What should happen when a president openly DEFIES the law?

the pos is going to obstruct congressional inquires??
What did Obama do?

Newsflash, Cupcake: Obama isn't doing a thing. He moved out of the White House. A big moving van pulled up and loaded up all his stuff, a van loaded up him and his family and they left. Then the new Occupant moved in. It doesn't matter what Obama did or not. It's about what Trump is doing now, what he's done as President and what he is going to do as President in the future. Sorry, won't let you get away with, "Hey, look over there".
Newsflash, Cupcake
You lost the election.
Lost the states WON the people.....And soon folks will realize they don't want a loud mouth lying bully in charge
Yes, he certainly did lose NYC and LA.
So you say the majority of the peoples votes don't matter
What did Obama do?

Newsflash, Cupcake: Obama isn't doing a thing. He moved out of the White House. A big moving van pulled up and loaded up all his stuff, a van loaded up him and his family and they left. Then the new Occupant moved in. It doesn't matter what Obama did or not. It's about what Trump is doing now, what he's done as President and what he is going to do as President in the future. Sorry, won't let you get away with, "Hey, look over there".
Newsflash, Cupcake
You lost the election.
Lost the states WON the people.....And soon folks will realize they don't want a loud mouth lying bully in charge
Yes, he certainly did lose NYC and LA.
So you say the majority of the peoples votes don't matter
I wonder if it went the other way you'd feel the same
What did Obama do?

Newsflash, Cupcake: Obama isn't doing a thing. He moved out of the White House. A big moving van pulled up and loaded up all his stuff, a van loaded up him and his family and they left. Then the new Occupant moved in. It doesn't matter what Obama did or not. It's about what Trump is doing now, what he's done as President and what he is going to do as President in the future. Sorry, won't let you get away with, "Hey, look over there".
Newsflash, Cupcake
You lost the election.
Lost the states WON the people.....And soon folks will realize they don't want a loud mouth lying bully in charge
Yes, he certainly did lose NYC and LA.
So you say the majority of the peoples votes don't matter
Only to the losers, the electoral college is what matters.
Newsflash, Cupcake: Obama isn't doing a thing. He moved out of the White House. A big moving van pulled up and loaded up all his stuff, a van loaded up him and his family and they left. Then the new Occupant moved in. It doesn't matter what Obama did or not. It's about what Trump is doing now, what he's done as President and what he is going to do as President in the future. Sorry, won't let you get away with, "Hey, look over there".
Newsflash, Cupcake
You lost the election.
Lost the states WON the people.....And soon folks will realize they don't want a loud mouth lying bully in charge
Yes, he certainly did lose NYC and LA.
So you say the majority of the peoples votes don't matter
I wonder if it went the other way you'd feel the same
Yes I would, I can accept defeat and wait for the next election.
I would be upset at the policies as I was with Obama's.
Never had the hate that the left has for Trump.
I never was a birther and never called him a illegitimate president because
my guy lost.
Since I vote for the person and register as an Independent, why do I see this primarily coming from the right wingers? You want my vote, present something a whole lot better than the Donald. There are quite few good choices. Do you hate America that bad?
Hillary would have been a good choice for you. Gotta love those sanctuary cities and states. Yes, the democrats are soooo much better than those
evil republicans, Daryl.

So you want me to have to choose between Satan and the Devil. So which one did you present? So you see that the other side is presenting a piece of crap so you say, Hey, we just have to only present what we think is slight less of a piece of cow dung. Hate to break it to you but we are damned tired of having cow dung choices. And Trump is cow dung as was (and still is) Hillary. But Hillary is NEVER going to be President so drop that crap right now. Stay focused on the now and the future.
What I stay focused on is my checkbook, and so should you.

Ok, I will. According too my checkbook, my taxes went up. Next year, I get worse Medicare. My Tricare gets cut. I will pay more on my Medicare and Tricare Deductables. My Taxes will be even higher. I am one of the last surviving Middle Class and we are royally screwed.

Auto Workers used to make 25 to 30 bucks an hour. Now, they are making 18 to 22 bucks an hour (if they still have their jobs). There are more people working but the pay is lower for the blue color working class. More people are working part time than ever before and it is counted the same as full time employment on the counts. We gained more jobs but traded many high paying full time jobs for lower paying part time jobs. This has been going on far longer than Trump has been President. But Trump crows about how well he's doing and takes credit for it. Okay, he gets the credit. But he also gets the blame since it's happening on HIS watch and continues to get worse.

