What Republicans shoud do about Obamacare

How about it Republicans?

Why don't you do more than conduct symbolic votes and punative gestures?

If Obamacare is as bad as you say, let the Democrats take the blame. Then come in and offer a BETTER plan than Obamacare

Republicans would be looked at as heros rather than petty, whiny bitches who did not get their way

I agree let the thing go through it may not be the total disaster some think it will be but it will be pretty bad in my opinion and if this turns out to be the case let the Democrats own it. The only thing I would want the Republicans to do is put in a provision that Congress can not be exempt from Obamacare if it's good enough for the rest of us it's good enough for them.

I agree and heres a pretty good alternative to Obamacare. The GOP is studyiing it now. This one has no Govt or new taxes in it at all.

Who knows? Perhaps they will propose it.

The Best Alternative to Obamacare - Clark S. Judge (usnews.com)
Obama has Republicans talking about healthcare.

I love it.

You guys really are doomed.

Health Care, Universal Health Care, has been a Republican Ideal since Teddy Roosevelt.

socialism is your schtick.

And that;s what obamacare is about.

You'll see. Trust me, you'll see.

Today's poor will change alright. You'll be even poorer under socialism.

And you'll still be blaming somebody else.
Can we believe the same tired arguments, the ones used against Social Security in 1935 and revived again with Medicare the disability act and all the other Democratic programs that are being used against Obama-care today?
Republicans must be hopeful that most Americans that heard those arguments are now gone or don't remember. But with those Democratic programs, now passed and working, many of us are still alive and able to recite the Republican arguments in our sleep. It will lead to socialism and then communism, it will break America, it will destroy the finest medical care in the world, it will make Americans dependent on government, doctors will quit, and on and on.
How about something new, "We have protected the elderly now for the rest of America."
Can we believe the same tired arguments, the ones used against Social Security in 1935 and revived again with Medicare the disability act and all the other Democratic programs that are being used against Obama-care today?
Republicans must be hopeful that most Americans that heard those arguments are now gone or don't remember. But with those Democratic programs, now passed and working, many of us are still alive and able to recite the Republican arguments in our sleep. It will lead to socialism and then communism, it will break America, it will destroy the finest medical care in the world, it will make Americans dependent on government, doctors will quit, and on and on.
How about something new, "We have protected the elderly now for the rest of America."

That's the real question. Is Obamacare really the tipping point that will destroy America as we know it? That's what Cruz and the TPM are selling.

I don't lilke Obamacare in its present form, but I don't see the point in changing the rules by which representative democracy has been practiced since Adams and Jefferson. Still, I think some tea party citizens have been convinced it's that important. I think Cruz is a fraud, but others consider him sincere in likewise believing it's literally the end of the world as we know it.
Face it Republicans, you are not going to repeal Obamacare. Here is what you should do:

How Republicans should have dealt with ObamaCare - The Week

1. Nothing
If conservatives are so convinced that ObamaCare will be a disaster, then let it be a disaster. If premiums go through the roof, if consumer choice is greatly diminished, and if businesses lay off workers en masse, Republicans will easily take control of Congress and the White House by 2016. Then they can tear apart ObamaCare from the roots and start from scratch.

2. Take charge of the exchanges
Republicans may regularly slam ObamaCare as a one-size-fits-all big government monstrosity. But those who have actually read the law know that the states are the ones who take the lead in implementing the program. States run their own "exchange," or marketplace, and have great latitude to decide the criteria by which health insurers will be allowed to sell coverage in that marketplace.
However, most Republican governors opted against setting up the exchanges as a snub to Obama. But refusing to create the exchange does not stop ObamaCare. Under the law, the federal government simply comes into your state and sets one up for you.

So instead of taking the opportunity to show that Republicans can do a better job managing health reform, these governors have ceded that opportunity to Obama.

3. Get ObamaCare waivers
Okay, maybe getting Republicans to actually run more ObamaCare exchanges is too much to expect.

But inside the law is an even bigger gift to conservatives: a state waiver program to bypass ObamaCare completely, so long as the state has an alternative plan that will expand health care coverage and cuts the federal budget deficit at least as much as ObamaCare would.

In other words, if Republican governors think they have a better idea than ObamaCare, they can get a waiver and prove it.

So tell me do you think there is 46 million "uninsured"???
Even though 18 million don't want and need?
Even though 14 million are at the level they are eligible for medicaid and need ONLY for Medicare to register them?
And do you want 10 million illegal invaders have health insurance? Why then does Obama say
"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"!
WHEN there NEVER WAS!! Less then 4 million really WANT and need health insurance!

