What should the GOP do now?

Here's an idea.
Let the GOP figure out what they need to do, on their own. Liberals don't need to give advice or pointers.

A lot of conservatives are actually pretty intelligent. They'll figure it out.

I agree. :eusa_pray:

Let these "smart" conservatives figure it out, as a Liberal/Socialist, I love winning.

They have already almost completely forgotten that there was a precedent this election, the demographics OFFICIALLY did not add up.. Game, set, match.


That's not passive-aggressive at all.

They'll change. I don't know how, because I'm not a Republican, but they'll change. They've got to. I want them to; I don't want this country run purely by Democrats. There's got to be a right just as much as there has to be a left.
Why should you care what the GOP does, or doesn't do? Another liberal who professes to know what is best for somebody else.

Interesting. First of all, I care because I want two strong parties, so that each can keep the other in check. If you want to think that anyone who challenges you to think a bit is a liberal, that's your problem, not mine.

Secondly, please explain how I profess "to know what is best for somebody else", when I'm asking for your opinion.

You're trying too hard. Perhaps you should step away from the radio for a while. If you don't have an answer to my honest question, maybe you could just say, "gee, I don't know." Maybe Rush will cover it for you.


I don't listen to much radio at all. You want two strong parties? Start by telling me what GOP candidates you have ever voted for Nationally to back that statement up? :lol: I'm very aware that you are a Liberal based upon your posts on this board... There is no black magic afoot. The honest question you should be asking yourself is what personal handouts were you intent on securing by voting for Obama? You certainly didn't vote for him based upon his stellar record of accomplishments... Unless of course you define stellar accomplishments as financial rewards for lazy people who choose not to work, and would rather bitch about people who succeed than work to succeed themselves. I hardly think Republicans need to start outlining their plans for 2014 to the very people who oppose them... It would probably be in your own best interest to worry more about how Obama is going to pay for all those broken promises he has been making for the last four years that never seem to materialize for his base. Like ending the WOT, closing GITMO, and eliminating the Patriot Act. Yes, you Democrats won the election... But what did you really win? That's right... George Bush's fourth term. It's funny that the person the left despises the most (Bush) is the very person Obama has chosen to model his entire Presidency upon... Including the use of the very timelines Bush put in place such a short time ago... You ever get the feeling you've been had? :lol:

Another non-answer.

I wonder why this is so difficult.

insulting the very voters you need to EVER win another election is not smart IF you desire to win an election.
Here's an idea.
Let the GOP figure out what they need to do, on their own. Liberals don't need to give advice or pointers.

A lot of conservatives are actually pretty intelligent. They'll figure it out.

I agree. :eusa_pray:

Let these "smart" conservatives figure it out, as a Liberal/Socialist, I love winning.

They have already almost completely forgotten that there was a precedent this election, the demographics OFFICIALLY did not add up.. Game, set, match.


What a totally original position! :lmao:

Says the "conservative/libertarian" bandwagoner who uses childish phrases like "LOLberal". :lol:

Now, tell everyone about how you are not a bandwagoner.
they are dinosaurs in a tar pit.

the republican party will have to clean house of these idiots who never get anything right if they want to win elections in the future
Interesting. First of all, I care because I want two strong parties, so that each can keep the other in check. If you want to think that anyone who challenges you to think a bit is a liberal, that's your problem, not mine.

Secondly, please explain how I profess "to know what is best for somebody else", when I'm asking for your opinion.

You're trying too hard. Perhaps you should step away from the radio for a while. If you don't have an answer to my honest question, maybe you could just say, "gee, I don't know." Maybe Rush will cover it for you.


I don't listen to much radio at all. You want two strong parties? Start by telling me what GOP candidates you have ever voted for Nationally to back that statement up? :lol: I'm very aware that you are a Liberal based upon your posts on this board... There is no black magic afoot. The honest question you should be asking yourself is what personal handouts were you intent on securing by voting for Obama? You certainly didn't vote for him based upon his stellar record of accomplishments... Unless of course you define stellar accomplishments as financial rewards for lazy people who choose not to work, and would rather bitch about people who succeed than work to succeed themselves. I hardly think Republicans need to start outlining their plans for 2014 to the very people who oppose them... It would probably be in your own best interest to worry more about how Obama is going to pay for all those broken promises he has been making for the last four years that never seem to materialize for his base. Like ending the WOT, closing GITMO, and eliminating the Patriot Act. Yes, you Democrats won the election... But what did you really win? That's right... George Bush's fourth term. It's funny that the person the left despises the most (Bush) is the very person Obama has chosen to model his entire Presidency upon... Including the use of the very timelines Bush put in place such a short time ago... You ever get the feeling you've been had? :lol:

Another non-answer.

I wonder why this is so difficult.


Thanks for the intellectual response.
I agree. :eusa_pray:

Let these "smart" conservatives figure it out, as a Liberal/Socialist, I love winning.

They have already almost completely forgotten that there was a precedent this election, the demographics OFFICIALLY did not add up.. Game, set, match.


What a totally original position! :lmao:

Says the "conservative/libertarian" bandwagoner who uses childish phrases like "LOLberal". :lol:

Now, tell everyone about how you are not a bandwagoner.

