What Rank Is Gay On The Sin Chart?

If a women has the right to say 'no' to a man, she should have the right to say 'no' to nine months of pregnancy and the pain of labor, until she is ready to make that kind of commitment.
obviously she has the right to say no to a man.....that does not equate to having the right to kill someone...it does not logically follow......do you have the right to kill the cook at your favorite restaurant because you have the right to say no to the waitress when she asks if you want more coffee?......

and that analogy makes sense to you??
well yes......that is why I typed it......
Now if the waitress spills coffee in you lap you should not be forced (by you or anyone else) to wear those clothes the rest of the day if there is an alternative. The clothes can be washed or dry cleaned or thrown away. You are not stuck with the stain. As for the burn, it might hurt for awhile as a reminder to be more careful.
so are you suggesting I kill the clothes or the waitress?.....
Try this for a thought. Do you like eggs? You are taking an undeveloped egg away from the hen. You fry or scramble it. The hen will never know that egg or see it hatch. You are basically aborting the hen's egg.
you do know they don't sell fertilized eggs in the grocery store, right?.......

What you find in stores are unincubated eggs. Not the same thing as as not being fertilizes. Both taste the same and have the same nutrition value. There are stores that sell 'fertilized' eggs. You can fine feet and beaks as well. Even shells are ground down for calcium. Nothing goes to waste
Have you never found a blood egg, not just a drop but a vein? I gather you have never lived on a farm or had chickens in your back yard?
Now if the waitress spills coffee in you lap you should not be forced (by you or anyone else) to wear those clothes the rest of the day if there is an alternative. The clothes can be washed or dry cleaned or thrown away. You are not stuck with the stain. As for the burn, it might hurt for awhile as a reminder to be more careful.
so are you suggesting I kill the clothes or the waitress?.....

Kill the stain/ get rid of it
Try this for a thought. Do you like eggs? You are taking an undeveloped egg away from the hen. You fry or scramble it. The hen will never know that egg or see it hatch. You are basically aborting the hen's egg.
you do know they don't sell fertilized eggs in the grocery store, right?.......

What you find in stores are unincubated eggs. Not the same thing as as not being fertilizes. Both taste the same and have the same nutrition value. There are stores that sell 'fertilized' eggs. You can fine feet and beaks as well. Even shells are ground down for calcium. Nothing goes to waste
Have you never found a blood egg, not just a drop but a vein? I gather you have never lived on a farm or had chickens in your back yard?

actually....the farm I grew up did raise chickens......and while the ones we ate at home might occasionally include a fertilized egg, those we sold were "candled" to make sure they weren't.....which is why you will NEVER eat a fertilized egg that you bought in a grocery store......

not only that, but unless you get your eggs from some "free range" farmer, the hens that laid your eggs have never even seen a rooster......
Now if the waitress spills coffee in you lap you should not be forced (by you or anyone else) to wear those clothes the rest of the day if there is an alternative. The clothes can be washed or dry cleaned or thrown away. You are not stuck with the stain. As for the burn, it might hurt for awhile as a reminder to be more careful.
so are you suggesting I kill the clothes or the waitress?.....

Kill the stain/ get rid of it
and you won't treat a human being differently than a coffee stain?.....
What is contradictory about the fact that it was Republicans that initiated Roe v Wade and Republicans that voted it into law?

???....abortion has never been voted into law.....

and yet you want to take away a woman's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by turning her into a slave of a child she might not want or cannot care for? You want to force her to go through nine month of pregnancy and labor, and possible stuck raising a child for the next 20 yrs?
why would she raise a child for twenty years if she didn't want a child......yes, if she gets pregnant she should go through the pregnancy instead of murdering her child, but why not put it up for adoption?.......

If it is the offspring of a rapist, she shouldn't have to, and shame on you for suggesting that she should. It is her choice to make, not yours.
oh gosh, I never thought of that......1% of aborted pregnancies are the result of rape.....that changes everything!........oh wait.....we settled that problem ten paqes ago.....

Still, if it is not legal, the 1% could not get an abortion. And besides, most states already have laws preventing elective abortions past the first tri-mester.....it is just a clump of cells during the first tri-mester. So, most of you want to eliminate all abortions, even if it means the life of the mother. Shame on you.
Try this for a thought. Do you like eggs? You are taking an undeveloped egg away from the hen. You fry or scramble it. The hen will never know that egg or see it hatch. You are basically aborting the hen's egg.
you do know they don't sell fertilized eggs in the grocery store, right?.......


