What the Hell Has Happened to the FBI?

Corrupted to the very core!:mad-61:

The FBI has been a political tool of democrats for the last fifty years. Agents are federal bureaucrats who follow orders not unlike a similar corrupt agency they used to call the "gestapo".

At least J. Edgar Hoover didn't kowtow to any politicians. He owned them all.

Meet the FBI Analyst Behind The Decade’s Biggest Political Disinformation Campaigns

Brian Auten pushed Trump-Russia collusion and is now accused of discrediting Hunter Biden stories
26 Jul 2022 ~~ By Chuck Ross

An intelligence analyst behind the FBI’s botched Trump-Russia collusion probe is now accused of using the bureau’s authority to discredit reports about Hunter Biden’s criminal activity months before the 2020 presidential election.
Meet Brian Auten. The FBI analyst is hardly a household name, but whistleblowers who contacted the office of GOP senator Chuck Grassley say he was behind an August 2020 report that FBI officials used as part of a "scheme…to undermine derogatory information connected to Hunter Biden by falsely suggesting it was disinformation."
The FBI press office told the Washington Free Beacon that the bureau "declines to comment on personnel matters." Both the bureau and the Department of Justice confirmed receipt of Grassley’s letter to CBS News.

One more incident exposed that continues expose the FBI on a whole as completely corrupted.
Trump says if he's re-elected, he's going to fire 50,000 Federal employees. He's low balling the number that needs to be fired, more like 250,000 need to be furloughed, re-evaluated and the firing begin.

What the Hell Has Happened to the FBI?

1 Jun 2022 ~~ By Andrew McCarthy

The senior Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee is demanding that the Justice Department and the FBI investigate the bureau’s top agent in Washington, D.C., over his social-media posts, which are highly partisan — I know, I know, you’ll never guess for which side!
Tim Thibault runs the FBI’s Washington field office which, naturally, handles many of federal law enforcement’s most politically charged investigations. He’s been at the FBI for a quarter-century, is a longtime supervisory agent, and also held top counterterrorism posts.
Turns out, agent Thibault has a very active, highly political presence on LinkedIn, among other platforms. And no, to scrutinize that presence is not to deny that police officials are American citizens who, like everyone else, are entitled to have and to express political views. To attract people to his social-media accounts, Thibault appears to be brandishing his FBI credentials, with the implication that his status and experience give him special insight into the subjects of his ding battery.
As the Washington Examiner’s Jerry Dunleavy reports, Thibault’s public commentary takes aim at Republicans, the Trump administration, the Justice Department under then-attorney general Bill Barr, the American South, and the Catholic Church, among others.
As echoed by our editorial today on the Michael Sussmann acquittal, it is disheartening to watch, day after day, how infection by partisan politics has degraded a great American institution.

When the agents of the FBI begin arresting law abiding citizens for political reasons and tamper with evidence you have to stop and ask why and come to the conclusion that those with corrupted with power in the FBI have adopted the methods of the ill-famed East German STASI.
The realization that corruption can be so thorough and deep yet presents a seemingly clear and convincing appearance of integrity and professionalism...no one wants to believe it, so there's an urge to always look the other way, but when it keeps slapping you in the face---especially in such a personal and poignant way---it can be tremendous blow to an "establishment" mindset.
The Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Left and RINO's love to describe how Trump corrupts his supporters but it’s becoming increasingly obvious he has more completely exposed the corrupted and seditious in far larger numbers his opponents.

What the Hell Has Happened to the FBI?

In a word, Comey.

I once respected the FBI. My respect ended on the day an FBI sniper shot a woman holding a baby, and he wasn't disciplined because he was following orders.

You dummy, a sniper isn't always aware of the whole scene/situation. He did his job, the one responsible is the one that gave the order.

You dummy, a sniper isn't always aware of the whole scene/situation. He did his job, the one responsible is the one that gave the order.

He shot an unarmed woman holding a baby. Unless he was SS working for Himler, there was no excuse for that. Cops are only supposed to kill people who are a clear and immediate threat to the lives of others.
before they shot the woman they shot the dog and the boy in the back
fbi and doj have tried to decide the last 3 elections

In all fairness, it was US Marshall Degan who murdered Sammy Weaver. But FBI Assassin Lon Horiuchi murdered Vicki Weaver as she held her baby. Thankfully Kevin Harris killed Marshall Degan - who otherwise would have walked away from murdering a 14 year old boy.
Were they ever any better? They ambushed John Dillinger without giving him any chance to surrender. They attempted to blackmail MLK into committing suicide.
You dummy, a sniper isn't always aware of the whole scene/situation. He did his job, the one responsible is the one that gave the order.


Lon Horiuchi was fully briefed. The decision to murder Vicki Weaver or one of the children to break Weaver and Harris was made further up the food chain. Horiuchi was an assassin, that was his job - kill targets as ordered. Women, children, no problem. Some think Horiuchi was aiming for the baby, intending to kill both Vicki and the child, but missed.

That the FBI had people who were paid to assassinate American citizens changed my view of them.

Actually, Ruby Ridge and Waco ended my innocence about our government.
He shot an unarmed woman holding a baby. Unless he was SS working for Himler, there was no excuse for that. Cops are only supposed to kill people who are a clear and immediate threat to the lives of others.

Horiuchi was under orders to kill the wife or one of the children to break the siege. He was waiting for them to come out of the birthing shack, not positioned to take a shot at the house where Harris and Weaver were, but to take a shot at the women and children.

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