What The Heck Happened To Columbus??

Oh Christ!! Not that again. :ssex::ssex::ssex:

Do you think that is something clever and original? Read my signature line.

"Do you think that is something clever and original?"

No....I think you're a typical Rutgers grad.

The sig line reeks of government school lack of education.

Well, if all that you have are childish insults I'm not going to bother with you. :banned03::beer::beer:

Bet you had the same response to education.
columbus day political cartoons - My Yahoo Search Results


Let's stick to how truly stupid your avi name is....
I'll try to dumb this down so even you can understand:

1. A patriot in America would stand for the America memorialized in our founding documents.
That would include the United States Constitution.

2. The heart of Progressive doctrine is ending the influence of the Constitution.

a. Progressive Woodrow Wilson suggested discarding the Constitution...
" Justly revered as our great Constitution is, it could be stripped off and thrown aside like a garment, and the nation would still stand forth in the living vestment of flesh and sinew, warm with the heart-blood of one people, ready to recreate constitutions and laws. …
Woodrow Wilson [Woodrow Wilson
"The Modern Democratic State" (1885; first published in 1966)
The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 5]

b. Progressive Franklin Roosevelt's view of the Constitution can be seen in the words of his chosen adviser, Rexford Tugwell
It is a fact that none of the New Dealers were constitutionalists. Roosevelt's economist, Rexford Tugwell said: Any people who must be governed according to the written codes of an instrument which defines the spheres of individual and group, state and federal actions must expect to suffer from the constant maladjustment of progress. A life' which changes and a constitution for governance which does not must always raise questions which are difficult for solution."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.63

So, you see that Progressive Patriot is akin to VegetarianForMeat.

Wise up.

Complete bovine excrement!! Not withstanding anything that Wilson or Roosevelt might have said. We do not want to destroy the Constitution.

Who is a Patriot in America by The Progressive Patriot 2.15.12

As we know, there now exists a mindset among political partisans that considers their adversaries to be unpatriotic. Therefore, I would like to explore the question of what patriotism is, what it is not, and who has the right to claim that mantle. Most will agree that any definition of patriotism would include a love and devotion to one’s country, and by that definition, it should not be political at all. In theory, people with different values and philosophies, even vast differences can all be seen as loving their country, as being patriots. However, I think that we can also agree that if one political party or, faction was harming the country, either deliberately or through a misguided agenda , that would be decidedly unpatriotic. Now we find ourselves in a political environment that has gone from constructive disagreement to one in which each side is convinced that the other is in fact, literarily destroying America . The reality is that there much going on today that can harm the nation to the point of destruction. So I ask you now, which party engages in the following activities and are they, by and stretch of the imagination “patriotic”

  • Engaged in the systematic obstruction of the quest for positive change in our country in areas such as employment, reduction in poverty, education and science, while pretending that the only problems that we have as a nation are too much taxing and spending, while ignoring most everything else.

  • Manufactured fiscal crisis’ and hold the country hostage to protect the wealth of the few at the expense of the other 99% of the people and who’s intransigence caused the country’s credit rating to be downgraded, risking default and precipitating a government shutdown all for political gain.

  • Put ideological purity ahead of the national interest and opposes programs and policies that they once supported just because the opposition is putting them forth now.


  • Derided social programs as socialism and deliberately and disingenuously confuses them with Marxism and Fascism, while pretending that anyone can get by in today’s America if only they would try harder, which amounts to turning our back on the most vulnerable members of society ,which weakens the nation as a moral beacon and a sustainable society.

  • Spread conspiracy theories about such things as impending martial law and the staging of a tragic massacre , the Presidents religion and nationality, or stirs up fears about the UN as an excuse for blocking treaties that protect women, disabled people and the environment that should not even be political.

  • Denied that the religious freedom, enshrined in the constitution that they claim to love, applies equally to people of all faiths, or no faith at all, which is in no way in keeping with the vision of the founders and undermines the underlying principals of our nation.

  • Sought to adopt an interpretation of the constitution that would result in such limited federal powers as to revert the role of government to the era of the Federalist Papers-creating a loose “federation” of states, while toying with secession. In that America, states would be free to flout the equal protection mandate of the constitution, the bill of rights, the voting rights act and the civil rights act-and some surely would.

  • Chosen to do nothing to counter sexism, racism, homophobia and xenophobia which makes us look like the ideologically and theoretically driven third world oligarchies that we should be rising above

  • Advocating a foreign policy based on fear, domination, arrogance and jingoism eroding our standing in the world, creating more enemies, and alienating friends

  • Seeking to regulate women’s bodies, and pass constitutional amendments restricting people’s right to marry who they wish, but not regulate the corporations that pollutes the air and water , avoid taxes and exploit workers

  • Frequently disrespected the president and first lady with absurd charges and derogatory words and doing so is dangerous, and subversive because all of these things weaken America economically and morally, undermine national security, and bring scorn and ridicule upon the country.

Let me close by saying that I am well aware of the fact that various dictionaries will also define a Patriot, in part, as “a person who regards himself or herself as a defender of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.” In other words “liberty vs. “tyranny”, words frequently heard in today’s political discourse. And, this has been used against me by small government zealots as proof that I, who believe in a government that can and should work to better the lives and to protect all of its people can’t be a patriot.

But what is liberty, and what is tyranny? Some appear to think of liberty as having license to exploit others without government oversight; the freedom to discriminate, to engage inhateful acts and speech, and to carry assault weapons. Some do not recognize that there are limits to freedom as well as responsibilities that go with it. Those who think that way are not even part of civilized society. Rather, they are in fact a threat to the liberty of others by virtue of their extreme interpretation of the word “liberty”, their own liberty that is. Those same people will cry tyranny at anything that the government does to rein in those individual liberties for the greater good, showing a colossal ignorance and lack of appreciation of the enormous freedoms that we do enjoy. And that my friend’s is not patriotic.So tell me my friends, which party, which ideology represents the true patriots of today?

"Do you think that is something clever and original?"

No....I think you're a typical Rutgers grad.

The sig line reeks of government school lack of education.

Well, if all that you have are childish insults I'm not going to bother with you. :banned03::beer::beer:

Bet you had the same response to education.
columbus day political cartoons - My Yahoo Search Results


Let's stick to how truly stupid your avi name is....
I'll try to dumb this down so even you can understand:

1. A patriot in America would stand for the America memorialized in our founding documents.
That would include the United States Constitution.

