What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

2nd amendment retard. .

That should have been the end of this thread right there!

This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

Wild pigs, a neighbor caught 15 of them on a game camera tearing the shit of his place. I may buy an AR w/night scope just for them.

People die so you can shoot pigs. What a hero.

People die so you can drive on the highway. what a hypocrite.

Travel is necessary. Brings people food and life saving drugs. Shooting pigs does not compare.
If you don't shoot pigs on a farm you can not feed anyone as they will DESTROY the crop. Moron.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

Wild pigs, a neighbor caught 15 of them on a game camera tearing the shit of his place. I may buy an AR w/night scope just for them.

People die so you can shoot pigs. What a hero.

People die so you can drive on the highway. what a hypocrite.

Travel is necessary. Brings people food and life saving drugs. Shooting pigs does not compare.
If you don't shoot pigs on a farm you can not feed anyone as they will DESTROY the crop. Moron.

Cousin had that problem
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

Wild pigs, a neighbor caught 15 of them on a game camera tearing the shit of his place. I may buy an AR w/night scope just for them.

People die so you can shoot pigs. What a hero.

People die so you can drive on the highway. what a hypocrite.

Travel is necessary. Brings people food and life saving drugs. Shooting pigs does not compare.
If you don't shoot pigs on a farm you can not feed anyone as they will DESTROY the crop. Moron.

I'll take some photos tomorrow and post them, just to show the damage they do.
Giffords is one, do you have ANY links to others? You seem to be side stepping the issue. If there are many as you claim, you should be able to find dozens and dozens of links.
UPDATE: SPU Staff Disarmed Shooter While He Was Reloading - The Truth About Guns

People escape every mass shooting.

So two is many for you? Interesting hypothesis based on two and I don't trust anti or pro gun sites as both are prone to bias and.
Giffords is one, do you have ANY links to others? You seem to be side stepping the issue. If there are many as you claim, you should be able to find dozens and dozens of links.
UPDATE: SPU Staff Disarmed Shooter While He Was Reloading - The Truth About Guns

People escape every mass shooting.

You a a person caught in 2011 and 2014 reloading and you call that many? I also tried the links on your anti gun web page and it linked to nothing. I don't trust pro or anti gun sites.

So, two cases in 5 years is many, is that what you are saying? Your evidence is flimsy at best.
Those were people stopped. EVERY mass shooting has people who escape. Every reload saves lives.

I am not sure why you are stuck on every mass shooting has people who escaped. They got in closets, crawled under chairs, the guy firing away is a bad shot. Ton's of reasons people don't get shot. Maybe we need to equip public buildings with more closets or don't give lessons to people inclined to become mass murders.

Hell, you have two people tackled in 5 years and the second one comes from an untrustworthy anti-gun site. So you have next to nothing.

And had those people in hiding had their own guns they could have killed or wounded the shooter....and saved more lives....

The idea of folks going armed in a club where alcohol is served is so fuckin' insane that it's not worth the argument. Have you ever hung out much armed in a bar?

So two is many for you? Interesting hypothesis based on two and I don't trust anti or pro gun sites as both are prone to bias and.

You a a person caught in 2011 and 2014 reloading and you call that many? I also tried the links on your anti gun web page and it linked to nothing. I don't trust pro or anti gun sites.

So, two cases in 5 years is many, is that what you are saying? Your evidence is flimsy at best.
Those were people stopped. EVERY mass shooting has people who escape. Every reload saves lives.

I am not sure why you are stuck on every mass shooting has people who escaped. They got in closets, crawled under chairs, the guy firing away is a bad shot. Ton's of reasons people don't get shot. Maybe we need to equip public buildings with more closets or don't give lessons to people inclined to become mass murders.

Hell, you have two people tackled in 5 years and the second one comes from an untrustworthy anti-gun site. So you have next to nothing.

And had those people in hiding had their own guns they could have killed or wounded the shooter....and saved more lives....

The idea of folks going armed in a club where alcohol is served is so fuckin' insane that it's not worth the argument. Have you ever hung out much armed in a bar?
Officials: Group arrested with weapons in Holland Tunnel
NEW JERSEY -- Authorities arrested several people Tuesday morning in the Holland Tunnel, which connects New York and New Jersey, after weapons and ammunition were discovered in their car, reports CBS New York.
Aren't New Jersey and New York a weapons free zone? How can bad guys get weapons legally in those states? I bet those magazines are over 10 rounds each, and don't bad guys follow the law?

