What sort of man supports abortion?

Another phony crying thread about abortion from right wingers who would rather see babies and children dying from lack of health care if it meant taxes have to be raised.
Another phony crying thread about abortion from right wingers who would rather see babies and children dying from lack of health care if it meant taxes have to be raised.
Yeah nobody's burned that straw man before (about 15x so far in this thread).
It's funny how often the pro murder crowd around here throws the term zygote out there...You'd think they could actually, you know, research what that is instead of just regurgitating that term over and over.

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Abortion is not 'murder,' the notion is ignorant idiocy.

And it's telling how often those hostile to privacy rights seek to propagate the lie that abortion is 'murder.'

One would think they'd instead research the law and learn that an embryo/fetus is not a 'baby,' and not entitled to Constitutional protections, rather than just regurgitating the lie that abortion is 'murder' over and over.

Regurgitating a lie is the bread and butter of the willfully ignorant RWers. This is especially true if it is a lie that plucks at the heart strings of emotional people that transfer their own pain and suffering onto others including a fetus barely aware of it's surroundings.

Of course a fetus COULD become a fully functional aware human being that would suffer the same injuries eventually that we all have as we go through life. BUT it is not yet of that fully developed status when abortions are legally allowed to occur.

We are not ON PAPER a horrific people. Our laws are for the most part well thought out with every angle considered. We as a nation have decided rightfully that the rights of the woman to choose outweigh the rights of the not yet fully developed fetus.

These silly RWers act like absolutely no thought has been exhausted even by the pregnant mother in what to do with an unwanted pregnancy. i submit that these interlopers put far less thought into the act of another persons decision to end a pregnancy that they do with their supposed grief.
So only fully functional humans are worthy of life? That means if a relative wants to kill a disabled vet, they should be able.

That is a good question worthy of a responsible reply. My answer is yes and no. I do believe it is the right of any human being to call it quits and end their own life if the quality of that life is endless grinding pain with no medical solution.

I am a victim of similar pain in my life known as chronic pain. Mine isn't the type that cannot be suppressed with pain medications. If I had no access to pain meds my life would be miserable and hardly worth living. With this experience I live with every day I can certainly see how someone with much worse pain could decide that being tortured every waking moment is hardly a life worth living. Only a sadistic person would want another person to go through horrible pain till they die from natural causes. No one save maybe a doctor with enough experience in human pain management should have the right to decide how much pain is enough to suffer.

So to answer your question as a "yes" I can see it possible where this could be a merciful end to anyone's life including a vet.

If your question was supposed to be "glib" and dismissive and you actually meant could a person just kill another because they were a nuisance my answer is how dare you take such a situation with blatant disregard for the reality of their lives.
My scenario had nothing to do with a person deciding to end his own life. My scenario reflected a relative or loved one or doctor making that decision for you....and based on how much of a nuisance do they "want" in their lives.

You really are mentally ill.

You REALLY need to get right with something very important Sugar Tits. That point being that America ALLOWS you to be a part of an organized and accepted religion. That DOES NOT MEAN we are obligated IN ANY WAY to accept your wholly made up inference that your scriptures define the rules regarding much of real every day life including abortion. Your precious Jesus never said a single word about abortion. All this boo hooing about abortion is something you and your crazy friends made up all by yourselves. Since it IS NOT a recognized part of your religion you MUST submit to the law just as ALL Americans must. You get no special waiver just because you believe in sky fairies.

No one is allowed to murder living breathing human beings for the sake of convenience. THAT idea is nonsense and just as wholly made up out of cloth as MOST of the blathering you throw your heart into.

Trying to tie abortion into some weird scenario where actual human beings, not the fetus variety, are killed with the government(the Law)'s blessing is pure nonsense. It is just more evidence of your mental instability.

Like I said. You are in fact insane. Insane people don't get to run the show Sweetheart. We tolerate you . We do not follow your crazy advice.

Our society has had thousands of years to define our laws and abortion(, within the required time line), is NOT MURDER. Murder is very well defined by our laws. There is not and there will not be any NEW information concerning abortion to rediscover and overturn abortion activity.

