What ‘spooked the spooks’ about Trump?

Why did they pursue the obviously absurd Steele Dossier to such an extent? Was it merely Trump’s anti war rhetoric during the campaign or an effort to help HER and continue O’s legacy? Was there some other reason?

What does the MSM’s ridiculous promotion of this obvious fraudulent story, tell us about them?

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate
Vital questions about perhaps the worst alleged presidential scandal in US history remain unanswered.
By Stephen F. Cohen

The Nation

September 5, 2019

Why did Western intelligence agencies, prompted, it seems clear, by US ones, seek to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign? A reflexive answer might be because candidate Trump promised to “cooperate with Russia,” to pursue a pro-détente foreign policy, but this was hardly a startling, still less subversive, advocacy by a would-be Republican president. All of the major pro-détente episodes in the 20th century had been initiated by Republican presidents: Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan.

So, again, what was it about Trump that so spooked the spooks so far off their rightful reservation and so intrusively into American presidential politics? Investigations being overseen by Attorney General William Barr may provide answers—or not. Barr has already leveled procedural charges against James Comey, head of the FBI under President Obama and briefly under President Trump, but the repeatedly hapless Comey seems incapable of having initiated such an audacious operation against a presidential candidate, still less a president-elect.

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

People who do not watch fake news know enough about it now to know what happened. Illegal spying and other efforts were used to stop Trump from getting elected, and when he got elected those efforts morphed into discrediting him enough to get him impeached and overthrow the government. Thats then basic gist of it.
...but why? This is the point of the OP.

If Donnie is such a dirtbag with a history of immoral behavior, as the Left portrays him, the intel agencies could easily blackmail him. Thus, controlling everything he might do.

I don't know where to even begin correcting a mindset so ingrained in the vast conspiracies.

Controlling everything a POTUS might do? You are out on the fucking moon.

Trump's campaign was investigated because they had many Russian contacts that they were lying about and Trump himself was publicly blowing Putin and asking Russia to go hack some more while talking tough to our NATO allies and China. Though Trump himself was a not a target untill he fired FBI Director over the "Russia thing".

Trump campaign even met with Russian government reps for the express purpose of getting compromat on Hillary - wtf do you think SHOULD happen if not FBI investigation?
and none of that is illegal. not one thing. so tell me this.

so what is it that russia did in the election? was it illegal to talk to russua? what was the interference big guy? come on, why are you avoiding the questions? Come mr. Fact man, give us that Fact!!!
Why did they pursue the obviously absurd Steele Dossier to such an extent? Was it merely Trump’s anti war rhetoric during the campaign or an effort to help HER and continue O’s legacy? Was there some other reason?

What does the MSM’s ridiculous promotion of this obvious fraudulent story, tell us about them?

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate
Vital questions about perhaps the worst alleged presidential scandal in US history remain unanswered.
By Stephen F. Cohen

The Nation

September 5, 2019

Why did Western intelligence agencies, prompted, it seems clear, by US ones, seek to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign? A reflexive answer might be because candidate Trump promised to “cooperate with Russia,” to pursue a pro-détente foreign policy, but this was hardly a startling, still less subversive, advocacy by a would-be Republican president. All of the major pro-détente episodes in the 20th century had been initiated by Republican presidents: Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan.

So, again, what was it about Trump that so spooked the spooks so far off their rightful reservation and so intrusively into American presidential politics? Investigations being overseen by Attorney General William Barr may provide answers—or not. Barr has already leveled procedural charges against James Comey, head of the FBI under President Obama and briefly under President Trump, but the repeatedly hapless Comey seems incapable of having initiated such an audacious operation against a presidential candidate, still less a president-elect.

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, General Flynn - all with bigtime financial ties to Moscow, Trump Tower Moscow, every Trump staff who is asked about Russian contacts, lies about those contacts. Trump's advance knowledge of hacker leaks through WikiLeaks. Trump's attempts to deflect attention from the Russians on the hacking, which the security agencies knew were coming from Russia.

Truly, you have to be wilfully blind NOT to investigate Trump's ties to Russia.
Why did they pursue the obviously absurd Steele Dossier to such an extent? Was it merely Trump’s anti war rhetoric during the campaign or an effort to help HER and continue O’s legacy? Was there some other reason?