2. The heart of Progressive doctrine is ending the influence of the Constitution.

a. Progressive Woodrow Wilson suggested discarding the Constitution...
" Justly revered as our great Constitution is, it could be stripped off and thrown aside like a garment, and the nation would still stand forth in the living vestment of flesh and sinew, warm with the heart-blood of one people, ready to recreate constitutions and laws. …
Woodrow Wilson [Woodrow Wilson
"The Modern Democratic State" (1885; first published in 1966)
The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 5]

b. Progressive Franklin Roosevelt's view of the Constitution can be seen in the words of his chosen adviser, Rexford Tugwell
It is a fact that none of the New Dealers were constitutionalists. Roosevelt's economist, Rexford Tugwell said: Any people who must be governed according to the written codes of an instrument which defines the spheres of individual and group, state and federal actions must expect to suffer from the constant maladjustment of progress. A life' which changes and a constitution for governance which does not must always raise questions which are difficult for solution."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.63

So, you see that Progressive Patriot is akin to VegetarianForMeat.

Wise up.

Complete bovine excrement!! Not withstanding anything that Wilson or Roosevelt might have said. We do not want to destroy the Constitution.

Who is a Patriot in America by The Progressive Patriot 2.15.12

As we know, there now exists a mindset among political partisans that considers their adversaries to be unpatriotic. Therefore, I would like to explore the question of what patriotism is, what it is not, and who has the right to claim that mantle. Most will agree that any definition of patriotism would include a love and devotion to one’s country, and by that definition, it should not be political at all. In theory, people with different values and philosophies, even vast differences can all be seen as loving their country, as being patriots. However, I think that we can also agree that if one political party or, faction was harming the country, either deliberately or through a misguided agenda , that would be decidedly unpatriotic. Now we find ourselves in a political environment that has gone from constructive disagreement to one in which each side is convinced that the other is in fact, literarily destroying America . The reality is that there much going on today that can harm the nation to the point of destruction. So I ask you now, which party engages in the following activities and are they, by and stretch of the imagination “patriotic”

  • Engaged in the systematic obstruction of the quest for positive change in our country in areas such as employment, reduction in poverty, education and science, while pretending that the only problems that we have as a nation are too much taxing and spending, while ignoring most everything else.

  • Manufactured fiscal crisis’ and hold the country hostage to protect the wealth of the few at the expense of the other 99% of the people and who’s intransigence caused the country’s credit rating to be downgraded, risking default and precipitating a government shutdown all for political gain.

  • Put ideological purity ahead of the national interest and opposes programs and policies that they once supported just because the opposition is putting them forth now.


  • Derided social programs as socialism and deliberately and disingenuously confuses them with Marxism and Fascism, while pretending that anyone can get by in today’s America if only they would try harder, which amounts to turning our back on the most vulnerable members of society ,which weakens the nation as a moral beacon and a sustainable society.

  • Spread conspiracy theories about such things as impending martial law and the staging of a tragic massacre , the Presidents religion and nationality, or stirs up fears about the UN as an excuse for blocking treaties that protect women, disabled people and the environment that should not even be political.

  • Denied that the religious freedom, enshrined in the constitution that they claim to love, applies equally to people of all faiths, or no faith at all, which is in no way in keeping with the vision of the founders and undermines the underlying principals of our nation.

  • Sought to adopt an interpretation of the constitution that would result in such limited federal powers as to revert the role of government to the era of the Federalist Papers-creating a loose “federation” of states, while toying with secession. In that America, states would be free to flout the equal protection mandate of the constitution, the bill of rights, the voting rights act and the civil rights act-and some surely would.

  • Chosen to do nothing to counter sexism, racism, homophobia and xenophobia which makes us look like the ideologically and theoretically driven third world oligarchies that we should be rising above

  • Advocating a foreign policy based on fear, domination, arrogance and jingoism eroding our standing in the world, creating more enemies, and alienating friends

  • Seeking to regulate women’s bodies, and pass constitutional amendments restricting people’s right to marry who they wish, but not regulate the corporations that pollutes the air and water , avoid taxes and exploit workers

  • Frequently disrespected the president and first lady with absurd charges and derogatory words and doing so is dangerous, and subversive because all of these things weaken America economically and morally, undermine national security, and bring scorn and ridicule upon the country.
Let me close by saying that I am well aware of the fact that various dictionaries will also define a Patriot, in part, as “a person who regards himself or herself as a defender of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.” In other words “liberty vs. “tyranny”, words frequently heard in today’s political discourse. And, this has been used against me by small government zealots as proof that I, who believe in a government that can and should work to better the lives and to protect all of its people can’t be a patriot.

But what is liberty, and what is tyranny? Some appear to think of liberty as having license to exploit others without government oversight; the freedom to discriminate, to engage inhateful acts and speech, and to carry assault weapons. Some do not recognize that there are limits to freedom as well as responsibilities that go with it. Those who think that way are not even part of civilized society. Rather, they are in fact a threat to the liberty of others by virtue of their extreme interpretation of the word “liberty”, their own liberty that is. Those same people will cry tyranny at anything that the government does to rein in those individual liberties for the greater good, showing a colossal ignorance and lack of appreciation of the enormous freedoms that we do enjoy. And that my friend’s is not patriotic.So tell me my friends, which party, which ideology represents the true patriots of today?


I appreciate the work that you put into that post.

You are certainly entitled to any view you choose to espouse....but you are not entitled to make up definitions and usage out of line with the English language.

As my post documents, 'progressive' does not meld with 'patriot.'

You may choose to be a 'Devotee' of any of the following...

Liberal, Progressive, Democrat, Communist, Fascist, socialist, Nazi.....

Every one is a scion of Marx and Hegel, and centers around this view:
"...but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"

A patriot in America give his honor to the United States Constitution.
So much of what the Liberal knows about the pre-Columbus Indians is less from scholarship, and more from Walt Disney.
They're kept that way by government schools because it makes them so easy to be led.

11. "Kirkpatrick Sale in 1990, in his widely reported Conquest of Paradise, maintains that it was the Europeans who transformed nature, following a pattern set by Columbus. Although Sale's book has some merit and he is aware of large Indian numbers and their impacts, he nonetheless champions the widely-held dichotomy of the benign Indian landscape and the devastated Colonial landscape. He overstates both.

On his fourth voyage in 1502-03, Columbus sailed along the north coast of Panama (Veragua). His son Ferdinand described lands which were well-peopled, full of houses, with many fields, and open with few trees.....

[Get it? No 'forests primeval.']

Whitmore, et al. estimate that the Maya had modified 75 percent of the environment by A.D. 800, and that following the Mayan collapse, forest recovery in the central lowlands was nearly complete when the Spaniards arrived.

The pristine myth cannot be laid at the feet of Columbus. While he spoke of 'Paradise," his was clearly a humanized paradise. He described Hispaniola and Tortuga as densely populated and "completely cultivated like the countryside around Cordoba". He also noted that "the islands are not so thickly wooded as to be impassable,' suggesting openings from clearing and burning." The Pristine Myth: The Landscape of the

So....what happed to all those forests?
And the animals that lived in them.....?

