What Republicans shoud do about Obamacare


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Face it Republicans, you are not going to repeal Obamacare. Here is what you should do:

How Republicans should have dealt with ObamaCare - The Week

1. Nothing
If conservatives are so convinced that ObamaCare will be a disaster, then let it be a disaster. If premiums go through the roof, if consumer choice is greatly diminished, and if businesses lay off workers en masse, Republicans will easily take control of Congress and the White House by 2016. Then they can tear apart ObamaCare from the roots and start from scratch.

2. Take charge of the exchanges
Republicans may regularly slam ObamaCare as a one-size-fits-all big government monstrosity. But those who have actually read the law know that the states are the ones who take the lead in implementing the program. States run their own "exchange," or marketplace, and have great latitude to decide the criteria by which health insurers will be allowed to sell coverage in that marketplace.
However, most Republican governors opted against setting up the exchanges as a snub to Obama. But refusing to create the exchange does not stop ObamaCare. Under the law, the federal government simply comes into your state and sets one up for you.

So instead of taking the opportunity to show that Republicans can do a better job managing health reform, these governors have ceded that opportunity to Obama.

3. Get ObamaCare waivers
Okay, maybe getting Republicans to actually run more ObamaCare exchanges is too much to expect.

But inside the law is an even bigger gift to conservatives: a state waiver program to bypass ObamaCare completely, so long as the state has an alternative plan that will expand health care coverage and cuts the federal budget deficit at least as much as ObamaCare would.

In other words, if Republican governors think they have a better idea than ObamaCare, they can get a waiver and prove it.
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How about it Republicans?

Why don't you do more than conduct symbolic votes and punative gestures?

If Obamacare is as bad as you say, let the Democrats take the blame. Then come in and offer a BETTER plan than Obamacare

Republicans would be looked at as heros rather than petty, whiny bitches who did not get their way
I also recall something about states being allowed to come up with their own health care reforms; and if those state reforms can do as good of a job or better than what the administration believes Obamacare will do, then those states will be allowed to implement those reforms with the backing of the federal gov't. I don't know if this was actually written into the ACA, but I do recall it being discussed by Obama.

So, let's say that it is part of the ACA. If Republican govs and legislators feel that they can do a better job, then why don't they take the opportunity to prove it? They won't, of course; because, they have no alternative that will work as well as the ACA. They don't even seem to be interested in trying to come up with a better solution to our nation's health care troubles.
I also recall something about states being allowed to come up with their own health care reforms; and if those state reforms can do as good of a job or better than what the administration believes Obamacare will do, then those states will be allowed to implement those reforms with the backing of the federal gov't. I don't know if this was actually written into the ACA, but I do recall it being discussed by Obama.

So, let's say that it is part of the ACA. If Republican govs and legislators feel that they can do a better job, then why don't they take the opportunity to prove it? They won't, of course; because, they have no alternative that will work as well as the ACA. They don't even seem to be interested in trying to come up with a better solution to our nation's health care troubles.

It is part of Obamacare

Why don't Republican Governors come up with a plan that beats the shit out of Obamacare? They could embarass the Democrats and use it as a wedge to force all states to adopt the Republican model?

How about it Republican Governors?
Lets have Rick Perry be the first to show off his healthcare plan
You have two gops, in effect.

1) The TPM, who distrust everything govt does. It's understanable, given the debacle of the last gop potus, who caused fiscal, econ and interventionist for policy disaters, all of which ran contrary to the ideology of the GOP from Harding/Coolidge through BushI, and coupled with the changing demographics and very face of America, not to mention GLBT and the demise of the nuclear family and traditional religion, and the first sort of Black potus. But, as the govt shutdown shows, when you basically want NO govt, your ideology has practical limitations.

2) Traditional neoliberals who adhere to Thatcherism. For example, Haley Barbour, who in response to Katrina legislatively established free enterpriise zones, which in exchange for following strict zoning standards, allowed for extreme tax benefits and virtual hands off by the govt, new construction. Under this ideology, waivers from Obamacare to NOT expand medicaid, but "give" people vouchers to purchase private insurance via state run exchanges, is an appropriate use of govt.

The key distinction between the two, imo, is: the former assumes govt and the populace lacks the ability to be fiscally prudent, while the latter chooses the traditional conservative view that you can trust people to make decisions that are in their own, and society's, interests.
You lefties sure do love force, dont you?