What does the MSM’s ridiculous promotion of this obvious fraudulent story, tell us about them?

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate
Vital questions about perhaps the worst alleged presidential scandal in US history remain unanswered.
By Stephen F. Cohen

The Nation

September 5, 2019

Why did Western intelligence agencies, prompted, it seems clear, by US ones, seek to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign? A reflexive answer might be because candidate Trump promised to “cooperate with Russia,” to pursue a pro-détente foreign policy, but this was hardly a startling, still less subversive, advocacy by a would-be Republican president. All of the major pro-détente episodes in the 20th century had been initiated by Republican presidents: Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan.

So, again, what was it about Trump that so spooked the spooks so far off their rightful reservation and so intrusively into American presidential politics? Investigations being overseen by Attorney General William Barr may provide answers—or not. Barr has already leveled procedural charges against James Comey, head of the FBI under President Obama and briefly under President Trump, but the repeatedly hapless Comey seems incapable of having initiated such an audacious operation against a presidential candidate, still less a president-elect.

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Intelligence agencies did not undermine Trump's campaign. Maybe we should wonder why Trump's campaign was willing to work with the Russians to get dirt on Clinton. Why the numerous contacts with Russia. Why the campaign gave internal polling data and other campaign details to a Russian businessman who had ties to Russian Intelligence. Why Russian oligarchs were willing to finance Trump's ventures.

This is just another kook who becomes a source because he is saying what you want to hear. I would love for Trump to make this a issue and see what a kook Ttrump is.
Your post is entirely fact free.

You wouldn't know a fact if it hit you in the face. It is a fact that Trump's campaign met with a Russian national to get dirt on Clinton. It is a fact that Manafort gave campaign documents and other information to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.
LOL. They were all set ups by the FBI. Secondly, nothing came of these meetings since they involved low level Trump staffers and nothing on Clinton was ever provided. It’s all bull shit.

There is no doubt Trump is an asshole but why not criticize him for real things his done, not made up lies by the Deep State?

Russiagate is over. Accept it.
Why did they pursue the obviously absurd Steele Dossier to such an extent? Was it merely Trump’s anti war rhetoric during the campaign or an effort to help HER and continue O’s legacy? Was there some other reason?

What does the MSM’s ridiculous promotion of this obvious fraudulent story, tell us about them?

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate
Vital questions about perhaps the worst alleged presidential scandal in US history remain unanswered.
By Stephen F. Cohen

The Nation

September 5, 2019

Why did Western intelligence agencies, prompted, it seems clear, by US ones, seek to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign? A reflexive answer might be because candidate Trump promised to “cooperate with Russia,” to pursue a pro-détente foreign policy, but this was hardly a startling, still less subversive, advocacy by a would-be Republican president. All of the major pro-détente episodes in the 20th century had been initiated by Republican presidents: Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan.

So, again, what was it about Trump that so spooked the spooks so far off their rightful reservation and so intrusively into American presidential politics? Investigations being overseen by Attorney General William Barr may provide answers—or not. Barr has already leveled procedural charges against James Comey, head of the FBI under President Obama and briefly under President Trump, but the repeatedly hapless Comey seems incapable of having initiated such an audacious operation against a presidential candidate, still less a president-elect.

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, General Flynn - all with bigtime financial ties to Moscow, Trump Tower Moscow, every Trump staff who is asked about Russian contacts, lies about those contacts. Trump's advance knowledge of hacker leaks through WikiLeaks. Trump's attempts to deflect attention from the Russians on the hacking, which the security agencies knew were coming from Russia.

Truly, you have to be wilfully blind NOT to investigate Trump's ties to Russia.
Means nothing as it relates to collusion. Those guys were not colluding to steal the election with Russian help.

If we apply your standard, Hillary was by far more involved with Russia than Donnie.
Wait...so the OP thinks the big question is not why did Trump and company have dozens of contacts with Russians, but why did our intelligence agencies investigate all the Russian contacts? Wow....just....wow.
It is sad that Americans like you believe lies.

