What Rank Is Gay On The Sin Chart?

lol....is this some type of oath you take to become a baker?.....

Yes, idiot. When you are a business person, you have to obey the law. You can remain a bigot, sexist or hater in your private life, but you can't do it as a business person to the public. No wonder you keep arguing, you don't even know what the law is.

14th Amend.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

I don't remember bakers being a state....I do remember when gay marriage became a law....it was what four years ago?......five?......in some states one......and the claim that business owners are required by law to do business they find morally objectionable is even newer.......

did you hear the case of the black baker who was required by the courts to bake a cake for a KKK gathering....oh wait, that one hasn't happened yet......will you applaud when it does?......

White people had to sit with blacks on buses and do business with them, go to school with them, serve in the military with them. This was progress. A lot of them objected at first, now they don't even think about it.
A few narrow minded with object to serving gays but it time they throw out their prejudice and realize we are all equal under the law and in the eyes of god.

I don't understand why some people feel threatened by gays. They are just people.

gays are not a threat......liberals are a threat.....

Yeah, we keep conservatives from shredding the Constitution every time they don't agree with something in it. It's no wonder you're afraid of us.
I was kind of leaning toward the thought that you want blacks to have to do the bidding of the KKK and you want to kill handicapped children......isn't that enough?......
What is contradictory about the fact that it was Republicans that initiated Roe v Wade and Republicans that voted it into law?

???....abortion has never been voted into law.....

Oh good.....then maybe you and the rest of the conservatives can quit trying to get rid of it, since it doesn't exist.
was that an attempt at a dodge or hasn't it dawned on you yet that you've begun to rant.........
What is contradictory about the fact that it was Republicans that initiated Roe v Wade and Republicans that voted it into law?

???....abortion has never been voted into law.....

Oh good.....then maybe you and the rest of the conservatives can quit trying to get rid of it, since it doesn't exist.
was that an attempt at a dodge or hasn't it dawned on you yet that you've begun to rant.........

Bwahahaha.....I don't rant. I just enjoy laughing at your ignorance.
Yes, idiot. When you are a business person, you have to obey the law. You can remain a bigot, sexist or hater in your private life, but you can't do it as a business person to the public. No wonder you keep arguing, you don't even know what the law is.

14th Amend.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

I don't remember bakers being a state....I do remember when gay marriage became a law....it was what four years ago?......five?......in some states one......and the claim that business owners are required by law to do business they find morally objectionable is even newer.......

did you hear the case of the black baker who was required by the courts to bake a cake for a KKK gathering....oh wait, that one hasn't happened yet......will you applaud when it does?......

White people had to sit with blacks on buses and do business with them, go to school with them, serve in the military with them. This was progress. A lot of them objected at first, now they don't even think about it.
A few narrow minded with object to serving gays but it time they throw out their prejudice and realize we are all equal under the law and in the eyes of god.

I don't understand why some people feel threatened by gays. They are just people.

gays are not a threat......liberals are a threat.....

Yeah, we keep conservatives from shredding the Constitution every time they don't agree with something in it. It's no wonder you're afraid of us.
I was kind of leaning toward the thought that you want blacks to have to do the bidding of the KKK and you want to kill handicapped children......isn't that enough?......

You have a strange imagination. I don't want to kill handicapped children. Fetuses are not children, yet. You want to keep deformed fetuses around so you can go see them at the circus and make fun of them, don't you?
What is contradictory about the fact that it was Republicans that initiated Roe v Wade and Republicans that voted it into law?

???....abortion has never been voted into law.....

and yet you want to take away a woman's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by turning her into a slave of a child she might not want or cannot care for? You want to force her to go through nine month of pregnancy and labor, and possible stuck raising a child for the next 20 yrs?

Women want the key to their shackles. The right to make their own choices about their bodies. The freedom to choose.

Abortion in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
If a women has the right to say 'no' to a man, she should have the right to say 'no' to nine months of pregnancy and the pain of labor, until she is ready to make that kind of commitment.

People should have the right to love who they choose even if it is the same sex. A woman should have the right to choose to love a child enough to carry it and give birth. I woman should have the right to care enough about herself to decide when and if she is ready to be responsible for another life. The same way she has the right to choose to get married, she has the right to choose to have a child.
What is contradictory about the fact that it was Republicans that initiated Roe v Wade and Republicans that voted it into law?

???....abortion has never been voted into law.....

Oh good.....then maybe you and the rest of the conservatives can quit trying to get rid of it, since it doesn't exist.
was that an attempt at a dodge or hasn't it dawned on you yet that you've begun to rant.........

Bwahahaha.....I don't rant. I just enjoy laughing at your ignorance.

Do you think Poo even understands half of what he says? I've had more rational conversation with my grand children since they learned to speak.
What is contradictory about the fact that it was Republicans that initiated Roe v Wade and Republicans that voted it into law?

???....abortion has never been voted into law.....

and yet you want to take away a woman's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by turning her into a slave of a child she might not want or cannot care for? You want to force her to go through nine month of pregnancy and labor, and possible stuck raising a child for the next 20 yrs?
why would she raise a child for twenty years if she didn't want a child......yes, if she gets pregnant she should go through the pregnancy instead of murdering her child, but why not put it up for adoption?.......
If a women has the right to say 'no' to a man, she should have the right to say 'no' to nine months of pregnancy and the pain of labor, until she is ready to make that kind of commitment.
obviously she has the right to say no to a man.....that does not equate to having the right to kill someone...it does not logically follow......do you have the right to kill the cook at your favorite restaurant because you have the right to say no to the waitress when she asks if you want more coffee?......
that does not equate to having the right to kill someone..

