What Recovery? Stocks skid on renewed fears of global slowdown

Portugal and Greece tried to spend their way out of their crisis. How did that work out? What is 0bama trying to do with spending? Oh yes, that will work. *he says with sarcasm*
I for one still recall the previous administrations talk about the bubble bursting results only lasting 6 months or so.

Kinda remeinded me of Iraq and I of course did not believe any of it.

Globalization and free trade has hit and is not going away.

We cannot pay wages high enough to sustain our wasteful lifestyle when competing with other less affluent nations.
Their incomes will rise and ours will drop. And in a country that depends 2/3 on consumer spending that is not a good thing.

The golden age of America is past.

that sucking sound is growing to hurricane strength.
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I for one still recall the previous administrations talk about the bubble bursting results only lasting 6 months or so.

Kinda remeinded me of Iraq and I of course did not believe any of it.

Globalization and free trade has hit and is not going away.

We cannot pay wages high enough to sustain our wasteful lifestyle when competing with other less affluent nations.
Their incomes will rise and ours will drop. And in a country that depends 2/3 on consumer spending that is not a good thing.

The golden age of America is past.

that sucking sound is growing to hurricane strength.

Let's test the theory. Everyone go buy kitty ear warmers and we can see how the economy responds!
I for one still recall the previous administrations talk about the bubble bursting results only lasting 6 months or so.

Kinda remeinded me of Iraq and I of course did not believe any of it.

Globalization and free trade has hit and is not going away.

We cannot pay wages high enough to sustain our wasteful lifestyle when competing with other less affluent nations.
Their incomes will rise and ours will drop. And in a country that depends 2/3 on consumer spending that is not a good thing.

The golden age of America is past.

that sucking sound is growing to hurricane strength.

Let's test the theory. Everyone go buy kitty ear warmers and we can see how the economy responds!

buy with what?
That unemployment check they are no longer getting?
The pay from the job that does not exist?
Democrats believe America's Golden Era has passed, we believe Democrats are America's Golden Error
One major factor supporting a double-dip, is there's another 'tsunami' of foreclosures on the near horizon for 2011.
These foreclosures will not be the result of sub-prime loans, but from responsible previously employed people with 'normal' mortgages whom are now becoming the chronically unemployed and under-employed.
Democrats believe America's Golden Era has passed, we believe Democrats are America's Golden Error

LMAO. You believed Bush and Palin would fix everything. And then while you controlled all 3 houses what did your party do? Spend like drunken sailors.

somehow now if republicans just regain control of congress and a rep wins in 2012 all will be fine.


How many times does a snake have to bite you before you figure out it is not a good thing?
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I for one still recall the previous administrations talk about the bubble bursting results only lasting 6 months or so.

Kinda remeinded me of Iraq and I of course did not believe any of it.

Globalization and free trade has hit and is not going away.

We cannot pay wages high enough to sustain our wasteful lifestyle when competing with other less affluent nations.
Their incomes will rise and ours will drop. And in a country that depends 2/3 on consumer spending that is not a good thing.

The golden age of America is past.

that sucking sound is growing to hurricane strength.

Let's test the theory. Everyone go buy kitty ear warmers and we can see how the economy responds!

buy with what?
That unemployment check they are no longer getting?
The pay from the job that does not exist?

We got a slowing economy and cold kitty ears here. Somebody go print money for the love of Pete!
Eat the cat and save your money.

Eating a little pussy now and again is good for ones soul.
I have said all along that this White House's numbers are bogus. They have Unemployment at 9.7% and anyone with common sense knows that it's much higher. In my area alone they just laid off 500 more Teachers. Their numbers are all lies in my opinion. Things are obviously much worse than they're saying. Expect those bogus Unemployment numbers to go down to something like 7 or 8% just in time for the coming elections. Don't believe their hype-machine though. This nation is in trouble and they know it. It really is very sad.
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Don't fight the FED, our best days are way ahead of us. That said IMO Obama can't get reelected with economic growth under 3%. And based on him attacking nearly every industry but High tech he's got his work cut out for him. He might have to go with a payroll tax holliday for the rest of this year if the Jobs number ex census is below 100,000
One major factor supporting a double-dip, is there's another 'tsunami' of foreclosures on the near horizon for 2011.
These foreclosures will not be the result of sub-prime loans, but from responsible previously employed people with 'normal' mortgages whom are now becoming the chronically unemployed and under-employed.

And as a result of that, we're going to see still more people whose mortgages go under water.

And these will be people who had conventional mortgages. People who have likely been paying those mortgages all along, and who THOUGHT they had some equity in their homes.

When enough of your neighbors lose their homes, and the banks own them, and they have to sell them (if they can!) at firesales prices, you're likely losing more than just your neighbors.

You're also losing equity in your own home.

Hope you Libertopians are really the RUGGED INDIVIDUALISTS you've been claiming to be.

Because when you find that you're pouring good money after bad, you're going to start asking yourselves why you're paying your mortgages, too.

The average value of an average home is still about 30% higher than median incomes indicate they ought to be.

I suspect, right now the median home price should be about $100K.

That amount (100K) is about two years the median family income, FYI.

That's where I'm coming up with that number of what the median home price ought to be.
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I have said all along that this White House's numbers are bogus. They have Unemployment at 9.7% and anyone with common sense knows that it's much higher. In my area alone they just laid off 500 more Teachers. Their numbers are all lies in my opinion. Things are obviously much worse than they're saying. Expect those bogus Unemployment numbers to go down to something like 7 or 8% just in time for the coming elections. Don't believe their hype-machine though. This nation is in trouble and they know it. It really is very sad.

Pretty much my post from early 2008.

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