What the hell is "very safe teargas"?

Hate to tell you, but teargas ain't all that safe. When we went through training, those of us who had lenses to correct our vision were told to wear our glasses on those days, because if you wore contacts, it would mess up your eyes something fierce.

As far as not doing any harm? Those kids have little lungs, and aren't able to handle it as well as the adults, and there could be permanent damage.,

Here is the thing and it is you are outraged about the usage of tear gas but in your own OP it is well documented that those angry rock throwers were using women and children as human shields.

No matter what our agents do you and the left will be outraged because of your hatred for Trump.

Can tear gas cause harm to a young child?

Yes, but the people you should actually be angry with is the rock throwers and parents that either used human shields to toss rocks or allowed their child to be used as a human shield.

As for women in all this ask yourself how many of them are related or married to the rock throwers?

Now as you prepare your response about how it is only rocks so why drastic actions?

Well because the rocks being thrown can cause injury or death but alas you do not care about our agents safety and never have because if you did you would realize at least our agents are not shooting at the crowd.

So for me it is simple had it been peaceful March then yeah I would say what happen was total nonsense but seeing the rock throwers were using Human Shields, well the crowd was damn lucky no trigger happy agent open fire.

As for Trump he is an idiot but alas I am nowhere near as angry at him as I am at the rock throwers that use human shields and those defending the rock throwers.

Trump wants to do stupid shit. Building a 40; wall is stupid shit. I would not care who suggested it, it is a stupid idea.

Why can't you Trumpette assfucks see that?

Our displeasure with Trump stems from his stupid ideas, lies amorality, ignorance, and actions that are destroying this country.

You quibblers had 50 years to decide how "best" to control the border.


No more stupid ideas backed by stupid people.

You voted for Clinton, so let be factual you are as bright as a burnt out bulb...

Now about the wall the fact is it is a waste of money, so I am against it.

Now propose your ideas to fix the system so no kids will be used as human shields from illegals throwing rocks...

I voted for the most qualified candidate.

The Trump 40' all does not extend the entire border, so those evil brown people can just go where the wall isn't & throw stones.

And, you are a ling fuck when you claim children were used as human shields.

Using a child for political gain is Trump's game.

The only way to solve illegal immigration to to take away the reason to come here in such desperation. Help the Central America countries battle these drug lords ( who gained strength because of our war on drugs) and help improve their economies.

Other than that, more border patrol. We must consider asylum cases. If we know thousands are coming, how fucking dumb is it not to be ready to process them?
Hate to tell you, but teargas ain't all that safe. When we went through training, those of us who had lenses to correct our vision were told to wear our glasses on those days, because if you wore contacts, it would mess up your eyes something fierce.

As far as not doing any harm? Those kids have little lungs, and aren't able to handle it as well as the adults, and there could be permanent damage.,

Here is the thing and it is you are outraged about the usage of tear gas but in your own OP it is well documented that those angry rock throwers were using women and children as human shields.

No matter what our agents do you and the left will be outraged because of your hatred for Trump.

Can tear gas cause harm to a young child?

Yes, but the people you should actually be angry with is the rock throwers and parents that either used human shields to toss rocks or allowed their child to be used as a human shield.

As for women in all this ask yourself how many of them are related or married to the rock throwers?

Now as you prepare your response about how it is only rocks so why drastic actions?

Well because the rocks being thrown can cause injury or death but alas you do not care about our agents safety and never have because if you did you would realize at least our agents are not shooting at the crowd.

So for me it is simple had it been peaceful March then yeah I would say what happen was total nonsense but seeing the rock throwers were using Human Shields, well the crowd was damn lucky no trigger happy agent open fire.

As for Trump he is an idiot but alas I am nowhere near as angry at him as I am at the rock throwers that use human shields and those defending the rock throwers.

Trump wants to do stupid shit. Building a 40; wall is stupid shit. I would not care who suggested it, it is a stupid idea.

Why can't you Trumpette assfucks see that?

Our displeasure with Trump stems from his stupid ideas, lies amorality, ignorance, and actions that are destroying this country.

You quibblers had 50 years to decide how "best" to control the border.


No more stupid ideas backed by stupid people.

Said the man that does even try to deny that 50 years have been wasted doing what he is doing right now.
Wasted? Too funny. We currently prevent a lot of illegal immigration. over the past tenty years, probably around 500,000 a year.
Dumb fuck you said we do';t stop any.

