What should the U.S. do about Libya?

The U.S. already has Special Forces in there. And you do know what Special Forces are used for right?

Pre-Invasion ops.
We need to help behind the scenes. Looking like we're after Libya's oil in any way, just adds fuel to the Islamists' arguments. Khadafy's hanging on for now, but I don't see him surviving. We need to hang back a bit and let the Libyan people have their glory, like in Egypt and Germany.
What should we do?

We should end the red tape preventing us from producing our own enegy on a massive scale. That way the events in Libya don't effect our lives too badly. Then we as individuals should pray and support the people overthrowing Ghadafi while our government does what it should do and not get involved.
We shouldn't be doing a damn thing lest we be accused of starting wars for oil. Not one damn thing should we do, let them work it out.
We need to help behind the scenes. Looking like we're after Libya's oil in any way, just adds fuel to the Islamists' arguments. Khadafy's hanging on for now, but I don't see him surviving. We need to hang back a bit and let the Libyan people have their glory, like in Egypt and Germany.

The idea of enforcing a "no fly zone" was confronted by reality yesterday when Gates told a congressional commitee yesterday that to do that would first require a pre-emptive strike to destroy Libya's air defenses.

"Lets call a spade a spade" Gates said "A 'no fly zone' begins with an attack on Libya"

And guess who would have to deliver that attack, accept it's consequences, and be put in the position of maintaining it, for good or ill.
Time for our allies to take up the slack, we can't do it all, and we shouldn't
We need to help behind the scenes. Looking like we're after Libya's oil in any way, just adds fuel to the Islamists' arguments. Khadafy's hanging on for now, but I don't see him surviving. We need to hang back a bit and let the Libyan people have their glory, like in Egypt and Germany.

The idea of enforcing a "no fly zone" was confronted by reality yesterday when Gates told a congressional commitee yesterday that to do that would first require a pre-emptive strike to destroy Libya's air defenses.

"Lets call a spade a spade" Gates said "A 'no fly zone' begins with an attack on Libya"

And guess who would have to deliver that attack, accept it's consequences, and be put in the position of maintaining it, for good or ill.
Liberals have to think one of three things about their "Dear Reader":

a. He's a Liar.
b. He's incompetent.
c. He's a puppet.

I for one am enjoying watching Liberal heads explode over at DemocratUnderground. :lol:
They should sit this one out. There will be a new dictator ruling that country in less than a week or whenever they decide who the HMFIC is going to be.

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