So....please shut the hell up and stop bothering law abiding citizens with your crazy bullshit.
What happens when the father wants the child and the mother doesn't want to carry it to term? ABORTION. A human life killed when there was a willing parent.

The day that the father can have the fetus transferred to his own body for nurturing and birth then that is the day we must consider HIS feelings and honest devotion to the as yet unborn child.
Ew... that doesn't sound good. Someone was there to raise this child and they tore it up instead. Not good at all.

Raising the child is one issue...having the child in one's body to term and giving birth is another.
I'd say it is incredibly selfish to abort so it doesn't interfere with a few months of your life. Those who think that abortion is fine, think if their mothers had abortions instead of going through bringing it to term. One less liberal.

Glibly wishing an American dead for having liberal ideas is proof you are a sociopath no different from much of the convicted murderers in our prisons including Charles Manson who never actually killed anyone in LA ...just wished it so..
Abortion is not 'murder,' the notion is ignorant idiocy.

And it's telling how often those hostile to privacy rights seek to propagate the lie that abortion is 'murder.'

One would think they'd instead research the law and learn that an embryo/fetus is not a 'baby,' and not entitled to Constitutional protections, rather than just regurgitating the lie that abortion is 'murder' over and over.

Regurgitating a lie is the bread and butter of the willfully ignorant RWers. This is especially true if it is a lie that plucks at the heart strings of emotional people that transfer their own pain and suffering onto others including a fetus barely aware of it's surroundings.

Of course a fetus COULD become a fully functional aware human being that would suffer the same injuries eventually that we all have as we go through life. BUT it is not yet of that fully developed status when abortions are legally allowed to occur.

We are not ON PAPER a horrific people. Our laws are for the most part well thought out with every angle considered. We as a nation have decided rightfully that the rights of the woman to choose outweigh the rights of the not yet fully developed fetus.

These silly RWers act like absolutely no thought has been exhausted even by the pregnant mother in what to do with an unwanted pregnancy. i submit that these interlopers put far less thought into the act of another persons decision to end a pregnancy that they do with their supposed grief.
So only fully functional humans are worthy of life? That means if a relative wants to kill a disabled vet, they should be able.

That is a good question worthy of a responsible reply. My answer is yes and no. I do believe it is the right of any human being to call it quits and end their own life if the quality of that life is endless grinding pain with no medical solution.

I am a victim of similar pain in my life known as chronic pain. Mine isn't the type that cannot be suppressed with pain medications. If I had no access to pain meds my life would be miserable and hardly worth living. With this experience I live with every day I can certainly see how someone with much worse pain could decide that being tortured every waking moment is hardly a life worth living. Only a sadistic person would want another person to go through horrible pain till they die from natural causes. No one save maybe a doctor with enough experience in human pain management should have the right to decide how much pain is enough to suffer.

So to answer your question as a "yes" I can see it possible where this could be a merciful end to anyone's life including a vet.

If your question was supposed to be "glib" and dismissive and you actually meant could a person just kill another because they were a nuisance my answer is how dare you take such a situation with blatant disregard for the reality of their lives.
My scenario had nothing to do with a person deciding to end his own life. My scenario reflected a relative or loved one or doctor making that decision for you....and based on how much of a nuisance do they "want" in their lives.

You really are mentally ill.

You REALLY need to get right with something very important Sugar Tits. That point being that America ALLOWS you to be a part of an organized and accepted religion. That DOES NOT MEAN we are obligated IN ANY WAY to accept your wholly made up inference that your scriptures define the rules regarding much of real every day life including abortion. Your precious Jesus never said a single word about abortion. All this boo hooing about abortion is something you and your crazy friends made up all by yourselves. Since it IS NOT a recognized part of your religion you MUST submit to the law just as ALL Americans must. You get no special waiver just because you believe in sky fairies.

No one is allowed to murder living breathing human beings for the sake of convenience. THAT idea is nonsense and just as wholly made up out of cloth as MOST of the blathering you throw your heart into.

Trying to tie abortion into some weird scenario where actual human beings, not the fetus variety, are killed with the government(the Law)'s blessing is pure nonsense. It is just more evidence of your mental instability.

