What the hell is "International Womens Day" and why the hell do we need it?

Oh look another white man finds a way to turn himself into the oppressed.

How pathetic is your existence?
For women to make the gains they have gotten the rules had to be changed for qualification purposes for many of them. Men have been emasculated, under educated, imprisoned, impoverished and are becoming more violent. And publicly nary a word about this. So the definition of oppression can be angled in other ways.
i don't know what PURITY Culture is but i can guess and all i'd say is that it is Parents job to teach their kids the right way to go Lysis .
i don't know what PURITY Culture is but i can guess and all i'd say is that it is Parents job to teach their kids the right way to go Lysis .

But they are not. This is sexual grooming, aimed at girls, but not boys.
-------------------------------------------------- that might be your Opinion but if i had kids , boys and girls i'd be teaching both to be PURE rather than being pigs and sluts Lysis .

Do you actually believe that 'conservative," "republican," "Christian" men reserve themselves for their marriage bed?

I just did some googling on Jewish wedding traditions yesterday.,. Got a lot of info on Hasidic, ultra Orthodox, not the Jews who I know personally. Among the things that stood out is that a Hasidic man dons a white robe before he appears at the chuppah to be married. It signifies that he has not been a pig or a slut and has lived an honest life that entitles him to marry the bride.
i thought that we were talking about raising kids in some PURITY Culture . As far as modern adult culture there are lots of problems with morality . Thats no reason for Parents to encourage the same culture for kids Lysis .
i don't know what PURITY Culture is but i can guess and all i'd say is that it is Parents job to teach their kids the right way to go Lysis .
i don't know what PURITY Culture is but i can guess and all i'd say is that it is Parents job to teach their kids the right way to go Lysis .

But they are not. This is sexual grooming, aimed at girls, but not boys.
-------------------------------------------------- that might be your Opinion but if i had kids , boys and girls i'd be teaching both to be PURE rather than being pigs and sluts Lysis .

Do you actually believe that 'conservative," "republican," "Christian" men reserve themselves for their marriage bed?

I just did some googling on Jewish wedding traditions yesterday.,. Got a lot of info on Hasidic, ultra Orthodox, not the Jews who I know personally. Among the things that stood out is that a Hasidic man dons a white robe before he appears at the chuppah to be married. It signifies that he has not been a pig or a slut and has lived an honest life that entitles him to marry the bride.
----------------------------------------- nice tradition Lysis .
It's the "international" part that bothers me. My guess is that it's an excuse for the U.N. to pretend to support women while they sit on their (bar scene from Star Wars) asses and do nothing while women are abused in mostly Islamic countries.
You highlight the UN but the US/UKs biggest ally in the middle east is Saudi. Maybe we need to sort out our own shit before we point the finger ?
We all forget that the Saudis are of the Wahabi sect. Anti woman, anti everything. Is there any wonder that Saudi women are fleeing the kingdom?
----------------------------------- probably best for the Saudis to let the trouble makers go eh Lysis .
Why are the troublemakers in Saudi Arabia targeting female people?
It's the "international" part that bothers me. My guess is that it's an excuse for the U.N. to pretend to support women while they sit on their (bar scene from Star Wars) asses and do nothing while women are abused in mostly Islamic countries.
You highlight the UN but the US/UKs biggest ally in the middle east is Saudi. Maybe we need to sort out our own shit before we point the finger ?
We all forget that the Saudis are of the Wahabi sect. Anti woman, anti everything. Is there any wonder that Saudi women are fleeing the kingdom?
----------------------------------- probably best for the Saudis to let the trouble makers go eh Lysis .
Why are the troublemakers in Saudi Arabia targeting female people?
------------------------- Saudis are targeting 'female' trouble makes to get rid of them and the females leave if they are lucky Lysis .
It's the "international" part that bothers me. My guess is that it's an excuse for the U.N. to pretend to support women while they sit on their (bar scene from Star Wars) asses and do nothing while women are abused in mostly Islamic countries.
You highlight the UN but the US/UKs biggest ally in the middle east is Saudi. Maybe we need to sort out our own shit before we point the finger ?
We all forget that the Saudis are of the Wahabi sect. Anti woman, anti everything. Is there any wonder that Saudi women are fleeing the kingdom?
----------------------------------- probably best for the Saudis to let the trouble makers go eh Lysis .
We Already had International Women's day and you guys killed it, too. First Scotland comes raises the Bonnie Blue Flag, South Carolina nobly makes the stand, Alabama runs over takes her by the hand, bunch of women join them too and International Women's Day and women's word would be law and bunch of guys would help out too with the hefty bossy ones.

