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Is this FBI background check thorough and comprehensive?

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Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
The investigation authorized by The President just completed is being released at the moment. What say you.
I didnt believe the accusations. At least the one by ford. I have no doubt he showed his penis to women. Thats pretty much normal with kids. Just like chicks showing their tits.
I do not want him confirmed. That is only because of his judicial record.
Fuck Brett Kavfefe
The Democrats will never be happy unless they can block Kavanaugh.
Their smear campaign was disgusting.
Maybe it will backfire on them this time.
The Democrats will never be happy unless they can block Kavanaugh.
Their smear campaign was disgusting.
Maybe it will backfire on them this time.
Did your smear campaigns backfire on you? Then again, we didn’t petition for the backing of the Russian government... hmm.
I didnt believe the accusations. At least the one by ford. I have no doubt he showed his penis to women. Thats pretty much normal with kids. Just like chicks showing their tits.
I do not want him confirmed. That is only because of his judicial record.
Fuck Brett Kavfefe

Interesting, I personally don't know anything about his judicial record or deportment, I do know he will become the 5th vote on the Supreme Court, and his thinly veiled hate for The Clinton's and Democrats in general makes him unfit to don the robe on the SC, the Court of Appeals and a trial court anywhere in the U.S.

McConnell and Grassley have done a disservice to democracy. Their theater of the absurd fooled no one!
I didnt believe the accusations. At least the one by ford. I have no doubt he showed his penis to women. Thats pretty much normal with kids. Just like chicks showing their tits.
I do not want him confirmed. That is only because of his judicial record.
Fuck Brett Kavfefe

Interesting, I personally don't know anything about his judicial record or deportment, I do know he will become the 5th vote on the Supreme Court, and his thinly veiled hate for The Clinton's and Democrats in general makes him unfit to don the robe on the SC, the Court of Appeals and a trial court anywhere in the U.S.

McConnell and Grassley have done a disservice to democracy. Their theater of the absurd fooled no one!
He is a big govt stooge. I am sure you can understand that.
75% of our SC bench doesnt belong there. The SC is nothing more than a partisan circle jerk
I didnt believe the accusations. At least the one by ford. I have no doubt he showed his penis to women. Thats pretty much normal with kids. Just like chicks showing their tits.
I do not want him confirmed. That is only because of his judicial record.
Fuck Brett Kavfefe
Won't happen....The disgusting demoncrats had their chance to oppose him on the grounds that he's a police state stooge....But they needed something big and flashy, even though it's total bullshit, to get their room-temperature IQ base and media bootlickers riled up.

Meet the new boss....
The ironic thing about kavfefe is he thinks govt ASSUMPTION is enough to restrict our rights.
What a fucking JOKE he is
Interesting, I personally don't know anything about his judicial record or deportment, I do know he will become the 5th vote on the Supreme Court, and his thinly veiled hate for The Clinton's and Democrats in general makes him unfit to don the robe on the SC, the Court of Appeals and a trial court anywhere in the U.S.
Of course you know nothing about his record....You're a goddamn hack parrot, who does and says as his political and media masters tell him to do.

McConnell and Grassley have done a disservice to democracy. Their theater of the absurd fooled no one!
Your team had an opportunity to object on these grounds, and failed.....Your team has done every bit the disservice to the republic as they have.
The investigation authorized by The President just completed is being released at the moment. What say you.

Oh Goody :113:

The Kabuki Theater continues....

I hope they have some Russians during this act, Ivan always livens things up.
Investigations in general are usually lacking.

Rob Porter had a wife who filed and EPO against him. He was staff secretary at the White House. While the FBI may not have done a check on it, surely the Secret Service should have and not allowed this serial wife abuser anywhere near the President much less the sensitive information he may have held. PS: Kav had the same job under Bush.

For a thorough investigation you need a set up like Captain Mueller has; a staff of competent individuals who know what questions to ask and the authority to drill as deep as you need to drill. And you need time.

Kav's investigation is for a job; he's had it done six times already. Whatever the investigation entails; nothing has been found before that is disqualifying.
The investigation authorized by The President just completed is being released at the moment. What say you.
who really cares? if you still expect anyone believe it was about a woman who had no desire to testify and not delaying the confirmation then you are just trying to see who you think you can still keep playing.
The investigation authorized by The President just completed is being released at the moment. What say you.
who really cares? if you still expect anyone believe it was about a woman who had no desire to testify and not delaying the confirmation then you are just trying to see who you think you can still keep playing.

His partisanship ALONE are grounds to disqualify him
his thinly veiled hate for The Clinton's and Democrats in general makes him unfit to don the robe on the SC, the Court of Appeals and a trial court anywhere in the U.S.

  • AND OF COURSE, YOU WOULD KNOW that none of the other justices on the SC have any hate, personal feelings or biases! Oops! There is at least Ruth Ginsberg's public admission of her despising Trump. So I assume you want her off the bench as well as being unfit. Of course you do.
  • AND OF COURSE, YOU WOULD KNOW that in all his years working in DC, on the Ken Star investigation, side by side with Bush 41 that the Clintons never had it in for him and screwed with him then and now and he's not merely stating a FACT? Of course you do.
  • AND OF COURSE, YOU WOULD KNOW that there aren't 10,000 liberal, progressive, leftist judges in courtrooms all over this country with raw, naked hate for Trump, the Right, and do everything they can to block everything possible? By your criteria, you know you've just indicted them as unfit as well.
Of course you do.
Most importantly, Kavanaugh gets approved soon, and sworn in. But even better, Dems lose 3 to 4 seats in the Senate and gain only 10 to 12 in the House in November all because oh this crap.

The lingering question will be, did they learn from this?

I’m hoping they will, but I doubt it.

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