Yes, vote with your checkbook.
Just wait until we get these liberals that have socialistic policies getting through. Then I'll listen to your complaints, Daryl.
My state taxes went up because of the closing of some loopholes from the feds, but I'm wealthier today than I was a year ago, and much better off since Trump got into office.
Once the democrats take over, there will be changes, I'm not going to like it and neither will you.

They already took over here. And my State taxes are going up. By the same token, the right wingers control the local government. Guess what, my local taxes are going up. What's the cause?

At the state level, the right wing cut corporate taxes too much now the rest of us have to pay for it. Plus, there are some programs that will make everyone's life much better but they do cost money. So taxes go up. But you will find that our Democrats are about equal to a California Republican so it's not exactly doomsday. And I doubt if it's doomsday where you are either.

At the local level that is Right Wing controlled (notice I no longer can call them conservatives) they made so many really dumb 5 year deals for new corporate businesses where after 5 years, the Corporations just bid out to another community and packed up and left. Corporations that were here all along also wanted some of those breaks but didn't receive any of them. Many of them are moving out as well now and have been for about a decade. The community services have got hell in a hand basket and now we need to figure out a way to pay for it so taxes (including sales and property tax) have to go up. There are a host of other problems but I won't go into them. Yes, more people are working but more people are working low paying part time jobs than ever before. Yes, the day is saved, you can sleep well.
Here we go again.

You lost....Get the fuck over it.....Get a life.

The fun is just starting,.................Could you make your fucked uo memes a bit bigger???

(Fuckball is a waste of cyberspace......LOL)
the pos is going to obstruct congressional inquires??
What did Obama do?

Newsflash, Cupcake: Obama isn't doing a thing. He moved out of the White House. A big moving van pulled up and loaded up all his stuff, a van loaded up him and his family and they left. Then the new Occupant moved in. It doesn't matter what Obama did or not. It's about what Trump is doing now, what he's done as President and what he is going to do as President in the future. Sorry, won't let you get away with, "Hey, look over there".
Newsflash, Cupcake
You lost the election.

How nice of you to point out what I pointed out. That moving van is on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
What should happen when a president openly DEFIES the law?


You lost the election.
Lost the states WON the people.....And soon folks will realize they don't want a loud mouth lying bully in charge
Yes, he certainly did lose NYC and LA.
So you say the majority of the peoples votes don't matter
I wonder if it went the other way you'd feel the same
Yes I would, I can accept defeat and wait for the next election.
I would be upset at the policies as I was with Obama's.
Never had the hate that the left has for Trump.
I never was a birther and never called him a illegitimate president because
my guy lost.

Oh, the Irony.
Trump is ignoring the Constitution because it doesn’t please him
Just like what the democrats, do, Daryl.

Since I vote for the person and register as an Independent, why do I see this primarily coming from the right wingers? You want my vote, present something a whole lot better than the Donald. There are quite few good choices. Do you hate America that bad?
Hillary would have been a good choice for you. Gotta love those sanctuary cities and states. Yes, the democrats are soooo much better than those
evil republicans, Daryl.

So you want me to have to choose between Satan and the Devil. So which one did you present? So you see that the other side is presenting a piece of crap so you say, Hey, we just have to only present what we think is slight less of a piece of cow dung. Hate to break it to you but we are damned tired of having cow dung choices. And Trump is cow dung as was (and still is) Hillary. But Hillary is NEVER going to be President so drop that crap right now. Stay focused on the now and the future.
What I stay focused on is my checkbook, and so should you.

Ok, I will. According too my checkbook, my taxes went up. Next year, I get worse Medicare. My Tricare gets cut. I will pay more on my Medicare and Tricare Deductables. My Taxes will be even higher. I am one of the last surviving Middle Class and we are royally screwed.

Auto Workers used to make 25 to 30 bucks an hour. Now, they are making 18 to 22 bucks an hour (if they still have their jobs). There are more people working but the pay is lower for the blue color working class. More people are working part time than ever before and it is counted the same as full time employment on the counts. We gained more jobs but traded many high paying full time jobs for lower paying part time jobs. This has been going on far longer than Trump has been President. But Trump crows about how well he's doing and takes credit for it. Okay, he gets the credit. But he also gets the blame since it's happening on HIS watch and continues to get worse.

