What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

The Springfield 30-06 has a powerful kick but not as much as the Remington 7mm mag.
The M1 Garand will take your thumbnail off in a heartbeat. An AR-15, or similar rifle/carbine is very easy to shoot, which reportedly is why they are so popular.

My wife will not doubt be mightily poed but I think I can get a very reliable carbine with a red dot scope and frangible ammunition for around $750. For an old fart with bad knees and arthritis in his hands and feet, that might fit the home defense role better than anything else. I could buy a new handgun and just put it under my bed, but she'd probably notice a carbine. LOL

I asked my friend to show me the gun he had for home protection. He did and it was a .410 shot gun loaded with birdshot. OMG I said, we are not going to be attacked by a bird.
What the hell does an American need a Corvette for? Or a 60" television?
We don't need them but we want them!
Same is true for the AR15 or any other weapon of the same type. So you liberals just STFU up and deal with it!
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Why then can I not go to the local gun shop and buy a BAR and a few frag grenades? I could us the Browning for curls when I'm not hunting squirrels. The frag grenade would be great for those a-holes who tailgate, that would awaken them to the dangers they create.

Answer these questions, genius

Because the BAR and lemons (frag grenades) actually are "assault weapons"...the AR-15 is a plinker/deer rifle.
The bottom line in all this is when leftists don't like something they try to get it banned for everybody. Selfish little turds used to getting their way; never gave live and let live a second thought.

The Springfield 30-06 has a powerful kick but not as much as the Remington 7mm mag.
The M1 Garand will take your thumbnail off in a heartbeat. An AR-15, or similar rifle/carbine is very easy to shoot, which reportedly is why they are so popular.

My wife will not doubt be mightily poed but I think I can get a very reliable carbine with a red dot scope and frangible ammunition for around $750. For an old fart with bad knees and arthritis in his hands and feet, that might fit the home defense role better than anything else. I could buy a new handgun and just put it under my bed, but she'd probably notice a carbine. LOL

I asked my friend to show me the gun he had for home protection. He did and it was a .410 shot gun loaded with birdshot. OMG I said, we are not going to be attacked by a bird.

It is very unlikely you will be attacked at all.
What the hell does an American need a Corvette for? Or a 60" television?
We don't need them but we want them!
Same is true for the AR15 or any other weapon of the same type. So you liberals just STFU up and deal with it!

Corvettes are certified sissy cars.
The Springfield 30-06 has a powerful kick but not as much as the Remington 7mm mag.
The M1 Garand will take your thumbnail off in a heartbeat. An AR-15, or similar rifle/carbine is very easy to shoot, which reportedly is why they are so popular.

My wife will not doubt be mightily poed but I think I can get a very reliable carbine with a red dot scope and frangible ammunition for around $750. For an old fart with bad knees and arthritis in his hands and feet, that might fit the home defense role better than anything else. I could buy a new handgun and just put it under my bed, but she'd probably notice a carbine. LOL

I asked my friend to show me the gun he had for home protection. He did and it was a .410 shot gun loaded with birdshot. OMG I said, we are not going to be attacked by a bird.

It is very unlikely you will be attacked at all.
But why would anyone voluntarily leave it to chance that they won't be victim to a home invasion?
The bottom line in all this is when leftists don't like something they try to get it banned for everybody. Selfish little turds used to getting their way; never gave live and let live a second thought.


Yes so selfish to hate mass shootings and guns made for mass killing. Selfish is clinging to mass killing guns you don't need for anything while people die.
God I'm getting so tired of these liberal bed setters whinning about the gun and cursing law abiding gun owners yet they refuse to even ad mouth the slim that pulled the trigger. The liberal mentality is truly disgusting!
What the hell does an American need a Corvette for? Or a 60" television?
We don't need them but we want them!
Same is true for the AR15 or any other weapon of the same type. So you liberals just STFU up and deal with it!

