What REAL Americans want in a leader

Alzheimer Joe Bi-Dumb is not a leader, he's a fucking empty suit, just like Obunghole, Clintoon, and both Bushes. They were never advocates for America and her interests. The only two Presidents in my lifetime that ever advocated for America above all else were Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. And I don't care if it offends the Left, I don't care if it offends so-called "conservatives" like Mittens, Jets , and other spineless "moderates". We need advocates for America, not the world.
We could not care less what some mealymouth Eurotrash socialist country or turd world tinpot dicator says.


Reagan and Trump?

Reagan sold weapons to Iran, then tried to cover it up and diverted those secret funds to an insurgency in Nicaragua.
Turned America into a debtor nation, while tripling our debt.
Ruined the middle class.

Then there is Trump.
Ignored the pandemic.
Attempted insurrection.
Trump canceled a missile defense treaty with Russia, signed by Reagan in 1985, allowing Putin to build and stage, even more missiles at Europe, where US service people are stationed.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 13, 2018

Too many jobs in China lost?

Reagan is happy, Trump will replace him as the most corrupt president in history.
Well, the reality is the system is broken and the US keeps getting presidents who aren't up to the job.

Time for a change in the way people vote me thinks. Proportional Representation is the best, leads to less corruption, more oversight, more choice, and gets rid of dead wood quicker.
Single house, too.

What's the benefit of a single house?
What REAL Americans want in a leader


Geronimo (=Hieronymus) was wounded with hate from the people who decided to be his enemies by murdering his parents, his wife and his children and many many others. His mother was murdered and his adoptive mother was later murdered too. A scalp of a man was $100, a scalp of a woman $50 a scalp of a child $25. Genocide !!! In the 19th/20th century!!! A result of your wrong [lack of] weapon laws. I fear what you do not see in this picture is a real Red Indian. And you seem also not to see a heavily wounded man. You seem to see an extremist seen from extremists with their eyes.
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You seem to see an extremist seen from extremists with their eyes.
I thought I saw a real American. I stand corrected and from now on will regard him as a false American.
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Alzheimer Joe Bi-Dumb is not a leader, he's a fucking empty suit, just like Obunghole, Clintoon, and both Bushes. They were never advocates for America and her interests. The only two Presidents in my lifetime that ever advocated for America above all else were Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. And I don't care if it offends the Left, I don't care if it offends so-called "conservatives" like Mittens, Jets , and other spineless "moderates". We need advocates for America, not the world.
We could not care less what some mealymouth Eurotrash socialist country or turd world tinpot dicator says.


Reagan and Trump?

Reagan sold weapons to Iran, then tried to cover it up and diverted those secret funds to an insurgency in Nicaragua.
Turned America into a debtor nation, while tripling our debt.
Ruined the middle class.

Then there is Trump.
Ignored the pandemic.
Attempted insurrection.
Trump canceled a missile defense treaty with Russia, signed by Reagan in 1985, allowing Putin to build and stage, even more missiles at Europe, where US service people are stationed.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 13, 2018

Too many jobs in China lost?

Reagan is happy, Trump will replace him as the most corrupt president in history.
We've learned what these people really want.

It wasn't "conservative values", "fiscal responsibility" or anything like that. That was all bullshit.

What they wanted all along was an arrogant, aggressive, pugilistic, nationalistic, authoritarian strongman to adore.

THAT'S their vision of a "leader". Something out of Europe, many years ago.
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Alzheimer Joe Bi-Dumb is not a leader, he's a fucking empty suit, just like Obunghole, Clintoon, and both Bushes. They were never advocates for America and her interests. The only two Presidents in my lifetime that ever advocated for America above all else were Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. And I don't care if it offends the Left, I don't care if it offends so-called "conservatives" like Mittens, Jets , and other spineless "moderates". We need advocates for America, not the world.
We could not care less what some mealymouth Eurotrash socialist country or turd world tinpot dicator says.


Reagan and Trump?

Reagan sold weapons to Iran, then tried to cover it up and diverted those secret funds to an insurgency in Nicaragua.
Turned America into a debtor nation, while tripling our debt.
Ruined the middle class.

Then there is Trump.
Ignored the pandemic.
Attempted insurrection.
Trump canceled a missile defense treaty with Russia, signed by Reagan in 1985, allowing Putin to build and stage, even more missiles at Europe, where US service people are stationed.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 13, 2018

Too many jobs in China lost?

Reagan is happy, Trump will replace him as the most corrupt president in history.
We've learned what these people really want.

It wasn't "conservative values", "fiscal responsibility" or anything like that. That was all bullshit.

What they wanted all along was an arrogant, aggressive, pugilistic, nationalist authoritarian to adore.

THAT'S their vision of a "leader". Something out of Europe, many years ago.
That's why both Trump and his cult adore Putin and Jong-un.
British empire?
If you're in the Prussian empire.

The Prussian emperor William II was a Brit educated from his grandma Queen Victoria and the totally stupid ideas from the Prussians were British ideas - such as for example to have a senseless titanic fleet and to make colonies. Indeed had called the Prussians every German nation they had conquered "Prussian colony" - and what the world is callling "the German empire" never had really existed. It always had been only a Prussian (=also British) empire over Germany. Indeed the name of Germany could be today Prussia too - this would unfortunatelly not be a big difference any longer.

The only "German" empire, which ever had existed, was "the holy empire" (basic: Christian religion) also called "the holy Roman empire" to make clear it was an empire, which was also basing on peace and laws and basing on the ancient roman civilisation (Germanics, Romans and Celts are the ancestors of us Germans). The full title "Holy Roman empire of German nation" means it was an empire, which united the people, who spoke German. The German word "deutsch" for German (never anyone existed who was really a "German") means practically nothing else than "united". The "German empire" (=united empire) died under Napoleon Bonaparte in 1806, when the German emperor in Vienna was not any longer able to overtake the responsibility to defend it and so he closed it forever.

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