What Schiff Is Doing

Assault then. You say that it is OK for a man to assault women as long as there are not witnesses.
Nope wasn’t assault either. Keep trying your fat fucking liar.
So forcing a girl down & holding your hand overt their mouth is just foreplay. Maybe for you but real men don;t need to do that.
Nope. Allegedly he was drunk and wrestled with her. It was what 35 years ago. She cannot name the time/date/place or how she got home. How about that liar Julie that Avenatti threw out there. It was all a pro choice sham and you fell for it because you’re gullible.

That is not unusual. Your attitude is why women don't come forward. They are attacked by jerks like you. You are the fool here.
LMaO so every accusation is valid? I am a father of two girls. I get how it works but that case was a sham. You’re a pussy.

The case was not a sham. There should have been a thorough FBI investigation. Kavanaugh's calendar is proof. You oppose a thorough investigation of Kavanaugh but seem to approve of a investigation of Ford for coming forward. You are the pussy. Probably turning your girls into pussies just like you.
This goes beyond phone calls. Trump was running a rogue foreign policy with Giuliani pressuring Ukraine to open a investigation of Biden. Little wonder Giuliani won't testify. That has been clearly established.
about time we know why hunter got his job. yes!!!!

Try to obfuscate by bringing up a unrelated matter. Hunter Biden is a private citizen. Maybe we should find out how you got your job.
go for it. not sure why, but I'm confident in my life. why isn't he? funny, you all screaming what's trump afraid of and you all coil up like venemous snakes to keep people away. you can't live up to your own expectations of others. Oh fk, that's right, you're a fking leftist. BTW, my dad was never vice president of the country. Where certain rules apply.

It is none of your business how he got the gig. Americans have rights and a private citizen like Hunter Biden has rights. One of those rights is against unlawful prosecution. There is not a shred of evidence to warrant a investigation of Hunter Biden. You are just playing politics. Anyone who holds Trump accountable is a leftist Joe McCarthy? Then 56% of Americans are leftists. They disapprove of Trump's conduct of his office. So if you have a father that is VP, it is okay to open a political investigation? I think not. Or maybe Kushner's deals should be looked at as well considering he is part of the Trump family.
You’re wrong. 100% wrong.

You believe the US government should look and decide who we are going to investigate. That is a police state. You are clearly playing politics. People in Ukraine do not agree with you but you living in the US think you know more.

Holding Trump accountable does not make you a leftist. It makes you a patriotic American. That is why Trump's disapprovals are in the mid to upper 50s. He is hitting new lows even in Rasmussen.

You are the one who is 100% wrong.
Because they don’t know what a Trumpybear is.

Hahaha. I kid the so called President because he and his followers seem to love his tactical use of pet names. I know, I know, it's shallow of me, but WTF I admit I'm a shallow person. I didn't vote for Trump because of any policy he ever put out there, nope, it was his face. I can't believe we elected a guy with a face like that. Can you imagine what other countries are saying about that face?

They are old but likely not ancient like you.


They are investigating the FISA warrant and how a political opponent paid for it. Oh oh.

That really has nothing to do with Trumpybears problems and Chairman Schiff's investigation.
I am a dude and don’t check out other dudes. Including HRC. Talk about ugly faces. If you want an attractive President then vote for Tulsi Gabbard. Schiff is as dumb as a box of rocks. He lost all credibility with his attempted parody act. Well whatever credibility he had left.

You are dumber than rocks. Schiff has more credibility than you or Donald trump.
LMAO again. You may have taken the mantle from
JoeB as the stupidest poster on this board. Congrats. That parody act cost him credibility. If you cannot see that then you’re a partisan hack.

You have that title all sewed up. Your stupidity is groundbreaking. You are the partisan hack.
Schiff never thought president Trump would release the transcript of the phone call. Therefore he thought he could make up any horse schiff he wanted to and Trump would be unable to defend himself (as seen in schiffs opening statement in the first "hearing").

Now with everything being held in schiffs secret star chamber, he can make up any horse schiff he wants to. What witnesses say is whatever schiff want to leak to the press, whether they testified to that or not. And NOBODY in the room is allowed to speak of it or even refute what schiff leaks to the press.

Today they are reporting the "BOMBSHELL" testimony of yesterday...HOW DO THEY KNOW? Wasn't that testimony secret?

