What ‘spooked the spooks’ about Trump?

He's not a member of The Big Club™.....I really don't think it's much more complicated than that....With precious few exceptions, the DC ruling class, from both parties, have a pernicious snobbery that envelops them.
then WHY did he bring THE BIG CLUB with him, in to the whitehouse/administration?

He's a 'wanna be' BIG CLUB-BER... and that's even worse than being one.... he has hired their scum and swamp creatures and is groveling for acceptance.... is what it looks like to me...? :dunno:
Agreed. Yet they still didn’t want him and tried to impose a coup against him, even though he really posed no threat to them.

Maybe the coup attempt was really driven by bitterness on the part of Ears and HER, from losing to a buffoonish game show host.

Our nation is run by a bunch of crazed morons.
nahhh, that's just petty and immature puberty stuff... They are not that immature or vindictive, that's Trump's M/O.... it's gotta be something else
i guess i'll never understand how someone can act 2 years old and get mad at the other side for doing the same ALL THE WHILE never realizing they are pretty much the exact "personality" they propose to hate.

yes, YOU.
He's not a member of The Big Club™.....I really don't think it's much more complicated than that....With precious few exceptions, the DC ruling class, from both parties, have a pernicious snobbery that envelops them.
then WHY did he bring THE BIG CLUB with him, in to the whitehouse/administration?

He's a 'wanna be' BIG CLUB-BER... and that's even worse than being one.... he has hired their scum and swamp creatures and is groveling for acceptance.... is what it looks like to me...? :dunno:
Agreed. Yet they still didn’t want him and tried to impose a coup against him, even though he really posed no threat to them.

Maybe the coup attempt was really driven by bitterness on the part of Ears and HER, from losing to a buffoonish game show host.

Our nation is run by a bunch of crazed morons.
nahhh, that's just petty and immature puberty stuff... They are not that immature or vindictive, that's Trump's M/O.... it's gotta be something else
No doubt Donnie is all that, but so are Ears and crazy Hillary.
He's not a member of The Big Club™.....I really don't think it's much more complicated than that....With precious few exceptions, the DC ruling class, from both parties, have a pernicious snobbery that envelops them.
then WHY did he bring THE BIG CLUB with him, in to the whitehouse/administration?

He's a 'wanna be' BIG CLUB-BER... and that's even worse than being one.... he has hired their scum and swamp creatures and is groveling for acceptance.... is what it looks like to me...? :dunno:
Agreed. Yet they still didn’t want him and tried to impose a coup against him, even though he really posed no threat to them.

Maybe the coup attempt was really driven by bitterness on the part of Ears and HER, from losing to a buffoonish game show host.

Our nation is run by a bunch of crazed morons.
nahhh, that's just petty and immature puberty stuff... They are not that immature or vindictive, that's Trump's M/O.... it's gotta be something else
No doubt Donnie is all that, but so are Ears and crazy Hillary.
hey - MY village idiots are fine. YOURS are the problem!!!!

they never seem to realize an idiot is an idiot.
He's not a member of The Big Club™.....I really don't think it's much more complicated than that....With precious few exceptions, the DC ruling class, from both parties, have a pernicious snobbery that envelops them.
then WHY did he bring THE BIG CLUB with him, in to the whitehouse/administration?

He's a 'wanna be' BIG CLUB-BER... and that's even worse than being one.... he has hired their scum and swamp creatures and is groveling for acceptance.... is what it looks like to me...? :dunno:
Agreed. Yet they still didn’t want him and tried to impose a coup against him, even though he really posed no threat to them.

Maybe the coup attempt was really driven by bitterness on the part of Ears and HER, from losing to a buffoonish game show host.

Our nation is run by a bunch of crazed morons.
nahhh, that's just petty and immature puberty stuff... They are not that immature or vindictive, that's Trump's M/O.... it's gotta be something else
No doubt Donnie is all that, but so are Ears and crazy Hillary.
hey - MY village idiots are fine. YOURS are the problem!!!!

they never seem to realize an idiot is an idiot.
Trump, to me, is a village idiot, and wears all of his evils on his coat sleeve, for those who can see, to see. (not Trumpettes) Hillary and Obama, are not village idiots.... IF they were to be evil, it would be in a more crafty way, imo. And that is not really a complement for them... just an observation or an imagined observation...
then WHY did he bring THE BIG CLUB with him, in to the whitehouse/administration?

