What the Hell Has Happened to the FBI?

None of them were criminals, nutjob. Randy Weaver was never convicted of anything, and he won a lawsuit against the FBI.

You think not killing them is "coddling" them? You are one sick SOB.

And if they had followed the lawful commands of police none of it would have happened. I think we need to agree to disagree on this.

And if they had followed the lawful commands of police none of it would have happened. I think we need to agree to disagree on this.

The FBI commands were not lawful. You can't order people to come into the open where they are being shot at so the FBI can burn down their home. The police cannot shoot people because they aren't following instructions. The FBI is a criminal gang.

You have to be truly sick to justify this crap.
It's not murder if they are given a chance to surrender and refuse.

Would you surrender on BS charges after your kid was murdered in front of you?

How about Waco? CPS was called 3 times to investigate and all 3 times found 0 wrong doing. FBI comes in and murdered women and children burned them alive except the ones the gas killed first and twisted their backs like a pretzel

You honestly condone that barbarity?
Would you surrender on BS charges after your kid was murdered in front of you?

How about Waco? CPS was called 3 times to investigate and all 3 times found 0 wrong doing. FBI comes in and murdered women and children burned them alive except the ones the gas killed first and twisted their backs like a pretzel

You honestly condone that barbarity?


You comply and surrender, the rest can be worked out after. They had a month and a half to do that and didn't

the feds showed up without cause and started firing into the house..koresh came out with his hands up and got lit up with shots then fell back into the house. Can't be worked out later if you're dead, Did you even watch the video or you going off the official Reno/Clinton line of bullshit
Thread summary:

Criminals get angry because FBI prosecutes criminals.
Sure. Like Hunter Biden.

Give me a break.

the feds showed up without cause and started firing into the house..koresh came out with his hands up and got lit up with shots then fell back into the house. Can't be worked out later if you're dead, Did you even watch the video or you going off the official Reno/Clinton line of bullshit

I skimmed the video, I'm not going to spend more than two hours watching a video not knowing who made it or what their agenda is.

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You dummy, a sniper isn't always aware of the whole scene/situation. He did his job, the one responsible is the one that gave the order.

He knew a woman standing in a doorway holding a baby wasn't a threat to any agent of the FBI or police officer on the scene. You quit your job before you follow those kinds of orders. Otherwise, you're guilty.
I don't think you really believe that.

You're OK with government assassins? You make a joke of your signature. We do not sleep soundly because we know the FBI and many police are willing to kill us without a trial, an indictment, or due process.

I despise right-wing authoritarians that defend the government's unconstitutional acts in the name of law-enforcement far more than I despise a communist. At least most communists are honest about their view of the country. Constitution hating people like you lie and pretend to be our friends.
You believe opposing the government murdering people means you support BLM?
I thought that opposing the government taking life without due process was supporting the Constitution and that supporting the government taking a life without due process was the act of a person who despises the Constitution and is actually an enemy of the State.
the feds showed up without cause and started firing into the house..koresh came out with his hands up and got lit up with shots then fell back into the house. Can't be worked out later if you're dead, Did you even watch the video or you going off the official Reno/Clinton line of bullshit
The videos clearly show that the first shots were fired by the Feds before ever going into the house. They were on the 1st story roof and shot into 2nd story windows before ever trying to enter peaceably. Everything the Branch Davidians did from there was legally self-defense.

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