What say you

Is this FBI background check thorough and comprehensive?

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The investigation authorized by The President just completed is being released at the moment. What say you.
The one thing this Dramageddon revealed is that Bart O'Kavanaugh is an irrational and emotionally unstable person. These are not the qualities you want sitting on a bench making profoundly important decisions.

I very much want another conservative on the Supreme Court. Just not Kavanaugh.

It's too bad we have an apprentice President who doesn't know what the hell he is doing.

I believe Trump knows very well what he has done. By appointing Kavanaugh he has provided cover for him and his family. If the Mueller Investigation seeks to subpoena Trump, will the court vote 5-4 to decide a President of the U.S. is above the law?
To be such an idiot, some of you sure give him plenty of intellectual credit
The investigation authorized by The President just completed is being released at the moment. What say you.
LMAO. How would anyone besides the FBI know how thorough the so called investigation was?
The investigation authorized by The President just completed is being released at the moment. What say you.
who really cares? if you still expect anyone believe it was about a woman who had no desire to testify and not delaying the confirmation then you are just trying to see who you think you can still keep playing.

This simply seems like Democrat payback for Garland.
It is, and I don't blame them for it, but that is the proof they care nothing about ford and she will be forgotten by anyone who has nothing more politically to gain from her

I believe and hope you are wrong. The Blue Wave is turning Pink, and women will remember Trump's mockery of Dr. Ford. McConnell may win this battle, but may loose the war, i.e. the election in 32 days from today.
The investigation authorized by The President just completed is being released at the moment. What say you.
what was the requested scope? My vote would be -- did the fbi complete the requested scope? yep. I find it appalling someone agrees to something and then after agreement is reached changes the parameters. That is the definition of a leftist. PERIOD!

A gentlemen's agreement is a most respected offering. to violate that agreement makes the violator the fool.
Did anyone really think this FBI report was going to deliver any new and shocking information? I posted last week when this done we wouldn’t know anymore than we already do which sure seems to be the case.
If the Mueller Investigation seeks to subpoena Trump, will the court vote 5-4 to decide a President of the U.S. is above the law?
It would go that way no matter who was on the bench, but if mueller has enough evidence on trump for, well for whatever it is he is investigating him for he won't need trumps statement.
with that said, you showed your cards, this is about the left getting a judge to help them prop up their bogus investigation.
The one thing this Dramageddon revealed is that Bart O'Kavanaugh is an irrational and emotionally unstable person. These are not the qualities you want sitting on a bench making profoundly important decisions.

I very much want another conservative on the Supreme Court. Just not Kavanaugh.

It's too bad we have an apprentice pussy grabbing President who doesn't know what the hell he is doing.
because we all know how calm and reserved you should remain, when you're being falsely accused of infamous crimes out in front of God and everyone....He chewed the asses of his willing tormentors, and rightly so.
The investigation authorized by The President just completed is being released at the moment. What say you.
The one thing this Dramageddon revealed is that Bart O'Kavanaugh is an irrational and emotionally unstable person. These are not the qualities you want sitting on a bench making profoundly important decisions.

I very much want another conservative on the Supreme Court. Just not Kavanaugh.

It's too bad we have an apprentice President who doesn't know what the hell he is doing.

I believe Trump knows very well what he has done. By appointing Kavanaugh he has provided cover for him and his family. If the Mueller Investigation seeks to subpoena Trump, will the court vote 5-4 to decide a President of the U.S. is above the law?
To be such an idiot, some of you sure give him plenty of intellectual credit

The Fox is clever, one day the farm dog or bear trap will take it down.
Go patriot act!
Fuck our rights!
Go big govt!
You just quoted the history of the Democratic party, at least Obama's Modern 'Fundamentally Changed' America.

Obama and his criminal Gestapo illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC justices...used a weaponized IRS to target Americans legally opposing his re-election...stripped Americans of their Right to Due Process and assassinated them with his own personal Un-Constitutional Drone Assassination program.

STFU, lil' biased, hypocritical, unstable snowflake.
Yes because i wasnt actually talking about his record :rolleyes:
...that would be the record Schumer cited as evidence that Kavanaugh was / is the most qualified judge for the position of USSC, potentially the most qualified on the USSC once confirmed......
Because if it's ANYTHING that should cement his reputation, it's a reference from that statist thug jackass!

Did you even think before you clicked on "post reply"?
The investigation authorized by The President just completed is being released at the moment. What say you.
what was the requested scope? My vote would be -- did the fbi complete the requested scope? yep. I find it appalling someone agrees to something and then after agreement is reached changes the parameters. That is the definition of a leftist. PERIOD!