He's a 'wanna be' BIG CLUB-BER... and that's even worse than being one.... he has hired their scum and swamp creatures and is groveling for acceptance.... is what it looks like to me...? :dunno:
Agreed. Yet they still didn’t want him and tried to impose a coup against him, even though he really posed no threat to them.

Maybe the coup attempt was really driven by bitterness on the part of Ears and HER, from losing to a buffoonish game show host.

Our nation is run by a bunch of crazed morons.
nahhh, that's just petty and immature puberty stuff... They are not that immature or vindictive, that's Trump's M/O.... it's gotta be something else
No doubt Donnie is all that, but so are Ears and crazy Hillary.
hey - MY village idiots are fine. YOURS are the problem!!!!

they never seem to realize an idiot is an idiot.
Trump, to me, is a village idiot, and wears all of his evils on his coat sleeve, for those who can see, to see. (not Trumpettes) Hillary and Obama, are not village idiots.... IF they were to be evil, it would be in a more crafty way, imo. And that is not really a complement for them... just an observation or an imagined observation...


Partisans are so blind.
Agreed. Yet they still didn’t want him and tried to impose a coup against him, even though he really posed no threat to them.

Maybe the coup attempt was really driven by bitterness on the part of Ears and HER, from losing to a buffoonish game show host.

Our nation is run by a bunch of crazed morons.
nahhh, that's just petty and immature puberty stuff... They are not that immature or vindictive, that's Trump's M/O.... it's gotta be something else
No doubt Donnie is all that, but so are Ears and crazy Hillary.
hey - MY village idiots are fine. YOURS are the problem!!!!

they never seem to realize an idiot is an idiot.
Trump, to me, is a village idiot, and wears all of his evils on his coat sleeve, for those who can see, to see. (not Trumpettes) Hillary and Obama, are not village idiots.... IF they were to be evil, it would be in a more crafty way, imo. And that is not really a complement for them... just an observation or an imagined observation...

Partisans are so blind.
their reasons to act the fool are valid.
other people - not so much.

no one so blind as those who will not see.
And yet they interfered in our elective process to help HIM...not her...get elected

No, that's Don the Con's MO. He lies more than anyone. He's up in the tens of thousands. From little stupid ones like whether it fucking rained at his inauguration to really big ones like whether he paid hush money to a porn star or that his campaign had dozens of undisclosed meetings with Russians tied to Putin.

Apparently you two didn’t listen to Mueller’s testimony. Or maybe you have chosen to believe propaganda. Sad really.


Mueller: Russian Officials ‘Appeared Not to Have Pre-existing Contacts’ With Trump Campaign
Mueller: Russian Officials ‘Appeared Not to Have Pre-existing Contacts’ With Trump Campaign
Putin didn't have Don s phone number or did not want to use the unsecured phone of Trump' s as a part of the conversation? The Russians seem to know enough to contact Hope Hicks, to reach him... And somehow got her phone number?

Plus, from your article, one itty bitty line of it, among the right wing slanted opinion piece...

There were plenty of contacts between the Russian operatives and the Trump campaign detailed in the Mueller report.

Elsewhere in the report, Mueller details a “series of contacts between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government.”
yet not a one of them did mueller determine to be worth pursuing.

hopes n dreams. all the left has in their hate and they won't let it go.

He was unable to pursue them. Given they are Russian nationals, there was no way for Mueller to pursue the information. He also was unable to find out what happened to the information that Manafort gave to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. That gave the Russians a roadmap for their social media ads.

Mueller got it right. The Trump campaign knew the Russians wanted to help them and made it easy for them to do so.
Oh bull fucking shit. You didn't get what you emotionally counted on and are diverting the pain of losing to behind a vague lie you choose to believe.

No, that’s true shit. The Russians gave help. Trump solicited that help, took that help and absolutely benefited from that help.

