What the Founding Fathers really were!


Doge of Venezia
Oct 22, 2013
I hear incessant blithering about how the founding fathers advocated one political ideology, or another. However, even as a libertarian republican, I can clearly see that the politics of that time period were very different in comparison to today's politics. For starters, the Founders (or Framers as some say) did not have a uniform political ideology. Now that we have that out of the way, we can approach the more important aspects of their ideas.

The founders were primarily separated into two camps, the federalists, and democratic-republicans (the progenitor of the democrat party through Andrew Jackson).

The federalists, from what I understand, were in favor of the following
-Direct government intervention in domestic affairs.
-Subsidies, tariffs, and other inhibitions to free trade
-A larger, and permanents military force in order to do various things.
-Expansion of powers of Congress and a very "liberal" interpretation of the welfare clause.
-Very religious, and their successors, the Whigs, believed in banning, and reforming the individual.

Some examples of famous federalists would be George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay.

The Democratic-Republicans, from what I understand, were in favor of the following.
-Far less government intervention in anything
-No real military
-Expansion of America in every direction
-Were adverse to commerce, and preferred a "yeo-man" farmer type lifestyle for everyone, as detailed by T.J's empire of liberty.
-were a populist party reacting against the elitism of the Federalists, they supported the expansion of suffrage, and attempted eliminate the negative connotation associated with the word "democracy".
-They appeared to be less religious in comparison to the federalists, as the federalists would constantly (oftentimes falsely) accuse Demo-Repubs of being atheists/not believing in God.
-Strict constructionist approach to the constitution (Conservative definition of the various powers allotted to government).

Famous Demo-repubs would be James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and Aaron Burr.

Although this is a very cursory glimpse into the time period (And a lot has of their ideology has been oversimplified in this brief post), even this reveals how different politics were back then! Which proves my point that todays politics, and comparison are not really applicable.

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