What Retaliation For Soleimani's Death Would Justify War With Iran?

Live Updates: Iran Vows ā€˜Forceful Revengeā€™ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?

We aren't going to war with Iran....Trump isn't into war, you moron.
Iran is skilled at assassination. Suppose they kill an American commensurate with Soleimani's value. Say Pompano. Would that be an act of war?
Yes it would be an act of war, just as Donnieā€™s murdering the General was an act of war.
It was a terrorist act.
Killing the general was an act of terrorism.

Here is a good outline of what might happen next...

The US paints itself ā€“ and Iran ā€“ into a corner

The Iranians simply had no other choice than to declare that there will be a retaliation. There are a few core problems with what happens next. Letā€™s look at them one by one:

  1. First, it is quite obvious from the flagwaving claptrap in the US that Uncle Shmuel is ā€œlocked and loadedā€ for even more macho actions and reaction. In fact, Secretary Esper has basically painted the US into what I would call an ā€œover-reaction cornerā€ by declaring that ā€œthe game has changedā€ and that the US will take ā€œpreemptive actionā€ whenever it feels threatened. Thus, the Iranians have to assume that the US will over-react to anything even remotely looking like an Iranian retaliation.
  2. No less alarming is that this creates the absolutely perfect conditions for a false flag Ć  la ā€œUSS Libertyā€œ. Right now, the Israelis have become at least as big a danger for US servicemen and facilities in the entire Middle-East as are the Iranians themselves. How? Simple! Fire a missile/torpedo/mine at any USN ship and blame Iran. We all know that if that happens the US political elites will do what they did the last time around: let US servicemen die and protect Israel at all costs (read up on the USS Liberty if you donā€™t know about it)
  3. There is also a very real risk of ā€œspontaneous retaliationsā€ by otherparties (not Iran or Iranian allies). In fact, in his message, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has specifically declared that ā€œMartyr Suleimani is an international face to the Resistance and all lovers of the Resistance share a demand in retaliation for his blood. All friends ā€“ as well as all enemies ā€“ must know the path of Fighting and Resistance will continue with double the will and the final victory is decidedly waiting for those who fight in this path.ā€ He is right, Soleimani was loved and revered by many people all over the globe, some of whom might decided to avenge his death. This means that we might well see some kind of retaliation which, of course, will be blamed on Iran but which might not be the result of any Iranian actions at all.
  4. Finally, should the Iranians decide not to retaliate, then we can be absolutely sure that Uncle Shmuel will see that as a proof of his putative ā€œinvincibilityā€ and take that as a license to engage in even more provocative actions.
Soleimani murder: what could happen next?
Live Updates: Iran Vows ā€˜Forceful Revengeā€™ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?

Well, he was responsible for at least two hundred dead Americans from attacks he planned so the fact that he was allowed to live by the bush and obummer admins means we waited long enough .

Your hero. the obummer gave them billions and their support for terrorism increased so his plan clearly didn't work.

I say let's see how many of their top guys we can kill.

Also, I believe he was in Iraq, so he was a fair target, no?
Do you have any proof of these acts
Do you believe Trump when he says the US had intel that Soleimani was about to perpetrate attacks against Americans?

Do you believe Soleimani over Trump and our intelligence services?
I trust our intelligence services a lot more than Trump does.

Wait. Let me fix that.

I trust our intelligence services a lot more than Trump.


Than whats the problem?
I find it amusing how the Trumptards behave so Orwellian.

I find it amusing how the Trumptards behave so Orwellian.

I find it amusing some Americans get their panties in a twist over a drone taking out an asshole that has been behind the murder of 100s of their fellow citizens.
Do you have any proof of what he did?
We are now in a tit for tat with Iran

Sad state of affairs since we had achieved a stable relationship under Obama
Six minutes ago, you Trumptards were whining about "endless wars".

If Trump starts a war, you will change your tune in the Orwellian way about you we have all come to recognize.

I want to see just how much of a hair trigger you tards are on.

Are we at war with Iran? Probably have been for multiple decades in low intensity through proxies.