Illegal border crossing have bern declining since 2000. You call it a waste.
No, I don't think that a Wall will Seal the border. I want both.

YOu want America to be a Third World Shit hole.

Hey, Dave, explain to US how wages will ever fucking rise, if employers, have an effectively infinite labor pool.

Sp, I don't want to waste billions of dollars building a 40' wall that people can still climb over, go under, go around, fly over, sail around, go through a gate that this means I want the US to be a third world country. Wow. You are sooooooo smart. I wish I was that smart.

The border has been the border for a long time. Are we a third world country?

Employers want quality employees. You act they just want the cheapest. You can tell you have never managed shit.

I don't want to waste billions of dollars building a 40' wall that people can still climb over,

Me neither, luckily we'll be building walls that they can't climb over.

The border has been the border for a long time. Are we a third world country?

California used to be of our best states, now many parts of it are a third world shithole.

Wow, so, there aren't any 40 foot ladders made. Who knew?

And who knew the world's fifth largest economy is a shit hole.

Wow, so, there aren't any 40 foot ladders made.

Only a stupid twat thinks we'd build a 40 foot wall and not monitor it.

And who knew the world's fifth largest economy is a shit hole.

How's the public education system doing in that economy?
Hepatitis, typhus, used needles, shit covered sidewalks...…..shithole.

He knows all that.

What he is trying to hide, is that he considers that a "win", for his side. The anti-American side.

My side IS the American side. Your side is the dumbass Trumpette side.
Trump was asked today about the use of teargas on the migrants at the southern border, including those with children.

Trump's response? That they are using "very safe teargas" on the migrants.

Now, I was in the military for 20 years, and when I was with the Security Force, we had to go through teargas training for riot control. And, as far as I'm aware, they don't have "safe" and "unsafe" teargas. It's all the same strength, and it all works the same way.

Trump is a f**king idiot. He's trying to downplay what happened because the optics of women and children getting gassed is kinda bad. But, saying that they were using "safe teargas" on them is even worse, because in addition to looking like he doesn't have a heart, he also looks like an idiot, trying to claim it's "safe".

Trump defends use of 'very safe' tear gas on migrant children

President Donald Trump is strongly defending the U.S. use of tear gas at the Mexican border to repel a crowd of migrants that included angry rock-throwers but also barefoot, crying children.

Critics denounced the border agents' action as overkill, but Trump kept to a hard line.

"They were being rushed by some very tough people and they used tear gas," Trump said Monday of the previous day's encounter. "Here's the bottom line: Nobody is coming into our country unless they come in legally."

At a roundtable in Mississippi later Monday, Trump seemed to acknowledge that children were affected, asking, "Why is a parent running up into an area where they know the tear gas is forming and it's going to be formed and they were running up with a child?"

He said it was "a very minor form of the tear gas itself" that he assured was "very safe."

Without offering evidence, he also claimed that some of the women are not really parents but are instead "grabbers" who steal children so they have a better chance of being granted asylum in the U.S.
So the tear gas is safe then.

clinton border.jpg
SO you really don't give a shit that Trump lies to you everty day.

You think a a 40' wall will seal the border? Is this caravan is at an entry point you fucking moron. You know an opening in any wall your orange moron wants to build?

No, I don't think that a Wall will Seal the border. I want both.

YOu want America to be a Third World Shit hole.

Hey, Dave, explain to US how wages will ever fucking rise, if employers, have an effectively infinite labor pool.

Sp, I don't want to waste billions of dollars building a 40' wall that people can still climb over, go under, go around, fly over, sail around, go through a gate that this means I want the US to be a third world country. Wow. You are sooooooo smart. I wish I was that smart.

The border has been the border for a long time. Are we a third world country?

Employers want quality employees. You act they just want the cheapest. You can tell you have never managed shit.

I don't want to waste billions of dollars building a 40' wall that people can still climb over,

Me neither, luckily we'll be building walls that they can't climb over.

The border has been the border for a long time. Are we a third world country?

California used to be of our best states, now many parts of it are a third world shithole.

Wow, so, there aren't any 40 foot ladders made. Who knew?

And who knew the world's fifth largest economy is a shit hole.

Wow, so, there aren't any 40 foot ladders made.