Like I said. You are in fact insane. Insane people don't get to run the show Sweetheart. We tolerate you . We do not follow your crazy advice.

Our society has had thousands of years to define our laws and abortion(, within the required time line), is NOT MURDER. Murder is very well defined by our laws. There is not and there will not be any NEW information concerning abortion to rediscover and overturn abortion activity.

So....please shut the hell up and stop bothering law abiding citizens with your crazy bullshit.
And none of that bizarre shit had anything to do with the discussion either. Pop a few more pain pills and pass the rest of the way out.
What happens when the father wants the child and the mother doesn't want to carry it to term? ABORTION. A human life killed when there was a willing parent.

The day that the father can have the fetus transferred to his own body for nurturing and birth then that is the day we must consider HIS feelings and honest devotion to the as yet unborn child.
Ew... that doesn't sound good. Someone was there to raise this child and they tore it up instead. Not good at all.

Raising the child is one issue...having the child in one's body to term and giving birth is another.
No, not really. Pregnancy isn't a violation, though progs pretend it is. It's just a Jo like any other. Some like it, some don't,eh.

Yes..REALLY. Carrying a baby to term takes a huge toll of a woman. Some feel it is worth the effort and risk. Some do not feel they should take on that obligation and risk.
Regurgitating a lie is the bread and butter of the willfully ignorant RWers. This is especially true if it is a lie that plucks at the heart strings of emotional people that transfer their own pain and suffering onto others including a fetus barely aware of it's surroundings.

Of course a fetus COULD become a fully functional aware human being that would suffer the same injuries eventually that we all have as we go through life. BUT it is not yet of that fully developed status when abortions are legally allowed to occur.

We are not ON PAPER a horrific people. Our laws are for the most part well thought out with every angle considered. We as a nation have decided rightfully that the rights of the woman to choose outweigh the rights of the not yet fully developed fetus.

These silly RWers act like absolutely no thought has been exhausted even by the pregnant mother in what to do with an unwanted pregnancy. i submit that these interlopers put far less thought into the act of another persons decision to end a pregnancy that they do with their supposed grief.
So only fully functional humans are worthy of life? That means if a relative wants to kill a disabled vet, they should be able.

That is a good question worthy of a responsible reply. My answer is yes and no. I do believe it is the right of any human being to call it quits and end their own life if the quality of that life is endless grinding pain with no medical solution.

I am a victim of similar pain in my life known as chronic pain. Mine isn't the type that cannot be suppressed with pain medications. If I had no access to pain meds my life would be miserable and hardly worth living. With this experience I live with every day I can certainly see how someone with much worse pain could decide that being tortured every waking moment is hardly a life worth living. Only a sadistic person would want another person to go through horrible pain till they die from natural causes. No one save maybe a doctor with enough experience in human pain management should have the right to decide how much pain is enough to suffer.

So to answer your question as a "yes" I can see it possible where this could be a merciful end to anyone's life including a vet.

If your question was supposed to be "glib" and dismissive and you actually meant could a person just kill another because they were a nuisance my answer is how dare you take such a situation with blatant disregard for the reality of their lives.
My scenario had nothing to do with a person deciding to end his own life. My scenario reflected a relative or loved one or doctor making that decision for you....and based on how much of a nuisance do they "want" in their lives.

You really are mentally ill.

You REALLY need to get right with something very important Sugar Tits. That point being that America ALLOWS you to be a part of an organized and accepted religion. That DOES NOT MEAN we are obligated IN ANY WAY to accept your wholly made up inference that your scriptures define the rules regarding much of real every day life including abortion. Your precious Jesus never said a single word about abortion. All this boo hooing about abortion is something you and your crazy friends made up all by yourselves. Since it IS NOT a recognized part of your religion you MUST submit to the law just as ALL Americans must. You get no special waiver just because you believe in sky fairies.

No one is allowed to murder living breathing human beings for the sake of convenience. THAT idea is nonsense and just as wholly made up out of cloth as MOST of the blathering you throw your heart into.