Most commercially farmed chicken eggs intended for human consumption are unfertilized, since the laying hens are kept without roosters. Fertile eggs can be eaten, with little nutritional difference to the unfertilized. Fertile eggs will not contain a developed embryo, as refrigeration temperatures inhibit cellular growth for an extended time. Sometimes an embryo is allowed to develop but eaten before hatching as with balut.
Try this for a thought. Do you like eggs? You are taking an undeveloped egg away from the hen. You fry or scramble it. The hen will never know that egg or see it hatch. You are basically aborting the hen's egg.
you do know they don't sell fertilized eggs in the grocery store, right?.......


Most commercially farmed chicken eggs intended for human consumption are unfertilized, since the laying hens are kept without roosters. Fertile eggs can be eaten, with little nutritional difference to the unfertilized. Fertile eggs will not contain a developed embryo, as refrigeration temperatures inhibit cellular growth for an extended time. Sometimes an embryo is allowed to develop but eaten before hatching as with balut.

I've tried them, an acquired taste. When traveling I always tried new foods. There are at least a dozen grocery stores locally that sell fertilized and even balut.
Trader Joe's has pasture-raised, free-range, organic eggs and cage-free.

???....abortion has never been voted into law.....

and yet you want to take away a woman's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by turning her into a slave of a child she might not want or cannot care for? You want to force her to go through nine month of pregnancy and labor, and possible stuck raising a child for the next 20 yrs?
why would she raise a child for twenty years if she didn't want a child......yes, if she gets pregnant she should go through the pregnancy instead of murdering her child, but why not put it up for adoption?.......

If it is the offspring of a rapist, she shouldn't have to, and shame on you for suggesting that she should. It is her choice to make, not yours.
oh gosh, I never thought of that......1% of aborted pregnancies are the result of rape.....that changes everything!........oh wait.....we settled that problem ten paqes ago.....

Still, if it is not legal, the 1% could not get an abortion. And besides, most states already have laws preventing elective abortions past the first tri-mester.....it is just a clump of cells during the first tri-mester. So, most of you want to eliminate all abortions, even if it means the life of the mother. Shame on you.
and yet, you can't seem to get past the fact that exceptions can be made for the handful of cases involving rape.......or that even when abortion was illegal, it was allowed to save the life of the mother......why are you so dedicated to killing the other 97%?......
Try this for a thought. Do you like eggs? You are taking an undeveloped egg away from the hen. You fry or scramble it. The hen will never know that egg or see it hatch. You are basically aborting the hen's egg.
you do know they don't sell fertilized eggs in the grocery store, right?.......


Most commercially farmed chicken eggs intended for human consumption are unfertilized, since the laying hens are kept without roosters. Fertile eggs can be eaten, with little nutritional difference to the unfertilized. Fertile eggs will not contain a developed embryo, as refrigeration temperatures inhibit cellular growth for an extended time. Sometimes an embryo is allowed to develop but eaten before hatching as with balut.
yes really......did you think you contradicted me?.....it isn't the first time you made that mistake......
Try this for a thought. Do you like eggs? You are taking an undeveloped egg away from the hen. You fry or scramble it. The hen will never know that egg or see it hatch. You are basically aborting the hen's egg.
you do know they don't sell fertilized eggs in the grocery store, right?.......


Most commercially farmed chicken eggs intended for human consumption are unfertilized, since the laying hens are kept without roosters. Fertile eggs can be eaten, with little nutritional difference to the unfertilized. Fertile eggs will not contain a developed embryo, as refrigeration temperatures inhibit cellular growth for an extended time. Sometimes an embryo is allowed to develop but eaten before hatching as with balut.

I've tried them, an acquired taste. When traveling I always tried new foods. There are at least a dozen grocery stores locally that sell fertilized and even balut.
Trader Joe's has pasture-raised, free-range, organic eggs and cage-free.
so you've acquired a taste for eating fertilized eggs and killing unborn children........habits are hard to break.......
Try this for a thought. Do you like eggs? You are taking an undeveloped egg away from the hen. You fry or scramble it. The hen will never know that egg or see it hatch. You are basically aborting the hen's egg.
you do know they don't sell fertilized eggs in the grocery store, right?.......


Most commercially farmed chicken eggs intended for human consumption are unfertilized, since the laying hens are kept without roosters. Fertile eggs can be eaten, with little nutritional difference to the unfertilized. Fertile eggs will not contain a developed embryo, as refrigeration temperatures inhibit cellular growth for an extended time. Sometimes an embryo is allowed to develop but eaten before hatching as with balut.