Now the fuckers want nukes too, and your master was giving it to them. Now, a real president is saying that policy is batshit crazy, and maybe it is time to go high intensity, if only for a short time.

Barack Obama promised them Nukes. Donald Trump is interfering with that. Despite efforts by John Kerry on behalf of Iran, the march to nuclear domination has been hampered by Trump.

The most serious blow America could deliver to Iran would be to bomb the Heinz estate in Martha's Vineyard.Take out Iran's top strategist.
Actually, they dismantled their nuclear program under Obama
Trump is allowing them to restart it
Live Updates: Iran Vows ā€˜Forceful Revengeā€™ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?

Are you actually trying for some kind of pre-war line in the sand justification? Really? Why? Are you heavy on defense stocks?
I'm just trying to determine where these whiners about "endless wars" stand.

Simple as that.

Notice how cowardly they are in not answering?

When George Bush was president, it was Democrats who were mainly the "whiners" about endless wars, so what is it now? have you all changed your position?
Live Updates: Iran Vows ā€˜Forceful Revengeā€™ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
Nah, I dont think there should be a war. I think we should let other countries kill our people with no fear of retaliation.

Is that the answer you want?
Live Updates: Iran Vows ā€˜Forceful Revengeā€™ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?

Well, he was responsible for at least two hundred dead Americans from attacks he planned so the fact that he was allowed to live by the bush and obummer admins means we waited long enough .

Your hero. the obummer gave them billions and their support for terrorism increased so his plan clearly didn't work.

I say let's see how many of their top guys we can kill.

Also, I believe he was in Iraq, so he was a fair target, no?
Do you have any proof of these acts
Do you believe Soleimani over Trump and our intelligence services?
I trust our intelligence services a lot more than Trump does.

Wait. Let me fix that.

I trust our intelligence services a lot more than Trump.


Than whats the problem?
I find it amusing how the Trumptards behave so Orwellian.

I find it amusing how the Trumptards behave so Orwellian.

I find it amusing some Americans get their panties in a twist over a drone taking out an asshole that has been behind the murder of 100s of their fellow citizens.
Do you have any proof of what he did?

I just have to say here, if you require proof that the now greasy grimy gopher guts mutilated monkey meat deaded terrorist was responsible for the deaths of at least 500 American soldiers, you're apparently eaten up by a really special kind of stupidity.

Not even CNN and MSNBC is disputing that fact.
Six minutes ago, you Trumptards were whining about "endless wars".

If Trump starts a war, you will change your tune in the Orwellian way about you we have all come to recognize.

I want to see just how much of a hair trigger you tards are on.

Are we at war with Iran? Probably have been for multiple decades in low intensity through proxies.

Now the fuckers want nukes too, and your master was giving it to them. Now, a real president is saying that policy is batshit crazy, and maybe it is time to go high intensity, if only for a short time.

Barack Obama promised them Nukes. Donald Trump is interfering with that. Despite efforts by John Kerry on behalf of Iran, the march to nuclear domination has been hampered by Trump.

The most serious blow America could deliver to Iran would be to bomb the Heinz estate in Martha's Vineyard.Take out Iran's top strategist.
Actually, they dismantled their nuclear program under Obama
Trump is allowing them to restart it

So what haven't they retaliated with a nuke? Is this supposed to be like the "yellow cake uranium" hoax from the first Iraq War or something?
Live Updates: Iran Vows ā€˜Forceful Revengeā€™ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?

We aren't going to war with Iran....Trump isn't into war, you moron.
Iran is skilled at assassination. Suppose they kill an American commensurate with Soleimani's value. Say Pompano. Would that be an act of war?
Yes it would be an act of war, just as Donnieā€™s murdering the General was an act of war.

Was Obama dropping bombs in Syria an act of war?
Live Updates: Iran Vows ā€˜Forceful Revengeā€™ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?

We aren't going to war with Iran....Trump isn't into war, you moron.
Iran is skilled at assassination. Suppose they kill an American commensurate with Soleimani's value. Say Pompano. Would that be an act of war?
Yes it would be an act of war, just as Donnieā€™s murdering the General was an act of war.
It was a terrorist act.
Killing the general was an act of terrorism.