Yes, vote with your checkbook.
I know. Cut the retirees pensions and medical benefits by at least a third and more and watch the economy grow. Auto workers destroyed Detroit!
Since I vote for the person and register as an Independent, why do I see this primarily coming from the right wingers? You want my vote, present something a whole lot better than the Donald. There are quite few good choices. Do you hate America that bad?
Hillary would have been a good choice for you. Gotta love those sanctuary cities and states. Yes, the democrats are soooo much better than those
evil republicans, Daryl.

So you want me to have to choose between Satan and the Devil. So which one did you present? So you see that the other side is presenting a piece of crap so you say, Hey, we just have to only present what we think is slight less of a piece of cow dung. Hate to break it to you but we are damned tired of having cow dung choices. And Trump is cow dung as was (and still is) Hillary. But Hillary is NEVER going to be President so drop that crap right now. Stay focused on the now and the future.
What I stay focused on is my checkbook, and so should you.

Ok, I will. According too my checkbook, my taxes went up. Next year, I get worse Medicare. My Tricare gets cut. I will pay more on my Medicare and Tricare Deductables. My Taxes will be even higher. I am one of the last surviving Middle Class and we are royally screwed.

Auto Workers used to make 25 to 30 bucks an hour. Now, they are making 18 to 22 bucks an hour (if they still have their jobs). There are more people working but the pay is lower for the blue color working class. More people are working part time than ever before and it is counted the same as full time employment on the counts. We gained more jobs but traded many high paying full time jobs for lower paying part time jobs. This has been going on far longer than Trump has been President. But Trump crows about how well he's doing and takes credit for it. Okay, he gets the credit. But he also gets the blame since it's happening on HIS watch and continues to get worse.

Yes, vote with your checkbook.
I know. Cut the retirees pensions and medical benefits by at least a third and more and watch the economy grow. Auto workers destroyed Detroit!
As robots become a bigger part of our economy things do not look good for the blue collar worker
Since I vote for the person and register as an Independent, why do I see this primarily coming from the right wingers? You want my vote, present something a whole lot better than the Donald. There are quite few good choices. Do you hate America that bad?
Hillary would have been a good choice for you. Gotta love those sanctuary cities and states. Yes, the democrats are soooo much better than those
evil republicans, Daryl.

So you want me to have to choose between Satan and the Devil. So which one did you present? So you see that the other side is presenting a piece of crap so you say, Hey, we just have to only present what we think is slight less of a piece of cow dung. Hate to break it to you but we are damned tired of having cow dung choices. And Trump is cow dung as was (and still is) Hillary. But Hillary is NEVER going to be President so drop that crap right now. Stay focused on the now and the future.
What I stay focused on is my checkbook, and so should you.

Ok, I will. According too my checkbook, my taxes went up. Next year, I get worse Medicare. My Tricare gets cut. I will pay more on my Medicare and Tricare Deductables. My Taxes will be even higher. I am one of the last surviving Middle Class and we are royally screwed.

Auto Workers used to make 25 to 30 bucks an hour. Now, they are making 18 to 22 bucks an hour (if they still have their jobs). There are more people working but the pay is lower for the blue color working class. More people are working part time than ever before and it is counted the same as full time employment on the counts. We gained more jobs but traded many high paying full time jobs for lower paying part time jobs. This has been going on far longer than Trump has been President. But Trump crows about how well he's doing and takes credit for it. Okay, he gets the credit. But he also gets the blame since it's happening on HIS watch and continues to get worse.

Yes, vote with your checkbook.
I know. Cut the retirees pensions and medical benefits by at least a third and more and watch the economy grow. Auto workers destroyed Detroit!

And you will have another depression with a bunch of retirees with guns running around cold, wet, hungry and very, very angry. Just like in 1933.
Trump is ignoring the Constitution because it doesn’t please him

Yes, yes......for Trump, that "silly" Constitution doesn't mention his name, has too many fancy words in it, and is too much of a hindrance to his fragile ego.
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.
Go fuck yourself, it's a political job they are trying to find something on him.....it wont work......because most people are lefty lemmings.........you people are really really disgusting
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.
not sure what they do in other countries,,,but in the USA when a POTUS breaks the law the dems and repubes usually re-elect them

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