Both destroyed by those 'noble savages.'

Seems that it wasn't Columbus and those who followed who altered the New World....
...and those 'noble savages' were not so noble, and Columbus more of same.

Is there hope for a come-back to glory by Columbus?
PC is busily creating new reactionary far right nonsense.

I'm surprised PC hasn't turned this into an anti- Obama rant yet

I'm not at all surprised that you were unable to dispute any of the posts I provided.
Contrary to your avi.....
...you must be a Liberal, huh?
Dispute em?

I never even read em

Of course you have.

I pride myself on both the erudition and the veracity of my posts.
Bet you wish you could say the same.
You write the most tedious nonsense on USMB

Even your fellow conservatives don't read your shit
Liberalism happened to Chris.

1. Christopher Columbus suffers from the fate of all those who run counter to what ever the Left wishes to advance at the moment.

2. At the start, and for hundreds of years, Columbus was considered a hero, responsible for "...one small step for man,one giant leap for mankind."

The problem is that his endeavors, and praise thereof, were seen as proxy for the spirit of commerce, capitalism, and even of the greatness of America.

3. But Columbus' repute peaked by the end of the 19th century.....coincidentally, just when collectivism, Progressivism, began to gain momentum. One certainly shouldn't expect to see this kind of endorsement: the Columbian Exhibition in Chicago, 1893, announced that "1492 was not just an important historical date, but a turning point in the emancipation of mankind."
Royal, R., "1492 And All That: Political Manipulations of History," p.10.

4. And poor Columbus was on the wrong side of not just capitalism, but of religion as well! Because of him, Christian missionaries preached the Gospel where it had never been before.

a. There was even a movement for his canonisation. Although the Vatican would not agree to this Pope Leo XIII issued an encyclical, Quarto abeunte saeculo, which praised Columbus in the highest terms:
'For the exploit is in itself the highest and grandest which any age has ever seen accomplished by man; and he who achieved it, for the greatness of mind and heart, can be compared to but few in the history of humanity. The Pope especially commended Columbus for bringing Christianity to ‘a mighty multitude, cloaked in miserable darkness, given over to evil rites, and the superstitious worship of vain gods’
Quoted in Royal, Ibid, p.11.

5. Jump to the 1992 Quincentenary, a century into Progressive influence, and things looked very different for poor Chris.

a. All sorts of writings objected that he hadn't really discovered America! The Indians were here...and they weren't waiting around to be discovered.

b. Columbus and the Europeans were accused of exploiting the Indians, of brutally
mistreating and murdering them by the million, of infecting them with European diseases to which they had no resistance, and of making them slaves in their own country. Christopher Columbus stood accused of genocide. Russell Means of the American Indian Movement claimed that Columbus was worse than Hitler! http://cfbportal.schoolwires.net/cm...nstance/3193/colonization/WorldsCollide06.pdf

c. Even the churches turned on Columbus!
Even The US National Council of Churches issued a statement on the quincentenary in which advanced the bogus claim of ‘genocide.

Columbus never rode on a bus....but he got thrown under it!

"...one small step for man,one giant leap for mankind."
?? Is he the one who landed on the moon? LOL

Maybe what happened to Columbus was the evolving standards of human decency and a revulsion to genocide and exploitation. If you are going to blame progressives for throwing under the bus, then you are also saying that those capitalists and religious people -not that progressives cannot also be capitalists and religious- support crimes against humanity.

What happened to Columbus was a viewing of his achievement through other than a Eurocentric point of view
When you view the voyages through the eyes of those being murdered and enslaved, Columbus does not come out as well
PC is busily creating new reactionary far right nonsense.

I'm surprised PC hasn't turned this into an anti- Obama rant yet

I'm not at all surprised that you were unable to dispute any of the posts I provided.
Contrary to your avi.....
...you must be a Liberal, huh?
Dispute em?

I never even read em

Of course you have.

I pride myself on both the erudition and the veracity of my posts.
Bet you wish you could say the same.
You write the most tedious nonsense on USMB

Even your fellow conservatives don't read your shit

How would you know if your claim that you don't read it is true?

Caught you in another lie, huh?

Truth is, you read it and wish you could counter same.
I'm surprised PC hasn't turned this into an anti- Obama rant yet

I'm not at all surprised that you were unable to dispute any of the posts I provided.
Contrary to your avi.....
...you must be a Liberal, huh?
Dispute em?

I never even read em

Of course you have.

I pride myself on both the erudition and the veracity of my posts.
Bet you wish you could say the same.
You write the most tedious nonsense on USMB

Even your fellow conservatives don't read your shit

How would you know if your claim that you don't read it is true?

Caught you in another lie, huh?

Truth is, you read it and wish you could counter same.
PC is the least trusted poster on the Board.
I'm surprised PC hasn't turned this into an anti- Obama rant yet

I'm not at all surprised that you were unable to dispute any of the posts I provided.
Contrary to your avi.....
...you must be a Liberal, huh?
Dispute em?

I never even read em

Of course you have.

I pride myself on both the erudition and the veracity of my posts.
Bet you wish you could say the same.
You write the most tedious nonsense on USMB

Even your fellow conservatives don't read your shit

How would you know if your claim that you don't read it is true?

Caught you in another lie, huh?

Truth is, you read it and wish you could counter same.
Ever notice your fellow conservatives never post on your threads?
You even bore them

Even Stephanie gets better rightwing support
Well, if all that you have are childish insults I'm not going to bother with you. :banned03::beer::beer:

Bet you had the same response to education.
columbus day political cartoons - My Yahoo Search Results


Let's stick to how truly stupid your avi name is....
I'll try to dumb this down so even you can understand:

1. A patriot in America would stand for the America memorialized in our founding documents.
That would include the United States Constitution.

2. The heart of Progressive doctrine is ending the influence of the Constitution.

a. Progressive Woodrow Wilson suggested discarding the Constitution...
" Justly revered as our great Constitution is, it could be stripped off and thrown aside like a garment, and the nation would still stand forth in the living vestment of flesh and sinew, warm with the heart-blood of one people, ready to recreate constitutions and laws. …
Woodrow Wilson [Woodrow Wilson
"The Modern Democratic State" (1885; first published in 1966)
The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 5]

b. Progressive Franklin Roosevelt's view of the Constitution can be seen in the words of his chosen adviser, Rexford Tugwell
It is a fact that none of the New Dealers were constitutionalists. Roosevelt's economist, Rexford Tugwell said: Any people who must be governed according to the written codes of an instrument which defines the spheres of individual and group, state and federal actions must expect to suffer from the constant maladjustment of progress. A life' which changes and a constitution for governance which does not must always raise questions which are difficult for solution."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.63

So, you see that Progressive Patriot is akin to VegetarianForMeat.