Oh look another white man finds a way to turn himself into the oppressed.

How pathetic is your existence?
For women to make the gains they have gotten the rules had to be changed for qualification purposes for many of them. Men have been emasculated, under educated, imprisoned, impoverished and are becoming more violent. And publicly nary a word about this. So the definition of oppression can be angled in other ways.
"...and are becoming more violent"

Quick! Let's find a way to blame that on women!
Oh look another white man finds a way to turn himself into the oppressed.

How pathetic is your existence?
For women to make the gains they have gotten the rules had to be changed for qualification purposes for many of them. Men have been emasculated, under educated, imprisoned, impoverished and are becoming more violent. And publicly nary a word about this. So the definition of oppression can be angled in other ways.
"...and are becoming more violent"

Quick! Let's find a way to blame that on women!
Half the millennial males are never going to get married. The vulgarity has increased with people. Many of these males have had issues with their so called strong mothers whether a single parent or married. Which is part of the misogynism package. If males can not get better paying jobs they while looking at females getting those jobs, there will be/is animosity, which will turn to anger and then finally rage. The sad thing is many females are stuck in this loop engineered by the progressive socialists. And will not be as fortunate as other women also. Perhaps some ladies will create huge industries and/or tech companies employing tens of millions of people with high wages to offset this tragedy in the making.
Do women really need MORE affirmation when it's already true that women are beating men in many areas, including the university, where women now outnumber men?

The whole point of feminism, I guess is that women can do anything men can do.

However, the whole point of men is to be of service to women, helping them to raise children, provide economic support for women, etc. If women don't need men, then men become obsolete, and we are already seeing millions of men dropping out of life and playing video games because they feel unneeded by women.

To be fair, we need an International Mens Day so that men also can be proud of who they are. But no, that is NOT ALLOWED.

Why the hell do you care? You ain't a woman - so what is it to you?

They can have International Left-handed Women's Kayaking-While-Playing-Guitar Day for all I give a shit.
It's the "international" part that bothers me. My guess is that it's an excuse for the U.N. to pretend to support women while they sit on their (bar scene from Star Wars) asses and do nothing while women are abused in mostly Islamic countries.
You highlight the UN but the US/UKs biggest ally in the middle east is Saudi. Maybe we need to sort out our own shit before we point the finger ?
We all forget that the Saudis are of the Wahabi sect. Anti woman, anti everything. Is there any wonder that Saudi women are fleeing the kingdom?
----------------------------------- probably best for the Saudis to let the trouble makers go eh Lysis .
Why are the troublemakers in Saudi Arabia targeting female people?
------------------------- Saudis are targeting 'female' trouble makes to get rid of them and the females leave if they are lucky Lysis .

The Saudis practice a shit-for-brains extreme version of Islam known as Wahabi. It's kind of like Alabama on steroids.These extreme sects, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, and Hindu, are known to target women, who then must flee to secure basic human rights.

What about the two Saudi sisters who taped themselves together and threw themselves into the Hudson River to escape going back? It's time that we aided women who are fleeing violations of their basic rights as humans.
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Do women really need MORE affirmation when it's already true that women are beating men in many areas, including the university, where women now outnumber men?

The whole point of feminism, I guess is that women can do anything men can do.

However, the whole point of men is to be of service to women, helping them to raise children, provide economic support for women, etc. If women don't need men, then men become obsolete, and we are already seeing millions of men dropping out of life and playing video games because they feel unneeded by women.

