What the World Will Be Seeing As Trump Heads Overseas

There's never been a person more ill suited to be president than the one we currently have.
As dipshit goes abroad the whole world will be watching, laughing, and he'll be disgracing our great country.
NATO officials announced no speech will be longer than four minutes in order to keep Trump's attention.

Satire has become reality.
NATO officials announced no speech will be longer than four minutes in order to keep Trump's attention.

Satire has become reality.
I read that. Tramp has a shorter attention span than Dubya.
Our special ed president.
He nixed his speech at the Masada after Israel shot down his request to land his helicopter on it and told him to use the cable car.
In fact, many of America's allies Obama had driven away are happy to see Trump in the WH and many of America's enemies embraced by Obama and now frightened. What you call the Russian scandal is perceived around the world as the Obama Russia hoax scandal and there is hopefulness in the ME and eastern Europe that President Trump will be able to make progress toward the peaceful resolution of conflict where Obama was only able to offer political gestures that did nothing.
Everything you just said is bullshit.
The biggest question our allies and other countries around the globe have is ,"Just how crazy is the American president?"
You're watching way too much Fox News, and are isolated from reality.
That's fine. It will be that much more of a shock to your system when the serial sex offender goes down.
The beginning of the end canstart this coming Monday whenComey testifies and if he corroborates in his notes that Trump asked him to shut down the Russian investigation that's clearly obstruction of justice and he's toast.
Funny you still live in a Mary Poppins world.
lol Well, everyone should have a dream, but your dream is just setting you up for a big letdown.
Hysterical you still think the Liar in chief tells the truth after Politico documented over 500 lies his first 4 months in office.

Comey is Trump's worst nightmare. You DO know what obstruction of justice means and what it entails don't you?
I know what obstruction of justice means, but you don't seem to.
Lmao. Asking the head of the FBI to shut down an investigation on himself is the textbook version of obstruction of justice.
You're hilarious.

Do you know how freaking dumb Trump is? He thought firing Comey would be a " popular move." Because we all know he sees the world thru the lens of a tenth grader.
You see, you don't know what obstruction of justice is or even what the actual situation was. Trump expressed the hope Comey would end the investigation into Flynn, not of himself, and asking him to end the investigation would not be obstruction of justice, telling him to end it would be. For there to be obstruction of justice there has to be an effort to interfere with the investigation in some material way, not just the expression of a desire to see it ended. You keep thrashing around trying to find some justification for your obviously irrational hostility toward the President and you only make yourself look foolish, and contrary to your claim, quite unreasonable.
View attachment 127415 The world loves to read the American media. Whether they're reading this magazine or not the globe will be seeing this magazine cover as Trump heads overseas.
I bet the Trumpies never thought this presidency would go off the rails this soon.

Well, with all the breaking news, Trump and his team have a lot to think about while in Saudia Arabia. They're due to land in the next couple hours. Kushner may be especially nervous...
Why Trump's speech to the Muslim world is a marked improvement over Obama's 2009 "new beginning."
May 22, 2017

Bruce Bawer

On June 4, 2009, Barack Obama went to Cairo and delivered a speech, addressed to the Muslim world, that was full of praise for Islam and apologies on behalf of the West. In the address, entitled “A New Beginning” (“I've come here to Cairo,” he explained, “to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world”), he called the university at which he was speaking (which, if it were anywhere in the West, would probably not be able to gain accreditation) “a beacon of Islamic learning”; he blamed tensions between the West and Islam largely on Western “colonialism”; he said “Salaam aleikum” and kept referring to “the Holy Koran”; he asserted, in a ridiculous example of hyperbole, that “Islam has always been part of America's story”; he served up a big wallop of revised history, giving Islam unmerited praise for centuries-old accomplishments in science, architecture, music, art, and medicine and even holding it up as “a model of tolerance and equality” (at one point, he seemed to imply that in some ways women's rights are more advanced in the Muslim world than in the U.S.); and, with utter predictability, he quoted the the “Holy Koran” out of context, plucking out that favorite verse of all Western apologists that supposedly teaches “that if one kills an innocent, it is as if it he has killed all of mankind.”


But then something happened. Even as he continued to serve up the usual glowing rhetoric about Islam being “one of the world's great faiths,” and to refer to this and that as being “holy,” he made a couple of exceedingly elegant transitions. First, he began mixing the ethereal praise with realistic businessman-type talk about the value of international partnership. “We are not here to lecture, to tell other people how to live, what to do, who to be, or how to worship,” he said. “Instead, we are here to offer partnership” between the West and the Muslim world – a partnership that would bring prosperity to future Muslim generations. But he underscored the fact that in order for such a partnership to work, something would have to change. And it would have to change a lot. The Islamic world, he insisted, had to turn into a place where young Muslims could grow up “innocent of hatred.” And then he spelled out the results of that hatred, presenting first a roll call of some of the “barbaric attacks” on America – 9/11, Boston, San Bernardino, Orlando – and then a list of other places (“Europe, Africa, South America, India, Russia, China, and Australia”) where that hatred has manifested itself.


In fact, it was all quite masterfully done. Early on in his speech, Trump addressed his audience as friends and partners; within a few minutes, without pointing a finger, and without abandoning the collegial tone or the complimentary language, made it clear he was lecturing them. He was the boss, the capo di tutti capi, and he was laying down terms. This wasn't Obama, who naively thought he could change the world with groveling apologies for the West, praise for Islam built on sheer fantasy, and yet another retelling of his own supposedly inspiring personal story – all the while oozing beta-male deference and docility. No; this was a man of power who – never once talking about himself – made expert use of that power, wielding an iron fist in a velvet glove. His message was unmistakable: either set aside this stupid religion (or at least rein it in, and now), join the modern world, and set your people free to dream, hope, create, grow, and prosper. Or else face the consequences. When, at the end, he summed up the assets of the Islamic world, he didn't even mention Islam: he cited, among other things, its “spirit of enterprise” and ambitious young people. Where Obama had falsely attributed all kinds of past wonders to Islam, Trump imagined an implicitly Islam-free future in which the region could finally enjoy “glorious wonders of science, art, medicine, and commerce to inspire mankind.”


A Dose Of Reality in Riyadh




View attachment 127415 The world loves to read the American media. Whether they're reading this magazine or not the globe will be seeing this magazine cover as Trump heads overseas.
I bet the Trumpies never thought this presidency would go off the rails this soon.
Want to know why republicans have been so scarce to talk to recently?
It's now a criminal investigation with Trump and his people.
That fat ass will be destroyed in prison.

Google :woohoo:


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