba

Or Obama and Iran?

Or all the times Putin bitch slapped Obama like in Syria?
What is Cuba doing to the world order? Not much of anything. It was time to change the way we related to Cuba after over half a century. Putin’s Russia is a much larger and more dangerous animal.
lol... when putin was in the KGB, he had his own citizens gassed being held hostage inside a theater just so the bad guys wouldn't get away.

that's some real loyalty, 'eh?
When FDR was president He had his own citizens placed in concentration camps and took away their homes and business

What's your point?
He has been in office for over a year. So he must have accomplished something positive?
Can't think right off the bat, unless talking about uniting the world behind Ukraine, but I've been pretty P.O.d since he screwed the border worse than it was screwed, just because dumb donny had a poor plan in place. A poor plan is better than no plan. P.O.d me again when he stopped the plan to fly the people coming across the border back where they came from, that even Mexico was supporting. P.O.d me again shipping out aliens in the dead of night and landing them at night, so they might not be noticed. Other than all that, I'm not too upset. He did get elected to get that a-hole trump out of office and that was a good thing.

he followed thru with the agreement already set. he wasn't going to renege although he certainly wanted out himself. a 20 year war - a 20 year quagmire, that no president wanted to have dealt while in office because it was gonna be a mess no matter what & joe took it on.
What is Cuba doing to the world order? Not much of anything. It was time to change the way we related to Cuba after over half a century. Putin’s Russia is a much larger and more dangerous animal.
Oh please sweetheart ..

Liberals suck Cuba's and Iran's dick.

And then pissed that Trump tried to keep world peace with Russia and North Korea?

It doesn't make sense?

His supporters are stumped. I cannot name anything.

— US is more divided under him
— Afghanistan botched withdrawal
— Border crisis
— War in Ukraine
— Hyper Inflation
— Masks and vaccine mandates
— Child mental health issues on a dramatic rise
— Ridiculously high gas prices
— Budget Deficit
— College Tuition costs remain ridiculously high and lack of sufficient oversight on student debt issuers.

Help me out folks.

He’s destroyed the democrats’ chances of holding congress. Good job, Brandon!
When FDR was president He had his own citizens placed in concentration camps and took away their homes and business

What's your point?

first gassing ... & now putin is talking about 'purification'.

anything sound familiar?
Too funny. His successes are based upon Conservative policies.

Everything listed is a product of what we were saying in the Summer of 2020. We just needed to stop the lockdowns and masking and look at all that progress that would have happened.

Oh, but you couldn't have that until a Vegetable Democrat was in office.
You realize that you're at odds w/the OP and fellow-conservative, right?

Ruh roh!!!

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