What say you

Is this FBI background check thorough and comprehensive?

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The investigation authorized by The President just completed is being released at the moment. What say you.
I think Chris Coons is more naïve than a fifteen year old girl at a kegger hosted by Kavanaugh, and if Trump want's to use sexual slurs about anyone, it should be him, because Coons is Trump's b(tch.
The process was not an investigation, it was a background check with guidelines limited by the President,

NO SHIT! That is what the Republicans told the Democrats it would be, but the Democrats still demanded it be done, so the FBI conducted Background check #7...and now that it did not provide the results they wanted they are bitching and throwing tantrums....as predicted.

Yes, the FBI investigation was LIMITED IN SCOPE, because if it had not been made clear that it was limited to the allegations made against Kavanaugh we all know, as demonstrated already by Democrats, the Democrats would have been demanding investigations into every aspect of Kavanaugh and his wife from the time they were born until now, potentially lasting 2 years or more like their other on-going witch hunt.
The investigation authorized by The President just completed is being released at the moment. What say you.
what was the requested scope? My vote would be -- did the fbi complete the requested scope? yep. I find it appalling someone agrees to something and then after agreement is reached changes the parameters. That is the definition of a leftist. PERIOD!

A gentlemen's agreement is a most respected offering. to violate that agreement makes the violator the fool.
BTW, I find it hilarious the MSM is calling it a compromise with the dem leftists. So, was the agreement with them if we run the fbi investigation and nothing is found you vote yes? Did they agree to that? if not, then there is no compromise, just a delay. I feel like I'm in a deja-vu moment everyday with the left.

The process was not an investigation, it was a background check with guidelines limited by the President, who mislead the public by his claims noted here:

Trump says FBI is not limited in Kavanaugh background investigation
dude I asked you a question and it's obvious you have no intention to answer it. you now have no credibility to the subject. I will repeat, an agreement was reached, to perform a one week investigation with a set scope. That's it. To bark in here about anything else is just more whining from a group who has been butthurt for two years now. fk off then.

Answer my question or shut up.
I truly believe the left has no idea about law and agreements.
Most importantly, Kavanaugh gets approved soon, and sworn in. But even better, Dems lose 3 to 4 seats in the Senate and gain only 10 to 12 in the House in November all because oh this crap.

The lingering question will be, did they learn from this?

I’m hoping they will, but I doubt it.

I think Democrats will lose alot of seats in both houses. There will be a huge backlash for this despicable stunt they pulled.

Yep, all those many women who have been sexually assaulted will stay home and vote for Republicans. All those Democrats will swing to the far right and vote for Republicans, and all those Independents will vote for one party control of the three branches of Government, which will fulfill their dreams and vote for Republicans.

Yes Virginia, McConnell seems likely to win the battle, but the war will be decided by the Majority of the People. Keep in mind that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 and those who voted for the other candidates seem very motivated to repair the damage done by McConnell, Ryan and Trump&Co.
The process was not an investigation, it was a background check with guidelines limited by the President,

NO SHIT! That is what the Republicans told the Democrats it would be, but the Democrats still demanded it be done, so the FBI conducted Background check #7...and now that it did not provide the results they wanted they are bitching and throwing tantrums....as predicted.

Yes, the FBI investigation was LIMITED IN SCOPE, because if it had not been made clear that it was limited to the allegations made against Kavanaugh we all know, as demonstrated already by Democrats, the Democrats would have been demanding investigations into every aspect of Kavanaugh and his wife from the time they were born until now, potentially lasting 2 years or more like their other on-going witch hunt.
that limited scope was agreed to in a judicial committee under oath. they have violated their own oath.
Most importantly, Kavanaugh gets approved soon, and sworn in. But even better, Dems lose 3 to 4 seats in the Senate and gain only 10 to 12 in the House in November all because oh this crap.

The lingering question will be, did they learn from this?

I’m hoping they will, but I doubt it.

I think Democrats will lose alot of seats in both houses. There will be a huge backlash for this despicable stunt they pulled.

Yep, all those many women who have been sexually assaulted will stay home and vote for Republicans. All those Democrats will swing to the far right and vote for Republicans, and all those Independents will vote for one party control of the three branches of Government, which will fulfill their dreams and vote for Republicans.

Yes Virginia, McConnell seems likely to win the battle, but the war will be decided by the Majority of the People. Keep in mind that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 and those who voted for the other candidates seem very motivated to repair the damage done by McConnell, Ryan and Trump&Co.
the women will vote for republicans you bet your ass. for you not to know that just cements the idea that you have no clue on women. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
The process was not an investigation, it was a background check with guidelines limited by the President,

NO SHIT! That is what the Republicans told the Democrats it would be, but the Democrats still demanded it be done, so the FBI conducted Background check #7...and now that it did not provide the results they wanted they are bitching and throwing tantrums....as predicted.