And lies.

Republicans control 36 Governorships now?

Since when?

And the 14 that opted into the exchanges, they're all dimocrap States?

Is that a fact?

This is why you can't have a discusiion with dimocrap scum....

They lie.

Their entire existence is a lie. Their philosophy, their beliefs, their policies, their arguments..... Lies
When has a democrat took the blame for anything? When it fails i can already hear it. Blame bush!

You want to blame Democrats for Obamacare? Do it

Let it take effect and prove Republicans were right all the time. Then Republicans can come in and save us all

But Republicans biggest fear is that Obamacare will succeed. That is why they want to squash it before Healthcare Exchanges take effect
When has a democrat took the blame for anything? When it fails i can already hear it. Blame bush!

You want to blame Democrats for Obamacare? Do it

Let it take effect and prove Republicans were right all the time. Then Republicans can come in and save us all

But Republicans biggest fear is that Obamacare will succeed. That is why they want to squash it before Healthcare Exchanges take effect

Yeah, we're gonna blame dimocrap scum for obamacare since not one Republican voted for it.


And it isn't that we're "Afraid" obamacare is going to collapse. We KNOW it's going to collapse.

What we're "Afraid" of is that it might take the whole economy down with it when it goes.

This thing is a disaster.

And I am FOR a mandatory participation in Health Insurance.

I am absolutely FOR it.

Just like car insurance.... You wanna drive, you need to have it.

You wanna live in this Country, you need to have Health Insurance.

But obamacare is a disaster.

Know why? Because dimocraps are stupid, dishonest, back-stabbing socialist scum.

We could have done this MUCH simpler and much cheaper.

But dimocrap scum don't want Universal Health Care, they want socialism.

And obamacare is designed to fail.

It will. The question is, will we survive the fall.

This is way over your heads. WAY, WAY over your heads.
since the shit is being shoved.down our throats, I hope it works well
I mean, it is off to such a good start LOL
lets face it, the only people that think it will are the same ones that would stick up for obama if he got caught screwing one of his dogs
since the shit is being shoved.down our throats, I hope it works well
I mean, it is off to such a good start LOL
lets face it, the only people that think it will are the same ones that would stick up for obama if he got caught screwing one of his dogs

These are the same people who still defend the Rosenbergs, still think Alger Hiss was innocent, still don't believe that the Stuttering Clusterfuck hung out with Bill Ayers, and when you PROVE that he did, then deny that Ayers was really ever a terrorist.

These are the same people that know that their way has FAILED every time it has ever been tried and yet, still want to keep trying.

These are the same people who couldn't get ONE SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTE for obamacare, who KNOW it is the most unpopular piece of legislation in US History and STILL want to force it down our throats.

These people are the American Taliban.
How about it Republicans?

Why don't you do more than conduct symbolic votes and punative gestures?

If Obamacare is as bad as you say, let the Democrats take the blame. Then come in and offer a BETTER plan than Obamacare

Republicans would be looked at as heros rather than petty, whiny bitches who did not get their way

I agree let the thing go through it may not be the total disaster some think it will be but it will be pretty bad in my opinion and if this turns out to be the case let the Democrats own it. The only thing I would want the Republicans to do is put in a provision that Congress can not be exempt from Obamacare if it's good enough for the rest of us it's good enough for them.
How about it Republicans?

Why don't you do more than conduct symbolic votes and punative gestures?

If Obamacare is as bad as you say, let the Democrats take the blame. Then come in and offer a BETTER plan than Obamacare

Republicans would be looked at as heros rather than petty, whiny bitches who did not get their way

I agree let the thing go through it may not be the total disaster some think it will be but it will be pretty bad in my opinion and if this turns out to be the case let the Democrats own it. The only thing I would want the Republicans to do is put in a provision that Congress can not be exempt from Obamacare if it's good enough for the rest of us it's good enough for them.

But, if you truly believe that Americans will never give up subsidies for HC insurance, or will never vote to end their own medicaid, AND there is absolutely no way to pay for it w/o destroying the economy with too much debt .... how can you let it go into effect?

Personnally, I agree with you. The gop should just step aside and tell the dems "you own obamacare." And then, explain why it's bad and offer changes, and run on that in 16.
Obama has Republicans talking about healthcare.

I love it.

You guys really are doomed.

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