What the hell is "International Womens Day" and why the hell do we need it?

You mean like whining about a holiday very people know or give a shit about?

like an official holiday?

I don't even know what to call the damn thing? It sure seems to be a reason to piss and moan, though.
everything these days is a reason to piss and, moan. its unfortunately what makes, some happy.

Not me. I prefer mirth and merriment.
you're moaning/whining about the OP--
And you are moaning/whining about his so-called moaning/whining about the OP. :itsok: There there.....
Perhaps the fact that women are making progress in the work world and less are staying home(not choosing the traditional role) but rather busting it in the workforce highlights a huge plus and says something about the greatness of America. Here if women want to focus on careers and more things they want(like travel, entertainment) then they are free to do so. Part of what makes America great.
Its International Womens Day. Not all countries are as equal as the US. In Turkey the cops attacked the marchers yesterday.

Why do women asking for a fair shake pose such a threat to incel crap like the OP ?

I would hate to think my Daughter had to put up with all this shit. But I read this thread and wonder if she will get a fair shake.
------------------------------ be a good DAD and tell your Daughter to stay out of 'turkey' if she is a feminazi Tommy .
IWD, like black history month and every other Social Justice Holiday is another attempt by the Left to attack traditional white, male America.

Thankfully IWD and Valentines Day are countered by Steak and a Blowjob day next Thursday (3/14).
How can a "day" anger anyone? It's not a huge deal. In fact, it is a huge plus for the country. Helps make it great.
and stop importing into 'england' the bearded men from a traditional religious culture that cuts body parts off of little girls in 'england' Tommy
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It's the "international" part that bothers me. My guess is that it's an excuse for the U.N. to pretend to support women while they sit on their (bar scene from Star Wars) asses and do nothing while women are abused in mostly Islamic countries.
Do women really need MORE affirmation when it's already true that women are beating men in many areas, including the university, where women now outnumber men?

The whole point of feminism, I guess is that women can do anything men can do.

However, the whole point of men is to be of service to women, helping them to raise children, provide economic support for women, etc. If women don't need men, then men become obsolete, and we are already seeing millions of men dropping out of life and playing video games because they feel unneeded by women.

To be fair, we need an International Mens Day so that men also can be proud of who they are. But no, that is NOT ALLOWED.
Frankly, I find International Hamster's Day more rivetting.
How can a "day" anger anyone? It's not a huge deal. In fact, it is a huge plus for the country. Helps make it great.

Mostly because the “day” brings unnecesssry and undeserved attention to a message, group, or other social construct. The media latches onto these “days” and Ives them far more airctime and coverage than they should be getting.
and stop importing into 'england' the bearded men from a traditional religious culture that cuts body parts off of little girls in 'england' Tommy
What about the fuckfaces in the U.S. pushing "purity culture" on their daughters?
It's the "international" part that bothers me. My guess is that it's an excuse for the U.N. to pretend to support women while they sit on their (bar scene from Star Wars) asses and do nothing while women are abused in mostly Islamic countries.
You highlight the UN but the US/UKs biggest ally in the middle east is Saudi. Maybe we need to sort out our own shit before we point the finger ?
Do women really need MORE affirmation when it's already true that women are beating men in many areas, including the university, where women now outnumber men?

The whole point of feminism, I guess is that women can do anything men can do.

However, the whole point of men is to be of service to women, helping them to raise children, provide economic support for women, etc. If women don't need men, then men become obsolete, and we are already seeing millions of men dropping out of life and playing video games because they feel unneeded by women.

To be fair, we need an International Mens Day so that men also can be proud of who they are. But no, that is NOT ALLOWED.
I agree with you, Blackrook. If we could spen d more time in uniting instead of picking sectors to laud, we would be much better off. No women's day, no men's day, no children;s day. Be responsible for your own success.
i don't know what PURITY Culture is but i can guess and all i'd say is that it is Parents job to teach their kids the right way to go Lysis .
It's the "international" part that bothers me. My guess is that it's an excuse for the U.N. to pretend to support women while they sit on their (bar scene from Star Wars) asses and do nothing while women are abused in mostly Islamic countries.
You highlight the UN but the US/UKs biggest ally in the middle east is Saudi. Maybe we need to sort out our own shit before we point the finger ?
We all forget that the Saudis are of the Wahabi sect. Anti woman, anti everything. Is there any wonder that Saudi women are fleeing the kingdom?
Do women really need MORE affirmation when it's already true that women are beating men in many areas, including the university, where women now outnumber men?

The whole point of feminism, I guess is that women can do anything men can do.

However, the whole point of men is to be of service to women, helping them to raise children, provide economic support for women, etc. If women don't need men, then men become obsolete, and we are already seeing millions of men dropping out of life and playing video games because they feel unneeded by women.

To be fair, we need an International Mens Day so that men also can be proud of who they are. But no, that is NOT ALLOWED.

It's about those who like girls. You wouldn't be interested.
It's the "international" part that bothers me. My guess is that it's an excuse for the U.N. to pretend to support women while they sit on their (bar scene from Star Wars) asses and do nothing while women are abused in mostly Islamic countries.
You highlight the UN but the US/UKs biggest ally in the middle east is Saudi. Maybe we need to sort out our own shit before we point the finger ?
We all forget that the Saudis are of the Wahabi sect. Anti woman, anti everything. Is there any wonder that Saudi women are fleeing the kingdom?
----------------------------------- probably best for the Saudis to let the trouble makers go eh Lysis .
The Little Trumpsters attitude towards women is an example of why women favor anything to the left of these cro-magnon goose-steppers.
Keep up the good work Little Trumpsters! :happy-1:

grab em by the pussy

he'll probably do better in 2020

View attachment 249574

And in a more recent election, where Trump repeatedly told voters to vote as if he was on the ballot.
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education
Now compare the huge swing with woman voters.
Oh genius, thanks for setting me up. It was so easy for me, to show what a dope you really are! :2up:

i guess then it takes one to know one ya dopey broad :21:
when the midterms are 100% about the president for left wing retards....

when people are voting local the president sometimes JUST doesn't come into the equation
some automatically vote for the other party for Americas favorite pastime GRIDLOCK

yes the time is for more action less gridlock but thats really another thread

from your source ...as reported by cnn : compared to the 2016 presidential ..... broken down by race the numbers hardly budged and all White, Black, Asian, and Hispanic ticked upwards.


the huge anti trump midterm victory that the MSM couldn't stop going on about ..

what do you have to say about the candidates obama stumped for in 2018? .....just curious cause some didn't do all that well
i don't know what PURITY Culture is but i can guess and all i'd say is that it is Parents job to teach their kids the right way to go Lysis .
i don't know what PURITY Culture is but i can guess and all i'd say is that it is Parents job to teach their kids the right way to go Lysis .

But they are not. This is sexual grooming, aimed at girls, but not boys.
i don't know what PURITY Culture is but i can guess and all i'd say is that it is Parents job to teach their kids the right way to go Lysis .
i don't know what PURITY Culture is but i can guess and all i'd say is that it is Parents job to teach their kids the right way to go Lysis .

But they are not. This is sexual grooming, aimed at girls, but not boys.
-------------------------------------------------- that might be your Opinion but if i had kids , boys and girls i'd be teaching both to be PURE rather than being pigs and sluts Lysis .

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