What the Hell is wrong with People?


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
A $64,000 question for the Ages, huh?

But seriously.

Why would anyone living today on planet earth allow an experimental vaccine to be injected into their bodies? We each of us have but one mortal coil and one life to live inside of it. Further, why would any reasonable and or sane thinking human being get an experimental "jab" injection, a vaccine that will neither prevent getting the virus, prevent its transmission to others or even allow the "victim" who receives it to stop wearing masks and social distancing? Has government really and truly become our new GOD? God (the government) says you need to get the vaccine so what? So everyone obeys their new government god and steps right up? Common sense is dead, dead, dead.

Second COVID Shot Packs the Big Punch

In other news . . .

Will people at large, around the planet, really allow themselves to be forced into getting the vaccine shots in order to be "legally" allowed to buy food? Of course they will, right?

A $64,000 question for the Ages, huh?

But seriously.

Why would anyone living today on planet earth allow an experimental vaccine to be injected into their bodies? We each of us have but one mortal coil and one life to live inside of it. Further, why would any reasonable and or sane thinking human being get an experimental "jab" injection, a vaccine that will neither prevent getting the virus, prevent its transmission to others or even allow the "victim" who receives it to stop wearing masks and social distancing? Has government really and truly become our new GOD? God (the government) says you need to get the vaccine so what? So everyone obeys their new government god and steps right up? Common sense is dead, dead, dead.

Second COVID Shot Packs the Big Punch

In other news . . .

Will people at large, around the planet, really allow themselves to be forced into getting the vaccine shots in order to be "legally" allowed to buy food? Of course they will, right?

why do people drive on parkway and park on a driveway???
A $64,000 question for the Ages, huh?

But seriously.

Why would anyone living today on planet earth allow an experimental vaccine to be injected into their bodies? We each of us have but one mortal coil and one life to live inside of it. Further, why would any reasonable and or sane thinking human being get an experimental "jab" injection, a vaccine that will neither prevent getting the virus, prevent its transmission to others or even allow the "victim" who receives it to stop wearing masks and social distancing? Has government really and truly become our new GOD? God (the government) says you need to get the vaccine so what? So everyone obeys their new government god and steps right up? Common sense is dead, dead, dead.

Second COVID Shot Packs the Big Punch

In other news . . .

Will people at large, around the planet, really allow themselves to be forced into getting the vaccine shots in order to be "legally" allowed to buy food? Of course they will, right?

why do people drive on parkway and park on a driveway???

In case of traffic jams and random motorists driving through one's garage door. The Cosmos has spoken. Next?
A $64,000 question for the Ages, huh?

But seriously.

Why would anyone living today on planet earth allow an experimental vaccine to be injected into their bodies? We each of us have but one mortal coil and one life to live inside of it. Further, why would any reasonable and or sane thinking human being get an experimental "jab" injection, a vaccine that will neither prevent getting the virus, prevent its transmission to others or even allow the "victim" who receives it to stop wearing masks and social distancing? Has government really and truly become our new GOD? God (the government) says you need to get the vaccine so what? So everyone obeys their new government god and steps right up? Common sense is dead, dead, dead.

Second COVID Shot Packs the Big Punch

In other news . . .

Will people at large, around the planet, really allow themselves to be forced into getting the vaccine shots in order to be "legally" allowed to buy food? Of course they will, right?

I suppose if it comes to that we will be eating a lot of chicken, ducks and eggs plus garden goodies and some fish outta the pond, maybe even a few clams from there too in winter months. The dogs will have to eat deer meat and may get a pigly too.
A $64,000 question for the Ages, huh?

But seriously.

Why would anyone living today on planet earth allow an experimental vaccine to be injected into their bodies? We each of us have but one mortal coil and one life to live inside of it. Further, why would any reasonable and or sane thinking human being get an experimental "jab" injection, a vaccine that will neither prevent getting the virus, prevent its transmission to others or even allow the "victim" who receives it to stop wearing masks and social distancing? Has government really and truly become our new GOD? God (the government) says you need to get the vaccine so what? So everyone obeys their new government god and steps right up? Common sense is dead, dead, dead.

Second COVID Shot Packs the Big Punch

In other news . . .

Will people at large, around the planet, really allow themselves to be forced into getting the vaccine shots in order to be "legally" allowed to buy food? Of course they will, right?

Where did you get the idea that it is an experimental vaccine?

Millions of people have received the COVID-19 vaccine. How many hundreds of thousands of people have died from the vaccine?
Will people at large, around the planet, really allow themselves to be forced into getting the vaccine shots in order to be "legally" allowed to buy food? Of course they will, right?

No, I don't allow myself to be forced into anything. When it comes down to that game, people will simply wait and prey on folks coming home with groceries and rob them of their food. Survival of the fittest. After that, when folks finally realize the mess our leaders have made of the world while they sit back comfortably ensconced in high living for themselves in gated communities built from taxpayer money, maybe they'll start finally after them as well.

Oh wait, they kinda just did that a month ago.
People get injected with a lot of things. It just prolongs their life. The herd mentality. IF some survive then hey that is life. Move on as there is nothing to see here.
A $64,000 question for the Ages, huh?

But seriously.

Why would anyone living today on planet earth allow an experimental vaccine to be injected into their bodies? We each of us have but one mortal coil and one life to live inside of it. Further, why would any reasonable and or sane thinking human being get an experimental "jab" injection, a vaccine that will neither prevent getting the virus, prevent its transmission to others or even allow the "victim" who receives it to stop wearing masks and social distancing? Has government really and truly become our new GOD? God (the government) says you need to get the vaccine so what? So everyone obeys their new government god and steps right up? Common sense is dead, dead, dead.

