What should happen to kids of illegal aliens being deported?

You're wrong about what happened 100 years ago. We had strict quotas then. People had to get an immigration visa before they could come.

No other country has wide open borders like ours. They all strictly limit immigration. Why should we accept all the human refuse of the entire world?

No, the strict quotas didn't come into play until the 1920s, mainly after the Red Scare in Russia and World War I, and largely because people were afraid a massive wave of immigration from Europe following the war would result in skyrocketing unemployment rates, which turned out to be without any merit, the same argument many of you are making now, by the way. A lot of those quotas were also racist in nature and aimed at keeping certain ethnic groups out of the country, like Asians and Africans, to avoid "browning" the country. Look up the term "Yellow Peril."

True, they favored Europeans. IN other words, they favored people who share our culture.

The fear of unemployment turned out to be "unfounded" only because we limited the amount of immigration.

Note the vast reduction in immigration in the chart below:

Exactly, the parents decide. Are you seeing the difference here? The government is making the decision here so you have the government kicking out American citizens with their parents or according to some of your comrades here we can throw them in an orphanage.
So, if the parents are breaking the law, you propose what? Criminal activity by harboring fugitives, a life of welfare and poverty when the parents can't get a job, or a fresh start at age 18?

You don't think sending them back to the third world with filth and drug cartel violence is sending them in to a life of poverty? Why the hell do you think these people came here in the first place?

Why don't they do something about their own country? Have a revolution and clean up the dishonesty in government.

Ideally, that would be great, but it's easier said than done, isn't it. Furthermore, our own foreign and domestic policies have played a large role in why some of those countries have the problems they do, like our asinine War on Drugs, for instance.
Exactly, and I doubt, given the history of us foreign policy, we'd people have a revolution.
They will go as a family. Trump doesn't want to break up families


You can't deport an American citizen.
They should NOT be considered as citizens.

If they're born here, they're a citizen, Sparky.

Time to change that.

If you want to change it then petition the government to change it, but as it stands today you're a citizen if you're born here, so it's an invalid argument.
Can you blame them for leaving and seeking to come to America?

I don't blame them, but if they're illegals, they should go back.
Yeah, deport them back to communist cuba. Good idea.

Sure, after we deport 10 or 12 million illegals, we can start deporting Cubans.
*sigh* No hope. Go join the new gestapo.

Gestapo? Sending Cubans back to all their free healthcare and 100% literacy? LOL!
While I'll admit cubans have a high literacy rate and decent healthcare compared to other third world countries, it is a horrible place run by dictators.

If they're so terrible, why is Obama blowing the Castros?
You're wrong about what happened 100 years ago. We had strict quotas then. People had to get an immigration visa before they could come.

No other country has wide open borders like ours. They all strictly limit immigration. Why should we accept all the human refuse of the entire world?

No, the strict quotas didn't come into play until the 1920s, mainly after the Red Scare in Russia and World War I, and largely because people were afraid a massive wave of immigration from Europe following the war would result in skyrocketing unemployment rates, which turned out to be without any merit, the same argument many of you are making now, by the way. A lot of those quotas were also racist in nature and aimed at keeping certain ethnic groups out of the country, like Asians and Africans, to avoid "browning" the country. Look up the term "Yellow Peril."

True, they favored Europeans. IN other words, they favored people who share our culture.

The fear of unemployment turned out to be "unfounded" only because we limited the amount of immigration.

Note the vast reduction in immigration in the chart below:

If we took Mexico out of the count, what would it look like?
They will go as a family. Trump doesn't want to break up families


You can't deport an American citizen.
They should NOT be considered as citizens.

If they're born here, they're a citizen, Sparky.

Time to change that.

If you want to change it then petition the government to change it, but as it stands today you're a citizen if you're born here, so it's an invalid argument.

That will get changed in the coming Article V convention. Congress would never approve such an amendment.
Yeah, deport them back to communist cuba. Good idea.

Sure, after we deport 10 or 12 million illegals, we can start deporting Cubans.
*sigh* No hope. Go join the new gestapo.

Gestapo? Sending Cubans back to all their free healthcare and 100% literacy? LOL!
While I'll admit cubans have a high literacy rate and decent healthcare compared to other third world countries, it is a horrible place run by dictators.

If they're so terrible, why is Obama blowing the Castros?

Ending an ineffective 50 year embargo that has done nothing more than hurt the people of the country is blowing the Castros?
They will go as a family. Trump doesn't want to break up families


You can't deport an American citizen.
They should NOT be considered as citizens.

If they're born here, they're a citizen, Sparky.

Time to change that.

If you want to change it then petition the government to change it, but as it stands today you're a citizen if you're born here, so it's an invalid argument.
We wouldn't deport the child. If they can find a family to raise him here,, he can stay.
They will go as a family. Trump doesn't want to break up families


You can't deport an American citizen.
You can deport their illegal, criminal, law-breaking parents. Let the crooks decide what to do with their "citizen" offspring". Desert them to the powers that be/other relatives, or take them with until they reach majority age.
You can't deport an American citizen.
They should NOT be considered as citizens.

