What the US can learn from New Zealand political discourse

Never forget ya'll ....Jacinda Arden at the helm in NZ is a Globalist through and through.....New World Order and all that shit.

She is best friends with the witch Clinton.... need I say more?

Whatever discourse she is blabbing .....you must take that into account.

I feel sorry for all Patriots fighting for freedom in NZ.:(

The only problem is you know absolutely nothing about NZ. Nothing.
No one is fighting for their freedom. She does not belong to any stupid new world order and her and Clinton are not combining to destroy the world. You are paranoid and delusional because both of them are lefties.
That's the r3ason you belch bile on them. Nothing else.
The slave not realising they're nothing but lick spittle for the rich...but that's okay - people with lots of money = good. Anybody else? Scum...

Rich people at least have their petty indulgences to distract themselves, progressives seek power over others, not only actions, but thoughts.

My sig expresses my viewpoint on this matter pretty clearly.
That Elizabeth II is head of state of NZ does not mean I owe any allegiance to her. She has no authority over me, she can make no claim of me.

She is your sovereign, and head of state. Political power in the Commonwealth system flows from her, not from you.

I suggest you make yourself more aware of how your system works.
She is your sovereign, and head of state. Political power in the Commonwealth system flows from her, not from you.

I suggest you make yourself more aware of how your system works.
I suggest you haven't a clue. You seem to think the Commonwealth or Liz have a say in the governance of NZ. Too, you seem to think Liz had something to do with Ardern becoming PM.

Not the least of your delusions, from what I've seen.
I suggest you haven't a clue. You seem to think the Commonwealth or Liz have a say in the governance of NZ. Too, you seem to think Liz had something to do with Ardern becoming PM.

Not the least of your delusions, from what I've seen.

The process of forming a government in any commonwealth system is the PM "asking" the queen or the governor general to have the permission to do so. That it is only a formality these days doesn't change the process.

All legislation has to have royal assent, even if it's only a formality.

Again, try to actually know the system you are governed under.
That it is only a formality
Seems to escape you. I am not a subject of Elizabeth II. She can requre nothing of me. Too, the NZ Government appoints the Governor General whose legislative assent is required. Not bad for serfs, eh?
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Seems to escape you.

It's still the process and the concept. In the US power flows up from the citizens, as citizens of a given State and as Citizens of the United States. In a Constitutional Monarchy, power flows down from the Sovereign
Where's the evidence they are destroying the country?
You've fallen into the herd mentality and simply believe that the election of the democrats has immediately put the economy into a downward spiral.
It is not true. You're just bashing drmocrats with hatred and lies.

1) Destroyed all advancements in race relations over our lifetimes

2) Are flooding us with illegal aliens, drugs and criminals over our southern border

3) Have turned US cities back into unsafe crime zones. I was so lucky having lived in many major US cities after the 70s and before now when it was safe to be there. Now I don't want to go back, it's not safe. That's on you, Holmes

4) Spending us into the fucking ground

Nice job. The Democrat party is a level of evil beyond traditional Communist countries. They never wanted to destroy their own country
Your problem is you are shit at articulating your POV. You think you're the smartest guy in the room, yet you can hardly put together two sentences that make sense. You are a tool.

Dr Grump: No I'm not, kaz, YOU are. I'm not, YOU are. You are, you are!

Maybe that's how manly men in New Zealand insult each other, but here those are children's insults
I didn't say that. Christ, are you going for "dumbest poster of the day" every day? Give it a rest. You win.

It's the side you are arguing on. It's one of the more bizarre stupid leftist tricks. When you disagree with Democrats, you attack the people who disagree with Democrats and everyone is supposed to know then that you disagree with Democrats.

So why don't you speak up then? Why don't you tell any of the moron Democrats supporting stupid shit like CRT that babies aren't racist? And whites aren't racist just because they are white?

When you put on a white robe and hang out with the clan, then yes, people will think you're in the clan
Knochenmarksskrebs? ... Hmm ... Myelomatose ... Got it.

That's not a symptom of bone marrow cancer.

¿Apnia = Apnea? ¿afib = artria fibrilation?

No. It shows that I don't think someone is able to know whether marijuana really helps and someone who smokes marijuana destroys the own brain. In general I'm against all forms of mind manipulating drugs including alcohol.

I don't have any idea what you say here concrete.

I'm sure I know a lot - but not enough. Unfortunatelly I don't know how to cure myelomatosis. If I would know I would tell you. But this is not any argument at all for free drugs for everyone. Your sickness makes it just simple impossible to discuss with you about all the problems in this context. Do what you are convinced to do and listen to your doctors.