Wise up.

Complete bovine excrement!! Not withstanding anything that Wilson or Roosevelt might have said. We do not want to destroy the Constitution.

Who is a Patriot in America by The Progressive Patriot 2.15.12

As we know, there now exists a mindset among political partisans that considers their adversaries to be unpatriotic. Therefore, I would like to explore the question of what patriotism is, what it is not, and who has the right to claim that mantle. Most will agree that any definition of patriotism would include a love and devotion to one’s country, and by that definition, it should not be political at all. In theory, people with different values and philosophies, even vast differences can all be seen as loving their country, as being patriots. However, I think that we can also agree that if one political party or, faction was harming the country, either deliberately or through a misguided agenda , that would be decidedly unpatriotic. Now we find ourselves in a political environment that has gone from constructive disagreement to one in which each side is convinced that the other is in fact, literarily destroying America . The reality is that there much going on today that can harm the nation to the point of destruction. So I ask you now, which party engages in the following activities and are they, by and stretch of the imagination “patriotic”

  • Engaged in the systematic obstruction of the quest for positive change in our country in areas such as employment, reduction in poverty, education and science, while pretending that the only problems that we have as a nation are too much taxing and spending, while ignoring most everything else.

  • Manufactured fiscal crisis’ and hold the country hostage to protect the wealth of the few at the expense of the other 99% of the people and who’s intransigence caused the country’s credit rating to be downgraded, risking default and precipitating a government shutdown all for political gain.

  • Put ideological purity ahead of the national interest and opposes programs and policies that they once supported just because the opposition is putting them forth now.


  • Derided social programs as socialism and deliberately and disingenuously confuses them with Marxism and Fascism, while pretending that anyone can get by in today’s America if only they would try harder, which amounts to turning our back on the most vulnerable members of society ,which weakens the nation as a moral beacon and a sustainable society.

  • Spread conspiracy theories about such things as impending martial law and the staging of a tragic massacre , the Presidents religion and nationality, or stirs up fears about the UN as an excuse for blocking treaties that protect women, disabled people and the environment that should not even be political.

  • Denied that the religious freedom, enshrined in the constitution that they claim to love, applies equally to people of all faiths, or no faith at all, which is in no way in keeping with the vision of the founders and undermines the underlying principals of our nation.

  • Sought to adopt an interpretation of the constitution that would result in such limited federal powers as to revert the role of government to the era of the Federalist Papers-creating a loose “federation” of states, while toying with secession. In that America, states would be free to flout the equal protection mandate of the constitution, the bill of rights, the voting rights act and the civil rights act-and some surely would.

  • Chosen to do nothing to counter sexism, racism, homophobia and xenophobia which makes us look like the ideologically and theoretically driven third world oligarchies that we should be rising above

  • Advocating a foreign policy based on fear, domination, arrogance and jingoism eroding our standing in the world, creating more enemies, and alienating friends

  • Seeking to regulate women’s bodies, and pass constitutional amendments restricting people’s right to marry who they wish, but not regulate the corporations that pollutes the air and water , avoid taxes and exploit workers

  • Frequently disrespected the president and first lady with absurd charges and derogatory words and doing so is dangerous, and subversive because all of these things weaken America economically and morally, undermine national security, and bring scorn and ridicule upon the country.
Let me close by saying that I am well aware of the fact that various dictionaries will also define a Patriot, in part, as “a person who regards himself or herself as a defender of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.” In other words “liberty vs. “tyranny”, words frequently heard in today’s political discourse. And, this has been used against me by small government zealots as proof that I, who believe in a government that can and should work to better the lives and to protect all of its people can’t be a patriot.

But what is liberty, and what is tyranny? Some appear to think of liberty as having license to exploit others without government oversight; the freedom to discriminate, to engage inhateful acts and speech, and to carry assault weapons. Some do not recognize that there are limits to freedom as well as responsibilities that go with it. Those who think that way are not even part of civilized society. Rather, they are in fact a threat to the liberty of others by virtue of their extreme interpretation of the word “liberty”, their own liberty that is. Those same people will cry tyranny at anything that the government does to rein in those individual liberties for the greater good, showing a colossal ignorance and lack of appreciation of the enormous freedoms that we do enjoy. And that my friend’s is not patriotic.So tell me my friends, which party, which ideology represents the true patriots of today?


I appreciate the work that you put into that post.

You are certainly entitled to any view you choose to espouse....but you are not entitled to make up definitions and usage out of line with the English language.

As my post documents, 'progressive' does not meld with 'patriot.'

You may choose to be a 'Devotee' of any of the following...

Liberal, Progressive, Democrat, Communist, Fascist, socialist, Nazi.....

Every one is a scion of Marx and Hegel, and centers around this view:
"...but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"

A patriot in America give his honor to the United States Constitution.

More Bull,…. You’re making dangerous assumptions. First that “progressive want to destroy the constitution, and now that we want to control all aspects of everyone’s life. Let me ask, who is it that sought to CONTROLL who is allowed to marry who-first with interracial marriage and then with same sex marriage? Who is still trying to CONTROLL women’s own bodies and reproductive rights? Who wants to ALLOW the insurance companies to be in complete CONTROLL of our health care, and for the wealthy to be in CONTROLL of the economy? Having said that.....

I believe that progressives are the true patriots because of, and not in spite of, the fact that we have a vision of this country being truly great in all ways for all of our people I want America to be respected in the world as a leader in science, diplomacy, education, environmental protection and the evolving standards of human rights. If this to be a great and just country for all people, Not just the rich, not just the native born and white people, not just for heterosexuals, not just for Christians, and not just for males. FOR ALL PEOPLE. Patriotism is progress and progress is patriotism

At the time of the founding of our nation, at the time of the American Revolution, the rebels were known as the patriots. Those patriots were not content with the status quo. They wanted to move ahead, they sought to build a nation based on the ideal of freedom and democracy. Yes, they sought to throw off the yoke of an oppressive government , and yes, conservatives today-those who call themselves “patriots”-also seek to limit the influence of what they see as an oppressive government.

However, I will submit to you that today’s source of oppression is perpetrated, not by government per se, but by those forces within government as well as outside of government who seek to thwart progress, and worse, undue much of what has been accomplished in areas such as labor, civil rights, education, science and the environment.

Let's stick to how truly stupid your avi name is....
I'll try to dumb this down so even you can understand:

1. A patriot in America would stand for the America memorialized in our founding documents.
That would include the United States Constitution.