Trying to tie abortion into some weird scenario where actual human beings, not the fetus variety, are killed with the government(the Law)'s blessing is pure nonsense. It is just more evidence of your mental instability.

Like I said. You are in fact insane. Insane people don't get to run the show Sweetheart. We tolerate you . We do not follow your crazy advice.

Our society has had thousands of years to define our laws and abortion(, within the required time line), is NOT MURDER. Murder is very well defined by our laws. There is not and there will not be any NEW information concerning abortion to rediscover and overturn abortion activity.

So....please shut the hell up and stop bothering law abiding citizens with your crazy bullshit.
And none of that bizarre shit had anything to do with the discussion either. Pop a few more pain pills and pass the rest of the way out.

You are offering stupid opinions again. I regulate the pain killer I take with a very high degree of care. You on the other hand have a mouth(keyboard) that could well use the same restraint.
I can't understand those people supporting abortions too. There are many ways to get rid of a child without killing him. It's not like we have very good demographics now. Abortion is an act of murder.
I can't understand those people supporting abortions too. There are many ways to get rid of a child without killing him. It's not like we have very good demographics now. Abortion is an act of murder.
Afraid of going out of business there, whitey? We have plenty of babies here, they're just darkies...
So only fully functional humans are worthy of life? That means if a relative wants to kill a disabled vet, they should be able.

That is a good question worthy of a responsible reply. My answer is yes and no. I do believe it is the right of any human being to call it quits and end their own life if the quality of that life is endless grinding pain with no medical solution.

I am a victim of similar pain in my life known as chronic pain. Mine isn't the type that cannot be suppressed with pain medications. If I had no access to pain meds my life would be miserable and hardly worth living. With this experience I live with every day I can certainly see how someone with much worse pain could decide that being tortured every waking moment is hardly a life worth living. Only a sadistic person would want another person to go through horrible pain till they die from natural causes. No one save maybe a doctor with enough experience in human pain management should have the right to decide how much pain is enough to suffer.

So to answer your question as a "yes" I can see it possible where this could be a merciful end to anyone's life including a vet.

If your question was supposed to be "glib" and dismissive and you actually meant could a person just kill another because they were a nuisance my answer is how dare you take such a situation with blatant disregard for the reality of their lives.
My scenario had nothing to do with a person deciding to end his own life. My scenario reflected a relative or loved one or doctor making that decision for you....and based on how much of a nuisance do they "want" in their lives.

You really are mentally ill.

You REALLY need to get right with something very important Sugar Tits. That point being that America ALLOWS you to be a part of an organized and accepted religion. That DOES NOT MEAN we are obligated IN ANY WAY to accept your wholly made up inference that your scriptures define the rules regarding much of real every day life including abortion. Your precious Jesus never said a single word about abortion. All this boo hooing about abortion is something you and your crazy friends made up all by yourselves. Since it IS NOT a recognized part of your religion you MUST submit to the law just as ALL Americans must. You get no special waiver just because you believe in sky fairies.

No one is allowed to murder living breathing human beings for the sake of convenience. THAT idea is nonsense and just as wholly made up out of cloth as MOST of the blathering you throw your heart into.

Trying to tie abortion into some weird scenario where actual human beings, not the fetus variety, are killed with the government(the Law)'s blessing is pure nonsense. It is just more evidence of your mental instability.

Like I said. You are in fact insane. Insane people don't get to run the show Sweetheart. We tolerate you . We do not follow your crazy advice.

Our society has had thousands of years to define our laws and abortion(, within the required time line), is NOT MURDER. Murder is very well defined by our laws. There is not and there will not be any NEW information concerning abortion to rediscover and overturn abortion activity.

So....please shut the hell up and stop bothering law abiding citizens with your crazy bullshit.
And none of that bizarre shit had anything to do with the discussion either. Pop a few more pain pills and pass the rest of the way out.

You are offering stupid opinions again. I regulate the pain killer I take with a very high degree of care. You on the other hand have a mouth(keyboard) that could well use the same restraint.
Whereas you should be free to blab whatever irrelevant, hysterical shit you please. Oh, thanks for explaining pregnancy to me. If you hadn't I'd have to count on my own extensive personal experience lolol.
That is a good question worthy of a responsible reply. My answer is yes and no. I do believe it is the right of any human being to call it quits and end their own life if the quality of that life is endless grinding pain with no medical solution.