Can you send me your contact information so I can send you my doctor reports and you can validate their treatment? I mean damn, all the doctors have to coordinate. One guy who knows everything about everything would be so much more efficient.

The most stupid thing you say is that I wouldn't know if a drug that only treats symptoms works or not. They are SYMPTOMS. The ONLY thing they do is make me feel better. How would I not know if I FEEL BETTER.

God you're stupid. Arrogance does that
Buying back is not confiscating.

Yes, but that's a lie. They aren't just making a cash offer. It's illegal to not turn them in.

Why would you flat out lie like that? I'm disappointed. You seemed more rational than Dr Grump
What guns have been confiscated?

You have to ask an American that? Seriously?
Can you send me your contact information so I can send you my doctor reports and you can validate their treatment?

:lol: Sersiosly I have to say now I don't believe in the story which you try to tell me. You are a good propagandist of the drug which you use or better to say - of the drug, which is using you.

I mean damn, all the doctors have to coordinate.

Again: I never heard from any medical study which shows that marijuana is really doing what is said about the positive medical use of marijuana. Also all stories about alcohol, which describe positive effects in health are for example always only wrong.

One guy who knows everything about everything would be so much more efficient.

Empty propagandistic phrases are empty propagandistic phrases - that's all.

The most stupid thing you say is that I wouldn't know if a drug that only treats symptoms works or not. They are SYMPTOMS. The ONLY thing they do is make me feel better. How would I not know if I FEEL BETTER.

You sound desperated and not like someone who feels better.

God you're stupid. Arrogance does that.
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:lol: Sersiosly I have to say now I don't believe in the story which you try to tell me. You are a good propagandist of the drug which you use or better to say - of the drug, which is using you.

Again: I never heard from any medical study which shows that marijuana is really doing what is said about the positive medical use of marijuana. Also all stories about alcohol, which describe positive effects in health are for example always only wrong.

Empty propagandistic phrases are empty propagandistic phrases - that's all.

You sound desperated and not like someone who feels better.

Yeah, you got me. I always go around making up medical conditions.

The irony being that people usually expect in others what you are yourself. So you're a liar and you expect other people to be.

I'm not surprised that's what you are
What ludicrous wibble. The 70s oil shock and the UK joining the EU 'destroyed' NZ's economy. Neo liberal destruction of the labour movement has reduced the living standards of many.
Apparently you have no idea what your talking about. I shared your response with my wife who just shook her head. FYI she is a fourth generation Kiwi. Do yourself a favor and at least do some research before you shit in yer pants.
  • Thanks
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1) Destroyed all advancements in race relations over our lifetimes

2) Are flooding us with illegal aliens, drugs and criminals over our southern border

3) Have turned US cities back into unsafe crime zones. I was so lucky having lived in many major US cities after the 70s and before now when it was safe to be there. Now I don't want to go back, it's not safe. That's on you, Holmes

4) Spending us into the fucking ground

Nice job. The Democrat party is a level of evil beyond traditional Communist countries. They never wanted to destroy their own country

Again, where's the documented irrefutable evidence of all that rubbish?
You're paranoid. You're hate is palpable.
I can only imagine your mental state in 7 years time.
Rich people at least have their petty indulgences to distract themselves, progressives seek power over others, not only actions, but thoughts.

My sig expresses my viewpoint on this matter pretty clearly.
You mistake me for someone who wants power over others. I have no desire to have power over anybody. At all. Alternatively, I don't like to be told what to do if it is unreasonable. If it is reasonable, I will certainly listen to the POV.

I have sigs turned off. Have no idea what yours says.
It's still the process and the concept. In the US power flows up from the citizens, as citizens of a given State and as Citizens of the United States. In a Constitutional Monarchy, power flows down from the Sovereign
That may be the case in practice and on the statutes. In my 50+ years Liz has had no effect on my life. Nor will she in the future. Believe it or not - and it is not really important here nor there whether you do - the monarchy acts as a check and balance. If necessary. It has never been necessary. One thing you have to realise about Liz, is that she can't designate anything over anybody. Not even in the UK. In fact, she is at pains NOT to have an opinion on the running of the country. She realises - and has stated many times - the Crown is a figurehead. Nothing more.

In theory your constitution is a great document, but many tenets of it suck. It is also not lost on me that many of the people who wrote the thing were slave owners and belonged to an elitist class and were the only people in the country that were allowed to vote.

That being said, even if you are a citizen, I restate, I have more freedoms than you. So you can sit there on your pedestal crowing about your citizenship, and good on you. But I put about as much stock in that designation as I do with the DDR and PRNK. Both have/had the word 'democratic' in their respective country's name, but neither are/were democratic.

As I said, am more than happy to discuss my freedoms over yours.

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