Only a stupid twat thinks we'd build a 40 foot wall and not monitor it.

And who knew the world's fifth largest economy is a shit hole.

How's the public education system doing in that economy?
Hepatitis, typhus, used needles, shit covered sidewalks...…..shithole.

If we have to monitor it all the time, why build it. We can't catch a perton climbing a ten foot fence?

The public education system in California ranks about the middle of all states & way ahead of that in your dumbass Red States.

Who knew there is only hepatitis & drug use in Califiornia. I am sure there isn't any on any of the red stares, right?
No, I don't think that a Wall will Seal the border. I want both.

YOu want America to be a Third World Shit hole.

Hey, Dave, explain to US how wages will ever fucking rise, if employers, have an effectively infinite labor pool.

Sp, I don't want to waste billions of dollars building a 40' wall that people can still climb over, go under, go around, fly over, sail around, go through a gate that this means I want the US to be a third world country. Wow. You are sooooooo smart. I wish I was that smart.

The border has been the border for a long time. Are we a third world country?

Employers want quality employees. You act they just want the cheapest. You can tell you have never managed shit.

I don't want to waste billions of dollars building a 40' wall that people can still climb over,

Me neither, luckily we'll be building walls that they can't climb over.

The border has been the border for a long time. Are we a third world country?

California used to be of our best states, now many parts of it are a third world shithole.

Wow, so, there aren't any 40 foot ladders made. Who knew?

And who knew the world's fifth largest economy is a shit hole.

Wow, so, there aren't any 40 foot ladders made.

Only a stupid twat thinks we'd build a 40 foot wall and not monitor it.

And who knew the world's fifth largest economy is a shit hole.

How's the public education system doing in that economy?
Hepatitis, typhus, used needles, shit covered sidewalks...…..shithole.

If we have to monitor it all the time, why build it. We can't catch a perton climbing a ten foot fence?

The public education system in California ranks about the middle of all states & way ahead of that in your dumbass Red States.

Who knew there is only hepatitis & drug use in Califiornia. I am sure there isn't any on any of the red stares, right?

The public education system in California ranks about the middle of all states

California ranked 42nd nationally in education

California trails much of the country when it comes to public education, according to Education Week's new state rankings.

The magazine ranks all 50 states and the District of Columbia based on three categories -- chance for success, K-12 achievement and school finance.

California received a "C-" overall, notching "D+" grades in K-12 achievement and school finance.

The best state for education? Massachusetts with a "B" grade. Nevada, on the other hand, ranked dead last with a "D" grade.

Overall, the national grade was a "C" -- 74.2 out of 100 points.

Robert Oakes, a spokesman with the state Department of Education, notes that the rankings are based on 2014 data, the most recent year available.

"California has a long way to go, we need to make more progress, but we are moving forward," he said.

Oakes cited the state's increase in per-pupil spending, which is now more than $10,000 per student for the current fiscal year.

California ranked 42nd nationally in education


& way ahead of that in your dumbass Red States.

I live in Chicago, our public schools probably suck more than the sucky ones in California.
No, I don't think that a Wall will Seal the border. I want both.

YOu want America to be a Third World Shit hole.

Hey, Dave, explain to US how wages will ever fucking rise, if employers, have an effectively infinite labor pool.

Sp, I don't want to waste billions of dollars building a 40' wall that people can still climb over, go under, go around, fly over, sail around, go through a gate that this means I want the US to be a third world country. Wow. You are sooooooo smart. I wish I was that smart.

The border has been the border for a long time. Are we a third world country?

Employers want quality employees. You act they just want the cheapest. You can tell you have never managed shit.

I don't want to waste billions of dollars building a 40' wall that people can still climb over,

Me neither, luckily we'll be building walls that they can't climb over.

The border has been the border for a long time. Are we a third world country?

California used to be of our best states, now many parts of it are a third world shithole.

Wow, so, there aren't any 40 foot ladders made. Who knew?

And who knew the world's fifth largest economy is a shit hole.

Wow, so, there aren't any 40 foot ladders made.

Only a stupid twat thinks we'd build a 40 foot wall and not monitor it.

And who knew the world's fifth largest economy is a shit hole.

How's the public education system doing in that economy?
Hepatitis, typhus, used needles, shit covered sidewalks...…..shithole.