Yes, the FBI investigation was LIMITED IN SCOPE, because if it had not been made clear that it was limited to the allegations made against Kavanaugh we all know, as demonstrated already by Democrats, the Democrats would have been demanding investigations into every aspect of Kavanaugh and his wife from the time they were born until now, potentially lasting 2 years or more like their other on-going witch hunt.
that limited scope was agreed to in a judicial committee under oath. they have violated their own oath.
I want them all impeached for violation of our constitutional law set in the chambers of the capitol!!!
Most importantly, Kavanaugh gets approved soon, and sworn in. But even better, Dems lose 3 to 4 seats in the Senate and gain only 10 to 12 in the House in November all because oh this crap.

The lingering question will be, did they learn from this?

I’m hoping they will, but I doubt it.

I think Democrats will lose alot of seats in both houses. There will be a huge backlash for this despicable stunt they pulled.

Yep, all those many women who have been sexually assaulted will stay home and vote for Republicans. All those Democrats will swing to the far right and vote for Republicans, and all those Independents will vote for one party control of the three branches of Government, which will fulfill their dreams and vote for Republicans.

Yes Virginia, McConnell seems likely to win the battle, but the war will be decided by the Majority of the People. Keep in mind that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 and those who voted for the other candidates seem very motivated to repair the damage done by McConnell, Ryan and Trump&Co.
the women will vote for republicans you bet your ass. for you not to know that just cements the idea that you have no clue on women. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Feinstein took a chance - gambled - by throwing Ford under the bus - betraying her in a desperate, last-minute attempt to political assassinate Kavanaugh before he was confirmed.

The American people saw through it, Women are smart enough to know the Democrats USED Ford and made her just as much a victim as Kavanaugh.

...and the polls show Feinstein and the DNC have succeeded in shooting themselves in the foot - Conservatives have now been WOKE, and they are pissed.
Most importantly, Kavanaugh gets approved soon, and sworn in. But even better, Dems lose 3 to 4 seats in the Senate and gain only 10 to 12 in the House in November all because oh this crap.

The lingering question will be, did they learn from this?

I’m hoping they will, but I doubt it.

I think Democrats will lose alot of seats in both houses. There will be a huge backlash for this despicable stunt they pulled.

Yep, all those many women who have been sexually assaulted will stay home and vote for Republicans. All those Democrats will swing to the far right and vote for Republicans, and all those Independents will vote for one party control of the three branches of Government, which will fulfill their dreams and vote for Republicans.

Yes Virginia, McConnell seems likely to win the battle, but the war will be decided by the Majority of the People. Keep in mind that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 and those who voted for the other candidates seem very motivated to repair the damage done by McConnell, Ryan and Trump&Co.
Every time you Democrats lose an election you repeat irrelevant factors as if it's some sort of win.
The problem with this issue is women don't approve of the stunt Democrats pulled on the judge and his family.
The backlash will be massive.
Most importantly, Kavanaugh gets approved soon, and sworn in. But even better, Dems lose 3 to 4 seats in the Senate and gain only 10 to 12 in the House in November all because oh this crap.

The lingering question will be, did they learn from this?

I’m hoping they will, but I doubt it.

I think Democrats will lose alot of seats in both houses. There will be a huge backlash for this despicable stunt they pulled.

Yep, all those many women who have been sexually assaulted will stay home and vote for Republicans. All those Democrats will swing to the far right and vote for Republicans, and all those Independents will vote for one party control of the three branches of Government, which will fulfill their dreams and vote for Republicans.

Yes Virginia, McConnell seems likely to win the battle, but the war will be decided by the Majority of the People. Keep in mind that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 and those who voted for the other candidates seem very motivated to repair the damage done by McConnell, Ryan and Trump&Co.
He made wild accusations with no evidence, spewed conspiracy theories, and suffered several crying jags. And these strike you as qualities you want in a judge?

Many a person has endured that kind of stress, and more, without turning into a quivering mass of emotional jelly.

I wonder how he will react on the bench if a plaintiff throws his questions back in his face the way he did to the Senators on the committee.

Oh, dear....He's an actual human being with relatively normal emotional responses...The horror!

Klobuchar is a fucking intellectual lightweight...Her line of questioning was worthless and irrelevant.....She deserved to have her smarmy shit thrown back in her face.....Ditto with the sanctimonious confirmed molester Booker.

When he's on the bench, it's beyond unlikely that any of the shysters appearing before him will be trying to assassinate his character, so the likelihood that we'll ever see this again is zero.

Sen. Klobuchar is very accomplished and matriculated from two very excellent Universities.