I am a victim of similar pain in my life known as chronic pain. Mine isn't the type that cannot be suppressed with pain medications. If I had no access to pain meds my life would be miserable and hardly worth living. With this experience I live with every day I can certainly see how someone with much worse pain could decide that being tortured every waking moment is hardly a life worth living. Only a sadistic person would want another person to go through horrible pain till they die from natural causes. No one save maybe a doctor with enough experience in human pain management should have the right to decide how much pain is enough to suffer.

So to answer your question as a "yes" I can see it possible where this could be a merciful end to anyone's life including a vet.

If your question was supposed to be "glib" and dismissive and you actually meant could a person just kill another because they were a nuisance my answer is how dare you take such a situation with blatant disregard for the reality of their lives.
My scenario had nothing to do with a person deciding to end his own life. My scenario reflected a relative or loved one or doctor making that decision for you....and based on how much of a nuisance do they "want" in their lives.

You really are mentally ill.

You REALLY need to get right with something very important Sugar Tits. That point being that America ALLOWS you to be a part of an organized and accepted religion. That DOES NOT MEAN we are obligated IN ANY WAY to accept your wholly made up inference that your scriptures define the rules regarding much of real every day life including abortion. Your precious Jesus never said a single word about abortion. All this boo hooing about abortion is something you and your crazy friends made up all by yourselves. Since it IS NOT a recognized part of your religion you MUST submit to the law just as ALL Americans must. You get no special waiver just because you believe in sky fairies.

No one is allowed to murder living breathing human beings for the sake of convenience. THAT idea is nonsense and just as wholly made up out of cloth as MOST of the blathering you throw your heart into.

Trying to tie abortion into some weird scenario where actual human beings, not the fetus variety, are killed with the government(the Law)'s blessing is pure nonsense. It is just more evidence of your mental instability.

Like I said. You are in fact insane. Insane people don't get to run the show Sweetheart. We tolerate you . We do not follow your crazy advice.

Our society has had thousands of years to define our laws and abortion(, within the required time line), is NOT MURDER. Murder is very well defined by our laws. There is not and there will not be any NEW information concerning abortion to rediscover and overturn abortion activity.

So....please shut the hell up and stop bothering law abiding citizens with your crazy bullshit.
And none of that bizarre shit had anything to do with the discussion either. Pop a few more pain pills and pass the rest of the way out.

You are offering stupid opinions again. I regulate the pain killer I take with a very high degree of care. You on the other hand have a mouth(keyboard) that could well use the same restraint.
Whereas you should be free to blab whatever irrelevant, hysterical shit you please. Oh, thanks for explaining pregnancy to me. If you hadn't I'd have to count on my own extensive personal experience lolol.

You would be hard pressed to find anything I have contributed as "hysterical". It's just your crazy mind imagining things again. When I see something being passed off as having a "protected status" such as the terrorist claims of the christian variety that attempt to push their make believe agenda on the majority of good Americans I see a clear need to push back with a dose of reality and reason.

As for "your own extensive experience" you can't seem to differentiate your extensive wishful thinking from the desires of other people and how their experience in these matters is all that really matters.
My scenario had nothing to do with a person deciding to end his own life. My scenario reflected a relative or loved one or doctor making that decision for you....and based on how much of a nuisance do they "want" in their lives.

You really are mentally ill.

You REALLY need to get right with something very important Sugar Tits. That point being that America ALLOWS you to be a part of an organized and accepted religion. That DOES NOT MEAN we are obligated IN ANY WAY to accept your wholly made up inference that your scriptures define the rules regarding much of real every day life including abortion. Your precious Jesus never said a single word about abortion. All this boo hooing about abortion is something you and your crazy friends made up all by yourselves. Since it IS NOT a recognized part of your religion you MUST submit to the law just as ALL Americans must. You get no special waiver just because you believe in sky fairies.