If we have to monitor it all the time, why build it. We can't catch a perton climbing a ten foot fence?

The public education system in California ranks about the middle of all states & way ahead of that in your dumbass Red States.

Who knew there is only hepatitis & drug use in Califiornia. I am sure there isn't any on any of the red stares, right?

Who knew there is only hepatitis & drug use in Califiornia.

I don't hear much about hepatitis and typhus outbreaks in other states.
Or shit covered streets. Weird.
Trump was asked today about the use of teargas on the migrants at the southern border, including those with children.

Trump's response? That they are using "very safe teargas" on the migrants.

Now, I was in the military for 20 years, and when I was with the Security Force, we had to go through teargas training for riot control. And, as far as I'm aware, they don't have "safe" and "unsafe" teargas. It's all the same strength, and it all works the same way.

Trump is a f**king idiot. He's trying to downplay what happened because the optics of women and children getting gassed is kinda bad. But, saying that they were using "safe teargas" on them is even worse, because in addition to looking like he doesn't have a heart, he also looks like an idiot, trying to claim it's "safe".

Trump defends use of 'very safe' tear gas on migrant children

President Donald Trump is strongly defending the U.S. use of tear gas at the Mexican border to repel a crowd of migrants that included angry rock-throwers but also barefoot, crying children.

Critics denounced the border agents' action as overkill, but Trump kept to a hard line.

"They were being rushed by some very tough people and they used tear gas," Trump said Monday of the previous day's encounter. "Here's the bottom line: Nobody is coming into our country unless they come in legally."

At a roundtable in Mississippi later Monday, Trump seemed to acknowledge that children were affected, asking, "Why is a parent running up into an area where they know the tear gas is forming and it's going to be formed and they were running up with a child?"

He said it was "a very minor form of the tear gas itself" that he assured was "very safe."

Without offering evidence, he also claimed that some of the women are not really parents but are instead "grabbers" who steal children so they have a better chance of being granted asylum in the U.S.

Trump just makes shit up. I have no idea why anyone is trying to interpret some meaning in the meaningless gibberish that the man makes up on the fly.

He doesn't know what he's talking about. Remember when he blamed California's wildfires on 'water being diverted to the ocean'. Um, did he mean RIVERS? Who knows? Its the inane jibberish of a doddering old man.

Remember when he said that NBC's ratings plummeted after they were caught 'fudging' the Holt interview? What the fuck did he mean by 'fudge'? What the holy hell is that old man talking about?

Who knows. Its just empty jabbering from any angry old man.
Here is the thing and it is you are outraged about the usage of tear gas but in your own OP it is well documented that those angry rock throwers were using women and children as human shields.

No matter what our agents do you and the left will be outraged because of your hatred for Trump.

Can tear gas cause harm to a young child?

Yes, but the people you should actually be angry with is the rock throwers and parents that either used human shields to toss rocks or allowed their child to be used as a human shield.

As for women in all this ask yourself how many of them are related or married to the rock throwers?

Now as you prepare your response about how it is only rocks so why drastic actions?

Well because the rocks being thrown can cause injury or death but alas you do not care about our agents safety and never have because if you did you would realize at least our agents are not shooting at the crowd.

So for me it is simple had it been peaceful March then yeah I would say what happen was total nonsense but seeing the rock throwers were using Human Shields, well the crowd was damn lucky no trigger happy agent open fire.

As for Trump he is an idiot but alas I am nowhere near as angry at him as I am at the rock throwers that use human shields and those defending the rock throwers.

Trump wants to do stupid shit. Building a 40; wall is stupid shit. I would not care who suggested it, it is a stupid idea.

Why can't you Trumpette assfucks see that?

Our displeasure with Trump stems from his stupid ideas, lies amorality, ignorance, and actions that are destroying this country.

You quibblers had 50 years to decide how "best" to control the border.


No more stupid ideas backed by stupid people.

You voted for Clinton, so let be factual you are as bright as a burnt out bulb...

Now about the wall the fact is it is a waste of money, so I am against it.

Now propose your ideas to fix the system so no kids will be used as human shields from illegals throwing rocks...

I voted for the most qualified candidate.

The Trump 40' all does not extend the entire border, so those evil brown people can just go where the wall isn't & throw stones.

And, you are a ling fuck when you claim children were used as human shields.

Using a child for political gain is Trump's game.

