What The Anti-Gun March on DC Accomplished...

The same thing every other liberal march accomplishes....they came, they protested, they trashed the place, then they left the mess for others to clean up after them...


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Way to go, snowflakes!
Of all your lame weak threads this has to be the weakest.
There aren’t enough garbage cans for 2-3 hundred thousand people you idiot.
Ever see an outdoor concert or any event without trash on the ground?
I’m thrilled these students scare you so much you resort to this bullshit.
View attachment 184827
The same thing every other liberal march accomplishes....they came, they protested, they trashed the place, then they left the mess for others to clean up after them...


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Way to go, snowflakes!
Of all your lame weak threads this has to be the weakest.
There aren’t enough garbage cans for 2-3 hundred thousand people you idiot.
Ever see an outdoor concert or any event without trash on the ground?
I’m thrilled these students scare you so much you resort to this bullshit.
View attachment 184827
The same thing every other liberal march accomplishes....they came, they protested, they trashed the place, then they left the mess for others to clean up after them...


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View attachment 184786

Way to go, snowflakes!
Of all your lame weak threads this has to be the weakest.
There aren’t enough garbage cans for 2-3 hundred thousand people you idiot.
Ever see an outdoor concert or any event without trash on the ground?
I’m thrilled these students scare you so much you resort to this bullshit.
So, you take your trash with you. Don't leave it for others to clean up, and guess what, if you can't obtain the proper equipment, then hold the march until you have them. You have the freedom to assemble, you don't have the freedom to make others have to clean up after you.
What The Anti-Gun March on DC Accomplished...


"Each celebrity speaker and high school activist who took the stage to give an impassioned speech condemning firearms was themselves protected by a wide arsenal firearms.

I personally witnessed multiple celebrities go to and from their limousines under the heavily armed guard of private security members and the Capitol Police. I watched Katie Couric, Cher, George Clooney and the student celebrities of Parkland all get escorted to safety by police officers who were visibly carrying holstered handguns. None of the speakers waived the protections of an armed officer. Every major movie star, singer or student leaving the rally rushed to the protective bubble of well armed security as they traveled from the gated backstage area to idling limousines and private cars.

The point of this observation isn’t to put a stick in the eye of people who want to feel protected – especially when those people are famous and may have significant threats on their lives.

The point is if you feel safe being protected by a good guy with a gun – isn’t that a right we should all have?

Thank God, we still do."

The Most Hypocritical Thing I Saw At The March For Our Lives
Yeah, because the ALT-RIGHT WeakWhyte terrorist march on Charlottesville brought on love and productivity.




Fvck the Hucklefvcks! :abgg2q.jpg:
Wow, it may just be me, seems like it was just yesterday the left merely wanted "reasonable" and "fair" gun laws....today they're talking about shredding the second amendment.
View attachment 184827
The same thing every other liberal march accomplishes....they came, they protested, they trashed the place, then they left the mess for others to clean up after them...


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View attachment 184786

Way to go, snowflakes!
Of all your lame weak threads this has to be the weakest.
There aren’t enough garbage cans for 2-3 hundred thousand people you idiot.
Ever see an outdoor concert or any event without trash on the ground?
I’m thrilled these students scare you so much you resort to this bullshit.
Damned if I didn't just throw up, just a little.
Wow, it may just be me, seems like it was just yesterday the left merely wanted "reasonable" and "fair" gun laws....today they're talking about shredding the second amendment.
1 97 year old demented Republican did....

That's true, but tell me you didn't latch on to that like a dog in heat.
You are totally misinformed as always. Hunting rifles and shotguns are wonderful and I wish someone would use them on all the God damn deer out here...
"What The Anti-Gun March on DC Accomplished..."

The manipulation and indoctrination of our children by the Leftist Extremists who have turned our schools into modern day Liberal versions of 'Hitler Nazi Youth Camps'

The Liberal Extremist Organized / Run Anti-Gun March exposed the politicization of our children to push their political agenda. The March also exposed further that the federal government (liberal)-run school has become nothing more than 'Nazi Youth Factories' where Liberal Extremist indoctrinators churn out acceptable brainwashed socialists.

Children as young as 6 years old - 1st grade - were given slips to take home to their parents excusing them from coming to school so they could participate in the Leftist organized political 'Walk Out'. Children and parents reported being pressured by multiple teachers to participate. Knowing kids feel a need to belong to something or some group, teachers manipulated kids into participating, not only applying their own pressure on children who did not want to go but helped bring peer pressure about from their classmates as well. Some students and parents reported being bullied and ridiculed by not only fellow students but by teachers and even some other parents if it was discovered they did not want to participate. Parents, such as the father of the 1st grader mentioned above, told on the radio how he had to sit his child when asked why he had to go to school when his friends were not, how he had to explain how the education system was intentionally sabotaging the education system and turning schools instead into indoctrination camps. Children who did not want to participate were taught by being bullied by those who followed mindlessly along with their Indoctrinators that opinions are fine....as long as you accept and parrot the 'RIGHT' opinions - the only opinions and views that matter / are acceptable - The LEFT'S!

These 'Walk-Outs' are being organized by Leftist Extremists and supported by Liberal Indoctrinators - not 'teachers' / 'educators' - within the schools. If they were 'teachers' they would be explaining to students how the Parkland School Shooting was not an example of the failure of the 2nd Amendment but instead a failure by those in GOVERNMENT entrusted with power and the responsibility to serve, protect, and do their jobs. The teachers would have explained:

- How the Parkland School / Educators had identified the student as a 'THREAT', how they considered having him committed for mental illness, yet due to political correctness or cowardice they failed to do take action.

- How the Parkland Sheriff's office was called to respond to approx. 45 complaints against the shooter prior to the shooting...how was a gutless POS who ordered his men NOT to enter the school, to put themselves in harm's way to save the lives of children being gunned down. It is as if he WANTED another school shooting with a high body count, ordering his men to allow the slaughter to continue. He even disciplines SWAT Team members who disobeyed and entered the school in an attempt to save lives. Afterwards the Sheriff ordered his men to defend him from the sh!tstorm that was bound to come when the news of his actions were finally made public.

- How the FBI completely FAILED to do their job of investigating the shooter when they were repeatedly called and warned about him, how they could have prevented the shooting but failed to do so, and how the Director of the FBI spoke to the American people - to the victims and the families of the 17 murdered during an interview and apologized for his Agency's failure.

Instead of educating the children, instead of teaching these children exactly how this happened, they organize, manipulate, and indoctrinate children, creating their own version of Liberal 'Hitler Nazi Youth' IN OUR SCHOOLS!

Where the HELL is / was the Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, and why is she not condemning our Public Schools (Head Masters, Principals, and Teachers) for allowing schools to be shut down for a Leftist political event, for not only allowing children to skip school during the event but encouraging - pressuring, bullying - children into participating?! What was done is nothing short of CRIMINAL, IMO. It is fraud / waste / abuse of my tax dollars that are going to support the EDUCATION - NOT INDOCTRINATION - of this country's children, not to go to pushing the Liberal Extremist agenda through the manipulation and use of my and other children.

By NOT speaking out, Secretary DeVos and her entire Agency have only bolstered the argument by so many out there that the Department of Education should be shut down, dissolved, and the control of State Education be stripped from the hands of the Federal government and returned to the STATES!

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