Socialism works really well.
If I were Republicans I would try to restrict access to voting so that only rich, white christians are allowed to vote
Republicans were too haphazard in their attempts to block the vote

They need an organized process where white, male Christians can have open access to the polls while "non-desirables" are frustrated and forced to endure endless paperwork, long lines and challenges to their eligibility
They have no idea what to do

The Mensa elite chime in. :lol:

when have you EVER turned out to be correct in a prediction on the effects of a policy?

being stupid and wrong all the time is not a badge of honor you fool

Would you care to link to ANY instance of me being incorrect predicting the effects of a policy? If there is one thing that I hold dear at USMB it is honesty... And you my pea-brained liberal friend are being decidedly dishonest. I await your response, and your link to my words... Or are you just going to admit that you are a fucking lying bitch rather than prove the unprovable?
Nothing lasts forever.

We've had a good run, it might be time to call it quits.

That's a good way of looking at it. After all, both Russia and China have abandoned communist principles. There's no telling that the US might abandon communism too, at some point in the future. But not today. Today we are in a headlong rush to redistribution. Liberals have the secure belief that 1% can support the 99% in cradle to grave retirement.

Should the GOP do what they were elected to do which is obstruct as much as possible? Or, should they hasten the process along knowing that the sooner we become fully communist the sooner we will start getting out of it. It took Russia 75 years before it recognized its mistake. How long will it take us?

That's even supposing that we are allowed to descend into communism. The United States is a very rich country with a lot of natural resources begging for exploitation. The existing divisions could easily be exploited by some stronger country taking advantage of our fracturing and disintegrating nation.
If I were Republicans I would try to restrict access to voting so that only rich, white christians are allowed to vote

Block the mentally retarded from voting as well.

They are not "people", more like human shaped dogs.

Well if we let socialists, welfare recipients and dead people vote, we may as well let the easily manipulated mentally handicapped vote too. Or perhaps I repeat myself. :eusa_shifty:
Interesting. First of all, I care because I want two strong parties, so that each can keep the other in check. If you want to think that anyone who challenges you to think a bit is a liberal, that's your problem, not mine.

Secondly, please explain how I profess "to know what is best for somebody else", when I'm asking for your opinion.

You're trying too hard. Perhaps you should step away from the radio for a while. If you don't have an answer to my honest question, maybe you could just say, "gee, I don't know." Maybe Rush will cover it for you.


I don't listen to much radio at all. You want two strong parties? Start by telling me what GOP candidates you have ever voted for Nationally to back that statement up? :lol: I'm very aware that you are a Liberal based upon your posts on this board... There is no black magic afoot. The honest question you should be asking yourself is what personal handouts were you intent on securing by voting for Obama? You certainly didn't vote for him based upon his stellar record of accomplishments... Unless of course you define stellar accomplishments as financial rewards for lazy people who choose not to work, and would rather bitch about people who succeed than work to succeed themselves. I hardly think Republicans need to start outlining their plans for 2014 to the very people who oppose them... It would probably be in your own best interest to worry more about how Obama is going to pay for all those broken promises he has been making for the last four years that never seem to materialize for his base. Like ending the WOT, closing GITMO, and eliminating the Patriot Act. Yes, you Democrats won the election... But what did you really win? That's right... George Bush's fourth term. It's funny that the person the left despises the most (Bush) is the very person Obama has chosen to model his entire Presidency upon... Including the use of the very timelines Bush put in place such a short time ago... You ever get the feeling you've been had? :lol:

Another non-answer.

I wonder why this is so difficult.


This is so difficult because the right have demonized Obama and can't admit he is doing exactly as they should be doing. Obama is taking a page out of President Clinton's play book. Preach to the liberal base and govern in the middle, even slightly right of middle. What are the republicans going to do agree with the President? Go left of the President?

Examples. Republicans bash Obamacare as a redistribution of wealth but also say it is tax on the middle class. Is that socialism? Also if the middle class is paying for Obamacare than businesses are not. Obama bailed out the banks and the auto industry. Again, that doesn't quite fit socialism. Did he put special restriction on the industries that they had to use union labor or pay for childcare? Republicans had to pick Mitt who is wacky right fiscally or else they would have to admit Obama was standing on their ground. I call myself 'left of liberal' because if Obama is liberal left of that is only two degrees off center.
Another non-answer.

I wonder why this is so difficult.


This is so difficult because the right have demonized Obama and can't admit he is doing exactly as they should be doing. Obama is taking a page out of President Clinton's play book. Preach to the liberal base and govern in the middle, even slightly right of middle. What are the republicans going to do agree with the President? Go left of the President?

Examples. Republicans bash Obamacare as a redistribution of wealth but also say it is tax on the middle class. Is that socialism? Also if the middle class is paying for Obamacare than businesses are not. Obama bailed out the banks and the auto industry. Again, that doesn't quite fit socialism. Did he put special restriction on the industries that they had to use union labor or pay for childcare? Republicans had to pick Mitt who is wacky right fiscally or else they would have to admit Obama was standing on their ground. I call myself 'left of liberal' because if Obama is liberal left of that is only two degrees off center.

What about the issue of demographics? Can the GOP try to improve its standing with minorities without looking contrived and dishonest? I don't know how the party moves forward without that group.


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