2. The heart of Progressive doctrine is ending the influence of the Constitution.

a. Progressive Woodrow Wilson suggested discarding the Constitution...
" Justly revered as our great Constitution is, it could be stripped off and thrown aside like a garment, and the nation would still stand forth in the living vestment of flesh and sinew, warm with the heart-blood of one people, ready to recreate constitutions and laws. …
Woodrow Wilson [Woodrow Wilson
"The Modern Democratic State" (1885; first published in 1966)
The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 5]

b. Progressive Franklin Roosevelt's view of the Constitution can be seen in the words of his chosen adviser, Rexford Tugwell
It is a fact that none of the New Dealers were constitutionalists. Roosevelt's economist, Rexford Tugwell said: Any people who must be governed according to the written codes of an instrument which defines the spheres of individual and group, state and federal actions must expect to suffer from the constant maladjustment of progress. A life' which changes and a constitution for governance which does not must always raise questions which are difficult for solution."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.63

So, you see that Progressive Patriot is akin to VegetarianForMeat.

Wise up.

Complete bovine excrement!! Not withstanding anything that Wilson or Roosevelt might have said. We do not want to destroy the Constitution.

Who is a Patriot in America by The Progressive Patriot 2.15.12

As we know, there now exists a mindset among political partisans that considers their adversaries to be unpatriotic. Therefore, I would like to explore the question of what patriotism is, what it is not, and who has the right to claim that mantle. Most will agree that any definition of patriotism would include a love and devotion to one’s country, and by that definition, it should not be political at all. In theory, people with different values and philosophies, even vast differences can all be seen as loving their country, as being patriots. However, I think that we can also agree that if one political party or, faction was harming the country, either deliberately or through a misguided agenda , that would be decidedly unpatriotic. Now we find ourselves in a political environment that has gone from constructive disagreement to one in which each side is convinced that the other is in fact, literarily destroying America . The reality is that there much going on today that can harm the nation to the point of destruction. So I ask you now, which party engages in the following activities and are they, by and stretch of the imagination “patriotic”

  • Engaged in the systematic obstruction of the quest for positive change in our country in areas such as employment, reduction in poverty, education and science, while pretending that the only problems that we have as a nation are too much taxing and spending, while ignoring most everything else.

  • Manufactured fiscal crisis’ and hold the country hostage to protect the wealth of the few at the expense of the other 99% of the people and who’s intransigence caused the country’s credit rating to be downgraded, risking default and precipitating a government shutdown all for political gain.

  • Put ideological purity ahead of the national interest and opposes programs and policies that they once supported just because the opposition is putting them forth now.


  • Derided social programs as socialism and deliberately and disingenuously confuses them with Marxism and Fascism, while pretending that anyone can get by in today’s America if only they would try harder, which amounts to turning our back on the most vulnerable members of society ,which weakens the nation as a moral beacon and a sustainable society.

  • Spread conspiracy theories about such things as impending martial law and the staging of a tragic massacre , the Presidents religion and nationality, or stirs up fears about the UN as an excuse for blocking treaties that protect women, disabled people and the environment that should not even be political.

  • Denied that the religious freedom, enshrined in the constitution that they claim to love, applies equally to people of all faiths, or no faith at all, which is in no way in keeping with the vision of the founders and undermines the underlying principals of our nation.

  • Sought to adopt an interpretation of the constitution that would result in such limited federal powers as to revert the role of government to the era of the Federalist Papers-creating a loose “federation” of states, while toying with secession. In that America, states would be free to flout the equal protection mandate of the constitution, the bill of rights, the voting rights act and the civil rights act-and some surely would.

  • Chosen to do nothing to counter sexism, racism, homophobia and xenophobia which makes us look like the ideologically and theoretically driven third world oligarchies that we should be rising above

  • Advocating a foreign policy based on fear, domination, arrogance and jingoism eroding our standing in the world, creating more enemies, and alienating friends

  • Seeking to regulate women’s bodies, and pass constitutional amendments restricting people’s right to marry who they wish, but not regulate the corporations that pollutes the air and water , avoid taxes and exploit workers

  • Frequently disrespected the president and first lady with absurd charges and derogatory words and doing so is dangerous, and subversive because all of these things weaken America economically and morally, undermine national security, and bring scorn and ridicule upon the country.
Let me close by saying that I am well aware of the fact that various dictionaries will also define a Patriot, in part, as “a person who regards himself or herself as a defender of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.” In other words “liberty vs. “tyranny”, words frequently heard in today’s political discourse. And, this has been used against me by small government zealots as proof that I, who believe in a government that can and should work to better the lives and to protect all of its people can’t be a patriot.

But what is liberty, and what is tyranny? Some appear to think of liberty as having license to exploit others without government oversight; the freedom to discriminate, to engage inhateful acts and speech, and to carry assault weapons. Some do not recognize that there are limits to freedom as well as responsibilities that go with it. Those who think that way are not even part of civilized society. Rather, they are in fact a threat to the liberty of others by virtue of their extreme interpretation of the word “liberty”, their own liberty that is. Those same people will cry tyranny at anything that the government does to rein in those individual liberties for the greater good, showing a colossal ignorance and lack of appreciation of the enormous freedoms that we do enjoy. And that my friend’s is not patriotic.So tell me my friends, which party, which ideology represents the true patriots of today?


I appreciate the work that you put into that post.

You are certainly entitled to any view you choose to espouse....but you are not entitled to make up definitions and usage out of line with the English language.

As my post documents, 'progressive' does not meld with 'patriot.'

You may choose to be a 'Devotee' of any of the following...

Liberal, Progressive, Democrat, Communist, Fascist, socialist, Nazi.....

Every one is a scion of Marx and Hegel, and centers around this view:
"...but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"

A patriot in America give his honor to the United States Constitution.

More Bull,…. You’re making dangerous assumptions. First that “progressive want to destroy the constitution, and now that we want to control all aspects of everyone’s life. Let me ask, who is it that sought to CONTROLL who is allowed to marry who-first with interracial marriage and then with same sex marriage? Who is still trying to CONTROLL women’s own bodies and reproductive rights? Who wants to ALLOW the insurance companies to be in complete CONTROLL of our health care, and for the wealthy to be in CONTROLL of the economy? Having said that.....

I believe that progressives are the true patriots because of, and not in spite of, the fact that we have a vision of this country being truly great in all ways for all of our people I want America to be respected in the world as a leader in science, diplomacy, education, environmental protection and the evolving standards of human rights. If this to be a great and just country for all people, Not just the rich, not just the native born and white people, not just for heterosexuals, not just for Christians, and not just for males. FOR ALL PEOPLE. Patriotism is progress and progress is patriotism

At the time of the founding of our nation, at the time of the American Revolution, the rebels were known as the patriots. Those patriots were not content with the status quo. They wanted to move ahead, they sought to build a nation based on the ideal of freedom and democracy. Yes, they sought to throw off the yoke of an oppressive government , and yes, conservatives today-those who call themselves “patriots”-also seek to limit the influence of what they see as an oppressive government.