Not even half of congress heard the testimony...how do the reporters have it? How do they know it's true?
exactly what I've been asking.
The witnesses give a statement to the press. It has not been leaked supposedly. For one thing the Republicans want nothing coming out so they can keep up this secret behind closed door conspiracy garbage propaganda going. Poor America.
When you can trot out whistle blowers that nobody is allowed to see, you can also just conjure up all sorts of delusions as fact.
The whole point of the whistleblower law is to not allow them to be identified so that they will come forward dingbat dupe. Plus everything The whistleblower said happened is proved to have happened by what Trump himself has given to the committees. Which are not secret and not all Democrats LOL. The crap you people believe. Don't you ever get tired of being made a fool of every time? Poor America
Nope wasn’t assault either. Keep trying your fat fucking liar.
So forcing a girl down & holding your hand overt their mouth is just foreplay. Maybe for you but real men don;t need to do that.
Nope. Allegedly he was drunk and wrestled with her. It was what 35 years ago. She cannot name the time/date/place or how she got home. How about that liar Julie that Avenatti threw out there. It was all a pro choice sham and you fell for it because you’re gullible.

That is not unusual. Your attitude is why women don't come forward. They are attacked by jerks like you. You are the fool here.
LMaO so every accusation is valid? I am a father of two girls. I get how it works but that case was a sham. You’re a pussy.

The case was not a sham. There should have been a thorough FBI investigation. Kavanaugh's calendar is proof. You oppose a thorough investigation of Kavanaugh but seem to approve of a investigation of Ford for coming forward. You are the pussy. Probably turning your girls into pussies just like you.
You’re a fucking idiot. If it is so cut and dry why didn’t she sue him civilly?
Because they don’t know what a Trumpybear is.

Hahaha. I kid the so called President because he and his followers seem to love his tactical use of pet names. I know, I know, it's shallow of me, but WTF I admit I'm a shallow person. I didn't vote for Trump because of any policy he ever put out there, nope, it was his face. I can't believe we elected a guy with a face like that. Can you imagine what other countries are saying about that face?

They are old but likely not ancient like you.


They are investigating the FISA warrant and how a political opponent paid for it. Oh oh.

That really has nothing to do with Trumpybears problems and Chairman Schiff's investigation.
I am a dude and don’t check out other dudes. Including HRC. Talk about ugly faces. If you want an attractive President then vote for Tulsi Gabbard. Schiff is as dumb as a box of rocks. He lost all credibility with his attempted parody act. Well whatever credibility he had left.

You are dumber than rocks. Schiff has more credibility than you or Donald trump.
LMAO again. You may have taken the mantle from
JoeB as the stupidest poster on this board. Congrats. That parody act cost him credibility. If you cannot see that then you’re a partisan hack.

You have that title all sewed up. Your stupidity is groundbreaking. You are the partisan hack.
A Leftist says what? Trump won. Get over it.
This goes beyond phone calls. Trump was running a rogue foreign policy with Giuliani pressuring Ukraine to open a investigation of Biden. Little wonder Giuliani won't testify. That has been clearly established.
about time we know why hunter got his job. yes!!!!

Try to obfuscate by bringing up a unrelated matter. Hunter Biden is a private citizen. Maybe we should find out how you got your job.
go for it. not sure why, but I'm confident in my life. why isn't he? funny, you all screaming what's trump afraid of and you all coil up like venemous snakes to keep people away. you can't live up to your own expectations of others. Oh fk, that's right, you're a fking leftist. BTW, my dad was never vice president of the country. Where certain rules apply.

It is none of your business how he got the gig. Americans have rights and a private citizen like Hunter Biden has rights. One of those rights is against unlawful prosecution. There is not a shred of evidence to warrant a investigation of Hunter Biden. You are just playing politics. Anyone who holds Trump accountable is a leftist Joe McCarthy? Then 56% of Americans are leftists. They disapprove of Trump's conduct of his office. So if you have a father that is VP, it is okay to open a political investigation? I think not. Or maybe Kushner's deals should be looked at as well considering he is part of the Trump family.

God, listen to the leading member of the impeach Trump witch mob blubbering about rights. Anyone who supports this Soviet style star chamber "inquiry" is far worse than Joe McCarthy. At least he did his business in public, before the cameras.

You must be in a contest to see how many idiocies you can cram into a single post.

