What time is it, from a biblical perspective?

Sorry to point out to the fundies that the "end times" arrived in 1968, after which, nothing happened.

Obviously there are plenty of people who have made false claims and false predictions. As was stated, we're not supposed to set a date, the scriptures clearly say no one will know the exact date.

Not surprising at all that an atheist would bring that up, but just because people have made false predictions (when they weren't supposed to date-set in the first place) does not mean that there is no end of this age, or that we can't have a general idea on the time we're living in.

As I mentioned to someone else, there are certain specific events that must take place first. Certain specific events that have not happened yet, so obviously they hadn't happened in 1968. To conclude or imply that because people made false claims none of it is true is a non sequitur.
I have to go for a while, to get some things done that have to be done today. Just saying that in case anyone wonders where I went. I'll be back later.
No man will know the time...
And yet they knew: "Therefore we know that it is the last hour," said John.

“No one knows,” said Jesus in about the year 30. When Jesus uttered those words, no one knew, not even he. Fast forward thirty-five, maybe forty years, about a generation; people knew. Things had been happening: the crucifixion and resurrection; Pentecost and the outpouring of the Spirit; mounting tensions in Judea between the Romans and the Jews.
You evidently missed the point of the OP.
What time is it, from a biblical perspective?
That's the present.

Of course, but I think you understood that I meant in relation to the grand scheme of things. Some might say we're at 11 o'clock, others might say we're at 2 o'clock. And still others might not care either way. :dunno: Personally I think we're much closer than people think. But to be clear, I'm not talking about the end of the world, but the end of this age.

If its really that close people should be purifying and refining their own minds, keep awake, otherwise when Jesus shows up in another disturbing disguise along with those myriads and myriads of angels and saints, they will think he is either just another criminal of no account or someone who has completely lost their mind.

I'm not sure why you said "another disturbing disguise." From a biblical perspective, the next time around it's going to be as obvious as can possibly be.

I disagree. Where the vultures gather, there lies the corpse and all that...

One will be taken, another will be left behind.
No man will know the time...
And yet they knew: "Therefore we know that it is the last hour," said John.

“No one knows,” said Jesus in about the year 30. When Jesus uttered those words, no one knew, not even he. Fast forward thirty-five, maybe forty years, about a generation; people knew. Things had been happening: the crucifixion and resurrection; Pentecost and the outpouring of the Spirit; mounting tensions in Judea between the Romans and the Jews.
You evidently missed the point of the OP.
It's hard to say, though each passing year would bring us closer to the brink.

Satellite technology with the advancements in GPS technology brings the world and all its events, catastrophes and violence to our devices, if not instantly, within minutes.

It may seem like the birth pangs are increasing, or it's just our perception now that we can instantly see damages to property and harm or death to people whereas we weren't as aware in decades past. There has always been earthquakes, storms, droughts, extremities in weather. Plagues and illnesses have always been there. There has always been wars and strife because of the evil nature in mankind and lust for power. Are they increasing, I cannot say for certain. Be we are more aware of it.

On the other hand, that same technology brings to availability of global communication that seemed impossible to Bible readers in centuries past. Global governing bodies now have major effects on people all over the world. And the lust towards globalism and away from sovereignty is frightening. And frightening that after all these years of parents surrendering their children to government indoctrination facilities is coming to fruition and more acceptance of globalism and against smaller sovereignty, using whatever divisive tactics they can use (race, sex, classism, climate fears, etc.) to achieve these means. Governing bodies are always testing their authoritative powers to see how much they can get away with in times of crisis (e.g., a pandemic), manufactured or real.

So whilst I dare not set a time, I say this: BE READY.

For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.
It's hard to say, though each passing year would bring us closer to the brink.

Satellite technology with the advancements in GPS technology brings the world and all its events, catastrophes and violence to our devices, if not instantly, within minutes.

It may seem like the birth pangs are increasing, or it's just our perception now that we can instantly see damages to property and harm or death to people whereas we weren't as aware in decades past. There has always been earthquakes, storms, droughts, extremities in weather. Plagues and illnesses have always been there. There has always been wars and strife because of the evil nature in mankind and lust for power. Are they increasing, I cannot say for certain. Be we are more aware of it.

On the other hand, that same technology brings to availability of global communication that seemed impossible to Bible readers in centuries past. Global governing bodies now have major effects on people all over the world. And the lust towards globalism and away from sovereignty is frightening. And frightening that after all these years of parents surrendering their children to government indoctrination facilities is coming to fruition and more acceptance of globalism and against smaller sovereignty, using whatever divisive tactics they can use (race, sex, classism, climate fears, etc.) to achieve these means. Governing bodies are always testing their authoritative powers to see how much they can get away with in times of crisis (e.g., a pandemic), manufactured or real.