Second COVID Shot Packs the Big Punch

In other news . . .

Will people at large, around the planet, really allow themselves to be forced into getting the vaccine shots in order to be "legally" allowed to buy food? Of course they will, right?

I suppose if it comes to that we will be eating a lot of chicken, ducks and eggs plus garden goodies and some fish outta the pond, maybe even a few clams from there too in winter months. The dogs will have to eat deer meat and may get a pigly too.

Sounds like a good plan.
A $64,000 question for the Ages, huh?

But seriously.

Why would anyone living today on planet earth allow an experimental vaccine to be injected into their bodies? We each of us have but one mortal coil and one life to live inside of it. Further, why would any reasonable and or sane thinking human being get an experimental "jab" injection, a vaccine that will neither prevent getting the virus, prevent its transmission to others or even allow the "victim" who receives it to stop wearing masks and social distancing? Has government really and truly become our new GOD? God (the government) says you need to get the vaccine so what? So everyone obeys their new government god and steps right up? Common sense is dead, dead, dead.

Second COVID Shot Packs the Big Punch

In other news . . .

Will people at large, around the planet, really allow themselves to be forced into getting the vaccine shots in order to be "legally" allowed to buy food? Of course they will, right?

Where did you get the idea that it is an experimental vaccine?

Millions of people have received the COVID-19 vaccine. How many hundreds of thousands of people have died from the vaccine?

Good question. We are about to find out . . . how many die(d) from it.
A $64,000 question for the Ages, huh?

But seriously.

Why would anyone living today on planet earth allow an experimental vaccine to be injected into their bodies? We each of us have but one mortal coil and one life to live inside of it. Further, why would any reasonable and or sane thinking human being get an experimental "jab" injection, a vaccine that will neither prevent getting the virus, prevent its transmission to others or even allow the "victim" who receives it to stop wearing masks and social distancing? Has government really and truly become our new GOD? God (the government) says you need to get the vaccine so what? So everyone obeys their new government god and steps right up? Common sense is dead, dead, dead.

Second COVID Shot Packs the Big Punch

In other news . . .

Will people at large, around the planet, really allow themselves to be forced into getting the vaccine shots in order to be "legally" allowed to buy food? Of course they will, right?

Where did you get the idea that it is an experimental vaccine?

Millions of people have received the COVID-19 vaccine. How many hundreds of thousands of people have died from the vaccine?

Good question. We are about to find out . . . how many die(d) from it.

You dodged the main question, SHOCK! Where did you get the idea that the COVID-19 is an experimental vaccine?

Millions of doses have been given, all around the world. Why aren't the bodies stacking up like cordwood?
A $64,000 question for the Ages, huh?

But seriously.

Why would anyone living today on planet earth allow an experimental vaccine to be injected into their bodies? We each of us have but one mortal coil and one life to live inside of it. Further, why would any reasonable and or sane thinking human being get an experimental "jab" injection, a vaccine that will neither prevent getting the virus, prevent its transmission to others or even allow the "victim" who receives it to stop wearing masks and social distancing? Has government really and truly become our new GOD? God (the government) says you need to get the vaccine so what? So everyone obeys their new government god and steps right up? Common sense is dead, dead, dead.

Second COVID Shot Packs the Big Punch

In other news . . .

Will people at large, around the planet, really allow themselves to be forced into getting the vaccine shots in order to be "legally" allowed to buy food? Of course they will, right?

Without the jab - you may get the virus and never recover
A $64,000 question for the Ages, huh?

But seriously.

Why would anyone living today on planet earth allow an experimental vaccine to be injected into their bodies? We each of us have but one mortal coil and one life to live inside of it. Further, why would any reasonable and or sane thinking human being get an experimental "jab" injection, a vaccine that will neither prevent getting the virus, prevent its transmission to others or even allow the "victim" who receives it to stop wearing masks and social distancing? Has government really and truly become our new GOD? God (the government) says you need to get the vaccine so what? So everyone obeys their new government god and steps right up? Common sense is dead, dead, dead.

Second COVID Shot Packs the Big Punch

In other news . . .

Will people at large, around the planet, really allow themselves to be forced into getting the vaccine shots in order to be "legally" allowed to buy food? Of course they will, right?

The morons are screaming for the "experimental vaccine" that by definition is not a vaccine.
A $64,000 question for the Ages, huh?

But seriously.

Why would anyone living today on planet earth allow an experimental vaccine to be injected into their bodies? We each of us have but one mortal coil and one life to live inside of it. Further, why would any reasonable and or sane thinking human being get an experimental "jab" injection, a vaccine that will neither prevent getting the virus, prevent its transmission to others or even allow the "victim" who receives it to stop wearing masks and social distancing? Has government really and truly become our new GOD? God (the government) says you need to get the vaccine so what? So everyone obeys their new government god and steps right up? Common sense is dead, dead, dead.

Second COVID Shot Packs the Big Punch

In other news . . .

Will people at large, around the planet, really allow themselves to be forced into getting the vaccine shots in order to be "legally" allowed to buy food? Of course they will, right?

Where did you get the idea that it is an experimental vaccine?

Millions of people have received the COVID-19 vaccine. How many hundreds of thousands of people have died from the vaccine?

You’re uninformed. Get informed. Don’t be a dupe for the criminal State.

Five Questions:
5 questions to ask your friends who plan to get the Covid vaccine

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