Go get a education little boy. Quit defaming the name of God. That mob encompasses around 50% of Americans. Donald Trump as President is according to to the DOJ enjoys a privilege no other citizen enjoys. He is immune from prosecution. Even if he were impeached and convicted, he would be removed from office and that is all, He would not be jailed. You want to launch a criminal investigation for no reason whatsoever. In a criminal investigation, a p[erson's freedom is at stake. That is why there should be at least suspicious activity being monitored before a investigation is launched.
about time we know why hunter got his job. yes!!!!

Try to obfuscate by bringing up a unrelated matter. Hunter Biden is a private citizen. Maybe we should find out how you got your job.
go for it. not sure why, but I'm confident in my life. why isn't he? funny, you all screaming what's trump afraid of and you all coil up like venemous snakes to keep people away. you can't live up to your own expectations of others. Oh fk, that's right, you're a fking leftist. BTW, my dad was never vice president of the country. Where certain rules apply.

It is none of your business how he got the gig. Americans have rights and a private citizen like Hunter Biden has rights. One of those rights is against unlawful prosecution. There is not a shred of evidence to warrant a investigation of Hunter Biden. You are just playing politics. Anyone who holds Trump accountable is a leftist Joe McCarthy? Then 56% of Americans are leftists. They disapprove of Trump's conduct of his office. So if you have a father that is VP, it is okay to open a political investigation? I think not. Or maybe Kushner's deals should be looked at as well considering he is part of the Trump family.

God, listen to the leading member of the impeach Trump witch mob blubbering about rights. Anyone who supports this Soviet style star chamber "inquiry" is far worse than Joe McCarthy. At least he did his business in public, before the cameras.

You must be in a contest to see how many idiocies you can cram into a single post.

Go get a education little boy. Quit defaming the name of God. That mob encompasses around 50% of Americans. Donald Trump as President is according to to the DOJ enjoys a privilege no other citizen enjoys. He is immune from prosecution. Even if he were impeached and convicted, he would be removed from office and that is all, He would not be jailed. You want to launch a criminal investigation for no reason whatsoever. In a criminal investigation, a p[erson's freedom is at stake. That is why there should be at least suspicious activity being monitored before a investigation is launched.
Trump won. Get over it Leftist. Vote him out in 2020 if you don’t like the job he is doing.
So forcing a girl down & holding your hand overt their mouth is just foreplay. Maybe for you but real men don;t need to do that.
Nope. Allegedly he was drunk and wrestled with her. It was what 35 years ago. She cannot name the time/date/place or how she got home. How about that liar Julie that Avenatti threw out there. It was all a pro choice sham and you fell for it because you’re gullible.

That is not unusual. Your attitude is why women don't come forward. They are attacked by jerks like you. You are the fool here.
LMaO so every accusation is valid? I am a father of two girls. I get how it works but that case was a sham. You’re a pussy.

The case was not a sham. There should have been a thorough FBI investigation. Kavanaugh's calendar is proof. You oppose a thorough investigation of Kavanaugh but seem to approve of a investigation of Ford for coming forward. You are the pussy. Probably turning your girls into pussies just like you.
You’re a fucking idiot. If it is so cut and dry why didn’t she sue him civilly?
Statute of limitations duh. it was obvious to anyone who's not a brainwashed functional moron that she was damn serious and not lying. I don't think it should have ended his candidacy, certainly not with scumbag Republicans and the dupes of course... You get misogynists and perverts when you put bought off Republicans on the Supreme Court it seems.
Try to obfuscate by bringing up a unrelated matter. Hunter Biden is a private citizen. Maybe we should find out how you got your job.
go for it. not sure why, but I'm confident in my life. why isn't he? funny, you all screaming what's trump afraid of and you all coil up like venemous snakes to keep people away. you can't live up to your own expectations of others. Oh fk, that's right, you're a fking leftist. BTW, my dad was never vice president of the country. Where certain rules apply.

It is none of your business how he got the gig. Americans have rights and a private citizen like Hunter Biden has rights. One of those rights is against unlawful prosecution. There is not a shred of evidence to warrant a investigation of Hunter Biden. You are just playing politics. Anyone who holds Trump accountable is a leftist Joe McCarthy? Then 56% of Americans are leftists. They disapprove of Trump's conduct of his office. So if you have a father that is VP, it is okay to open a political investigation? I think not. Or maybe Kushner's deals should be looked at as well considering he is part of the Trump family.

God, listen to the leading member of the impeach Trump witch mob blubbering about rights. Anyone who supports this Soviet style star chamber "inquiry" is far worse than Joe McCarthy. At least he did his business in public, before the cameras.

You must be in a contest to see how many idiocies you can cram into a single post.