However, I will submit to you that today’s source of oppression is perpetrated, not by government per se, but by those forces within government as well as outside of government who seek to thwart progress, and worse, undue much of what has been accomplished in areas such as labor, civil rights, education, science and the environment.

Interesting corruption of language again.
It seems that you use the term 'bull' for facts about which you have been kept unaware.

Note....everything I post is linked, documented, and sourced.
Everything is true and accurate.

You, on the other hand, have been lied to and accepted the lies because you are lazy and cowardly.
I find these traits regularly in Liberals.

Again...Progressives, the spawn of Hegel, kiss the feet of the elites who espouse big government.
You have learned to follow orders....Progressivism is based on following orders. The Founders of America, the authors of the Constitution, were the very opposite...they based their views on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Notice how this fits you:
  1. The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

Let's stick to how truly stupid your avi name is....
I'll try to dumb this down so even you can understand:

1. A patriot in America would stand for the America memorialized in our founding documents.
That would include the United States Constitution.

2. The heart of Progressive doctrine is ending the influence of the Constitution.

a. Progressive Woodrow Wilson suggested discarding the Constitution...
" Justly revered as our great Constitution is, it could be stripped off and thrown aside like a garment, and the nation would still stand forth in the living vestment of flesh and sinew, warm with the heart-blood of one people, ready to recreate constitutions and laws. …
Woodrow Wilson [Woodrow Wilson
"The Modern Democratic State" (1885; first published in 1966)
The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 5]

b. Progressive Franklin Roosevelt's view of the Constitution can be seen in the words of his chosen adviser, Rexford Tugwell
It is a fact that none of the New Dealers were constitutionalists. Roosevelt's economist, Rexford Tugwell said: Any people who must be governed according to the written codes of an instrument which defines the spheres of individual and group, state and federal actions must expect to suffer from the constant maladjustment of progress. A life' which changes and a constitution for governance which does not must always raise questions which are difficult for solution."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.63

So, you see that Progressive Patriot is akin to VegetarianForMeat.

Wise up.

Complete bovine excrement!! Not withstanding anything that Wilson or Roosevelt might have said. We do not want to destroy the Constitution.

Who is a Patriot in America by The Progressive Patriot 2.15.12

As we know, there now exists a mindset among political partisans that considers their adversaries to be unpatriotic. Therefore, I would like to explore the question of what patriotism is, what it is not, and who has the right to claim that mantle. Most will agree that any definition of patriotism would include a love and devotion to one’s country, and by that definition, it should not be political at all. In theory, people with different values and philosophies, even vast differences can all be seen as loving their country, as being patriots. However, I think that we can also agree that if one political party or, faction was harming the country, either deliberately or through a misguided agenda , that would be decidedly unpatriotic. Now we find ourselves in a political environment that has gone from constructive disagreement to one in which each side is convinced that the other is in fact, literarily destroying America . The reality is that there much going on today that can harm the nation to the point of destruction. So I ask you now, which party engages in the following activities and are they, by and stretch of the imagination “patriotic”

  • Engaged in the systematic obstruction of the quest for positive change in our country in areas such as employment, reduction in poverty, education and science, while pretending that the only problems that we have as a nation are too much taxing and spending, while ignoring most everything else.

  • Manufactured fiscal crisis’ and hold the country hostage to protect the wealth of the few at the expense of the other 99% of the people and who’s intransigence caused the country’s credit rating to be downgraded, risking default and precipitating a government shutdown all for political gain.

  • Put ideological purity ahead of the national interest and opposes programs and policies that they once supported just because the opposition is putting them forth now.


  • Derided social programs as socialism and deliberately and disingenuously confuses them with Marxism and Fascism, while pretending that anyone can get by in today’s America if only they would try harder, which amounts to turning our back on the most vulnerable members of society ,which weakens the nation as a moral beacon and a sustainable society.

  • Spread conspiracy theories about such things as impending martial law and the staging of a tragic massacre , the Presidents religion and nationality, or stirs up fears about the UN as an excuse for blocking treaties that protect women, disabled people and the environment that should not even be political.

  • Denied that the religious freedom, enshrined in the constitution that they claim to love, applies equally to people of all faiths, or no faith at all, which is in no way in keeping with the vision of the founders and undermines the underlying principals of our nation.

  • Sought to adopt an interpretation of the constitution that would result in such limited federal powers as to revert the role of government to the era of the Federalist Papers-creating a loose “federation” of states, while toying with secession. In that America, states would be free to flout the equal protection mandate of the constitution, the bill of rights, the voting rights act and the civil rights act-and some surely would.

  • Chosen to do nothing to counter sexism, racism, homophobia and xenophobia which makes us look like the ideologically and theoretically driven third world oligarchies that we should be rising above

  • Advocating a foreign policy based on fear, domination, arrogance and jingoism eroding our standing in the world, creating more enemies, and alienating friends

  • Seeking to regulate women’s bodies, and pass constitutional amendments restricting people’s right to marry who they wish, but not regulate the corporations that pollutes the air and water , avoid taxes and exploit workers

  • Frequently disrespected the president and first lady with absurd charges and derogatory words and doing so is dangerous, and subversive because all of these things weaken America economically and morally, undermine national security, and bring scorn and ridicule upon the country.
Let me close by saying that I am well aware of the fact that various dictionaries will also define a Patriot, in part, as “a person who regards himself or herself as a defender of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.” In other words “liberty vs. “tyranny”, words frequently heard in today’s political discourse. And, this has been used against me by small government zealots as proof that I, who believe in a government that can and should work to better the lives and to protect all of its people can’t be a patriot.

But what is liberty, and what is tyranny? Some appear to think of liberty as having license to exploit others without government oversight; the freedom to discriminate, to engage inhateful acts and speech, and to carry assault weapons. Some do not recognize that there are limits to freedom as well as responsibilities that go with it. Those who think that way are not even part of civilized society. Rather, they are in fact a threat to the liberty of others by virtue of their extreme interpretation of the word “liberty”, their own liberty that is. Those same people will cry tyranny at anything that the government does to rein in those individual liberties for the greater good, showing a colossal ignorance and lack of appreciation of the enormous freedoms that we do enjoy. And that my friend’s is not patriotic.So tell me my friends, which party, which ideology represents the true patriots of today?


I appreciate the work that you put into that post.

