What REAL Americans want in a leader

What they wanted all along was an arrogant, aggressive, pugilistic, nationalistic, authoritarian strongman to adore.
Its difficult not to be pugilistic when the Deep State and lib media are engaged in a soft coup against you

if libs wanted compromise and progress they went about it in a very peculiar way
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Alzheimer Joe Bi-Dumb is not a leader, he's a fucking empty suit, just like Obunghole, Clintoon, and both Bushes. They were never advocates for America and her interests. The only two Presidents in my lifetime that ever advocated for America above all else were Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. And I don't care if it offends the Left, I don't care if it offends so-called "conservatives" like Mittens, Jets , and other spineless "moderates". We need advocates for America, not the world.
We could not care less what some mealymouth Eurotrash socialist country or turd world tinpot dicator says.


Reagan and Trump?

Reagan sold weapons to Iran, then tried to cover it up and diverted those secret funds to an insurgency in Nicaragua.
Turned America into a debtor nation, while tripling our debt.
Ruined the middle class.

Then there is Trump.
Ignored the pandemic.
Attempted insurrection.
Trump canceled a missile defense treaty with Russia, signed by Reagan in 1985, allowing Putin to build and stage, even more missiles at Europe, where US service people are stationed.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 13, 2018

Too many jobs in China lost?

Reagan is happy, Trump will replace him as the most corrupt president in history.
We've learned what these people really want.

It wasn't "conservative values", "fiscal responsibility" or anything like that. That was all bullshit.

What they wanted all along was an arrogant, aggressive, pugilistic, nationalistic, authoritarian strongman to adore.

THAT'S their vision of a "leader". Something out of Europe, many years ago.

No, just someone that puts the regular guy first....dumbass.
Do I know these people?
What do you think you know?

that trump was supposed to happily embrace a lib media smear campaign against him without fighting back?
Poor Trump. He didn't do nuffin'. He was just standing there. He's just a victim.

Good gawd, you people :laugh:

That‘s a neat trick...for a third grader...Trump was supposed to ignore the most partisan withering attacks ANY president has faced, or when he fights back, he’s labeled a victim by the people attacking him?

You sir are reprehensible....
Poor Trump. He didn't do nuffin'. He was just standing there. He's just a victim.
You have a fixation on trump

while you prattle about wanting repubs to be clones of the democrats I guess you know that trump stands in your

the fact that biden is now president does not seem to interest you at all
Poor Trump. He didn't do nuffin'. He was just standing there. He's just a victim.
You have a fixation on trump

while you prattle about wanting repubs to be clones of the democrats I guess you know that trump stands in your

the fact that biden is now president does not seem to interest you at all

Mac is a coward....referenced by the fact that all he can seem to engage are like minded dullards....

He is one person that if I knew him on the street, and he was getting gang stomped, I wouldn’t lift a finger to stop it...
Mac is a coward....referenced by the fact that all he can seem to engage are like minded dullards....
You do realise you've just been in a conversation with him, right?

Actually, no, I don't suppose you do.

Oh well.

No worries.
Most people want a stoic, calm, steady, non bombastic leader. Make me pence types. That leadership projected. Calm, cool, collected never given into arguing nor shouting.
Alzheimer Joe Bi-Dumb is not a leader, he's a fucking empty suit, just like Obunghole, Clintoon, and both Bushes. They were never advocates for America and her interests. The only two Presidents in my lifetime that ever advocated for America above all else were Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. And I don't care if it offends the Left, I don't care if it offends so-called "conservatives" like Mittens, Jets , and other spineless "moderates". We need advocates for America, not the world.
We could not care less what some mealymouth Eurotrash socialist country or turd world tinpot dicator says.
Donald trump was only for donald trump, not the country. He even discussed declaring martial law enforced by the military and new elections to take place under military control. There isn't anything remotely like that in our constitution. This ain't Myanmar or one of trump's 3rd world sh#tholes. He wanted to use the active military to put down riots in some blue cities in the nation. The military correctly said, "not happening", so he had a non military force constituted, as they were not tied to support the constitution and had unidentifiable combat gear troops on the street acting outside the laws of federal or state statutes, snatching, with bags over there heads, thrown into non govenment license plate SUV and take prisoner for interrogation without booking, recording, a phone call to lawyer or anything and then dropped somewhere else in the city. No. Trump was and is totally Un-American and willing to use gestapo or Spetsnaz tactics. Of course he is an admirer of Vladimir Putin, right comrade?
Listen traitor. I will take 100 Donald Trumps over any DemocRAT scumbag.
So, you prefer trumpian autocrat wannabes to democratically elected representative rule. Good luck with that, comrade.
Alzheimer Joe Bi-Dumb is not a leader, he's a fucking empty suit, just like Obunghole, Clintoon, and both Bushes. They were never advocates for America and her interests. The only two Presidents in my lifetime that ever advocated for America above all else were Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. And I don't care if it offends the Left, I don't care if it offends so-called "conservatives" like Mittens, Jets , and other spineless "moderates". We need advocates for America, not the world.
We could not care less what some mealymouth Eurotrash socialist country or turd world tinpot dicator says.