To be fair, we need an International Mens Day so that men also can be proud of who they are. But no, that is NOT ALLOWED.
Is there an international men's day?

This must be Trumps fault
Do women really need MORE affirmation when it's already true that women are beating men in many areas,

We have never had a woman President

We have never had a woman Vice President

Women are underrepresented in corporate board rooms

Women are underrepresented in Congress.13 Republicans. 89 Dems.There are 535 members overall

There are only 3 women on the Supreme Court out of 9 members

All this while women make up over 50% of the population.

There are three main targets of Republican attacks in Congress right now. All of them women

Pelosi - first and only House Majority Leader

Yea...nothing wrong there
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Do women really need MORE affirmation when it's already true that women are beating men in many areas, including the university, where women now outnumber men?

The whole point of feminism, I guess is that women can do anything men can do.

However, the whole point of men is to be of service to women, helping them to raise children, provide economic support for women, etc. If women don't need men, then men become obsolete, and we are already seeing millions of men dropping out of life and playing video games because they feel unneeded by women.

To be fair, we need an International Mens Day so that men also can be proud of who they are. But no, that is NOT ALLOWED.

Something made up by the media to create more stir, strife and conflict.
We don't. Anyone that gives is any credibility is nothing more than a sheep.
Any woman that thinks it's needed is weak and insecure. Not to mention needy.
We Already had International Women's day and you guys killed it, too. First Scotland comes raises the Bonnie Blue Flag, South Carolina nobly makes the stand, Alabama runs over takes her by the hand, bunch of women join them too and International Women's Day and women's word would be law and bunch of guys would help out too with the hefty bossy ones.

Do women really need MORE affirmation when it's already true that women are beating men in many areas, including the university, where women now outnumber men?

The whole point of feminism, I guess is that women can do anything men can do.

However, the whole point of men is to be of service to women, helping them to raise children, provide economic support for women, etc. If women don't need men, then men become obsolete, and we are already seeing millions of men dropping out of life and playing video games because they feel unneeded by women.

To be fair, we need an International Mens Day so that men also can be proud of who they are. But no, that is NOT ALLOWED.
Frankly, I find International Hamster's Day more rivetting.
Hmmmmmm....thank you, Richard Gere.
You highlight the UN but the US/UKs biggest ally in the middle east is Saudi. Maybe we need to sort out our own shit before we point the finger ?
We all forget that the Saudis are of the Wahabi sect. Anti woman, anti everything. Is there any wonder that Saudi women are fleeing the kingdom?
----------------------------------- probably best for the Saudis to let the trouble makers go eh Lysis .
Why are the troublemakers in Saudi Arabia targeting female people?
------------------------- Saudis are targeting 'female' trouble makes to get rid of them and the females leave if they are lucky Lysis .

The Saudis practice a shit-for-brains extreme version of Islam known as Wahabi. It's kind of like Alabama on steroids.These extreme sects, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, and Hindu, are known to target women, who then must flee to secure basic human rights.

What about the two Saudi sisters who taped themselves together and threw themselves into the Hudson River to escape going back? It's time that we aided women who are fleeing violations of their basic rights as humans.
------------------------------------------- What about them , should they not be allowed to buy Duct Tape Lysis ??
Do women really need MORE affirmation when it's already true that women are beating men in many areas, including the university, where women now outnumber men?

The whole point of feminism, I guess is that women can do anything men can do.

However, the whole point of men is to be of service to women, helping them to raise children, provide economic support for women, etc. If women don't need men, then men become obsolete, and we are already seeing millions of men dropping out of life and playing video games because they feel unneeded by women.

To be fair, we need an International Mens Day so that men also can be proud of who they are. But no, that is NOT ALLOWED.
-------------------------------------- men should do as they like , being independent is a good start and why should a young guy set himself up for marriage , kids , divorce , child support . Everything a woman has that a man wants on occasion can be BOUGHT !!

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