What The Anti-Gun March on DC Accomplished...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The same thing every other liberal march accomplishes....they came, they protested, they trashed the place, then they left the mess for others to clean up after them...


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Way to go, snowflakes!



"If nobody had a gun nobody would need a gun"

According to Granny Snowflake, all it takes is passing a law to stop crime.
If we simply outlaw gun ownership there would be no gun crime.
Granny must be taking medicinal marijuana for her chronic case of 'Stupid'.


"If nobody had a gun nobody would need a gun"

According to Granny Snowflake, all it takes is passing a law to stop crime.
If we simply outlaw gun ownership there would be no gun crime.
Granny must be taking medicinal marijuana for her chronic case of 'Stupid'.


I wonder where she is with her "If nobody had a car, nobody would need a car" poster after any of the cases of Islamists using them to mass murder?

[URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.theatlantic.com%2Fassets%2Fmedia%2Fimg%2Fnotes%2F2018%2F03%2FRTX5BGWR%2Fhero_wide_640.jpg%3F1521945070&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theatlantic.com%2Fentertainment%2Farchive%2F2012%2F07%2Fwhy-reddit-so-anti-women-epic-reddit-thread-counts-ways%2F325357%2F&docid=ju_xR_EArWoiwM&tbnid=Itd-5qCg_osDGM%3A&vet=12ahUKEwisr5PxqYraAhXSylMKHVfBCe44ZBAzKEMwQ3oECAAQeQ..i&w=640&h=400&bih=1033&biw=1561&q=2018%20-%20march%20for%20our%20lives%20stupidity%20&ved=2ahUKEwisr5PxqYraAhXSylMKHVfBCe44ZBAzKEMwQ3oECAAQeQ&iact=mrc&uact=8']There are no such things as 'Assault Weapons'...but thank you for demonstrating Liberal indoctrination is alive and well..

'Automatic weapons have already been banned....'

The IQ of these people is off the charts.....in negative numbers.....

If 'Guns Kill People' ... how does anyone ever make it out of a GUN SHOW alive....? :confused:

If 'Guns Kill People' ... how does anyone ever make it out of a GUN SHOW alive....? :confused:
I've been to dozens of gun shows. No one is allowed to have a loaded weapon.

A friend of mine who is an even bigger gun nut than me won't go anywhere near gun ranges because even he is afraid of some of the whackjobs that can be found there.

'Automatic weapons have already been banned....'

The IQ of these people is off the charts.....in negative numbers.....

The drones are just repeating what they heard the lying liberal media say. Every time I turn around the media is claiming these are FULLY AUTOMATIC WEAPONS OF WAR a blatant lie.

The NRA promotes and teaches legal, responsible, educated, law-abiding gun ownership.

The Parkland shooter was identified as a threat well in advance of the shooting:
-- The School system identified him as a problem. They wanted to have him committed for mental problems. They suspended him.
-- The local sheriff's office was called approx. 45 times with complaints / concerns over the shooter.
-- Locals reported a violent social media post from the shooter stating / h8inting at what he was going to do
-- The FBI completely failed to investigate / do it's job - the current Director of the FBI apologized publicly for their failure

The shooter went to the school, walked inside and began shooting.

The local sheriff ordered his men to stand down and do nothing.
The sheriff and deputies - wearing armored vests and carrying weapons, remained outside while children they had vowed to serve and protect were shot
SWAT team members ignored the order and went in - they were reprimanded afterwards for disobeying the sheriff's order.
The Deputies were ordered to protect the sheriff when / if talking to the media after the event

The School officials who did nothing despite knowing the shooter needed serious help / posed a threat failed the people of Parkland especially those kids.

The Sheriff od Parkland and his entire force / office failed the people of Parkland especially those kids.

The FBI failed the people of Parkland especially those kids.

The NRA did nothing to contribute to the shooting; yet idiots like this carried signs vilifying the NRA.

The gun-grabbing left organized the event, demonized the NRA, refused to hold those really responsible, and manipulated the emotions of these people - just as they have manipulated the dreamers - to push their agenda.
Lib Marchers do it Again



And that's just D.C.
Gun Owners do it Again.

You are sub-human fucking slime.

Trying to equivocate people who don't fucking clean up after themselves after a protest (not just this one, most lefty protests leave a mess) to the after effects of a shooting incident is the lowest thing I have seen on this board.

A normal human would be ashamed, you fucking half-wit.

And I have been to plenty of lefty attended events, like the 5 boro bike tour, that take the time to handle their trash and even recycle things, so i know it can be done.

Trying to equivocate people who don't fucking clean up after themselves after a protest (not just this one, most lefty protests leave a mess) to the after effects of a shooting incident is the lowest thing I have seen on this board.

I completely agree - comparing to thousands of thoughtless, littering pigs to the after-effects of a school shooting that left 17 dead would be completely disgusting....which is why I am glad I DID NO SUCH THING. YOU insinuated that, not me.

Shame on you!
Trying to equivocate people who don't fucking clean up after themselves after a protest (not just this one, most lefty protests leave a mess) to the after effects of a shooting incident is the lowest thing I have seen on this board.

I completely agree - comparing to thousands of thoughtless, littering pigs to the after-effects of a school shooting that left 17 dead would be completely disgusting....which is why I am glad I DID NO SUCH THING. YOU insinuated that, not me.

Shame on you!

I quoted G5000.....

If 'Guns Kill People' ... how does anyone ever make it out of a GUN SHOW alive....? :confused:
I've been to dozens of gun shows. No one is allowed to have a loaded weapon.

A friend of mine who is an even bigger gun nut than me won't go anywhere near gun ranges because even he is afraid of some of the whackjobs that can be found there.


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