What Recovery? Stocks skid on renewed fears of global slowdown

How many times has this White House and Ben Bernanke declared the Recession "Over?" It's all just a big lie in the end. How could so many believe a corrupt buffoon like Ben Bernanke when he says the Recession is over and everything is just great? He's one of the many corrupt buffoons who destroyed our economy in the first place,yet we're all supposed to believe them when they say the Recession is over? Why should we believe these fools on anything? What a scam. :(
Again pretty much my sentiments in early 2008.

The time it takes some people to realize reality....
Housing prices have been going up for months.

Housing Prices Declined In First Quarter Of 2010
Published on: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Written by: Diana Golobay

With the federal tax credit expiring, and foreclosures rising, housing prices fell slightly in the first quarter of 2010 compared to the previous quarter. Although average home prices remained slightly above last year’s levels, analysts do not expect to see a boost in housing demand in the near term.

Housing Prices Declined In First Quarter Of 2010

Fear not...

0bama gonna save us...

Gonna shake that money tree and we'll be allright...
And here's some more "recovery" news:

Consumer Confidence dropped 10 points in June.

Americans, worried about jobs and the sluggish economic recovery, are losing confidence, causing a widely watched index to tumble in June and raising concerns about consumer spending in the critical months ahead.

The Conference Board, a private research group based in New York, said Tuesday that its Consumer Confidence Index dropped almost 10 points to 52.9, down from the revised 62.7 in May. Economists surveyed by Thomson Reuters had been expecting 62.8 for June.

June's reading marked the biggest drop since February, when the index fell 10 points. The index had risen for three straight months since then.

Both components of the index — one that measures how consumers feel now about the economy, the other that assesses their outlook over the next six months — dropped. The Present Situation Index decreased to 25.5 in June from 29.8 in May. The Expectations Index declined to 71.2 from 84.6.

"Increasing uncertainty and apprehension about the future state of the economy and labor market, no doubt a result of the recent slowdown in job growth, are the primary reasons for the sharp reversal in confidence," said Lynn Franco, director of the Conference Board Consumer Research Center, in a statement. "Until the pace of job growth picks up, consumer confidence is notly likely to pick up."...

Stock and job woes take toll on Americans' mood - Yahoo! News

What Obama and His Horde refuse to grok is: It's The Jobs, Stupid.

There will be no real recovery until the private sector starts creating real jobs - not the phony temporary/saved or created Stimulus smoke and mirror varieties.
Stocks are beginning to discount the problems that will be seen in 2011. Housing will have to drop to the prices of 1980-90 before labor mobility can be regained. Only after labor mobility is regained can unemployment drop. Obama is toast but the GOP slate that will be elected in 2012 will do no better.
GDP positive for three qtrs. Obama had to know racist would stop at nothing to see him fail. That's why he's slow playing the stimulus. My hope if for 3 percent GDP for the next couple years. Anything less and he's toast.
GDP positive for three qtrs. Obama had to know racist would stop at nothing to see him fail. That's why he's slow playing the stimulus. My hope if for 3 percent GDP for the next couple years. Anything less and he's toast.
In a way that's too bad Obama's not evil just incompetent.

In Foreign/military policy he's always shooting for a perfect plan a year from now rather than a workable plan today. That is the international version of fast women and slow horses.

In economics his team acts like they know even less about behavioral economics than I do but I don't think that's possible. I suspect that what they lack is the personality type and proper organization structure to competently execute policy, that at least is in the range of possible.

In R&D the administration is rewarding failure (a lack of tangible results) with more research grants instead of using cash prizes for results which have a more than 200 year tradition of working for the military.

In the area of unfunded liabilities these areas have been increased.

There has got to be a circle of competence somewhere in this administration but where I have no clue.
The bad side of this mess is handing the GOP a gimme election in 2012 IF like the Dems in 2008 they nominate an empty suit who spouts non-specific talking points. So we are screwed for the foreseeable future until and unless a third party emerges.
I don't think about being screwed for the forseeable future is an if or unless situation any longer.

How bad and how long.
I don't think about being screwed for the forseeable future is an if or unless situation any longer.

How bad and how long.
Well Obama promised change but I don't see any structural change that will last through the next administration nor any plans for any.
American greed and enginuity is alive and well, we may boom in spite of Obama but to declare the 150M American workers and consumers dead cause you hate a black president is comical.
American greed and enginuity is alive and well, we may boom in spite of Obama but to declare the 150M American workers and consumers dead cause you hate a black president is comical.

Spelling by MBAs is not alive and well however. I-n-g-i-n-u-i-t-y.

I don't think we have 150M workers, so decalring them dead would be difficult. Just what do you find comical about hatred toward the President because he is black? Is he black? I thought he was mixed race. Either way, I could care less about that. Stupid knows no racial boundaries.
don't let facts like GDP which is the only determinant of coming out of a recession get in the way of your democrat hatred.
I say we boom in spite of Obama not because of him.
Another 33% drop in the US housing market is most of what is causing it. The housing bubble was 80% the democrats fault. Small increase in GDP created by creating greater percent debt to GDP ratio is not a recovery. So spin on Top Spin spin on.
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Barry makes us long for the glory days of the Carter administration...

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