You are certainly entitled to any view you choose to espouse....but you are not entitled to make up definitions and usage out of line with the English language.

As my post documents, 'progressive' does not meld with 'patriot.'

You may choose to be a 'Devotee' of any of the following...

Liberal, Progressive, Democrat, Communist, Fascist, socialist, Nazi.....

Every one is a scion of Marx and Hegel, and centers around this view:
"...but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"

A patriot in America give his honor to the United States Constitution.

More Bull,…. You’re making dangerous assumptions. First that “progressive want to destroy the constitution, and now that we want to control all aspects of everyone’s life. Let me ask, who is it that sought to CONTROLL who is allowed to marry who-first with interracial marriage and then with same sex marriage? Who is still trying to CONTROLL women’s own bodies and reproductive rights? Who wants to ALLOW the insurance companies to be in complete CONTROLL of our health care, and for the wealthy to be in CONTROLL of the economy? Having said that.....

I believe that progressives are the true patriots because of, and not in spite of, the fact that we have a vision of this country being truly great in all ways for all of our people I want America to be respected in the world as a leader in science, diplomacy, education, environmental protection and the evolving standards of human rights. If this to be a great and just country for all people, Not just the rich, not just the native born and white people, not just for heterosexuals, not just for Christians, and not just for males. FOR ALL PEOPLE. Patriotism is progress and progress is patriotism

At the time of the founding of our nation, at the time of the American Revolution, the rebels were known as the patriots. Those patriots were not content with the status quo. They wanted to move ahead, they sought to build a nation based on the ideal of freedom and democracy. Yes, they sought to throw off the yoke of an oppressive government , and yes, conservatives today-those who call themselves “patriots”-also seek to limit the influence of what they see as an oppressive government.

However, I will submit to you that today’s source of oppression is perpetrated, not by government per se, but by those forces within government as well as outside of government who seek to thwart progress, and worse, undue much of what has been accomplished in areas such as labor, civil rights, education, science and the environment.

Interesting corruption of language again.
It seems that you use the term 'bull' for facts about which you have been kept unaware.

Note....everything I post is linked, documented, and sourced.
Everything is true and accurate.

You, on the other hand, have been lied to and accepted the lies because you are lazy and cowardly.
I find these traits regularly in Liberals.

Again...Progressives, the spawn of Hegel, kiss the feet of the elites who espouse big government.
You have learned to follow orders....Progressivism is based on following orders. The Founders of America, the authors of the Constitution, were the very opposite...they based their views on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Notice how this fits you:
  1. The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

It does not fit me at all! It does not fit progressives and it does not fit true patriots. The fact that you imagine it to in the dark recesses of your mind, does not mean that it's true.

You sourced documented everything? Like the part about progressives wanting to destroy the constitution and control all aspects of everyone's life? Sorry, I missed that like.
Let's stick to how truly stupid your avi name is....
I'll try to dumb this down so even you can understand:

1. A patriot in America would stand for the America memorialized in our founding documents.
That would include the United States Constitution.

2. The heart of Progressive doctrine is ending the influence of the Constitution.

a. Progressive Woodrow Wilson suggested discarding the Constitution...
" Justly revered as our great Constitution is, it could be stripped off and thrown aside like a garment, and the nation would still stand forth in the living vestment of flesh and sinew, warm with the heart-blood of one people, ready to recreate constitutions and laws. …
Woodrow Wilson [Woodrow Wilson
"The Modern Democratic State" (1885; first published in 1966)
The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 5]

b. Progressive Franklin Roosevelt's view of the Constitution can be seen in the words of his chosen adviser, Rexford Tugwell
It is a fact that none of the New Dealers were constitutionalists. Roosevelt's economist, Rexford Tugwell said: Any people who must be governed according to the written codes of an instrument which defines the spheres of individual and group, state and federal actions must expect to suffer from the constant maladjustment of progress. A life' which changes and a constitution for governance which does not must always raise questions which are difficult for solution."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.63

So, you see that Progressive Patriot is akin to VegetarianForMeat.

Wise up.

Complete bovine excrement!! Not withstanding anything that Wilson or Roosevelt might have said. We do not want to destroy the Constitution.

Who is a Patriot in America by The Progressive Patriot 2.15.12

As we know, there now exists a mindset among political partisans that considers their adversaries to be unpatriotic. Therefore, I would like to explore the question of what patriotism is, what it is not, and who has the right to claim that mantle. Most will agree that any definition of patriotism would include a love and devotion to one’s country, and by that definition, it should not be political at all. In theory, people with different values and philosophies, even vast differences can all be seen as loving their country, as being patriots. However, I think that we can also agree that if one political party or, faction was harming the country, either deliberately or through a misguided agenda , that would be decidedly unpatriotic. Now we find ourselves in a political environment that has gone from constructive disagreement to one in which each side is convinced that the other is in fact, literarily destroying America . The reality is that there much going on today that can harm the nation to the point of destruction. So I ask you now, which party engages in the following activities and are they, by and stretch of the imagination “patriotic”

  • Engaged in the systematic obstruction of the quest for positive change in our country in areas such as employment, reduction in poverty, education and science, while pretending that the only problems that we have as a nation are too much taxing and spending, while ignoring most everything else.

  • Manufactured fiscal crisis’ and hold the country hostage to protect the wealth of the few at the expense of the other 99% of the people and who’s intransigence caused the country’s credit rating to be downgraded, risking default and precipitating a government shutdown all for political gain.

  • Put ideological purity ahead of the national interest and opposes programs and policies that they once supported just because the opposition is putting them forth now.


  • Derided social programs as socialism and deliberately and disingenuously confuses them with Marxism and Fascism, while pretending that anyone can get by in today’s America if only they would try harder, which amounts to turning our back on the most vulnerable members of society ,which weakens the nation as a moral beacon and a sustainable society.

  • Spread conspiracy theories about such things as impending martial law and the staging of a tragic massacre , the Presidents religion and nationality, or stirs up fears about the UN as an excuse for blocking treaties that protect women, disabled people and the environment that should not even be political.

  • Denied that the religious freedom, enshrined in the constitution that they claim to love, applies equally to people of all faiths, or no faith at all, which is in no way in keeping with the vision of the founders and undermines the underlying principals of our nation.

  • Sought to adopt an interpretation of the constitution that would result in such limited federal powers as to revert the role of government to the era of the Federalist Papers-creating a loose “federation” of states, while toying with secession. In that America, states would be free to flout the equal protection mandate of the constitution, the bill of rights, the voting rights act and the civil rights act-and some surely would.