We live in an age where facts and truth no longer matter. Only one’s political narrative is truth.
MAGA-Age...."an age where facts and truth no longer matter. That was soooooo true.
Yes it goes both ways. Problem is both sides think their facts are right.
He's not a member of The Big Club™.....I really don't think it's much more complicated than that....With precious few exceptions, the DC ruling class, from both parties, have a pernicious snobbery that envelops them.

Agreed. Trump was seen as a traitor to his class when he sided with the working and middle classes. A loose cannon who wouldn't take orders and, worse in their minds, couldn't be disciplined with the usual methods such as of coordinated press smears, celebrity attacks, corporate money and foreign interventions.

I could say more concisely..Trump is loyal to America while they work for a globalist elite.
Why did they pursue the obviously absurd Steele Dossier to such an extent? Was it merely Trump’s anti war rhetoric during the campaign or an effort to help HER and continue O’s legacy? Was there some other reason?

What does the MSM’s ridiculous promotion of this obvious fraudulent story, tell us about them?

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate
Vital questions about perhaps the worst alleged presidential scandal in US history remain unanswered.
By Stephen F. Cohen

The Nation

September 5, 2019

Why did Western intelligence agencies, prompted, it seems clear, by US ones, seek to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign? A reflexive answer might be because candidate Trump promised to “cooperate with Russia,” to pursue a pro-détente foreign policy, but this was hardly a startling, still less subversive, advocacy by a would-be Republican president. All of the major pro-détente episodes in the 20th century had been initiated by Republican presidents: Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan.

So, again, what was it about Trump that so spooked the spooks so far off their rightful reservation and so intrusively into American presidential politics? Investigations being overseen by Attorney General William Barr may provide answers—or not. Barr has already leveled procedural charges against James Comey, head of the FBI under President Obama and briefly under President Trump, but the repeatedly hapless Comey seems incapable of having initiated such an audacious operation against a presidential candidate, still less a president-elect.

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, General Flynn - all with bigtime financial ties to Moscow, Trump Tower Moscow, every Trump staff who is asked about Russian contacts, lies about those contacts. Trump's advance knowledge of hacker leaks through WikiLeaks. Trump's attempts to deflect attention from the Russians on the hacking, which the security agencies knew were coming from Russia.

Truly, you have to be wilfully blind NOT to investigate Trump's ties to Russia.
Means nothing as it relates to collusion. Those guys were not colluding to steal the election with Russian help.

If we apply your standard, Hillary was by far more involved with Russia than Donnie.

Hardly. Half of the top levels of Hillary's campaign staff didn't have financial ties to Russia. Podesta had done work in the past, but Manafort was already being investigated for financial crimes related to Russia.

But mostly it was the lies. If all of these contacts with Russia were so innocent, why lie about them? The Clinton Campaign wasn't in almost daily contact with Russia, nor were the lying about their contacts.
People who do not watch fake news know enough about it now to know what happened. Illegal spying and other efforts were used to stop Trump from getting elected, and when he got elected those efforts morphed into discrediting him enough to get him impeached and overthrow the government. Thats then basic gist of it.
...but why? This is the point of the OP.
If Donnie is such a dirtbag with a history of immoral behavior, as the Left portrays him, the intel agencies could easily blackmail him. Thus, controlling everything he might do.

Hatred, and an agenda. Globalists ultimately want the demise of the United States, otherwise globalism will never take full hold. Trump stands for the exact opposite: A strong America, dominant in all areas. The Left and the globalists must be able to destroy Trump, and especially Trump's America First agenda, to be able to achieve their ultimate goal of a utopian socialist order.
Wait...so the OP thinks the big question is not why did Trump and company have dozens of contacts with Russians, but why did our intelligence agencies investigate all the Russian contacts? Wow....just....wow.
It is sad that Americans like you believe lies.

We live in an age where facts and truth no longer matter. Only one’s political narrative is truth.
The FACTS...document dozens of meetings with Putin's cronies...all of which were lied about to hide them
That’s ridiculous. I am betting Hillary had more high level contacts with Russia than did Donnie.
And yet they interfered in our elective process to help HIM...not her...get elected
They didn’t. Stop believing statist propaganda. A few dumb Facebook posts means nothing.

The crazy left and Deep State have demonized Russia, pushing us closer to Armageddon.