I have my weapons just for this reason, shame you limpdicks are too cowardly to purchase your own. You too will be a victim like those in Orlando, and you fucking deserve to be victimized by bad people who want to hurt you. Idiots.

How many defenses you have so far?
Eric Holder Buckles Under Threat of Contempt Charges, Agrees to Provide More ‘Fast and Furious’ Documents
Eric Holder Buckles Under Threat of Contempt Charges, Agrees to Provide More ‘Fast and Furious’ Documents
Seems to me that your very own government(run by Obama) is providing weapons of mass destruction to those who wish to harm US. But since you are a product of public education(and it shows with your grammar), you continue to blame the concerned citizen of the US, while people like Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch turn a blinds eye, as black people are gunned down each weekend in GUN FREE ZONES. As I said before being in Virginia, not many mass murders going on, because we are open carry and concealed carry, so the dumbass liberals who want FREE STUFF, will be given the 50 cent solution. (if you didn't know, a bullet costs around 50 cent.)

So two is many for you? Interesting hypothesis based on two and I don't trust anti or pro gun sites as both are prone to bias and.

You a a person caught in 2011 and 2014 reloading and you call that many? I also tried the links on your anti gun web page and it linked to nothing. I don't trust pro or anti gun sites.

So, two cases in 5 years is many, is that what you are saying? Your evidence is flimsy at best.
Those were people stopped. EVERY mass shooting has people who escape. Every reload saves lives.

I am not sure why you are stuck on every mass shooting has people who escaped. They got in closets, crawled under chairs, the guy firing away is a bad shot. Ton's of reasons people don't get shot. Maybe we need to equip public buildings with more closets or don't give lessons to people inclined to become mass murders.

Hell, you have two people tackled in 5 years and the second one comes from an untrustworthy anti-gun site. So you have next to nothing.

And had those people in hiding had their own guns they could have killed or wounded the shooter....and saved more lives....

The idea of folks going armed in a club where alcohol is served is so fuckin' insane that it's not worth the argument. Have you ever hung out much armed in a bar?

No, it isn't.......I heard yesterday that 40 states already allow people with guns to go into places that serve alcohol.......and Virginia last year allowed concealed carry in Bars...and their bar crime rate went down 5.9%...

Concealed carry permit holders are law abiding people......more law abiding than other citizens and even more law abiding than sworn police officers, actual research has shown this to be a fact.........

if you can drive to a bar and not drink, you can carry a gun and not drink as well...

the problem with you left wing nut jobs, you hate people, and think that all people are like you...emotional nutcases who can't control their basic impulses....but you guys are the nuts...normal Americans are not left wing nut cases...don't confuse the two....

A lovely woman and an ar-15. If that doesn't scare the gun fags, what will? I know...a 5000 mph pink corvette with an m60 on it!
At the largest gun Show in the Washington DC area, the weapon below was up for sale for around $10,000. It is still a single shot, semi automatic weapon, and my wife asked me what the heck I would do with that weapon. I told her I could mount it on top of her Kia Rio, open up the sun roof, and when someone sits behind it, the traffic will part like Moses did with the Red Sea. (remember it is semi automatic so inst a machine gun, that is for you libidiots who don't know better)

Like so much in America, 'need' is confused with 'wanting', and too often want for excess. It is unhealthy on many levels. That is obvious to those who look.
Like so much in America, 'need' is confused with 'wanting', and too often want for excess. It is unhealthy on many levels. That is obvious to those who look.

Its far better to have a gun to defend yourself and not need it than it is to need one and not have it.
The probability of 'needing' a firearm for the vast majority of people in daily life is so low that carrying one all the time is tantamount to paranoia. The danger of losing it or having it taken away, in fact, is much greater; ever lose keys?
The probability of 'needing' a firearm for the vast majority of people in daily life is so low that carrying one all the time is tantamount to paranoia. The danger of losing it or having it taken away, in fact, is much greater; ever lose keys?

Many people do you think who have used a gun to defend themselves really believed they too would end up in that Situation?
The probability of 'needing' a firearm for the vast majority of people in daily life is so low that carrying one all the time is tantamount to paranoia. The danger of losing it or having it taken away, in fact, is much greater; ever lose keys?

Simple mindedness is making a comeback.

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