I've tried them, an acquired taste. When traveling I always tried new foods. There are at least a dozen grocery stores locally that sell fertilized and even balut.
Trader Joe's has pasture-raised, free-range, organic eggs and cage-free.
so you've acquired a taste for eating fertilized eggs and killing unborn children........habits are hard to break.......

Have ever had caviar or roe?
I'm not killing the unborn, I believe women have the right over their own body to make medical decisions. It should not your business. You don't have the right to tell her she can't have the cells removed in the first few month, or take medicine to induce the body to reject it in the first weeks.
Get out of her bedroom and her womb. What she believes is best for and any fetus should not be your concern.

You have a hard time with context. If you read the bible the same way only taking a phrase here and there, no wonder you are so wrong about faith, or life
Have ever had caviar or roe?
I'm not killing the unborn
you just encourage it.....

You have a hard time with context. If you read the bible the same way only taking a phrase here and there, no wonder you are so wrong about faith, or life
if you didn't know the eggs we eat are unfertilized, why should I believe you know what the Bible says about life?.....
Hypothetical (that actually goes on regularly in the "civilized" world): Take a 6-pound infant, healthy and viable, who in the normal course of events will be born in two weeks.

On what basis can you justify killing it?

What if it won't be born for another month, yet is still viable? Same question.

What about a deformed, born, baby? Kill it?

Why not?
Hypothetical (that actually goes on regularly in the "civilized" world): Take a 6-pound infant, healthy and viable, who in the normal course of events will be born in two weeks.

On what basis can you justify killing it?

What if it won't be born for another month, yet is still viable? Same question.

What about a deformed, born, baby? Kill it?

Why not?

decisions for the mother to make, and her doctor
Later term abortions are only used when the life of mother is at issue.
Why would you bring a child into the world that would suffer from deformity or that would have complication and only live a short time. We don't make animals suffer, but you would make a child suffer by forcing it to be born? The pain of the mother watching is suffer and or die? It is the mother that has to carry and give birth. It should be her decision if she thinks it best to terminate.
I think it cruel for other to force her to go through nine months and hours of labor just to watch the infant fail to thrive of suffer.
If it is your body you are free to make the choice. But someone else's body, it is not your business.
I agree wholeheartedly. If it is your body, it's your choice. But a baby is ANOTHER PERSON's body, and you cannot kill it because its continued existence is an inconvenience. Even a major inconvenience.

And the B.S. about the life of the mother being in jeopardy is a one in a Brazillion proposition. The vast majority of the time it is convenience, nothing more.
Well, the only person that Jesus mentioned going to Hell specifically, was a greedy rich man, so that's gotta be right at the top.

Let's not get extreme.

A camel fitting through the eye of a needle..........OK i'll shut up. It was extreme.

That does mean a sewing needle . in a city there were arches to get into the city, and those low arch's were called needles, very difficult for a camel to get down and enter through the needle
Have ever had caviar or roe?
I'm not killing the unborn
you just encourage it.....

You have a hard time with context. If you read the bible the same way only taking a phrase here and there, no wonder you are so wrong about faith, or life
if you didn't know the eggs we eat are unfertilized, why should I believe you know what the Bible says about life?.....

Not telling women they should have an abortion. I just believe it is their decision, not for strangers to dictate what happens to her body for nine months or the rest of her life.
I think they have the right to make that decision, and it should be a safe clean option, not some back room with a clothes hanger. Nor do I want them to consider suicide because of an unwanted fetus. I want what is best of the woman, she is a living thinking person. A fetus is not, and cannot survive without the woman. If she does not want to carry it, she should not have to.
Have ever had caviar or roe?
I'm not killing the unborn
you just encourage it.....

You have a hard time with context. If you read the bible the same way only taking a phrase here and there, no wonder you are so wrong about faith, or life
if you didn't know the eggs we eat are unfertilized, why should I believe you know what the Bible says about life?.....

Not telling women they should have an abortion. I just believe it is their decision, not for strangers to dictate what happens to her body for nine months or the rest of her life.
I think they have the right to make that decision, and it should be a safe clean option, not some back room with a clothes hanger. Nor do I want them to consider suicide because of an unwanted fetus. I want what is best of the woman, she is a living thinking person. A fetus is not, and cannot survive without the woman. If she does not want to carry it, she should not have to.
no need for suicide......no need for a back alley abortion......just put the kid up for adoption instead of killing it......

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