Are you on the Russian payroll or are you a fool? The evidence is clear that Russia interfered in our elections and that interference may have been more extensive than thought. The Russians have also interfered with other elections. They have created fictional rebels to attack Ukraine. They are teaming with Iran to take over the Middle East. The Russians attacked our forces in Syria.

It is Russia who is pushing us closer to Armageddon.
The FACTS...document dozens of meetings with Putin's cronies...all of which were lied about to hide them
That’s ridiculous. I am betting Hillary had more high level contacts with Russia than did Donnie.
And yet they interfered in our elective process to help HIM...not her...get elected

Yeah, when she was Secretary of State, not a candidate for president. She didn't have to lie to the American public about her meetings.
She lied often. That was her mo.
No, that's Don the Con's MO. He lies more than anyone. He's up in the tens of thousands. From little stupid ones like whether it fucking rained at his inauguration to really big ones like whether he paid hush money to a porn star or that his campaign had dozens of undisclosed meetings with Russians tied to Putin.

Apparently you two didn’t listen to Mueller’s testimony. Or maybe you have chosen to believe propaganda. Sad really.


Mueller: Russian Officials ‘Appeared Not to Have Pre-existing Contacts’ With Trump Campaign
Mueller: Russian Officials ‘Appeared Not to Have Pre-existing Contacts’ With Trump Campaign
Putin didn't have Don s phone number or did not want to use the unsecured phone of Trump' s as a part of the conversation? The Russians seem to know enough to contact Hope Hicks, to reach him... And somehow got her phone number?

Plus, from your article, one itty bitty line of it, among the right wing slanted opinion piece...

There were plenty of contacts between the Russian operatives and the Trump campaign detailed in the Mueller report.

Elsewhere in the report, Mueller details a “series of contacts between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government.”
yet not a one of them did mueller determine to be worth pursuing.

hopes n dreams. all the left has in their hate and they won't let it go.

He was unable to pursue them. Given they are Russian nationals, there was no way for Mueller to pursue the information. He also was unable to find out what happened to the information that Manafort gave to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. That gave the Russians a roadmap for their social media ads.

Mueller got it right. The Trump campaign knew the Russians wanted to help them and made it easy for them to do so.
People who do not watch fake news know enough about it now to know what happened. Illegal spying and other efforts were used to stop Trump from getting elected, and when he got elected those efforts morphed into discrediting him enough to get him impeached and overthrow the government. Thats then basic gist of it.
...but why? This is the point of the OP.
If Donnie is such a dirtbag with a history of immoral behavior, as the Left portrays him, the intel agencies could easily blackmail him. Thus, controlling everything he might do.

Hatred, and an agenda. Globalists ultimately want the demise of the United States, otherwise globalism will never take full hold. Trump stands for the exact opposite: A strong America, dominant in all areas. The Left and the globalists must be able to destroy Trump, and especially Trump's America First agenda, to be able to achieve their ultimate goal of a utopian socialist order.

You sound exactly like a true Trump supporter. Your brain on Trump.

He's not a member of The Big Club™.....I really don't think it's much more complicated than that....With precious few exceptions, the DC ruling class, from both parties, have a pernicious snobbery that envelops them.

Agreed. Trump was seen as a traitor to his class when he sided with the working and middle classes. A loose cannon who wouldn't take orders and, worse in their minds, couldn't be disciplined with the usual methods such as of coordinated press smears, celebrity attacks, corporate money and foreign interventions.

I could say more concisely..Trump is loyal to America while they work for a globalist elite.
I agree with your first paragraph, but have to dispute the second.

Donnie talked a good game about protecting the middle and working class, but what has he done? He pushed through a big tax cut that benefited the wealthy far more than anyone else. The invasion from the south is worse now than during Big Ears. Has he done anything about healthcare?
It is sad that Americans like you believe lies.

We live in an age where facts and truth no longer matter. Only one’s political narrative is truth.
The FACTS...document dozens of meetings with Putin's cronies...all of which were lied about to hide them
That’s ridiculous. I am betting Hillary had more high level contacts with Russia than did Donnie.
And yet they interfered in our elective process to help HIM...not her...get elected
They didn’t. Stop believing statist propaganda. A few dumb Facebook posts means nothing.

The crazy left and Deep State have demonized Russia, pushing us closer to Armageddon.