The only way to solve illegal immigration to to take away the reason to come here in such desperation. Help the Central America countries battle these drug lords ( who gained strength because of our war on drugs) and help improve their economies.

Other than that, more border patrol. We must consider asylum cases. If we know thousands are coming, how fucking dumb is it not to be ready to process them?

I voted for the most qualified candidate.

third party, or NOTA?
Granted the angry and incoherent left is afflicted with short term memory loss but do they really want to open up the "tear gas" can of worms when the Clinton administration managed to asphyxiate and ultimately incinerate about 80 men women and children with poison gas during the Waco standoff?

The gas had nothing to do with their deaths. The fire was the reason.

Not the women/children in the bunker. It was underground far enough from the main buildings. Unfortunate "accident" occurred and the plugs were "pulled" in the temporary morgue set up for the bodies. Making it impossible to get accurate causes of death..
Sp, I don't want to waste billions of dollars building a 40' wall that people can still climb over, go under, go around, fly over, sail around, go through a gate that this means I want the US to be a third world country. Wow. You are sooooooo smart. I wish I was that smart.

The border has been the border for a long time. Are we a third world country?

Employers want quality employees. You act they just want the cheapest. You can tell you have never managed shit.

I don't want to waste billions of dollars building a 40' wall that people can still climb over,

Me neither, luckily we'll be building walls that they can't climb over.

The border has been the border for a long time. Are we a third world country?

California used to be of our best states, now many parts of it are a third world shithole.

Wow, so, there aren't any 40 foot ladders made. Who knew?

And who knew the world's fifth largest economy is a shit hole.

Wow, so, there aren't any 40 foot ladders made.

Only a stupid twat thinks we'd build a 40 foot wall and not monitor it.

And who knew the world's fifth largest economy is a shit hole.

How's the public education system doing in that economy?
Hepatitis, typhus, used needles, shit covered sidewalks...…..shithole.

If we have to monitor it all the time, why build it. We can't catch a perton climbing a ten foot fence?

The public education system in California ranks about the middle of all states & way ahead of that in your dumbass Red States.

Who knew there is only hepatitis & drug use in Califiornia. I am sure there isn't any on any of the red stares, right?

Who knew there is only hepatitis & drug use in Califiornia.

I don't hear much about hepatitis and typhus outbreaks in other states.
Or shit covered streets. Weird.

Maybe you should try watching something besides Fox News.
I don't want to waste billions of dollars building a 40' wall that people can still climb over,

Me neither, luckily we'll be building walls that they can't climb over.

The border has been the border for a long time. Are we a third world country?

California used to be of our best states, now many parts of it are a third world shithole.

Wow, so, there aren't any 40 foot ladders made. Who knew?

And who knew the world's fifth largest economy is a shit hole.

Wow, so, there aren't any 40 foot ladders made.

Only a stupid twat thinks we'd build a 40 foot wall and not monitor it.

And who knew the world's fifth largest economy is a shit hole.

How's the public education system doing in that economy?
Hepatitis, typhus, used needles, shit covered sidewalks...…..shithole.

If we have to monitor it all the time, why build it. We can't catch a perton climbing a ten foot fence?

The public education system in California ranks about the middle of all states & way ahead of that in your dumbass Red States.

Who knew there is only hepatitis & drug use in Califiornia. I am sure there isn't any on any of the red stares, right?

Who knew there is only hepatitis & drug use in Califiornia.

I don't hear much about hepatitis and typhus outbreaks in other states.
Or shit covered streets. Weird.

Maybe you should try watching something besides Fox News.

Flea-borne typhus spreads across Los Angeles area

Typhus epidemic spreads across LA, health officials say - CNN

Hepatitis A Outbreak in California

Hepatitis A Outbreak
I don't want to waste billions of dollars building a 40' wall that people can still climb over,

Me neither, luckily we'll be building walls that they can't climb over.

The border has been the border for a long time. Are we a third world country?

California used to be of our best states, now many parts of it are a third world shithole.

Wow, so, there aren't any 40 foot ladders made. Who knew?

And who knew the world's fifth largest economy is a shit hole.

Wow, so, there aren't any 40 foot ladders made.

Only a stupid twat thinks we'd build a 40 foot wall and not monitor it.

And who knew the world's fifth largest economy is a shit hole.