And so YOU and other ignorant idiots of health care costs where Doctors complain they do duplicate tests etc., and the payers Medicare/insurance companies PAY OUT $850 billion a year all because of Defensive Medicine!
Total ignorance that hospitals sometimes as this hospital CEO said..
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers.”
From PAGE 1 of this document:

PAD and Pass on sometimes up to 6,000% Markups!
And YOU want that along with $850 billion in wasted defensive medicine to continue??

YOU idiots are so stupid and deserve to wait in lines in the future to get your runny noses and butts wiped!
Another phony crisis to cut growth by 1-1.5 per cent, so Pubs and silly dupes can blame Obama policies...Party and power and money first and always...enjoy Hell.
27- no more freeloaders making our Pubscam system 50 per cent more expensive than anywhere else. O-Care has fixes for those huge costs, and more to come, fool.
The republicans should grow some balls and defund the fucking thing. Even if that shuts down the government. I dont care that a few million welfare queens dont get a check for three or four days because make no mistake if government is shut down Obama will pull a Bill Clinton and fold like a chair.
Talk about a Demdupe.

You actually believe this POS bill is gonna be cheaper and better.

More the Demdupe you.
dimocraps are lying scumbags.

They passed -- UNANIMOUSLY -- The ACA. In the ACA was a provision REQUIRING that all Congressmen and their Staff MUST ENROLL IN THE ACA.

Congress?s Exemption from Obamacare | National Review Online

After it was passed and dimocrap scum started to think about, they asked the Stuttering Clusterfuck this Summer to take a look at it.

You see, Congresscritters and their Staff have lavishly extravagant Health Care benefits. Like you and I could only dream of.

So the thought of them having to give that up...... ?? They didn't like it.

So anyway, the Office of Personnel Management just proposed a rule (it's a slam-dunk) that will exempt Congressmen and their Staff.


If you or I were fortunate enough to be making what those people make and we were in the Private Market, we couldn't get an exemption.

Why do dimocrap scum and their Staff? Why does all of Congress?

In 1995 a newly elected REPUBLICAN Congress passed the Congressional Accountability Act to fulfill a promise made the previous year in the Contract with America. For the first time, the Act applied to Congress the same civil-rights employment and labor laws that lawmakers had required everyday citizens to abide by.

The FIRST TIME EVER -- And it was Republicans that did it. the rapist signed out of fear.

Now? Now dimocrap scum WILL give the Congress favored treatment..... Again.

Of course, Republicans are trying to stop it but, as usual, dimocrap scum will probably dig in and stop it.

You won't hear much about this in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM but David Vitter (Republican - Patriot) has a bill that will force Congress to live by the same rules "We The People" do.

Like that will ever get by dimocrap scum.

right. good luck Daivd.

It's why we don't, and never should ever again trust dimocrap scum. Because calling them dimocrap scum is NOT an insult, it's an accurate description of the whole movement -- Top to bottom, inside out, weak and powerful, voter and voted....

The whole enchilada is corrupt.
27- no more freeloaders making our Pubscam system 50 per cent more expensive than anywhere else. O-Care has fixes for those huge costs, and more to come, fool.

Talk about Demdupes.

You actually believe Obamacare is gonna be cheaper and better??

You actually believe all those fixes are gonna work?

WOW talk about buying into what the Dems were selling.

I think your in for a rude awakening there Frankieboy.

Ah Well. Another Demdupe will just have to live and learn.
When has a democrat took the blame for anything? When it fails i can already hear it. Blame bush!

You want to blame Democrats for Obamacare? Do it

Let it take effect and prove Republicans were right all the time. Then Republicans can come in and save us all

But Republicans biggest fear is that Obamacare will succeed. That is why they want to squash it before Healthcare Exchanges take effect

Quit being stupid. Republicans have no interest in repealing Obamacare, they simply want it well known that they oppose it so that when it collapses everyone remembers the Republicans tried to stop it. It's like all you Dems pretending to be against the Bush wars and preemptive wars, deficits, the patriot act and homeland security... The Dems in congress ran against it so later they could get voted into office, now they expand all of it, just like Reps will do with Obamacare. Are you new to politics RW?
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27- no more freeloaders making our Pubscam system 50 per cent more expensive than anywhere else. O-Care has fixes for those huge costs, and more to come, fool.

Talk about Demdupes.

You actually believe Obamacare is gonna be cheaper and better??

You actually believe all those fixes are gonna work?

WOW talk about buying into what the Dems were selling.

I think your in for a rude awakening there Frankieboy.

Ah Well. Another Demdupe will just have to live and learn.

It will be cheaper.....

At first. Then, once the claims start rolling in, once they start paying out more than they're taking in.... Look out.



Then, you're going to see overnight rate increases of 25%, 30%, 50% and the bitching and moaning will begin.

dimocrap scum will start the blame game, they'll blame everything and everybody because, nothing is EVER their fault.

