What should POTUS say in the SOTU?


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
What should POTUS say in the SOTU? I would say POTUS #44 would be hard pressed to top this...

<snip> “The profits of corporations have doubled, while workers wages have only increased by one quarter. In other words, profits have gone up four times as much as wages. And the small increase the workers did receive was more than eaten up by rising prices which have also bored into their savings. For example, here’s an Associated Press dispatch I read the other day about Smith L. Carpenter, a carpenter in Union Springs New York. Seems that Mister Carpenter retired some years ago thinking he had enough money saved so that he could live out his last years without having to worry. But he didn’t figure on this Republican inflation which ate up all his savings. And so he’s gone back to work. The reason this is news; is Mister Carpenter is ninety-one years old. Now take as a contrast the Standard Oil Company..."

...but if he says the above, he'll be guilty of plagiarizing POTUS #40.
"...and I'd have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you pesky kids!"
I think he should talk about Megan Kelly and her thoughts on the White Santa and Jesus issues.
"...and in closing, let me quote my father, who once said the following words of wisdom: "where the white women at?""
"...and so the Republicans keep talking about how horrifying the debt is, how horrifying the body count in Afghanistan is, how horrifying Obamacare is. Let me be clear: I have seen horrifying. You want to know what horrifying is? My fellow Americans, I no longer fear Hell because I have seen Michelle naked."
We are $17 trillion in debt and that is just not nearly enough.

I promise Americans I will do everything in my power get us to at least $20 trillion in debt by the time I
leave office.
He could talk about how pissed the Teaparty was with the Filibuster rules change.
What Obama should say and what he will say are to different things.

He will claim that Obamacare is great.
He will claim the economy is great.
He will demonize the republican party.
He will speak in far left propaganda and talking points.

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