What should POTUS say in the SOTU?

"We must build roads to nowhere,spend like crazy on education and produce kids that are dumber then ever,spending for research on the mating habits of transgender albino beavers in the Pacific Northwest
has to be increased 100 fold....
If you're having spending problems, I feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but the national debt ain't one.
He will go on and on for 90 minutes at least about all the great things he has done.
I will give him about 30 minutes and then bail.
If he was a real man he would apologize for being so inept and screwing things up so bad for millions of citizens. He would then resign.

But since he isn't a real man but a failed community organizer he will just chant left wing bullsh*t and more lies and step off the stage like he's impressed someone.
Oh my a far left blog site!

Are you calling conservative god, i.e. POTUS #40, a far lefty? -snicker-

Attacking the source doesn't change the fact that when Reagan's mind was functioning normally he was a progressive...
Why are you afraid to address the subject of the thread?
1. We're going to start the long move away from fossil fuels
2. We're going to spend more on education, infrastructure and science here in America
3. We're going to try to become number one again

And here is how he would have to explain it:

1. We are placing wind mills or non-rechargable batteries on every vehicle, currently propelled by fossil fuel and plug the gas tank.

2. We are going to let disruptive brats behave any damn way they like. We will spend more on "education" in order to stuff the pension fund of "teachers" who couldn't care less about kids. We will let roads go to rat shit, because they are used only by gas-guzzling and environmentally unfriendly cars and trucks that deliver the food you eat.

3. We are going to be like Detroit. NUMBER 1!!!
"See this?

This is the "I Win" button.

No, it wasn't that easy.

You bitches shut down the government after I saved the auto industry, financial sector, killed Bin Laden, Gaddafi, Al - Awlaki and a whole lotta other mutherfuckers wanting their 70 virgins.

You bitches called me commie muslim dirty diaper poopy head when you really just wanted to say N* and the market shot up to 16K.

But I'm still here. And I still win.

So I am going to Disney.

Happy fucking holiday.


Peace out"

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