So whilst I dare not set a time, I say this: BE READY.

For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.

Thanks Alan, good post. There is definitely a move toward globalism and away from national sovereignty. I'm not saying that is something new, there have been world empires in the past, but they were temporary and not the final one, the one written about in Revelation.

And I definitely agree with what you said about the divisive tactics and governing bodies seeing how much they can get away with through times of "crisis", usually manufactured, imo.

And yes, I agree with your final words, and that is actually the name of the video I shared, it's called Be Ready.

Like I said earlier, I think things will become more and more obvious as time goes on. There's SO much more coming. Things are just getting started.
7 years ago this was given to all the pastors and evangelists,

this was before the St Louis riots and the ending segment of this video could have been shared to prevent such rioting. Then came the Baltimore riots, and now todays riots and still not one rational expression to why protests are more damaging then helpful. Not even Oprah dares to talk sensible on this topic.
The reason is it's weaponized politically, otherwise online would be the method of choice to reach out your voices.
So why won't the lawless left use a more peaceful rational modern approach? Because online you get rebuttles and their selective recognition and numbers game and narrative can be challenged and exposed as faulty propaganda. Their control of info and narrative is no longer in theur favor so they seek censirship and procedures that censor intellectual responses.
7 years ago this was given to all the pastors and evangelists,

this was before the St Louis riots and the ending segment of this video could have been shared to prevent such rioting. Then came the Baltimore riots, and now todays riots and still not one rational expression to why protests are more damaging then helpful. Not even Oprah dares to talk sensible on this topic.
The reason is it's weaponized politically, otherwise online would be the method of choice to reach out your voices.
So why won't the lawless left use a more peaceful rational modern approach? Because online you get rebuttles and their selective recognition and numbers game and narrative can be challenged and exposed as faulty propaganda. Their control of info and narrative is no longer in theur favor so they seek censirship and procedures that censor intellectual responses.

I'm not sure what point you're making here, how is that related to the times we are living in? If you're pointing to pastors not doing what they should be doing, and increased lawlessness, I agree and those are signs of the times, according to the scriptures. Wolves in sheep's clothing, false prophets, deception, etc.
7 years ago this was given to all the pastors and evangelists,

this was before the St Louis riots and the ending segment of this video could have been shared to prevent such rioting. Then came the Baltimore riots, and now todays riots and still not one rational expression to why protests are more damaging then helpful. Not even Oprah dares to talk sensible on this topic.
The reason is it's weaponized politically, otherwise online would be the method of choice to reach out your voices.
So why won't the lawless left use a more peaceful rational modern approach? Because online you get rebuttles and their selective recognition and numbers game and narrative can be challenged and exposed as faulty propaganda. Their control of info and narrative is no longer in theur favor so they seek censirship and procedures that censor intellectual responses.

If I recollect correctly the definition of insanity is to try the same thing over and over expecting a different result and continuing along that same path over and Over. Every good story teller or movie or tv show knows how to use a cliff hanger or loop to keep their audience coming back for more. These riots are no different then a sleight of hand to keep people looking in the wrong direction they are a form of misdirection. The big bad Covid was used and was wearing thin and now the riots are the big deal I wonder what’s next After people get tired of them.. They are running out of ideas it is just like Rome gotta keep the crowd entertained I am sure they will come up with something new...On a side note I remember when you gave that to the pastors and evangelists shows us they don’t really care about their flocks because nothing changed and the same beat keeps going on...
No man will know the time...

He then goes on to tell them to watch the times and events happening.
My 2 cents? Birth Pangs. It's coming

Exactly. I love the analogy of birth pangs, because we can know that as these events become more prevalent and closer together, we're getting closer and closer.

Of course there are certain things that need to happen, which are like signposts, and once those things happen it will become much more clear, not only for believers but for everyone.

Yes, many realize these are the last days (2 Timohty 3:1-5) and we certainly have seen things Jesus foretold for the time of the end in Matthew chapters 24.25' Mark 13; Luke 21.

Most of the things Jesus foretold for these last days were/are bad. But there is also something good Jesus foretold for the last days:

Matthew 24:14
And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations,+ and then the end will come.

Do you know what the good news (= gospel) of God's Kingdom is?
And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations,+ and then the end will come.

Do you know what the good news (= gospel) of God's Kingdom is?

Yes, I'm a Christian. I thought that was kinda obvious from the thread. ; ) I was also with a world missions organization for a number of years, so I've done missions work.
And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations,+ and then the end will come.

Do you know what the good news (= gospel) of God's Kingdom is?

Yes, I'm a Christian. I thought that was kinda obvious from the thread. ; ) I was also with a world missions organization for a number of years, so I've done missions work.