The intelligence agencies investigating the interference are not the bad guys.
Why did they pursue the obviously absurd Steele Dossier to such an extent? Was it merely Trump’s anti war rhetoric during the campaign or an effort to help HER and continue O’s legacy? Was there some other reason?

What does the MSM’s ridiculous promotion of this obvious fraudulent story, tell us about them?

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate
Vital questions about perhaps the worst alleged presidential scandal in US history remain unanswered.
By Stephen F. Cohen

The Nation

September 5, 2019

Why did Western intelligence agencies, prompted, it seems clear, by US ones, seek to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign? A reflexive answer might be because candidate Trump promised to “cooperate with Russia,” to pursue a pro-détente foreign policy, but this was hardly a startling, still less subversive, advocacy by a would-be Republican president. All of the major pro-détente episodes in the 20th century had been initiated by Republican presidents: Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan.

So, again, what was it about Trump that so spooked the spooks so far off their rightful reservation and so intrusively into American presidential politics? Investigations being overseen by Attorney General William Barr may provide answers—or not. Barr has already leveled procedural charges against James Comey, head of the FBI under President Obama and briefly under President Trump, but the repeatedly hapless Comey seems incapable of having initiated such an audacious operation against a presidential candidate, still less a president-elect.

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, General Flynn - all with bigtime financial ties to Moscow, Trump Tower Moscow, every Trump staff who is asked about Russian contacts, lies about those contacts. Trump's advance knowledge of hacker leaks through WikiLeaks. Trump's attempts to deflect attention from the Russians on the hacking, which the security agencies knew were coming from Russia.

Truly, you have to be wilfully blind NOT to investigate Trump's ties to Russia.

Oh My Gawd, Becky
Look at R's butts...

The irony here is so damn palpable. You accuse Trump supporters of being blind yet you yourself blatantly refuse to see the dangerous and deadly actions of "your side" and spout off the left talking points ad nauseam.

The problem in government the last decade and a half has been we have elected idiotic, single minded trolls to office and their supporters have taken up their gauntlets to such an extreme that almost no one will take the time to talk about compromise or listen to why things won't work. The idiotic, single minded trolls have become the voters with their mantra "I'm right, your wrong" mindset has led to boondoggle after boondoggle and we, the tax paying voters can only blame ourselves.
Willfully blind indeed.
It's not just one side.
He's not a member of The Big Club™.....I really don't think it's much more complicated than that....With precious few exceptions, the DC ruling class, from both parties, have a pernicious snobbery that envelops them.

Yup. The ruling class has been at war with the middle class for a century now. Trump has slowed down the speed with which the ruling class is destroying the middle class.
Apparently you two didn’t listen to Mueller’s testimony. Or maybe you have chosen to believe propaganda. Sad really.


Mueller: Russian Officials ‘Appeared Not to Have Pre-existing Contacts’ With Trump Campaign
Mueller: Russian Officials ‘Appeared Not to Have Pre-existing Contacts’ With Trump Campaign
Putin didn't have Don s phone number or did not want to use the unsecured phone of Trump' s as a part of the conversation? The Russians seem to know enough to contact Hope Hicks, to reach him... And somehow got her phone number?

Plus, from your article, one itty bitty line of it, among the right wing slanted opinion piece...

There were plenty of contacts between the Russian operatives and the Trump campaign detailed in the Mueller report.

Elsewhere in the report, Mueller details a “series of contacts between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government.”
yet not a one of them did mueller determine to be worth pursuing.

hopes n dreams. all the left has in their hate and they won't let it go.

He was unable to pursue them. Given they are Russian nationals, there was no way for Mueller to pursue the information. He also was unable to find out what happened to the information that Manafort gave to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. That gave the Russians a roadmap for their social media ads.

Mueller got it right. The Trump campaign knew the Russians wanted to help them and made it easy for them to do so.
Oh bull fucking shit. You didn't get what you emotionally counted on and are diverting the pain of losing to behind a vague lie you choose to believe.

No, that’s true shit. The Russians gave help. Trump solicited that help, took that help and absolutely benefited from that help.