Corvettes are sissified cars.
Real men drive trucks with confederate flags. (I keep my flag discretely in the tool box until I get to the meeting)
The Springfield 30-06 has a powerful kick but not as much as the Remington 7mm mag.
The M1 Garand will take your thumbnail off in a heartbeat. An AR-15, or similar rifle/carbine is very easy to shoot, which reportedly is why they are so popular.

My wife will not doubt be mightily poed but I think I can get a very reliable carbine with a red dot scope and frangible ammunition for around $750. For an old fart with bad knees and arthritis in his hands and feet, that might fit the home defense role better than anything else. I could buy a new handgun and just put it under my bed, but she'd probably notice a carbine. LOL

I asked my friend to show me the gun he had for home protection. He did and it was a .410 shot gun loaded with birdshot. OMG I said, we are not going to be attacked by a bird.

It is very unlikely you will be attacked at all.
But why would anyone voluntarily leave it to chance that they won't be victim to a home invasion?
Most people do and are fine. If you have a gun it is extremely unlikely you will ever shoot it in defense. The type of ammo doesn't really matter.
And if someone with more guns were inside?

So the cops arrived quickly? And you want to give up guns and let the cops protect you - RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want magazine limits. Nobody is using a high cap mag for defense.

High mag capacity is exactly what I want for self defense.

You are an idiot.

Why do you want to make me and my family more vulnerable?

So you think I have a right to protect myself but it should be limited to the number of rounds the government allows me?

Again. You are an idiot.

The gun nuts have been stating you can just quickly change the mag. So it does not make you more vulnerable. Plus the vast majority of defenses involve no shooting. I don't think you could find a single example of anyone ever needing a high cap mag for defense. Don't be so scared.

WE aren't the ones pissing ourselves at the thought of law-abiding citizens being armed and thinking that guns are evil, mind-controlling aliens that force people to execute atrocities. "He'd have been a peaceful, fluffy kitten, but he picked up that AR-15, and suddenly he was a Christian-hating Islamofascist terrorist!"

Yes you are scared and paranoid at the thought of going anywhere without a gun. I go everywhere without, don't be so scared and paranoid. Only mass killers need high cap mags. Also I own many guns.

No, YOU are scared and paranoid at the thought of other people having guns the media and the left have told you are inherently evil and will make people become murderers.

Furthermore, you say, "You are scared at the thought of going anywhere without a gun" as though there's something obviously, goes-without-being-said incorrect or flawed about that. I'm a woman living in a city near the Mexican border in 2016. OF COURSE I'm scared of going anywhere unarmed.

The city violent crime rate for Tucson in 2012 was higher than the national violent crime rate average by 87.27%.

In 2012 the city violent crime rate in Tucson was higher than the violent crime rate in Arizona by 68.92%.

Tucson Crime Statistics: Arizona (AZ) - CityRating.com

Number one most dangerous city in Arizona. Yay, us!

Arizona's most dangerous cities

The lunacy isn't that I'm scared; the lunacy is that YOU think there's something sane about NOT being scared.
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What the hell does an American need a Corvette for? Or a 60" television?
We don't need them but we want them!
Same is true for the AR15 or any other weapon of the same type. So you liberals just STFU up and deal with it!

Corvettes are sissified cars.
Real men drive trucks with confederate flags. (I keep my flag discretely in the tool box until I get to the meeting)

In Georgia real men spray paint their pick-ups with green paint shadowed by leaves which gives camouflage.
Wow, that is the debating skill level of a previous poster, SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.

How many times do you guys need to be proven wrong?

you haven't proven jack shit.

50 dead and 50 injured with an armed defender there. That pretty much shoots down all your BS actually.
1 armed defender who was not expecting a terrorist attack, a metal detector turned off...

Marteen fired at the guard 1st without warning....

It doesn't 'shoot down' anything simply because you say so.

Yes it shoots down all the gun nut claims. Sorry. Armed defender there. Call the gun what you want, it killed many very quickly.