No one is allowed to murder living breathing human beings for the sake of convenience. THAT idea is nonsense and just as wholly made up out of cloth as MOST of the blathering you throw your heart into.

Trying to tie abortion into some weird scenario where actual human beings, not the fetus variety, are killed with the government(the Law)'s blessing is pure nonsense. It is just more evidence of your mental instability.

Like I said. You are in fact insane. Insane people don't get to run the show Sweetheart. We tolerate you . We do not follow your crazy advice.

Our society has had thousands of years to define our laws and abortion(, within the required time line), is NOT MURDER. Murder is very well defined by our laws. There is not and there will not be any NEW information concerning abortion to rediscover and overturn abortion activity.

So....please shut the hell up and stop bothering law abiding citizens with your crazy bullshit.
And none of that bizarre shit had anything to do with the discussion either. Pop a few more pain pills and pass the rest of the way out.

You are offering stupid opinions again. I regulate the pain killer I take with a very high degree of care. You on the other hand have a mouth(keyboard) that could well use the same restraint.
Whereas you should be free to blab whatever irrelevant, hysterical shit you please. Oh, thanks for explaining pregnancy to me. If you hadn't I'd have to count on my own extensive personal experience lolol.

You would be hard pressed to find anything I have contributed as "hysterical". It's just your crazy mind imagining things again. When I see something being passed off as having a "protected status" such as the terrorist claims of the christian variety that attempt to push their make believe agenda on the majority of good Americans I see a clear need to push back with a dose of reality and reason.

As for "your own extensive experience" you can't seem to differentiate your extensive wishful thinking from the desires of other people and how their experience in these matters is all that really matters.
Do you ever get tired of nonsensical ranting?
You really are mentally ill.

You REALLY need to get right with something very important Sugar Tits. That point being that America ALLOWS you to be a part of an organized and accepted religion. That DOES NOT MEAN we are obligated IN ANY WAY to accept your wholly made up inference that your scriptures define the rules regarding much of real every day life including abortion. Your precious Jesus never said a single word about abortion. All this boo hooing about abortion is something you and your crazy friends made up all by yourselves. Since it IS NOT a recognized part of your religion you MUST submit to the law just as ALL Americans must. You get no special waiver just because you believe in sky fairies.

No one is allowed to murder living breathing human beings for the sake of convenience. THAT idea is nonsense and just as wholly made up out of cloth as MOST of the blathering you throw your heart into.

Trying to tie abortion into some weird scenario where actual human beings, not the fetus variety, are killed with the government(the Law)'s blessing is pure nonsense. It is just more evidence of your mental instability.

Like I said. You are in fact insane. Insane people don't get to run the show Sweetheart. We tolerate you . We do not follow your crazy advice.

Our society has had thousands of years to define our laws and abortion(, within the required time line), is NOT MURDER. Murder is very well defined by our laws. There is not and there will not be any NEW information concerning abortion to rediscover and overturn abortion activity.

So....please shut the hell up and stop bothering law abiding citizens with your crazy bullshit.
And none of that bizarre shit had anything to do with the discussion either. Pop a few more pain pills and pass the rest of the way out.

You are offering stupid opinions again. I regulate the pain killer I take with a very high degree of care. You on the other hand have a mouth(keyboard) that could well use the same restraint.
Whereas you should be free to blab whatever irrelevant, hysterical shit you please. Oh, thanks for explaining pregnancy to me. If you hadn't I'd have to count on my own extensive personal experience lolol.

You would be hard pressed to find anything I have contributed as "hysterical". It's just your crazy mind imagining things again. When I see something being passed off as having a "protected status" such as the terrorist claims of the christian variety that attempt to push their make believe agenda on the majority of good Americans I see a clear need to push back with a dose of reality and reason.

As for "your own extensive experience" you can't seem to differentiate your extensive wishful thinking from the desires of other people and how their experience in these matters is all that really matters.
Do you ever get tired of nonsensical ranting?

My point exactly. Your head is stuffed with fantasy and your mouth babbles conjecture that you demand be taken as the words of god and jesus.