The intelligence agencies investigating the interference are not the bad guys.

Sure would be nice if you could provide the slightest bit of evidence. So far only the shrilary campaign provably colluded.
Apparently you two didn’t listen to Mueller’s testimony. Or maybe you have chosen to believe propaganda. Sad really.


Mueller: Russian Officials ‘Appeared Not to Have Pre-existing Contacts’ With Trump Campaign
Mueller: Russian Officials ‘Appeared Not to Have Pre-existing Contacts’ With Trump Campaign
Putin didn't have Don s phone number or did not want to use the unsecured phone of Trump' s as a part of the conversation? The Russians seem to know enough to contact Hope Hicks, to reach him... And somehow got her phone number?

Plus, from your article, one itty bitty line of it, among the right wing slanted opinion piece...

There were plenty of contacts between the Russian operatives and the Trump campaign detailed in the Mueller report.

Elsewhere in the report, Mueller details a “series of contacts between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government.”
yet not a one of them did mueller determine to be worth pursuing.

hopes n dreams. all the left has in their hate and they won't let it go.

He was unable to pursue them. Given they are Russian nationals, there was no way for Mueller to pursue the information. He also was unable to find out what happened to the information that Manafort gave to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. That gave the Russians a roadmap for their social media ads.

Mueller got it right. The Trump campaign knew the Russians wanted to help them and made it easy for them to do so.
Oh bull fucking shit. You didn't get what you emotionally counted on and are diverting the pain of losing to behind a vague lie you choose to believe.

No, that’s true shit. The Russians gave help. Trump solicited that help, took that help and absolutely benefited from that help.

The intelligence agencies investigating the interference are not the bad guys.
Fuck off.
I find it both surprising and soothing that he got rid of Mustache Madman, but the political reasons for this are pretty clear.

Trump is sold to Putin and Mohammad Bin Salman, so:
Russia>North Korea
Saudi Arabia>Taliban

The latter two even share the same religious affiliations down to the sect.
Wait...so the OP thinks the big question is not why did Trump and company have dozens of contacts with Russians, but why did our intelligence agencies investigate all the Russian contacts? Wow....just....wow.

Countries - US TradeNumbers
So we have like 16 Billion $ worth of trade with Russia YTD according to this source, do you think there are a number of Americans who have contacts with Russians if we have 16 Billion worth of trade? Are all those Americans suspected criminals now for having Russian contacts? Trump has a real estate business and he does international business. I'm betting he's not the only American to do business over there.

So you think the big question is why Trump had dozens of Russian contacts? they are not the Soviet Union anymore for one thing and it's perfectly legal. Its just that every time you hear the news media talk about Trumps Russian contacts or Democrats talk about that... its always in Bullshit hushed tones as if this is some sort of rare thing for an American. Democrats themselves do business and make money with Russia... but again, its different with Trump because he is the political target.
Apparently you two didn’t listen to Mueller’s testimony. Or maybe you have chosen to believe propaganda. Sad really.


Mueller: Russian Officials ‘Appeared Not to Have Pre-existing Contacts’ With Trump Campaign
Mueller: Russian Officials ‘Appeared Not to Have Pre-existing Contacts’ With Trump Campaign
Putin didn't have Don s phone number or did not want to use the unsecured phone of Trump' s as a part of the conversation? The Russians seem to know enough to contact Hope Hicks, to reach him... And somehow got her phone number?

Plus, from your article, one itty bitty line of it, among the right wing slanted opinion piece...

There were plenty of contacts between the Russian operatives and the Trump campaign detailed in the Mueller report.

Elsewhere in the report, Mueller details a “series of contacts between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government.”
yet not a one of them did mueller determine to be worth pursuing.

hopes n dreams. all the left has in their hate and they won't let it go.

He was unable to pursue them. Given they are Russian nationals, there was no way for Mueller to pursue the information. He also was unable to find out what happened to the information that Manafort gave to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. That gave the Russians a roadmap for their social media ads.