What I want to call it is a mindless, inanimate tool, because that's what it is. The dangerous weapon is the lunatic who was HOLDING the gun.

Because the BAR and lemons (frag grenades) actually are "assault weapons"...the AR-15 is a plinker/deer rifle.

Just remember that Obama's little Muslim terrorist boy achieved a less than a 50% kill rate at close quarters in a place that was like shooting fish in a barrel.
How many times do you guys need to be proven wrong?

you haven't proven jack shit.

50 dead and 50 injured with an armed defender there. That pretty much shoots down all your BS actually.
1 armed defender who was not expecting a terrorist attack, a metal detector turned off...

Marteen fired at the guard 1st without warning....

It doesn't 'shoot down' anything simply because you say so.

Yes it shoots down all the gun nut claims. Sorry. Armed defender there. Call the gun what you want, it killed many very quickly.

What I want to call it is a mindless, inanimate tool, because that's what it is. The dangerous weapon is the lunatic who was HOLDING the gun.

And if he shows up where you are you'd much rather he had a knife than a high cap semi auto rifle.

Because the BAR and lemons (frag grenades) actually are "assault weapons"...the AR-15 is a plinker/deer rifle.

Just remember that Obama's little Muslim terrorist boy achieved a less than a 50% kill rate at close quarters in a place that was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Really? The worst mass shooting in history and you say something stupid like that?
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a killing machine?

They should not be able to. Look at the carnage at Orlando, nobody should be able to own one.

Yes, because terrorists will just shrug and go, "Oh, we can't get rifles, let's just start a bridge club instead". The murderous intent is due only to the weapons.


They might get caught trying to buy guns illegally.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

You prefer Orlando over Milwaukee?

Seriously? Your plan is "Let's disarm all the law-abiding people and leave them defenseless, so that we can HOPE that MAYBE violent would-be mass murderers will get caught buying illegal guns"? THIS is what passes for a logical policy on the left?

Let me put it this way: Australia instituted a massive gun ban back in the late 90s. Then they organized ANOTHER gun buyback in 2008, after a mentally ill man opened fire (with a gun that had been banned) in a public place, and they got 50,000 guns that had been made illegal in their initial gun ban. On the whole, I'm going to say that the gun ban didn't work very well, AND the plan of "that way, we can catch them when they buy illegal guns" ALSO was a spectacularly epic fail.

But perhaps that's just me.

Really? The worst mass shooting in history and you say something stupid like that?

You stupid Libtards are always bitching about how deadly "assault weapons" are but yet Obama's Muslim boy was only able to achieve a less that 50% kill rate at close quarters in a confined space.

Muslims using box cutters were more deadly than that.

Proof that you don't understand what you are talking about most of the time.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a killing machine?

They should not be able to. Look at the carnage at Orlando, nobody should be able to own one.

Yes, because terrorists will just shrug and go, "Oh, we can't get rifles, let's just start a bridge club instead". The murderous intent is due only to the weapons.


They might get caught trying to buy guns illegally.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

You prefer Orlando over Milwaukee?

Seriously? Your plan is "Let's disarm all the law-abiding people and leave them defenseless, so that we can HOPE that MAYBE violent would-be mass murderers will get caught buying illegal guns"? THIS is what passes for a logical policy on the left?

Let me put it this way: Australia instituted a massive gun ban back in the late 90s. Then they organized ANOTHER gun buyback in 2008, after a mentally ill man opened fire (with a gun that had been banned) in a public place, and they got 50,000 guns that had been made illegal in their initial gun ban. On the whole, I'm going to say that the gun ban didn't work very well, AND the plan of "that way, we can catch them when they buy illegal guns" ALSO was a spectacularly epic fail.

But perhaps that's just me.

I would ban big cap magazines. That doesn't leave anyone defenseless.

Australia doesn't have a mass shooting problem...

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