Are you on the Russian payroll or are you a fool? The evidence is clear that Russia interfered in our elections and that interference may have been more extensive than thought. The Russians have also interfered with other elections. They have created fictional rebels to attack Ukraine. They are teaming with Iran to take over the Middle East. The Russians attacked our forces in Syria.

It is Russia who is pushing us closer to Armageddon.
LOL. You are a dupe for the establishment. Why?

Russia did nothing that impacted the election. Stop listening to state run media. Dupe!

A few clumsy Facebook posts is not interference. Do you even know that Mueller claims they interfered, but offered no specifics.
That’s ridiculous. I am betting Hillary had more high level contacts with Russia than did Donnie.
And yet they interfered in our elective process to help HIM...not her...get elected

She lied often. That was her mo.
No, that's Don the Con's MO. He lies more than anyone. He's up in the tens of thousands. From little stupid ones like whether it fucking rained at his inauguration to really big ones like whether he paid hush money to a porn star or that his campaign had dozens of undisclosed meetings with Russians tied to Putin.

Apparently you two didn’t listen to Mueller’s testimony. Or maybe you have chosen to believe propaganda. Sad really.


Mueller: Russian Officials ‘Appeared Not to Have Pre-existing Contacts’ With Trump Campaign
Mueller: Russian Officials ‘Appeared Not to Have Pre-existing Contacts’ With Trump Campaign
Putin didn't have Don s phone number or did not want to use the unsecured phone of Trump' s as a part of the conversation? The Russians seem to know enough to contact Hope Hicks, to reach him... And somehow got her phone number?

Plus, from your article, one itty bitty line of it, among the right wing slanted opinion piece...

There were plenty of contacts between the Russian operatives and the Trump campaign detailed in the Mueller report.

Elsewhere in the report, Mueller details a “series of contacts between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government.”
yet not a one of them did mueller determine to be worth pursuing.

hopes n dreams. all the left has in their hate and they won't let it go.

He was unable to pursue them. Given they are Russian nationals, there was no way for Mueller to pursue the information. He also was unable to find out what happened to the information that Manafort gave to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. That gave the Russians a roadmap for their social media ads.

Mueller got it right. The Trump campaign knew the Russians wanted to help them and made it easy for them to do so.
Why did they pursue the obviously absurd Steele Dossier to such an extent? Was it merely Trump’s anti war rhetoric during the campaign or an effort to help HER and continue O’s legacy? Was there some other reason?

What does the MSM’s ridiculous promotion of this obvious fraudulent story, tell us about them?

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate
Vital questions about perhaps the worst alleged presidential scandal in US history remain unanswered.
By Stephen F. Cohen

The Nation

September 5, 2019

Why did Western intelligence agencies, prompted, it seems clear, by US ones, seek to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign? A reflexive answer might be because candidate Trump promised to “cooperate with Russia,” to pursue a pro-détente foreign policy, but this was hardly a startling, still less subversive, advocacy by a would-be Republican president. All of the major pro-détente episodes in the 20th century had been initiated by Republican presidents: Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan.

So, again, what was it about Trump that so spooked the spooks so far off their rightful reservation and so intrusively into American presidential politics? Investigations being overseen by Attorney General William Barr may provide answers—or not. Barr has already leveled procedural charges against James Comey, head of the FBI under President Obama and briefly under President Trump, but the repeatedly hapless Comey seems incapable of having initiated such an audacious operation against a presidential candidate, still less a president-elect.

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Intelligence agencies did not undermine Trump's campaign. Maybe we should wonder why Trump's campaign was willing to work with the Russians to get dirt on Clinton. Why the numerous contacts with Russia. Why the campaign gave internal polling data and other campaign details to a Russian businessman who had ties to Russian Intelligence. Why Russian oligarchs were willing to finance Trump's ventures.

This is just another kook who becomes a source because he is saying what you want to hear. I would love for Trump to make this a issue and see what a kook Ttrump is.
Your post is entirely fact free.

You wouldn't know a fact if it hit you in the face. It is a fact that Trump's campaign met with a Russian national to get dirt on Clinton. It is a fact that Manafort gave campaign documents and other information to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.
so what is it that russia did in the election? was it illegal to talk to russua? what was the interference big guy? come on, why are you avoiding the questions? Come mr. Fact man, give us that Fact!!!