Here is a good outline of what might happen next...

The US paints itself ā€“ and Iran ā€“ into a corner

The Iranians simply had no other choice than to declare that there will be a retaliation. There are a few core problems with what happens next. Letā€™s look at them one by one:

  1. First, it is quite obvious from the flagwaving claptrap in the US that Uncle Shmuel is ā€œlocked and loadedā€ for even more macho actions and reaction. In fact, Secretary Esper has basically painted the US into what I would call an ā€œover-reaction cornerā€ by declaring that ā€œthe game has changedā€ and that the US will take ā€œpreemptive actionā€ whenever it feels threatened. Thus, the Iranians have to assume that the US will over-react to anything even remotely looking like an Iranian retaliation.
  2. No less alarming is that this creates the absolutely perfect conditions for a false flag Ć  la ā€œUSS Libertyā€œ. Right now, the Israelis have become at least as big a danger for US servicemen and facilities in the entire Middle-East as are the Iranians themselves. How? Simple! Fire a missile/torpedo/mine at any USN ship and blame Iran. We all know that if that happens the US political elites will do what they did the last time around: let US servicemen die and protect Israel at all costs (read up on the USS Liberty if you donā€™t know about it)
  3. There is also a very real risk of ā€œspontaneous retaliationsā€ by otherparties (not Iran or Iranian allies). In fact, in his message, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has specifically declared that ā€œMartyr Suleimani is an international face to the Resistance and all lovers of the Resistance share a demand in retaliation for his blood. All friends ā€“ as well as all enemies ā€“ must know the path of Fighting and Resistance will continue with double the will and the final victory is decidedly waiting for those who fight in this path.ā€ He is right, Soleimani was loved and revered by many people all over the globe, some of whom might decided to avenge his death. This means that we might well see some kind of retaliation which, of course, will be blamed on Iran but which might not be the result of any Iranian actions at all.
  4. Finally, should the Iranians decide not to retaliate, then we can be absolutely sure that Uncle Shmuel will see that as a proof of his putative ā€œinvincibilityā€ and take that as a license to engage in even more provocative actions.
Soleimani murder: what could happen next?

It's real simple.
If Iran retaliates we hit em so hard their ancestors will feel it.
They do it again we double our efforts.
Last edited:
Live Updates: Iran Vows ā€˜Forceful Revengeā€™ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
Single attack against any NATO member state should lead to the destruction of the barbaric regime in Tehran.
We aren't going to war with Iran....Trump isn't into war, you moron.
Iran is skilled at assassination. Suppose they kill an American commensurate with Soleimani's value. Say Pompano. Would that be an act of war?
Yes it would be an act of war, just as Donnieā€™s murdering the General was an act of war.
It was a terrorist act.
Killing the general was an act of terrorism.

Here is a good outline of what might happen next...

The US paints itself ā€“ and Iran ā€“ into a corner

The Iranians simply had no other choice than to declare that there will be a retaliation. There are a few core problems with what happens next. Letā€™s look at them one by one:

  1. First, it is quite obvious from the flagwaving claptrap in the US that Uncle Shmuel is ā€œlocked and loadedā€ for even more macho actions and reaction. In fact, Secretary Esper has basically painted the US into what I would call an ā€œover-reaction cornerā€ by declaring that ā€œthe game has changedā€ and that the US will take ā€œpreemptive actionā€ whenever it feels threatened. Thus, the Iranians have to assume that the US will over-react to anything even remotely looking like an Iranian retaliation.
  2. No less alarming is that this creates the absolutely perfect conditions for a false flag Ć  la ā€œUSS Libertyā€œ. Right now, the Israelis have become at least as big a danger for US servicemen and facilities in the entire Middle-East as are the Iranians themselves. How? Simple! Fire a missile/torpedo/mine at any USN ship and blame Iran. We all know that if that happens the US political elites will do what they did the last time around: let US servicemen die and protect Israel at all costs (read up on the USS Liberty if you donā€™t know about it)
  3. There is also a very real risk of ā€œspontaneous retaliationsā€ by otherparties (not Iran or Iranian allies). In fact, in his message, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has specifically declared that ā€œMartyr Suleimani is an international face to the Resistance and all lovers of the Resistance share a demand in retaliation for his blood. All friends ā€“ as well as all enemies ā€“ must know the path of Fighting and Resistance will continue with double the will and the final victory is decidedly waiting for those who fight in this path.ā€ He is right, Soleimani was loved and revered by many people all over the globe, some of whom might decided to avenge his death. This means that we might well see some kind of retaliation which, of course, will be blamed on Iran but which might not be the result of any Iranian actions at all.
  4. Finally, should the Iranians decide not to retaliate, then we can be absolutely sure that Uncle Shmuel will see that as a proof of his putative ā€œinvincibilityā€ and take that as a license to engage in even more provocative actions.
Soleimani murder: what could happen next?