There is no more blatant nonsensical rambling than the bibles and the Koran. The hebrews wanted the inside track on a singular god so they made one up. The christians wanted the inside track on the false promises of an entertaining carpenter ex jew that extended the jewish version of heaven to any that would fall for his line of jibberish. The Romans understood that if they promoted an organized version of the christian stories they could contain many people within this religion and control them without having to threaten to kill them. It was all a scam from day one when you fools believed a man named moses received a couple of stone tablets from god no less. How convenient. The jews were corrupt so jesus had an easy sell pointing out their flaws. The people were all desperate in desperate times and easy to sell a better life after death if they would only ask for forgiveness for being self serving evil pieces of crap.

We are no longer a bunch of hopelessly oppressed human beings. It is way passed the time to open our eyes to the facts of reality and relieve ourselves of the false paths we have been taking.

There is no god. Moses was a scammer as was jesus. They were very much like Charlie Manson. They enjoyed and profited by their popularity until not unlike Manson jesus thought himself more important than the Roman and Jewish authority.
These shysters offered the perfect pitch job in that they would never have to produce a damned thing because all their customers were dead.

And STILL you fools are falling head over heals for this nonsense and cruel lie.

These promises were spawned from a reality of desperate circumstances. It was easy to hope for something in death because it was certain there was no pot of gold for the average man in life.

Look around you. Compared to those wretches in Jesus and Moses's time we are all kings of our existence. Just having an automobile is magic beyond those people's wildest dreams. It is high time we reject the punishment those poor unfortunate people believed they deserved.

Grow up. We are no longer goat herders. There are no Romans that can kill us on a whim. There is no more need of a false promise of an afterlife to replace some horrible squalor of an existence.

There never was a god. It just sounded good at the time.

There is no deity to judge you.

Mind your own business and allow others to mind theirs.
And none of that bizarre shit had anything to do with the discussion either. Pop a few more pain pills and pass the rest of the way out.

You are offering stupid opinions again. I regulate the pain killer I take with a very high degree of care. You on the other hand have a mouth(keyboard) that could well use the same restraint.
Whereas you should be free to blab whatever irrelevant, hysterical shit you please. Oh, thanks for explaining pregnancy to me. If you hadn't I'd have to count on my own extensive personal experience lolol.

You would be hard pressed to find anything I have contributed as "hysterical". It's just your crazy mind imagining things again. When I see something being passed off as having a "protected status" such as the terrorist claims of the christian variety that attempt to push their make believe agenda on the majority of good Americans I see a clear need to push back with a dose of reality and reason.

As for "your own extensive experience" you can't seem to differentiate your extensive wishful thinking from the desires of other people and how their experience in these matters is all that really matters.
Do you ever get tired of nonsensical ranting?

My point exactly. Your head is stuffed with fantasy and your mouth babbles conjecture that you demand be taken as the words of god and jesus.

There is no more blatant nonsensical rambling than the bibles and the Koran. The hebrews wanted the inside track on a singular god so they made one up. The christians wanted the inside track on the false promises of an entertaining carpenter ex jew that extended the jewish version of heaven to any that would fall for his line of jibberish. The Romans understood that if they promoted an organized version of the christian stories they could contain many people within this religion and control them without having to threaten to kill them. It was all a scam from day one when you fools believed a man named moses received a couple of stone tablets from god no less. How convenient. The jews were corrupt so jesus had an easy sell pointing out their flaws. The people were all desperate in desperate times and easy to sell a better life after death if they would only ask for forgiveness for being self serving evil pieces of crap.

We are no longer a bunch of hopelessly oppressed human beings. It is way passed the time to open our eyes to the facts of reality and relieve ourselves of the false paths we have been taking.

There is no god. Moses was a scammer as was jesus. They were very much like Charlie Manson. They enjoyed and profited by their popularity until not unlike Manson jesus thought himself more important than the Roman and Jewish authority.
These shysters offered the perfect pitch job in that they would never have to produce a damned thing because all their customers were dead.

And STILL you fools are falling head over heals for this nonsense and cruel lie.

These promises were spawned from a reality of desperate circumstances. It was easy to hope for something in death because it was certain there was no pot of gold for the average man in life.