Go get a education little boy. Quit defaming the name of God. That mob encompasses around 50% of Americans. Donald Trump as President is according to to the DOJ enjoys a privilege no other citizen enjoys. He is immune from prosecution. Even if he were impeached and convicted, he would be removed from office and that is all, He would not be jailed. You want to launch a criminal investigation for no reason whatsoever. In a criminal investigation, a p[erson's freedom is at stake. That is why there should be at least suspicious activity being monitored before a investigation is launched.
Trump won. Get over it Leftist. Vote him out in 2020 if you don’t like the job he is doing.
Not to worry, we will. to a great extent because of the evidence that has been uncovered by these investigations as the Constitution demands. Not garbage propaganda machines....who knows they might find something that even the tortoise will have to listen to.... It is obvious to anyone living in the real world that the GOP with Trump is the swamp.
Now with everything being held in schiffs secret star chamber,

You’re not smart. But you make a good sheep.

Schiff never thought president Trump would release the transcript of the phone call. Therefore he thought he could make up any horse schiff he wanted to and Trump would be unable to defend himself (as seen in schiffs opening statement in the first "hearing").

Now with everything being held in schiffs secret star chamber, he can make up any horse schiff he wants to. What witnesses say is whatever schiff want to leak to the press, whether they testified to that or not. And NOBODY in the room is allowed to speak of it or even refute what schiff leaks to the press.

Today they are reporting the "BOMBSHELL" testimony of yesterday...HOW DO THEY KNOW? Wasn't that testimony secret?

Not even half of congress heard the testimony...how do the reporters have it? How do they know it's true?

I love the conservative outrage machine.

"HOW DO THEY KNOW?" Because every single one of the witnesses has given a written statement to the press and the members of the Committee before they go into the hearing to testify.

Furthermore, not one of the nearly 50 Republicans who are members of the Committees hearing the testimony has uttered a single word to counter the statements made by the witnesses in their statements. All they are doing is pounding their fists on the table.

They're not allowed to say anything about the testimony. Closed hearings, remember?

All we're seeing are carefully chosen and unchallenged statements.
Schiff never thought president Trump would release the transcript of the phone call. Therefore he thought he could make up any horse schiff he wanted to and Trump would be unable to defend himself (as seen in schiffs opening statement in the first "hearing").

Now with everything being held in schiffs secret star chamber, he can make up any horse schiff he wants to. What witnesses say is whatever schiff want to leak to the press, whether they testified to that or not. And NOBODY in the room is allowed to speak of it or even refute what schiff leaks to the press.

Today they are reporting the "BOMBSHELL" testimony of yesterday...HOW DO THEY KNOW? Wasn't that testimony secret?

Not even half of congress heard the testimony...how do the reporters have it? How do they know it's true?

I love the conservative outrage machine.

"HOW DO THEY KNOW?" Because every single one of the witnesses has given a written statement to the press and the members of the Committee before they go into the hearing to testify.

Furthermore, not one of the nearly 50 Republicans who are members of the Committees hearing the testimony has uttered a single word to counter the statements made by the witnesses in their statements. All they are doing is pounding their fists on the table.

They're not allowed to say anything about the testimony. Closed hearings, remember?

All we're seeing are carefully chosen and unchallenged statements.
Because Republicans never leak. STFU.
Electric boat now and go work
Schiff never thought president Trump would release the transcript of the phone call. Therefore he thought he could make up any horse schiff he wanted to and Trump would be unable to defend himself (as seen in schiffs opening statement in the first "hearing").

Now with everything being held in schiffs secret star chamber, he can make up any horse schiff he wants to. What witnesses say is whatever schiff want to leak to the press, whether they testified to that or not. And NOBODY in the room is allowed to speak of it or even refute what schiff leaks to the press.

Today they are reporting the "BOMBSHELL" testimony of yesterday...HOW DO THEY KNOW? Wasn't that testimony secret?

Not even half of congress heard the testimony...how do the reporters have it? How do they know it's true?

I love the conservative outrage machine.

"HOW DO THEY KNOW?" Because every single one of the witnesses has given a written statement to the press and the members of the Committee before they go into the hearing to testify.

Furthermore, not one of the nearly 50 Republicans who are members of the Committees hearing the testimony has uttered a single word to counter the statements made by the witnesses in their statements. All they are doing is pounding their fists on the table.

They're not allowed to say anything about the testimony. Closed hearings, remember?