See, a clump of cells is not "someone" - you, on the other hand, support a party that doesn't mind "people" that have been born, that are breathing air, die due to lack of healthcare.
What is contradictory about the fact that it was Republicans that initiated Roe v Wade and Republicans that voted it into law?

???....abortion has never been voted into law.....

and yet you want to take away a woman's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by turning her into a slave of a child she might not want or cannot care for? You want to force her to go through nine month of pregnancy and labor, and possible stuck raising a child for the next 20 yrs?
why would she raise a child for twenty years if she didn't want a child......yes, if she gets pregnant she should go through the pregnancy instead of murdering her child, but why not put it up for adoption?.......

If it is the offspring of a rapist, she shouldn't have to, and shame on you for suggesting that she should. It is her choice to make, not yours.
If a women has the right to say 'no' to a man, she should have the right to say 'no' to nine months of pregnancy and the pain of labor, until she is ready to make that kind of commitment.
obviously she has the right to say no to a man.....that does not equate to having the right to kill someone...it does not logically follow......do you have the right to kill the cook at your favorite restaurant because you have the right to say no to the waitress when she asks if you want more coffee?......

and that analogy makes sense to you??

Now if the waitress spills coffee in you lap you should not be forced (by you or anyone else) to wear those clothes the rest of the day if there is an alternative. The clothes can be washed or dry cleaned or thrown away. You are not stuck with the stain. As for the burn, it might hurt for awhile as a reminder to be more careful.

If you develop a wart, you can have it removed, it is a living virus. Is that against your moral code? What of a cancer? An abscess that is living bacteria?
Is that fetus a living being that can think and breath on it's own in the first few months? Why does the woman have to be the carrier if she does not want to? Why does he have to risk her life and freedom? The thing/fetus, feeds off of her like a tapeworm, till she eventually passes an 8 lb leach through a space a few centimeters wide.
Lets see if you can pass a watermelon size bowel movement. Can you imagine the pain of not having a bowel movement for nine months? You might actually need the knife to cut the opening and then stitches to close it up afterwards. That darn surgical blade again. Maybe you could have chosen a laxative in the first day or two to prevent all that suffering.
But not all abortions are surgical, some are an injection and a course of medicine for a week. A surgical abortion is little more than cream t soften the cervix and a suction. Many women don't need or want a sedative or numbing injection. Later in the trimester it is basically a D&C which many women might need to have at some point, some more than once. Now any woman can walk into a pharmacy and get a morning after pill to take within the first week. It the old day women would use wild carrot, mutton marrow or henna powder. Crocodile or elephant dung was used as a contraceptive. Lemon rind, garlic, rocks, copper were also used. Men wore lamb intestine as a condom.
Women used the same methods that were used in animal husbandry. Back then unwanted babies were also drowned or thrown off a cliff in some cultures.
Is it more humane to abort early or kill the child after it is born? Yes we have orphanages and adoptions, but not all babies are wanted. Many stay their youth in the system. Try to imagine a women that might have cancer, AIDS, ebola or something else. The child would likely die or be so sick after birth they would not live long. A child that is deformed and the mother is told early on. The child would not have the best quality of life and subject to dozens of surgeries and special care. Is that really fair for the child?
As for late term abortions, those are done to save the women's life, no just to get rid of a fetus.
If women do not have access to legal abortions, they might end up is some back alley room with a coat hanger, household vacuum, or similar gruesome method and might die of complication.
Just because abortions are legal does not mean all women will make that choice. But it should be her choice, not yours

Now if you want to personally adopt all the unwanted babies, perhaps you can convince her to carry the fetus and you will pay the woman's medical bill and for her time and labor for nine months. Promise that the infant will have the best of everything and a wonderful life with you. How many infants can you afford to care for? How many can you handle at one time? How could you hold down a job with all those infants? How long can you live without sleep?

Do you think about the woman at all? Or only a few cells that don't have the capacity to think or feel yet.

Try this for a thought. Do you like eggs? You are taking an undeveloped egg away from the hen. You fry or scramble it. The hen will never know that egg or see it hatch. You are basically aborting the hen's egg. Should that be a sin? There are many times an animal will abandon a newborn, or even eat it. Not all females make good parents or are too immature to know what to do with an infant. Some might never be. I had a canary that threw every egg she laid out of the nest.

What a woman goes through or does not want to go through should not be any of your business. Stay out of her womb.
What is contradictory about the fact that it was Republicans that initiated Roe v Wade and Republicans that voted it into law?

???....abortion has never been voted into law.....

and yet you want to take away a woman's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by turning her into a slave of a child she might not want or cannot care for? You want to force her to go through nine month of pregnancy and labor, and possible stuck raising a child for the next 20 yrs?
why would she raise a child for twenty years if she didn't want a child......yes, if she gets pregnant she should go through the pregnancy instead of murdering her child, but why not put it up for adoption?.......

If it is the offspring of a rapist, she shouldn't have to, and shame on you for suggesting that she should. It is her choice to make, not yours.
oh gosh, I never thought of that......1% of aborted pregnancies are the result of rape.....that changes everything!........oh wait.....we settled that problem ten paqes ago.....
Try this for a thought. Do you like eggs? You are taking an undeveloped egg away from the hen. You fry or scramble it. The hen will never know that egg or see it hatch. You are basically aborting the hen's egg.
you do know they don't sell fertilized eggs in the grocery store, right?.......

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