Look around you. Compared to those wretches in Jesus and Moses's time we are all kings of our existence. Just having an automobile is magic beyond those people's wildest dreams. It is high time we reject the punishment those poor unfortunate people believed they deserved.

Grow up. We are no longer goat herders. There are no Romans that can kill us on a whim. There is no more need of a false promise of an afterlife to replace some horrible squalor of an existence.

There never was a god. It just sounded good at the time.

There is no deity to judge you.

Mind your own business and allow others to mind theirs.
Rant rant rant, gone on for post after post and you still haven't answered the question. I take it you acknowledge you are, after all, just an idiot with some serious personal issues.
Men who support abortion are often involved in human trafficking


That was my favorite. You realize there is a difference between "support(ing) abortion" and believing it's not a legitimate function of government to force a woman to carry a baby to term in her body, no? Or no?
You realize it's not a legitimate fun too of gov't to facilitate and pay for abortion, right? Of course you don't. You're an idiot who thinks gubmint is responsible for pregnancy.

You're an idiot who has no long term memory because I agree with you every time we discuss this that I oppose government funding abortions.

Hello, I'm a libertarian, I always oppose government welfare, particularly at the Federal level. What is wrong with you? Are you just so emotional about this issue that you turn your brain off? What you just said to me was ridiculous
Men who support abortion are often involved in human trafficking


That was my favorite. You realize there is a difference between "support(ing) abortion" and believing it's not a legitimate function of government to force a woman to carry a baby to term in her body, no? Or no?
You realize it's not a legitimate fun too of gov't to facilitate and pay for abortion, right? Of course you don't. You're an idiot who thinks gubmint is responsible for pregnancy.

You're an idiot who has no long term memory because I agree with you every time we discuss this that I oppose government funding abortions.

Hello, I'm a libertarian, I always oppose government welfare, particularly at the Federal level. What is wrong with you? Are you just so emotional about this issue that you turn your brain off? What you just said to me was ridiculous
Did you not make a comment about government forcing women to give birth? If you did, I'm on the money.
Men who support abortion are often involved in human trafficking


That was my favorite. You realize there is a difference between "support(ing) abortion" and believing it's not a legitimate function of government to force a woman to carry a baby to term in her body, no? Or no?
You realize it's not a legitimate fun too of gov't to facilitate and pay for abortion, right? Of course you don't. You're an idiot who thinks gubmint is responsible for pregnancy.

You're an idiot who has no long term memory because I agree with you every time we discuss this that I oppose government funding abortions.

Hello, I'm a libertarian, I always oppose government welfare, particularly at the Federal level. What is wrong with you? Are you just so emotional about this issue that you turn your brain off? What you just said to me was ridiculous
Did you not make a comment about government forcing women to give birth? If you did, I'm on the money.


That I don't believe government has the legitimate power to force a woman to carry a baby to term means that I support government funding abortions


M'kay, got it. So that I think government should stay out of it just isn't an option in your world. Wow
Men who support abortion are often involved in human trafficking


That was my favorite. You realize there is a difference between "support(ing) abortion" and believing it's not a legitimate function of government to force a woman to carry a baby to term in her body, no? Or no?
You realize it's not a legitimate fun too of gov't to facilitate and pay for abortion, right? Of course you don't. You're an idiot who thinks gubmint is responsible for pregnancy.

You're an idiot who has no long term memory because I agree with you every time we discuss this that I oppose government funding abortions.

Hello, I'm a libertarian, I always oppose government welfare, particularly at the Federal level. What is wrong with you? Are you just so emotional about this issue that you turn your brain off? What you just said to me was ridiculous
Did you not make a comment about government forcing women to give birth? If you did, I'm on the money.


That I don't believe government has the legitimate power to force a woman to carry a baby to term means that I support government funding abortions


M'kay, got it. So that I think government should stay out of it just isn't an option in your world. Wow
No, I think you're an idiot if you think the gov't is in any way responsible for pregnancy. Which is what I said. And PS, libertarians are generally just lefties who have completely rejected sanity.

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