All we're seeing are carefully chosen and unchallenged statements.
Chosen by the witnesses themselves lol dingbat.
about time we know why hunter got his job. yes!!!!

Try to obfuscate by bringing up a unrelated matter. Hunter Biden is a private citizen. Maybe we should find out how you got your job.
go for it. not sure why, but I'm confident in my life. why isn't he? funny, you all screaming what's trump afraid of and you all coil up like venemous snakes to keep people away. you can't live up to your own expectations of others. Oh fk, that's right, you're a fking leftist. BTW, my dad was never vice president of the country. Where certain rules apply.

It is none of your business how he got the gig. Americans have rights and a private citizen like Hunter Biden has rights. One of those rights is against unlawful prosecution. There is not a shred of evidence to warrant a investigation of Hunter Biden. You are just playing politics. Anyone who holds Trump accountable is a leftist Joe McCarthy? Then 56% of Americans are leftists. They disapprove of Trump's conduct of his office. So if you have a father that is VP, it is okay to open a political investigation? I think not. Or maybe Kushner's deals should be looked at as well considering he is part of the Trump family.

God, listen to the leading member of the impeach Trump witch mob blubbering about rights. Anyone who supports this Soviet style star chamber "inquiry" is far worse than Joe McCarthy. At least he did his business in public, before the cameras.

You must be in a contest to see how many idiocies you can cram into a single post.

Look at the dumbass finger boy call the impeachment enquiry a "Star Chamber" inquiry, but not one word to defend the President's actions in trying to extort the Ukrainians into investigating his conspiracy theories. There are nearly 50 Republican members of these Committees some of whom are attending the hearings, with their counsel, and asking questions, and not one of them has defended the President on the evidence or against what is being alleged either.

All this hoopla is Trump whining about getting caught.

They're not allowed to say anything about the testimony. Closed hearings, remember?
Electric boat now and go work
Schiff never thought president Trump would release the transcript of the phone call. Therefore he thought he could make up any horse schiff he wanted to and Trump would be unable to defend himself (as seen in schiffs opening statement in the first "hearing").

Now with everything being held in schiffs secret star chamber, he can make up any horse schiff he wants to. What witnesses say is whatever schiff want to leak to the press, whether they testified to that or not. And NOBODY in the room is allowed to speak of it or even refute what schiff leaks to the press.

Today they are reporting the "BOMBSHELL" testimony of yesterday...HOW DO THEY KNOW? Wasn't that testimony secret?

Not even half of congress heard the testimony...how do the reporters have it? How do they know it's true?

I love the conservative outrage machine.

"HOW DO THEY KNOW?" Because every single one of the witnesses has given a written statement to the press and the members of the Committee before they go into the hearing to testify.

Furthermore, not one of the nearly 50 Republicans who are members of the Committees hearing the testimony has uttered a single word to counter the statements made by the witnesses in their statements. All they are doing is pounding their fists on the table.

They're not allowed to say anything about the testimony. Closed hearings, remember?

All we're seeing are carefully chosen and unchallenged statements.
Chosen by the witnesses themselves lol dingbat.

Of course, without any cross examination to gauge the truthfulness of what they say. Would you accept an unchallenged statement from Trump as gospel truth? Given your statement here, I’d have to say absolutely you would.
Nope. Allegedly he was drunk and wrestled with her. It was what 35 years ago. She cannot name the time/date/place or how she got home. How about that liar Julie that Avenatti threw out there. It was all a pro choice sham and you fell for it because you’re gullible.

That is not unusual. Your attitude is why women don't come forward. They are attacked by jerks like you. You are the fool here.
LMaO so every accusation is valid? I am a father of two girls. I get how it works but that case was a sham. You’re a pussy.

The case was not a sham. There should have been a thorough FBI investigation. Kavanaugh's calendar is proof. You oppose a thorough investigation of Kavanaugh but seem to approve of a investigation of Ford for coming forward. You are the pussy. Probably turning your girls into pussies just like you.
You’re a fucking idiot. If it is so cut and dry why didn’t she sue him civilly?
Statute of limitations duh. it was obvious to anyone who's not a brainwashed functional moron that she was damn serious and not lying. I don't think it should have ended his candidacy, certainly not with scumbag Republicans and the dupes of course... You get misogynists and perverts when you put bought off Republicans on the Supreme Court it seems.
Link....let’s see it. You’re a fucking idiot, Franco,
Every time you give a smiley it confirms you like men.

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