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Why did I take you off Ignore?
Alzheimer Joe Bi-Dumb is not a leader, he's a fucking empty suit, just like Obunghole, Clintoon, and both Bushes. They were never advocates for America and her interests. The only two Presidents in my lifetime that ever advocated for America above all else were Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. And I don't care if it offends the Left, I don't care if it offends so-called "conservatives" like Mittens, Jets , and other spineless "moderates". We need advocates for America, not the world.
We could not care less what some mealymouth Eurotrash socialist country or turd world tinpot dicator says.
Donald trump was only for donald trump, not the country. He even discussed declaring martial law enforced by the military and new elections to take place under military control. There isn't anything remotely like that in our constitution. This ain't Myanmar or one of trump's 3rd world sh#tholes. He wanted to use the active military to put down riots in some blue cities in the nation. The military correctly said, "not happening", so he had a non military force constituted, as they were not tied to support the constitution and had unidentifiable combat gear troops on the street acting outside the laws of federal or state statutes, snatching, with bags over there heads, thrown into non govenment license plate SUV and take prisoner for interrogation without booking, recording, a phone call to lawyer or anything and then dropped somewhere else in the city. No. Trump was and is totally Un-American and willing to use gestapo or Spetsnaz tactics. Of course he is an admirer of Vladimir Putin, right comrade?
Listen traitor. I will take 100 Donald Trumps over any DemocRAT scumbag.
So, you prefer trumpian autocrat wannabes to democratically elected representative rule. Good luck with that, comrade.

Got to love that line of reasoning. Autocracy is fine as long as it’s controlled by “conservatives“...
Alzheimer Joe Bi-Dumb is not a leader, he's a fucking empty suit, just like Obunghole, Clintoon, and both Bushes. They were never advocates for America and her interests. The only two Presidents in my lifetime that ever advocated for America above all else were Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. And I don't care if it offends the Left, I don't care if it offends so-called "conservatives" like Mittens, Jets , and other spineless "moderates". We need advocates for America, not the world.
We could not care less what some mealymouth Eurotrash socialist country or turd world tinpot dicator says.
Donald trump was only for donald trump, not the country. He even discussed declaring martial law enforced by the military and new elections to take place under military control. There isn't anything remotely like that in our constitution. This ain't Myanmar or one of trump's 3rd world sh#tholes. He wanted to use the active military to put down riots in some blue cities in the nation. The military correctly said, "not happening", so he had a non military force constituted, as they were not tied to support the constitution and had unidentifiable combat gear troops on the street acting outside the laws of federal or state statutes, snatching, with bags over there heads, thrown into non govenment license plate SUV and take prisoner for interrogation without booking, recording, a phone call to lawyer or anything and then dropped somewhere else in the city. No. Trump was and is totally Un-American and willing to use gestapo or Spetsnaz tactics. Of course he is an admirer of Vladimir Putin, right comrade?
Listen traitor. I will take 100 Donald Trumps over any DemocRAT scumbag.
So, you prefer trumpian autocrat wannabes to democratically elected representative rule. Good luck with that, comrade.

Got to love that line of reasoning. Autocracy is fine as long as it’s controlled by “conservatives“...
As it should be.

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