A gentlemen's agreement is a most respected offering. to violate that agreement makes the violator the fool.
BTW, I find it hilarious the MSM is calling it a compromise with the dem leftists. So, was the agreement with them if we run the fbi investigation and nothing is found you vote yes? Did they agree to that? if not, then there is no compromise, just a delay. I feel like I'm in a deja-vu moment everyday with the left.
It's an obvious sham.
An "expanded investigation" in which the FBI "may talk to whomever they wish" meant that Dotard, McGhan Co added one more approved individual.
Can't wait until the directives are leaked - quite likely by the FBI who are sick of this abuse.
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The one thing this Dramageddon revealed is that Bart O'Kavanaugh is an irrational and emotionally unstable person. These are not the qualities you want sitting on a bench making profoundly important decisions.

I very much want another conservative on the Supreme Court. Just not Kavanaugh.

It's too bad we have an apprentice pussy grabbing President who doesn't know what the hell he is doing.
because we all know how calm and reserved you should remain, when you're being falsely accused of infamous crimes out in front of God and everyone....He chewed the asses of his willing tormentors, and rightly so.
He made wild accusations with no evidence, spewed conspiracy theories, and suffered several crying jags. And these strike you as qualities you want in a judge?

Many a person has endured that kind of stress, and more, without turning into a quivering mass of emotional jelly.

I wonder how he will react on the bench if a plaintiff throws his questions back in his face the way he did to the Senators on the committee.
Go patriot act!
Fuck our rights!
Go big govt!
You just quoted the history of the Democratic party, at least Obama's Modern 'Fundamentally Changed' America.

Obama and his criminal Gestapo illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC justices...used a weaponized IRS to target Americans legally opposing his re-election...stripped Americans of their Right to Due Process and assassinated them with his own personal Un-Constitutional Drone Assassination program.

STFU, lil' biased, hypocritical, unstable snowflake.
Obama obama obama
Geez louise
Obama sucks
Kavfefe sucks
Grow a pair dude. Damn
I believe and hope you are wrong. The Blue Wave is turning Pink, and women will remember Trump's mockery of Dr. Ford. McConnell may win this battle, but may loose the war, i.e. the election in 32 days from today.
this battle is the war, whats going to happen even if that tired old claim really does finally happen?
The entire reason for this nomination is to turn the tables on the liberals and legislate from the bench when the party in power does something the party with the majority on the bench doesn't want...i.e..."a travel ban", it is only unconstitutional because the left needed it to be such and had the judicial muscle to do so...be prepared for payback if this confirmation goes through, they are not fooling around and you asked for it.
Am I correct in my inference that you are opposed to the Separation of Powers, and support a one party system is of benefit to our Republic?

Do you believe Grassley's suppression of documents was appropriate? Do you believe McConnell's nonfeasance was appropriate? Do you believe Trump&Co., has been transparent and honest?

Were you proud of your president's mockery of Dr. Ford?

The avalanche of HYPOCRISY coming from the Left in the form of yet another temper tantrum thrown because their false accusations, attempted 'Herman Cain'ing of Kavanaugh, and the resulting boomerang effect of yet another hack job on the GOP blowing up in their own faces is absolutely breath-taking...and hilarious.

Suppression of Documents:
- Obama set a new Presidential record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA after promising to run the most Transparent administration eveuh...

- Hillary Clinton Obstructed Justice by attempting to destroy over 15,000 subpoenaed documents the FBI declared to be official documents Hillary was required to turn in per the FOIA but never did

- The FBI, DOJ/Rosenstein, and Special Counsel/Mueller all committed Obstruction by refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas as per their right of Congressional oversight


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I didnt believe the accusations. At least the one by ford. I have no doubt he showed his penis to women. Thats pretty much normal with kids. Just like chicks showing their tits.
I do not want him confirmed. That is only because of his judicial record.
Fuck Brett Kavfefe

Interesting, I personally don't know anything about his judicial record or deportment, I do know he will become the 5th vote on the Supreme Court, and his thinly veiled hate for The Clinton's and Democrats in general makes him unfit to don the robe on the SC, the Court of Appeals and a trial court anywhere in the U.S.

McConnell and Grassley have done a disservice to democracy. Their theater of the absurd fooled no one!

Maybe he knows them. Do you ? I don't know the Clintons personally but I know he got head in the WH and Hillary defended him. It seems they would probably do anything to keep the guy who formed the Prosecution of Bill and his subsequent Impeachment from rising to the highest Court Brett knows them and dislikes them just like the rest of us and was direct in his assessment of what was going on . behind the scenes. CONFIRM, CONFIRM . CONFIRM 51 times
Go patriot act!
Fuck our rights!
Go big govt!
You just quoted the history of the Democratic party, at least Obama's Modern 'Fundamentally Changed' America.

Obama and his criminal Gestapo illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC justices...used a weaponized IRS to target Americans legally opposing his re-election...stripped Americans of their Right to Due Process and assassinated them with his own personal Un-Constitutional Drone Assassination program.

STFU, lil' biased, hypocritical, unstable snowflake.
Obama obama obama
Geez louise
Obama sucks
Kavfefe sucks
Grow a pair dude. Damn
I'M SORRY - Does poking holes in your bullshit with fact and history cause you discomfort, lil' snowflake?! :p

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