  • Chosen to do nothing to counter sexism, racism, homophobia and xenophobia which makes us look like the ideologically and theoretically driven third world oligarchies that we should be rising above

  • Advocating a foreign policy based on fear, domination, arrogance and jingoism eroding our standing in the world, creating more enemies, and alienating friends

  • Seeking to regulate women’s bodies, and pass constitutional amendments restricting people’s right to marry who they wish, but not regulate the corporations that pollutes the air and water , avoid taxes and exploit workers

  • Frequently disrespected the president and first lady with absurd charges and derogatory words and doing so is dangerous, and subversive because all of these things weaken America economically and morally, undermine national security, and bring scorn and ridicule upon the country.
Let me close by saying that I am well aware of the fact that various dictionaries will also define a Patriot, in part, as “a person who regards himself or herself as a defender of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.” In other words “liberty vs. “tyranny”, words frequently heard in today’s political discourse. And, this has been used against me by small government zealots as proof that I, who believe in a government that can and should work to better the lives and to protect all of its people can’t be a patriot.

But what is liberty, and what is tyranny? Some appear to think of liberty as having license to exploit others without government oversight; the freedom to discriminate, to engage inhateful acts and speech, and to carry assault weapons. Some do not recognize that there are limits to freedom as well as responsibilities that go with it. Those who think that way are not even part of civilized society. Rather, they are in fact a threat to the liberty of others by virtue of their extreme interpretation of the word “liberty”, their own liberty that is. Those same people will cry tyranny at anything that the government does to rein in those individual liberties for the greater good, showing a colossal ignorance and lack of appreciation of the enormous freedoms that we do enjoy. And that my friend’s is not patriotic.So tell me my friends, which party, which ideology represents the true patriots of today?


I appreciate the work that you put into that post.

You are certainly entitled to any view you choose to espouse....but you are not entitled to make up definitions and usage out of line with the English language.

As my post documents, 'progressive' does not meld with 'patriot.'

You may choose to be a 'Devotee' of any of the following...

Liberal, Progressive, Democrat, Communist, Fascist, socialist, Nazi.....

Every one is a scion of Marx and Hegel, and centers around this view:
"...but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"

A patriot in America give his honor to the United States Constitution.

More Bull,…. You’re making dangerous assumptions. First that “progressive want to destroy the constitution, and now that we want to control all aspects of everyone’s life. Let me ask, who is it that sought to CONTROLL who is allowed to marry who-first with interracial marriage and then with same sex marriage? Who is still trying to CONTROLL women’s own bodies and reproductive rights? Who wants to ALLOW the insurance companies to be in complete CONTROLL of our health care, and for the wealthy to be in CONTROLL of the economy? Having said that.....

I believe that progressives are the true patriots because of, and not in spite of, the fact that we have a vision of this country being truly great in all ways for all of our people I want America to be respected in the world as a leader in science, diplomacy, education, environmental protection and the evolving standards of human rights. If this to be a great and just country for all people, Not just the rich, not just the native born and white people, not just for heterosexuals, not just for Christians, and not just for males. FOR ALL PEOPLE. Patriotism is progress and progress is patriotism

At the time of the founding of our nation, at the time of the American Revolution, the rebels were known as the patriots. Those patriots were not content with the status quo. They wanted to move ahead, they sought to build a nation based on the ideal of freedom and democracy. Yes, they sought to throw off the yoke of an oppressive government , and yes, conservatives today-those who call themselves “patriots”-also seek to limit the influence of what they see as an oppressive government.

However, I will submit to you that today’s source of oppression is perpetrated, not by government per se, but by those forces within government as well as outside of government who seek to thwart progress, and worse, undue much of what has been accomplished in areas such as labor, civil rights, education, science and the environment.

Interesting corruption of language again.
It seems that you use the term 'bull' for facts about which you have been kept unaware.

Note....everything I post is linked, documented, and sourced.
Everything is true and accurate.

You, on the other hand, have been lied to and accepted the lies because you are lazy and cowardly.
I find these traits regularly in Liberals.

Again...Progressives, the spawn of Hegel, kiss the feet of the elites who espouse big government.
You have learned to follow orders....Progressivism is based on following orders. The Founders of America, the authors of the Constitution, were the very opposite...they based their views on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Notice how this fits you:
  1. The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

It does not fit me at all! It does not fit progressives and it does not fit true patriots. The fact that you imagine it to in the dark recesses of your mind, does not mean that it's true.

You sourced documented everything? Like the part about progressives wanting to destroy the constitution and control all aspects of everyone's life? Sorry, I missed that like.

I quoted Progressive President, Democrat racist Woodrow Wilson.
I proved that the New Deal totalitarian Democrats were not constitutionalists.
I gave you the origin of Progressivism, Hegel.

And you whine....'is not, is not.'

My advice: read, study, and send a nice letter to Rutgers, enclosing your posts in this thread, and I'm certain they'll refund your tuition.

Then get an education.
The Left uses an imaginary image of Indians living invisibly in 'the forest primeval'.... and points to Columbus as a villain who disrupted same.....

Let's perforate those myths that Liberal government schools perpetuate about the Indians and their 'harmony with nature.'

12. " The myth persists that in 1492 the Americas were a sparsely populated wilderness, -a world of barely perceptible human disturbance.- There is substantial evidence, however, that the Native American landscape of the early sixteenth century was a humanized landscape almost everywhere.

Populations were large. Forest composition had been modified, grasslands had been created, wildlife disrupted, and erosion was severe in places. Earthworks, roads, fields, and settlements were ubiquitous. With Indian depopulation in the wake of Old World disease, the environment recovered in many areas. A good argument can be made that the human presence was less visible in 1750 than it was in 1492."
The Pristine Myth: The Landscape of the

So, turns out that Columbus didn't destroy the wonderful love affair between the Indians and the environment after all.
The Indians did.

But...since the Left has a vendetta against 'old white men' and western civilization in general....
...poor Christopher Columbus must be pilloried.

I used to be surprised at how much Liberals accept that is absolutely, totally, irrevocably incorrect.

"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."

Ronald Reagan
I'm not at all surprised that you were unable to dispute any of the posts I provided.
Contrary to your avi.....
...you must be a Liberal, huh?
Dispute em?

I never even read em

Of course you have.

I pride myself on both the erudition and the veracity of my posts.
Bet you wish you could say the same.
You write the most tedious nonsense on USMB

Even your fellow conservatives don't read your shit

How would you know if your claim that you don't read it is true?

Caught you in another lie, huh?

Truth is, you read it and wish you could counter same.
PC is the least trusted poster on the Board.
its not just that. She has no education beyond HS. That much is apparent to anyone.
"What The Heck Happened To Columbus??"


His accomplishments are being acknowledged and celebrated as always.

What is happening is the usual inane whining and lies from the ridiculous right about Columbus being 'forgotten.'

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