It's real simple.
If Iraq retaliates we hit em so hard their ancestors will feel it.
They do it again we double our efforts.
You mean Iran?
Live Updates: Iran Vows ā€˜Forceful Revengeā€™ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
What Trump did was an act of terrorism. The USA is now a terrorist country. Congratulations.

Wasn't the USA a terrorist country before Trump entered into office?
Live Updates: Iran Vows ā€˜Forceful Revengeā€™ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
Single attack against any NATO member state should lead to the destruction of the barbaric regime in Tehran.

Naww, we shouldn't do that. Just covertly take out their political infrastructure. We don't hate the Iranian people, just their shithead leaders.

Probably as much as the Iranian people do, judging by all the protests they've had there lately.
Live Updates: Iran Vows ā€˜Forceful Revengeā€™ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
I think if NATO forces invaded Iran, the opposition would rally the people with freedom in their hearts and the religious leaders would be toppled and strung-up like Mussolini. People forget that Iran was a very modern nation culturally until the 1979 Revolution. The Iranian economy would boom if it got rid of its current leaders. Tehran could be one of the cultural centers of the free world.
Live Updates: Iran Vows ā€˜Forceful Revengeā€™ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?

Are you actually trying for some kind of pre-war line in the sand justification? Really? Why? Are you heavy on defense stocks?
I'm just trying to determine where these whiners about "endless wars" stand.

Simple as that.

Notice how cowardly they are in not answering?

When George Bush was president, it was Democrats who were mainly the "whiners" about endless wars, so what is it now? have you all changed your position?
The Democrats are STILL whiners about "endless wars"!

I'm not a Democrat. I am a conservative who was a Republican my entire life until Trump. Now I am registered as independent. I am a textbook Never Trumper.

Also, I have been pointing out that the Trumptards have been sounding more and more like 60's commsymp hippies ever since they began drinking Trump's piss.

And I also have been pointing out that Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren are big on "endless wars" rhetoric. Trump is leading the pseudocons into the far left cave.
We aren't going to war with Iran....Trump isn't into war, you moron.
Iran is skilled at assassination. Suppose they kill an American commensurate with Soleimani's value. Say Pompano. Would that be an act of war?
Yes it would be an act of war, just as Donnieā€™s murdering the General was an act of war.
It was a terrorist act.
Killing the general was an act of terrorism.

Here is a good outline of what might happen next...

The US paints itself ā€“ and Iran ā€“ into a corner

The Iranians simply had no other choice than to declare that there will be a retaliation. There are a few core problems with what happens next. Letā€™s look at them one by one:

  1. First, it is quite obvious from the flagwaving claptrap in the US that Uncle Shmuel is ā€œlocked and loadedā€ for even more macho actions and reaction. In fact, Secretary Esper has basically painted the US into what I would call an ā€œover-reaction cornerā€ by declaring that ā€œthe game has changedā€ and that the US will take ā€œpreemptive actionā€ whenever it feels threatened. Thus, the Iranians have to assume that the US will over-react to anything even remotely looking like an Iranian retaliation.
  2. No less alarming is that this creates the absolutely perfect conditions for a false flag Ć  la ā€œUSS Libertyā€œ. Right now, the Israelis have become at least as big a danger for US servicemen and facilities in the entire Middle-East as are the Iranians themselves. How? Simple! Fire a missile/torpedo/mine at any USN ship and blame Iran. We all know that if that happens the US political elites will do what they did the last time around: let US servicemen die and protect Israel at all costs (read up on the USS Liberty if you donā€™t know about it)
  3. There is also a very real risk of ā€œspontaneous retaliationsā€ by otherparties (not Iran or Iranian allies). In fact, in his message, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has specifically declared that ā€œMartyr Suleimani is an international face to the Resistance and all lovers of the Resistance share a demand in retaliation for his blood. All friends ā€“ as well as all enemies ā€“ must know the path of Fighting and Resistance will continue with double the will and the final victory is decidedly waiting for those who fight in this path.ā€ He is right, Soleimani was loved and revered by many people all over the globe, some of whom might decided to avenge his death. This means that we might well see some kind of retaliation which, of course, will be blamed on Iran but which might not be the result of any Iranian actions at all.
  4. Finally, should the Iranians decide not to retaliate, then we can be absolutely sure that Uncle Shmuel will see that as a proof of his putative ā€œinvincibilityā€ and take that as a license to engage in even more provocative actions.
Soleimani murder: what could happen next?

It's real simple.
If Iraq retaliates we hit em so hard their ancestors will feel it.
They do it again we double our efforts.
Thatā€™s crazy. You want more dead women and children murdered by the Empire, for the benefit of the 1%.

Have Americans lost their fucking minds?
Iran is skilled at assassination. Suppose they kill an American commensurate with Soleimani's value. Say Pompano. Would that be an act of war?
Yes it would be an act of war, just as Donnieā€™s murdering the General was an act of war.
It was a terrorist act.
Killing the general was an act of terrorism.

Here is a good outline of what might happen next...

The US paints itself ā€“ and Iran ā€“ into a corner

The Iranians simply had no other choice than to declare that there will be a retaliation. There are a few core problems with what happens next. Letā€™s look at them one by one:

  1. First, it is quite obvious from the flagwaving claptrap in the US that Uncle Shmuel is ā€œlocked and loadedā€ for even more macho actions and reaction. In fact, Secretary Esper has basically painted the US into what I would call an ā€œover-reaction cornerā€ by declaring that ā€œthe game has changedā€ and that the US will take ā€œpreemptive actionā€ whenever it feels threatened. Thus, the Iranians have to assume that the US will over-react to anything even remotely looking like an Iranian retaliation.
  2. No less alarming is that this creates the absolutely perfect conditions for a false flag Ć  la ā€œUSS Libertyā€œ. Right now, the Israelis have become at least as big a danger for US servicemen and facilities in the entire Middle-East as are the Iranians themselves. How? Simple! Fire a missile/torpedo/mine at any USN ship and blame Iran. We all know that if that happens the US political elites will do what they did the last time around: let US servicemen die and protect Israel at all costs (read up on the USS Liberty if you donā€™t know about it)
  3. There is also a very real risk of ā€œspontaneous retaliationsā€ by otherparties (not Iran or Iranian allies). In fact, in his message, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has specifically declared that ā€œMartyr Suleimani is an international face to the Resistance and all lovers of the Resistance share a demand in retaliation for his blood. All friends ā€“ as well as all enemies ā€“ must know the path of Fighting and Resistance will continue with double the will and the final victory is decidedly waiting for those who fight in this path.ā€ He is right, Soleimani was loved and revered by many people all over the globe, some of whom might decided to avenge his death. This means that we might well see some kind of retaliation which, of course, will be blamed on Iran but which might not be the result of any Iranian actions at all.
  4. Finally, should the Iranians decide not to retaliate, then we can be absolutely sure that Uncle Shmuel will see that as a proof of his putative ā€œinvincibilityā€ and take that as a license to engage in even more provocative actions.
Soleimani murder: what could happen next?

It's real simple.
If Iraq retaliates we hit em so hard their ancestors will feel it.
They do it again we double our efforts.
You mean Iran?


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