Mueller got it right. The Trump campaign knew the Russians wanted to help them and made it easy for them to do so.
Oh bull fucking shit. You didn't get what you emotionally counted on and are diverting the pain of losing to behind a vague lie you choose to believe.

No, that’s true shit. The Russians gave help. Trump solicited that help, took that help and absolutely benefited from that help.

The intelligence agencies investigating the interference are not the bad guys.
Good God! It never ends.
I find it both surprising and soothing that he got rid of Mustache Madman, but the political reasons for this are pretty clear.

Trump is sold to Putin and Mohammad Bin Salman, so:
Russia>North Korea
Saudi Arabia>Taliban

The latter two even share the same religious affiliations down to the sect.
its funny that trump haters always say trump cant keep ANYONE around.

yet putin is still his bestie.

so, which is it? unfortunatrly i dont play the "whatever makes who i hate look bad" game.
I find it both surprising and soothing that he got rid of Mustache Madman, but the political reasons for this are pretty clear.

Trump is sold to Putin and Mohammad Bin Salman, so:
Russia>North Korea
Saudi Arabia>Taliban

The latter two even share the same religious affiliations down to the sect.
Why did they pursue the obviously absurd Steele Dossier to such an extent? Was it merely Trump’s anti war rhetoric during the campaign or an effort to help HER and continue O’s legacy? Was there some other reason?

What does the MSM’s ridiculous promotion of this obvious fraudulent story, tell us about them?

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate
Vital questions about perhaps the worst alleged presidential scandal in US history remain unanswered.
By Stephen F. Cohen

The Nation

September 5, 2019

Why did Western intelligence agencies, prompted, it seems clear, by US ones, seek to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign? A reflexive answer might be because candidate Trump promised to “cooperate with Russia,” to pursue a pro-détente foreign policy, but this was hardly a startling, still less subversive, advocacy by a would-be Republican president. All of the major pro-détente episodes in the 20th century had been initiated by Republican presidents: Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan.

So, again, what was it about Trump that so spooked the spooks so far off their rightful reservation and so intrusively into American presidential politics? Investigations being overseen by Attorney General William Barr may provide answers—or not. Barr has already leveled procedural charges against James Comey, head of the FBI under President Obama and briefly under President Trump, but the repeatedly hapless Comey seems incapable of having initiated such an audacious operation against a presidential candidate, still less a president-elect.

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, General Flynn - all with bigtime financial ties to Moscow, Trump Tower Moscow, every Trump staff who is asked about Russian contacts, lies about those contacts. Trump's advance knowledge of hacker leaks through WikiLeaks. Trump's attempts to deflect attention from the Russians on the hacking, which the security agencies knew were coming from Russia.

Truly, you have to be wilfully blind NOT to investigate Trump's ties to Russia.

Oh My Gawd, Becky
Look at R's butts...

The irony here is so damn palpable. You accuse Trump supporters of being blind yet you yourself blatantly refuse to see the dangerous and deadly actions of "your side" and spout off the left talking points ad nauseam.

The problem in government the last decade and a half has been we have elected idiotic, single minded trolls to office and their supporters have taken up their gauntlets to such an extreme that almost no one will take the time to talk about compromise or listen to why things won't work. The idiotic, single minded trolls have become the voters with their mantra "I'm right, your wrong" mindset has led to boondoggle after boondoggle and we, the tax paying voters can only blame ourselves.
Willfully blind indeed.
It's not just one side.

These aren't "talking points". They're FACTS from the Mueller Report. You should try reading it.
Why did they pursue the obviously absurd Steele Dossier to such an extent? Was it merely Trump’s anti war rhetoric during the campaign or an effort to help HER and continue O’s legacy? Was there some other reason?

What does the MSM’s ridiculous promotion of this obvious fraudulent story, tell us about them?

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate
Vital questions about perhaps the worst alleged presidential scandal in US history remain unanswered.
By Stephen F. Cohen

The Nation

September 5, 2019

Why did Western intelligence agencies, prompted, it seems clear, by US ones, seek to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign? A reflexive answer might be because candidate Trump promised to “cooperate with Russia,” to pursue a pro-détente foreign policy, but this was hardly a startling, still less subversive, advocacy by a would-be Republican president. All of the major pro-détente episodes in the 20th century had been initiated by Republican presidents: Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan.

