What role did the CIA play ? Who knew about it in the White House ?

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Graham: IG Report On Russia Probe Will Be "Ugly And Damning" For DOJ

Here's a snip from this recent interview with Senator Graham.

Senator you've done a lot of work on this. This is my final question on the subject, who do you think is the mastermind of this? Whose idea was it to insert Donald Trump into Russia meddling?

GRAHAM: You know, I really am very curious about the role that the CIA played here. We know that the FISA warrant application was based on a dossier from Christopher Steele that was biased against President Trump, that was one problem -- but this whole intelligence operation, what role did the CIA play ? Who knew about this in the White House ? There is a question ! Was President Obama briefed on the fact that they were opening up the counterintelligence investigation against the Trump campaign ? I would like to know that.

Graham: IG Report On Russia Probe Will Be "Ugly And Damning" For DOJ

John O and Barack O both knew but for "national security" reasons ( they have dirt on 80% of Congress )
won't be prosecuted. We may see a few fall guys hopefully at least, but don't count your chickens yet.
Graham: IG Report On Russia Probe Will Be "Ugly And Damning" For DOJ

Here's a snip from this recent interview with Senator Graham.

Senator you've done a lot of work on this. This is my final question on the subject, who do you think is the mastermind of this? Whose idea was it to insert Donald Trump into Russia meddling?

GRAHAM: You know, I really am very curious about the role that the CIA played here. We know that the FISA warrant application was based on a dossier from Christopher Steele that was biased against President Trump, that was one problem -- but this whole intelligence operation, what role did the CIA play ? Who knew about this in the White House ? There is a question ! Was President Obama briefed on the fact that they were opening up the counterintelligence investigation against the Trump campaign ? I would like to know that.

Graham: IG Report On Russia Probe Will Be "Ugly And Damning" For DOJ

John O and Barack O both knew but for "national security" reasons ( they have dirt on 80% of Congress )
won't be prosecuted. We may see a few fall guys hopefully at least, but don't count your chickens yet.

I honestly don't give a damn what reason the find to execute Brennan's commie ass. I will be for it.

Nothing will come of this, however. The political elite are untouchable.

We have no alternatives.

All evidence points to Obama as the mastermind of this coup....
I honestly don't give a damn what reason the find to execute Brennan's commie ass. I will be for it.

Nothing will come of this, however. The political elite are untouchable.

We have no alternatives.

If you're Donald Trump are you really going to
go after an ex CIA director with a reputation like Brennan's ? Not if he wants to live to be 74.
All evidence points to Obama as the mastermind of this coup....
It may come down to who covered their tracks the best and/or who has the most blackmail power.
Between Brennan, Clapper, Comey and Obama who knows ?
I've always felt that it will be Clapper that ends up spilling the beans and tossing his superiors under the bus....
I've always felt that it will be Clapper that ends up spilling the beans and tossing his superiors under the bus....
He knows everything, right down to Hillary's original emails that are stored at NSA ( before she 'deleted' them and smashed Blackberry's)
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it wouldn't have mattered, if right wingers hadn't shown up on "Mr. Sulu's security board". The FBI is supposed to investigate that stuff.
If this had happened the other way around and we found that Bush spied on the Obama campaign and a sitting president and tried to unseat him in 2009 in a counter-intelligence coup, what would you have said ?
All evidence points to Obama as the mastermind of this coup....

One person and One person only can give the Okay for a Counter intelligence operation on an American Citizen. The sitting President at the Time! Obama has his DNA all over this HOAX to elect Hilary.
it wouldn't have mattered, if right wingers hadn't shown up on "Mr. Sulu's security board". The FBI is supposed to investigate that stuff.
If this had happened the other way around and we found that Bush spied on the Obama campaign and a sitting president and tried to unseat him in 2009 in a counter-intelligence coup, what would you have said ?
Libs won't answer that...
Steele was working in a private investigative capacity. That does not make the information gathered irrelevant. The intelligence agencies do and should use any evidence that they may legally obtain to do the best job they can. Such evidence should be weighed on its merits, regardless of the source.
Steele was working in a private investigative capacity. That does not make the information gathered irrelevant. The intelligence agencies do and should use any evidence that they may legally obtain to do the best job they can. Such evidence should be weighed on its merits, regardless of the source.
Give me a break.......Steele was one of Brennan's friends over at MI6.
it wouldn't have mattered, if right wingers hadn't shown up on "Mr. Sulu's security board". The FBI is supposed to investigate that stuff.
If this had happened the other way around and we found that Bush spied on the Obama campaign and a sitting president and tried to unseat him in 2009 in a counter-intelligence coup, what would you have said ?
Nixon resigned.

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