How's the public education system doing in that economy?
Hepatitis, typhus, used needles, shit covered sidewalks...…..shithole.

If we have to monitor it all the time, why build it. We can't catch a perton climbing a ten foot fence?

The public education system in California ranks about the middle of all states & way ahead of that in your dumbass Red States.

Who knew there is only hepatitis & drug use in Califiornia. I am sure there isn't any on any of the red stares, right?

Who knew there is only hepatitis & drug use in Califiornia.

I don't hear much about hepatitis and typhus outbreaks in other states.
Or shit covered streets. Weird.

Maybe you should try watching something besides Fox News.

L.A.'s streets have become a de facto toilet. We need more public restrooms

L.A.'s streets have become a de facto toilet. We need more public restrooms

San Francisco Squalor: City Streets Strewn With Trash, Needles And Human Feces

San Francisco Squalor: City Streets Strewn With Trash, Needles And Human Feces
Trump was asked today about the use of teargas on the migrants at the southern border, including those with children.

Trump's response? That they are using "very safe teargas" on the migrants.

Now, I was in the military for 20 years, and when I was with the Security Force, we had to go through teargas training for riot control. And, as far as I'm aware, they don't have "safe" and "unsafe" teargas. It's all the same strength, and it all works the same way.

Trump is a f**king idiot. He's trying to downplay what happened because the optics of women and children getting gassed is kinda bad. But, saying that they were using "safe teargas" on them is even worse, because in addition to looking like he doesn't have a heart, he also looks like an idiot, trying to claim it's "safe".

Trump defends use of 'very safe' tear gas on migrant children

President Donald Trump is strongly defending the U.S. use of tear gas at the Mexican border to repel a crowd of migrants that included angry rock-throwers but also barefoot, crying children.

Critics denounced the border agents' action as overkill, but Trump kept to a hard line.

"They were being rushed by some very tough people and they used tear gas," Trump said Monday of the previous day's encounter. "Here's the bottom line: Nobody is coming into our country unless they come in legally."

At a roundtable in Mississippi later Monday, Trump seemed to acknowledge that children were affected, asking, "Why is a parent running up into an area where they know the tear gas is forming and it's going to be formed and they were running up with a child?"

He said it was "a very minor form of the tear gas itself" that he assured was "very safe."

Without offering evidence, he also claimed that some of the women are not really parents but are instead "grabbers" who steal children so they have a better chance of being granted asylum in the U.S.
Squids must not go through a gas chamber. In the Army we had to do it every year it sucked but it won't kill you. I'm sure your answer for the problem would be to just let the future Democratic Party voting illegals into the country.
Trump was asked today about the use of teargas on the migrants at the southern border, including those with children.

Trump's response? That they are using "very safe teargas" on the migrants.

Now, I was in the military for 20 years, and when I was with the Security Force, we had to go through teargas training for riot control. And, as far as I'm aware, they don't have "safe" and "unsafe" teargas. It's all the same strength, and it all works the same way.

Trump is a f**king idiot. He's trying to downplay what happened because the optics of women and children getting gassed is kinda bad. But, saying that they were using "safe teargas" on them is even worse, because in addition to looking like he doesn't have a heart, he also looks like an idiot, trying to claim it's "safe".

Trump defends use of 'very safe' tear gas on migrant children

President Donald Trump is strongly defending the U.S. use of tear gas at the Mexican border to repel a crowd of migrants that included angry rock-throwers but also barefoot, crying children.

Critics denounced the border agents' action as overkill, but Trump kept to a hard line.

"They were being rushed by some very tough people and they used tear gas," Trump said Monday of the previous day's encounter. "Here's the bottom line: Nobody is coming into our country unless they come in legally."

At a roundtable in Mississippi later Monday, Trump seemed to acknowledge that children were affected, asking, "Why is a parent running up into an area where they know the tear gas is forming and it's going to be formed and they were running up with a child?"

He said it was "a very minor form of the tear gas itself" that he assured was "very safe."

Without offering evidence, he also claimed that some of the women are not really parents but are instead "grabbers" who steal children so they have a better chance of being granted asylum in the U.S.
Squids must not go through a gas chamber. In the Army we had to do it every year it sucked but it won't kill you. I'm sure your answer for the problem would be to just let the future Democratic Party voting illegals into the country.
Thank you for your service to this country.

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