So, again, what was it about Trump that so spooked the spooks so far off their rightful reservation and so intrusively into American presidential politics? Investigations being overseen by Attorney General William Barr may provide answers—or not. Barr has already leveled procedural charges against James Comey, head of the FBI under President Obama and briefly under President Trump, but the repeatedly hapless Comey seems incapable of having initiated such an audacious operation against a presidential candidate, still less a president-elect.

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, General Flynn - all with bigtime financial ties to Moscow, Trump Tower Moscow, every Trump staff who is asked about Russian contacts, lies about those contacts. Trump's advance knowledge of hacker leaks through WikiLeaks. Trump's attempts to deflect attention from the Russians on the hacking, which the security agencies knew were coming from Russia.

Truly, you have to be wilfully blind NOT to investigate Trump's ties to Russia.

Oh My Gawd, Becky
Look at R's butts...

The irony here is so damn palpable. You accuse Trump supporters of being blind yet you yourself blatantly refuse to see the dangerous and deadly actions of "your side" and spout off the left talking points ad nauseam.

The problem in government the last decade and a half has been we have elected idiotic, single minded trolls to office and their supporters have taken up their gauntlets to such an extreme that almost no one will take the time to talk about compromise or listen to why things won't work. The idiotic, single minded trolls have become the voters with their mantra "I'm right, your wrong" mindset has led to boondoggle after boondoggle and we, the tax paying voters can only blame ourselves.
Willfully blind indeed.
It's not just one side.

These aren't "talking points". They're FACTS from the Mueller Report. You should try reading it.
lord you are special.

special kinda stupid.
Why did they pursue the obviously absurd Steele Dossier to such an extent? Was it merely Trump’s anti war rhetoric during the campaign or an effort to help HER and continue O’s legacy? Was there some other reason?

What does the MSM’s ridiculous promotion of this obvious fraudulent story, tell us about them?

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate
Vital questions about perhaps the worst alleged presidential scandal in US history remain unanswered.
By Stephen F. Cohen

The Nation

September 5, 2019

Why did Western intelligence agencies, prompted, it seems clear, by US ones, seek to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign? A reflexive answer might be because candidate Trump promised to “cooperate with Russia,” to pursue a pro-détente foreign policy, but this was hardly a startling, still less subversive, advocacy by a would-be Republican president. All of the major pro-détente episodes in the 20th century had been initiated by Republican presidents: Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan.

So, again, what was it about Trump that so spooked the spooks so far off their rightful reservation and so intrusively into American presidential politics? Investigations being overseen by Attorney General William Barr may provide answers—or not. Barr has already leveled procedural charges against James Comey, head of the FBI under President Obama and briefly under President Trump, but the repeatedly hapless Comey seems incapable of having initiated such an audacious operation against a presidential candidate, still less a president-elect.

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, General Flynn - all with bigtime financial ties to Moscow, Trump Tower Moscow, every Trump staff who is asked about Russian contacts, lies about those contacts. Trump's advance knowledge of hacker leaks through WikiLeaks. Trump's attempts to deflect attention from the Russians on the hacking, which the security agencies knew were coming from Russia.

Truly, you have to be wilfully blind NOT to investigate Trump's ties to Russia.

Oh My Gawd, Becky
Look at R's butts...

The irony here is so damn palpable. You accuse Trump supporters of being blind yet you yourself blatantly refuse to see the dangerous and deadly actions of "your side" and spout off the left talking points ad nauseam.

The problem in government the last decade and a half has been we have elected idiotic, single minded trolls to office and their supporters have taken up their gauntlets to such an extreme that almost no one will take the time to talk about compromise or listen to why things won't work. The idiotic, single minded trolls have become the voters with their mantra "I'm right, your wrong" mindset has led to boondoggle after boondoggle and we, the tax paying voters can only blame ourselves.
Willfully blind indeed.
It's not just one side.

These aren't "talking points". They're FACTS from the Mueller Report. You should try reading it.


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