Within a few years, the government will take over and, Voila! we will live in a socialist Country.

Norman Thomas ( 6 time POTUS candidate from the socialist party) once said that 'The American People will vote down socialism every single time. But if we present socialist ideas as liberalism, we can introduce every single facet of socialism with virtually no resistance."

He was right.

He also once said, "There is no longer any need for me to run on the socialist ticket. Democrats have become socialists"

You people have no clue what you're in for. You really don't
When has a democrat took the blame for anything? When it fails i can already hear it. Blame bush!

You want to blame Democrats for Obamacare? Do it

Let it take effect and prove Republicans were right all the time. Then Republicans can come in and save us all

But Republicans biggest fear is that Obamacare will succeed. That is why they want to squash it before Healthcare Exchanges take effect

Quit being stupid. Republicans have no interest in repealing Obamacare, they simply want it well known that they oppose it so that when it collapses everyone remembers the Republicans tried to stop it. It's like all you Dems pretending to be against the Bush wars and preemptive wars, deficits, the patriot act and homeland security... The Dems in congress ran against it so later they could get voted into office, now they expand all of it, just like Reps will do with Obamacare. Are you new to politics RW?

We could have a long discussion about this, but you are essentially correct.

Republicans like McRINO and Grahamnesty aren't socialists like your typical dimocrap scumbag is, but they would be more than happy to administer a socialist government.

They're almost 'apolitical'. They have few values, few beliefs except in their desire to get elected and re-elected.

dimocrap scum got rid of their non-believers just a few years ago. If we don't do they same, we WILL become a socialist Country and the only difference will be socialist-lite or socialist-medium.

Once socialism sets in, you can't get rid of it. It's there, it becomes part of the fabric of your Country and nothing less than a full-scale, violent revolution can get rid of it.

Patriotic People, like Republicans, won't do that so dimocrap scum know they're safe.
Lefties love labels. It's a substitute for thinking. We all know the ironically named "affordable care act" is anything but affordable and the "care" will most likely be long lines like the Motor Vehicle bureau.. The radical left has even gone so far to say that it is a disaster and nobody fully understands the 10,000 word law. The freaking president has even put implementation of sections of the monster law on hold because he knows it stinks. What more do you need to throw the entire mess in the garbage?
Face it Republicans, you are not going to repeal Obamacare. Here is what you should do:

How Republicans should have dealt with ObamaCare - The Week

1. Nothing
If conservatives are so convinced that ObamaCare will be a disaster, then let it be a disaster. If premiums go through the roof, if consumer choice is greatly diminished, and if businesses lay off workers en masse, Republicans will easily take control of Congress and the White House by 2016. Then they can tear apart ObamaCare from the roots and start from scratch.

2. Take charge of the exchanges
Republicans may regularly slam ObamaCare as a one-size-fits-all big government monstrosity. But those who have actually read the law know that the states are the ones who take the lead in implementing the program. States run their own "exchange," or marketplace, and have great latitude to decide the criteria by which health insurers will be allowed to sell coverage in that marketplace.
However, most Republican governors opted against setting up the exchanges as a snub to Obama. But refusing to create the exchange does not stop ObamaCare. Under the law, the federal government simply comes into your state and sets one up for you.

So instead of taking the opportunity to show that Republicans can do a better job managing health reform, these governors have ceded that opportunity to Obama.

3. Get ObamaCare waivers
Okay, maybe getting Republicans to actually run more ObamaCare exchanges is too much to expect.

But inside the law is an even bigger gift to conservatives: a state waiver program to bypass ObamaCare completely, so long as the state has an alternative plan that will expand health care coverage and cuts the federal budget deficit at least as much as ObamaCare would.

In other words, if Republican governors think they have a better idea than ObamaCare, they can get a waiver and prove it.

Republicans should take charge of what was originally their plan.
When has a democrat took the blame for anything? When it fails i can already hear it. Blame bush!

You want to blame Democrats for Obamacare? Do it

Let it take effect and prove Republicans were right all the time. Then Republicans can come in and save us all

But Republicans biggest fear is that Obamacare will succeed. That is why they want to squash it before Healthcare Exchanges take effect

Quit being stupid. Republicans have no interest in repealing Obamacare, they simply want it well known that they oppose it so that when it collapses everyone remembers the Republicans tried to stop it. It's like all you Dems pretending to be against the Bush wars and preemptive wars, deficits, the patriot act and homeland security... The Dems in congress ran against it so later they could get voted into office, now they expand all of it, just like Reps will do with Obamacare. Are you new to politics RW?

What I find humorous is:

1. Once it is successful, they will no longer call it Obamacare
2. They will remind everyone that they invented it in the 90s

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