If they're born here, they're a citizen, Sparky.

Time to change that.

If you want to change it then petition the government to change it, but as it stands today you're a citizen if you're born here, so it's an invalid argument.

That will get changed in the coming Article V convention. Congress would never approve such an amendment.

There is no Article V convention coming, but what ever helps you sleep at night.
Sure, after we deport 10 or 12 million illegals, we can start deporting Cubans.
*sigh* No hope. Go join the new gestapo.

Gestapo? Sending Cubans back to all their free healthcare and 100% literacy? LOL!
While I'll admit cubans have a high literacy rate and decent healthcare compared to other third world countries, it is a horrible place run by dictators.

If they're so terrible, why is Obama blowing the Castros?

Ending an ineffective 50 year embargo that has done nothing more than hurt the people of the country is blowing the Castros?

They should NOT be considered as citizens.

If they're born here, they're a citizen, Sparky.

Time to change that.

If you want to change it then petition the government to change it, but as it stands today you're a citizen if you're born here, so it's an invalid argument.

That will get changed in the coming Article V convention. Congress would never approve such an amendment.

There is no Article V convention coming, but what ever helps you sleep at night.

It's getting closer every day.
We'll give the Mexican government ample time to set up little tent cities for all the influx of refugees.

True, they favored Europeans. IN other words, they favored people who share our culture.

Translation: White people.

Can't have too many of those brown people from south of the border here, can we.

No, actually. Why do you want to flood this country with a culture that is totally alien to ours?

I happen to be friends with a lot of Hispanics and Asians. They are very populous here. Tell me exactly what is alien about them? I'm curious to know. If anything, I find you to be far more off putting.
So what are you suggesting here? That we, the United States Citizens, change our entire immigration system because of the "children" so we don't have to feel bad?

No, we change it because it's the sensible thing to do. This country was built on immigration. A hundred years ago people were coming here on boats by the tens of thousands and we had them sign their name in a book and be on there way and I'd say everything turned out pretty damn good in the long term. Now we've made it so absurdly complicated and time consuming that people are skirting the law. Unless you're intent on applying brute force that's what happens.

Let me tell you something, I'm sick of changing for them. I'm sick of having to press 1 to speak our language. I'm sick of having to choose between an English ballot or Spanish ballot at the voting places. I'm sick of having to change for them.

Oh, you poor baby! You have to choose between two?? That must be so incredibly trying for you. Most countries in the world have more than one official language spoken. Go to Canada and you'll find everything in English and French. Go to Europe and you'll find things reprinted in many different languages. Last time I was in Barcelona I ate at a restaurant where I could choose the language of my menu. Why is it that if somehow we have two widely spoken languages in the U.S. instead of just English that suddenly mean shit's going to come crashing down? That's just your xenophobia speaking.

Hey! I was here first. It's about time you change for me--not the other way around.

Yeah, I'm guessing a lot of Native American Indian tribes are going to disagree with you on that one.

People of any country have the right to fight in defense when they are being invaded, and yes, we are being invaded.

They are changing our language, changing our rate of pay, changing our laws. Taking jobs away from real Americans. What other country allows this besides the US?

You "surrender first" Americans better think about what you're giving up in return to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. So yes, I will choose to fight to keep our country the way it is, and hopefully return it to the way it was.
Then go grab your guns and start shooting suspected illegal immigrants because they're brown. After all, we're enduring a full scale invasion.

That goes back to the old saying: there is more than one way to skin a cat. Our skinner is Donald Trump, and while I don't agree with a lot of things he says, he's at least pointing us in the right direction when it comes to immigration.

There are only two choices in this matter: let them walk all over us, or we walk all over them. It's our country.
If they're born here, they're a citizen, Sparky.

Time to change that.

If you want to change it then petition the government to change it, but as it stands today you're a citizen if you're born here, so it's an invalid argument.

That will get changed in the coming Article V convention. Congress would never approve such an amendment.

There is no Article V convention coming, but what ever helps you sleep at night.

It's getting closer every day.

When you're dreaming.
True, they favored Europeans. IN other words, they favored people who share our culture.

Translation: White people.

Can't have too many of those brown people from south of the border here, can we.

No, actually. Why do you want to flood this country with a culture that is totally alien to ours?
Time to start fining companies that hire the illegals. Fin them the $12,000 for each illegal they hire.
They will go as a family. Trump doesn't want to break up families


You can't deport an American citizen.
Thee would be taking their child willingly. Waiting until the child is old enough to come here legally, allows the parents to sign up and come over legally, too.

The child isn't leaving willingly because the parents are being forced to leave and they have to go with them.
Children do what their parents demand. Children have no free will.

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