Understood. But do you know what the good news of God's Kingdom actually is? (Mark 13:10).
Obviously 2020 has been the craziest, weirdest, most chaotic year... at least in my lifetime. So a lot of people are asking, "What's going to happen next?" Where is all this heading?

In the bible, namely in the New Testament, we're told to be awake and aware of the times we're living in. We're not supposed to date-set or try to make predictions, but just have an awareness of "what time it is" in the grand scheme of things, so that we can be prepared for whatever is coming.

I made a short video for a good friend of mine. She wanted something to show at her church, to share her thoughts on the times we're living in. She is speaking Spanish in this video, but there are English subtitles. The other part of the video has both English and Spanish subtitles.

This might seem a little out-of-date now, because I made this BEFORE all the George Floyd chaos, riots, etc. But I'll share it anyway.

Btw, to the atheists or nonbelievers here, I'm not posting this to debate God or Christianity. If you want to debate those topics, there are probably 10,000 threads you can choose from.

Here's the video. For believers or those interested in the topic of where the world is heading, please share your thoughts!

There is a lot of misunderstanding with regards to scripture as most of the meanings and concepts have strayed from the original understandings...The concept of time in Hebrew is actually a very simple one and. was usually associated with the word Yom which usually depicted as festivals such as Yom Kippur so it was the time of season for Yom Kippur etc etc. Yom had other meanings but one of them was Age but it was usually depicted or used in association with someone being or getting old an example of this can be found in Joshua 23 where he is coming to the end of his life. That could be where the end of age originated but the deeper meaning might mean the end of dying or death funny thing is other cultures teach a conguerer of death such as “ Shiva” and Jews sit Shiva for 7 days when someone has passed which is probably a big clue. Remember gd is the gd of life not death... Maybe we are in the time( Yom) when death will be finally conquered course some may claim it is not to be taken literally but figuratively but those scriptures using Yom as age ie coming to the end of ones life or just plain old speak differently...
Obviously 2020 has been the craziest, weirdest, most chaotic year... at least in my lifetime. So a lot of people are asking, "What's going to happen next?" Where is all this heading?

In the bible, namely in the New Testament, we're told to be awake and aware of the times we're living in. We're not supposed to date-set or try to make predictions, but just have an awareness of "what time it is" in the grand scheme of things, so that we can be prepared for whatever is coming.

I made a short video for a good friend of mine. She wanted something to show at her church, to share her thoughts on the times we're living in. She is speaking Spanish in this video, but there are English subtitles. The other part of the video has both English and Spanish subtitles.

This might seem a little out-of-date now, because I made this BEFORE all the George Floyd chaos, riots, etc. But I'll share it anyway.

Btw, to the atheists or nonbelievers here, I'm not posting this to debate God or Christianity. If you want to debate those topics, there are probably 10,000 threads you can choose from.

Here's the video. For believers or those interested in the topic of where the world is heading, please share your thoughts!

There is a lot of misunderstanding with regards to scripture as most of the meanings and concepts have strayed from the original understandings...The concept of time in Hebrew is actually a very simple one and. was usually associated with the word Yom which usually depicted as festivals such as Yom Kippur so it was the time of season for Yom Kippur etc etc. Yom had other meanings but one of them was Age but it was usually depicted or used in association with someone being or getting old an example of this can be found in Joshua 23 where he is coming to the end of his life. That could be where the end of age originated but the deeper meaning might mean the end of dying or death funny thing is other cultures teach a conguerer of death such as “ Shiva” and Jews sit Shiva for 7 days when someone has passed which is probably a big clue. Remember gd is the gd of life not death... Maybe we are in the time( Yom) when death will be finally conquered course some may claim it is not to be taken literally but figuratively but those scriptures using Yom as age ie coming to the end of ones life or just plain old speak differently...

OP is talking about the "time of the end" foretold in Daniel - e.g.:

Daniel 12:1-4
“During that time Miʹcha·el*+ will stand up,* the great prince+ who is standing in behalf of your people.* And there will occur a time of distress such as has not occurred since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape,+ everyone who is found written down in the book.+ 2 And many of those asleep in the dust of the earth will wake up, some to everlasting life and others to reproach and to everlasting contempt.

3 “And those having insight will shine as brightly as the expanse of heaven, and those bringing the many to righteousness like the stars, forever and ever.

4 “As for you, Daniel, keep the words secret, and seal up the book until the time of the end.+ Many will rove about,* and the true knowledge will become abundant.”+

Daniel 12:9,10
Then he said: “Go, Daniel, because the words are to be kept secret and sealed up until the time of the end.+ 10 Many will cleanse themselves and whiten themselves and will be refined.+ And the wicked ones will act wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand; but those having insight will understand.+

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