See: Amy Klobuchar - Wikipedia

oddball should provide evidence that Sen. Klobuchar is an "intellectual lightweight", and provide his own CV. I'm sure he an accomplished hack, but I wonder what else he's done for our country.
There are no holes and you all you did was talk about something else.
Grow a pair dude. Damn
Perhaps you need to READ my post this time, lil' snowflake:

You just quoted the history of the Democratic party, at least Obama's Modern 'Fundamentally Changed' America.

'Obama and his criminal Gestapo illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC justices...used a weaponized IRS to target Americans legally opposing his re-election...stripped Americans of their Right to Due Process and assassinated them with his own personal Un-Constitutional Drone Assassination program.'

One does not need to 'grow a pair' to acknowledge your monumental, hate-driven hypocrisy and over-inflated partisan bias.

GROW up.
What doem democrats have to do with kavfefe being a big govt stooge?
How the fuck does that make me a hypocrite or a partisan?
Wtf kind of logic is that?
You a bot, bro?
What doem democrats have to do with kavfefe being a big govt stooge?
How the fuck does that make me a hypocrite or a partisan?
Do you even know what the word 'hypocrisy' means? From everything you posted it does not appear that you do. Everything you have claimed Trump / Kavanaugh has done, evidence already shows the Democrats / Obama have 'been there / done that'....far worse.
The investigation authorized by The President just completed is being released at the moment. What say you.
what was the requested scope? My vote would be -- did the fbi complete the requested scope? yep. I find it appalling someone agrees to something and then after agreement is reached changes the parameters. That is the definition of a leftist. PERIOD!

A gentlemen's agreement is a most respected offering. to violate that agreement makes the violator the fool.

BTW, I find it hilarious the MSM is calling it a compromise with the dem leftists. So, was the agreement with them if we run the fbi investigation and nothing is found you vote yes? Did they agree to that? if not, then there is no compromise, just a delay. I feel like I'm in a deja-vu moment everyday with the left.

The process was not an investigation, it was a background check with guidelines limited by the President, who mislead the public by his claims noted here:

Trump says FBI is not limited in Kavanaugh background investigation
dude I asked you a question and it's obvious you have no intention to answer it. you now have no credibility to the subject. I will repeat, an agreement was reached, to perform a one week investigation with a set scope. That's it. To bark in here about anything else is just more whining from a group who has been butthurt for two years now. fk off then.

Answer my question or shut up.

Post the question, I seem unable to find it.
I believe and hope you are wrong. The Blue Wave is turning Pink, and women will remember Trump's mockery of Dr. Ford. McConnell may win this battle, but may loose the war, i.e. the election in 32 days from today.
this battle is the war, whats going to happen even if that tired old claim really does finally happen?
The entire reason for this nomination is to turn the tables on the liberals and legislate from the bench when the party in power does something the party with the majority on the bench doesn't want...i.e..."a travel ban", it is only unconstitutional because the left needed it to be such and had the judicial muscle to do so...be prepared for payback if this confirmation goes through, they are not fooling around and you asked for it.

What I want is a true Separation of Power. Your last phrase supports the goals of Trump&Co., McConnell and the current iteration of Republicans:

...be prepared for payback if this confirmation goes through, they are not fooling around and you asked for it

It is important to understand that the party that overreaches, lacks transparency and seeks absolute power is corrupt. My hope is the rule of law, and the checks and balances in COTUS will soon be restored.
What doem democrats have to do with kavfefe being a big govt stooge?
How the fuck does that make me a hypocrite or a partisan?
Do you even know what the word 'hypocrisy' means? From everything you posted it does not appear that you do. Everything you have claimed Trump / Kavanaugh has done, evidence already shows the Democrats / Obama have 'been there / done that'....far worse.

What other people do change my judgements on others.
Its fucking ridiculous it does to you.
Luckily im not loyal to any party. Especially the duopoly that doesnt give a fuck about you
The investigation authorized by The President just completed is being released at the moment. What say you.
what was the requested scope? My vote would be -- did the fbi complete the requested scope? yep. I find it appalling someone agrees to something and then after agreement is reached changes the parameters. That is the definition of a leftist. PERIOD!

A gentlemen's agreement is a most respected offering. to violate that agreement makes the violator the fool.

BTW, I find it hilarious the MSM is calling it a compromise with the dem leftists. So, was the agreement with them if we run the fbi investigation and nothing is found you vote yes? Did they agree to that? if not, then there is no compromise, just a delay. I feel like I'm in a deja-vu moment everyday with the left.

The process was not an investigation, it was a background check with guidelines limited by the President, who mislead the public by his claims noted here:

Trump says FBI is not limited in Kavanaugh background investigation
dude I asked you a question and it's obvious you have no intention to answer it. you now have no credibility to the subject. I will repeat, an agreement was reached, to perform a one week investigation with a set scope. That's it. To bark in here about anything else is just more whining from a group who has been butthurt for two years now. fk off then.

Answer my question or shut up.

Post the question, I seem unable to find it.
What say you

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