Why bother when you refuse to accept facts.

Russia hacked the DNC servers. Don't give us the Seth Rich bullshit.
Russia bought social media ads and used social media bots.
They penetrated at least 2 Florida county election websites
They received internal polling data and campaign information from Manafort
That’s ridiculous. I am betting Hillary had more high level contacts with Russia than did Donnie.
And yet they interfered in our elective process to help HIM...not her...get elected

She lied often. That was her mo.
No, that's Don the Con's MO. He lies more than anyone. He's up in the tens of thousands. From little stupid ones like whether it fucking rained at his inauguration to really big ones like whether he paid hush money to a porn star or that his campaign had dozens of undisclosed meetings with Russians tied to Putin.

Apparently you two didn’t listen to Mueller’s testimony. Or maybe you have chosen to believe propaganda. Sad really.


Mueller: Russian Officials ‘Appeared Not to Have Pre-existing Contacts’ With Trump Campaign
Mueller: Russian Officials ‘Appeared Not to Have Pre-existing Contacts’ With Trump Campaign
Putin didn't have Don s phone number or did not want to use the unsecured phone of Trump' s as a part of the conversation? The Russians seem to know enough to contact Hope Hicks, to reach him... And somehow got her phone number?

Plus, from your article, one itty bitty line of it, among the right wing slanted opinion piece...

There were plenty of contacts between the Russian operatives and the Trump campaign detailed in the Mueller report.

Elsewhere in the report, Mueller details a “series of contacts between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government.”
yet not a one of them did mueller determine to be worth pursuing.

hopes n dreams. all the left has in their hate and they won't let it go.

He was unable to pursue them. Given they are Russian nationals, there was no way for Mueller to pursue the information. He also was unable to find out what happened to the information that Manafort gave to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. That gave the Russians a roadmap for their social media ads.

Mueller got it right. The Trump campaign knew the Russians wanted to help them and made it easy for them to do so.
Oh bull fucking shit. You didn't get what you emotionally counted on and are diverting the pain of losing to behind a vague lie you choose to believe.
Wait...you're not denying that the Russians interfered in the election to help Trump are you?
He's not a member of The Big Club™.....I really don't think it's much more complicated than that....With precious few exceptions, the DC ruling class, from both parties, have a pernicious snobbery that envelops them.
then WHY did he bring THE BIG CLUB with him, in to the whitehouse/administration?

He's a 'wanna be' BIG CLUB-BER... and that's even worse than being one.... he has hired their scum and swamp creatures and is groveling for acceptance.... is what it looks like to me...? :dunno:
He's not a member of The Big Club™.....I really don't think it's much more complicated than that....With precious few exceptions, the DC ruling class, from both parties, have a pernicious snobbery that envelops them.
then WHY did he bring THE BIG CLUB with him, in to the whitehouse/administration?

He's a 'wanna be' BIG CLUB-BER... and that's even worse than being one.... he has hired their scum and swamp creatures and is groveling for acceptance.... is what it looks like to me...? :dunno:
Agreed. Yet they still didn’t want him and tried to impose a coup against him, even though he really posed no threat to them.

Maybe the coup attempt was really driven by bitterness on the part of Ears and HER, from losing to a buffoonish game show host.

Our nation is run by a bunch of crazed morons.
He's not a member of The Big Club™.....I really don't think it's much more complicated than that....With precious few exceptions, the DC ruling class, from both parties, have a pernicious snobbery that envelops them.
then WHY did he bring THE BIG CLUB with him, in to the whitehouse/administration?

He's a 'wanna be' BIG CLUB-BER... and that's even worse than being one.... he has hired their scum and swamp creatures and is groveling for acceptance.... is what it looks like to me...? :dunno:
Agreed. Yet they still didn’t want him and tried to impose a coup against him, even though he really posed no threat to them.

Maybe the coup attempt was really driven by bitterness on the part of Ears and HER, from losing to a buffoonish game show host.

Our nation is run by a bunch of crazed morons.
nahhh, that's just petty and immature puberty stuff... They are not that immature or vindictive, that's Trump's M/O.... it's gotta be something else

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