What time is it, from a biblical perspective?

No man will know the time...
no man shall know the DAY or the HOUR....

BUT we will know the times, in the sense of the general vicinity.... by certain things that were prophesied would happen....
They did know the day and the hour. Not only did John and his contemporaries know, but Paul and his readers in Thessalonica, just a few years earlier, had an idea of it.

Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you. For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief. (1 Thes 5:1-4)

Believers may not have known exactly when tribulation and judgment would occur after Jesus warned them, but they certainly had a sense of their imminence as Roman armies surrounded the capital. The Christians were not in darkness; the day did not surprise them. Paul reminded the Thessalonians of this, but he didn’t have to, for they obviously knew in short order that the day and the hour had come. God preserved the church in Jerusalem when the saints fled to the wilderness by the thousands, largely to the village of Pella. Because they expected the coming judgment they managed to escape it.
Isn't the previous chapter just as relevant to context of today:
1 Thessalonians 4:16
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with "the voice of the archangel", and the Trump of God.
As relevant as Chapter 5.

Just curious: when he descends, will he descend on a cloud or on a white horse?
Cloud was a poetical biblical expression that meant "Gathering", usually refering to the Gathering of Hosts who's flowing robes looked like puffy white clouds when gathered. Now reread Dan's description in his NIGHT VISION- UNDERSTANDING coming out of or coming with the clouds (gathering of Kohanim) to the Mikdash (up to the gathering in Mt Zion during the procession).
At least you don't say that a cloud is a puff of condensation in the troposphere. Imagining Jesus riding in on such a cloud like a comic book superhero is just nonsense. Comical, even. And heretical.

Jesus came in power and spirit, the way Elijah came.

Clouds of witnesses are clearly identified in the New Testament, and I know the Lord also appeared in clouds of heaven before that, such as when he sent the Medes to drive out the Babylonians (Is 13:17-19). He accompanied Israel in a cloud to judge Egypt (Is 19:1). Nahum referred to clouds as the dust of God’s feet when He judged Nineveh (1:3).

Jesus never said he would come a second time (the letter to the Hebrew Christians refers to him coming a second time in a strictly New Testament context). If Christ was the Rock who followed the faithful in Israel (1 Cor 10:4-5), and if he came at least three times in the New Testament (as a baby in a manger, in his kingdom, and in judgment), then in the grand scheme, there is no "second" coming.

What time is it now from a biblical perspective? It's time for the eternal church to keep her vows to the Lamb in the eternal kingdom. It's time to reap the blessings of the new creation.

We had this discussion before on another thread, and I am not going to get into it with you again. It was like pulling teeth last time, because you refused to answer simple questions, and you refused to acknowledge things that are obvious and plain as day, that I pointed out the last time we had this discussion. In addition to that, you come across as prideful, elitist and condescending. "You shall know them by their fruit."

I've known tons of Christians, and I've never met a single Christian who believes the things you believe. I'd still like to know what denomination you belong to, but you refused to tell me that last time.

I did want to hear people's thoughts on where we're at in the grand scheme of things, but honestly I did not post this thread to get into debates or give people a platform to spout blatantly unbiblical doctrines and mislead others.

So feel free to start a new thread if you want to promote your views. Thanks.
So feel free to start a new thread if you want to promote your views. Thanks.
what else is there for christians than their own forgeries and fallacies ... as recorded throughout history, uninterrupted from the 4th century to the present day.

the 1st century religious itinerant no where claimed to be a messiah that would save anyone. ever, much less 2000 years latter.

Yeah, we already know that's what you believe, you say that about 1000 times on every single religion thread. I stated in the original post that this is for believers or people who are interested in eschatology. If you're just here to repeat the same thing you say on every religion thread, which is completely off topic here, please exit this thread. Thank you.
- is for believers or people who are interested in eschatology.
which are you ... since when is eschatology a biblical perspective.

the forgeries and fallacies of the desert religions are themselves together their own undoing as proven through history from the beginning of each to the present day.

try being more than an altarboy.

Again, we heard that the first 10,000 times you said it, on every single religion thread. At this point you're just trolling. You know where the exit is.
No man will know the time...
no man shall know the DAY or the HOUR....

BUT we will know the times, in the sense of the general vicinity.... by certain things that were prophesied would happen....
They did know the day and the hour. Not only did John and his contemporaries know, but Paul and his readers in Thessalonica, just a few years earlier, had an idea of it.

Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you. For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief. (1 Thes 5:1-4)

Believers may not have known exactly when tribulation and judgment would occur after Jesus warned them, but they certainly had a sense of their imminence as Roman armies surrounded the capital. The Christians were not in darkness; the day did not surprise them. Paul reminded the Thessalonians of this, but he didn’t have to, for they obviously knew in short order that the day and the hour had come. God preserved the church in Jerusalem when the saints fled to the wilderness by the thousands, largely to the village of Pella. Because they expected the coming judgment they managed to escape it.
Isn't the previous chapter just as relevant to context of today:
1 Thessalonians 4:16
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with "the voice of the archangel", and the Trump of God.
As relevant as Chapter 5.

Just curious: when he descends, will he descend on a cloud or on a white horse?
Cloud was a poetical biblical expression that meant "Gathering", usually refering to the Gathering of Hosts who's flowing robes looked like puffy white clouds when gathered. Now reread Dan's description in his NIGHT VISION- UNDERSTANDING coming out of or coming with the clouds (gathering of Kohanim) to the Mikdash (up to the gathering in Mt Zion during the procession).
At least you don't say that a cloud is a puff of condensation in the troposphere. Imagining Jesus riding in on such a cloud like a comic book superhero is just nonsense. Comical, even. And heretical.

Jesus came in power and spirit, the way Elijah came.

Clouds of witnesses are clearly identified in the New Testament, and I know the Lord also appeared in clouds of heaven before that, such as when he sent the Medes to drive out the Babylonians (Is 13:17-19). He accompanied Israel in a cloud to judge Egypt (Is 19:1). Nahum referred to clouds as the dust of God’s feet when He judged Nineveh (1:3).

Jesus never said he would come a second time (the letter to the Hebrew Christians refers to him coming a second time in a strictly New Testament context). If Christ was the Rock who followed the faithful in Israel (1 Cor 10:4-5), and if he came at least three times in the New Testament (as a baby in a manger, in his kingdom, and in judgment), then in the grand scheme, there is no "second" coming.

What time is it now from a biblical perspective? It's time for the eternal church to keep her vows to the Lamb in the eternal kingdom. It's time to reap the blessings of the new creation.

We had this discussion before on another thread, and I am not going to get into it with you again. It was like pulling teeth last time, because you refused to answer simple questions, and you refused to acknowledge things that are obvious and plain as day, that I pointed out the last time we had this discussion. In addition to that, you come across as prideful, elitist and condescending. "You shall know them by their fruit."

I've known tons of Christians, and I've never met a single Christian who believes the things you believe. I'd still like to know what denomination you belong to, but you refused to tell me that last time.

I did want to hear people's thoughts on where we're at in the grand scheme of things, but honestly I did not post this thread to get into debates or give people a platform to spout blatantly unbiblical doctrines and mislead others.

So feel free to start a new thread if you want to promote your views. Thanks.
So feel free to start a new thread if you want to promote your views. Thanks.
what else is there for christians than their own forgeries and fallacies ... as recorded throughout history, uninterrupted from the 4th century to the present day.

the 1st century religious itinerant no where claimed to be a messiah that would save anyone. ever, much less 2000 years latter.

Yeah, we already know that's what you believe, you say that about 1000 times on every single religion thread. I stated in the original post that this is for believers or people who are interested in eschatology. If you're just here to repeat the same thing you say on every religion thread, which is completely off topic here, please exit this thread. Thank you.
- is for believers or people who are interested in eschatology.
which are you ... since when is eschatology a biblical perspective.

the forgeries and fallacies of the desert religions are themselves together their own undoing as proven through history from the beginning of each to the present day.

try being more than an altarboy.

Again, we heard that the first 10,000 times you said it, on every single religion thread. At this point you're just trolling. You know where the exit is.
Again, we heard that the first 10,000 times you said it, on every single religion thread. At this point you're just trolling. You know where the exit is.
you have no response to your uninterrupted history of persecution and victimization of the innocent for the past 2000 years that would entitle you to a discussion for the fruition of humanity your religion, christianity would be in the least bit entitled for consideration.

as you are the example of the discussion.

Those things have nothing to do with actual Christianity. Christianity teaches the exact opposite.

We are totally off-topic, and you're trolling again, but apparently it needs to be stated that religion and God/truth are not the same thing.

I am against all the corrupt evil things that the Catholic church or corrupt individuals who use religion for their own purposes do. But those things go AGAINST the teachings of Christ, and if you were even remotely knowledgeable, you would know that.

Now, please stop trolling and derailing this thread, this is the second or third time I've asked you. Start your own thread bashing Christianity if that's all you can do. Pitiful.
No man will know the time...
no man shall know the DAY or the HOUR....

BUT we will know the times, in the sense of the general vicinity.... by certain things that were prophesied would happen....
They did know the day and the hour. Not only did John and his contemporaries know, but Paul and his readers in Thessalonica, just a few years earlier, had an idea of it.

Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you. For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief. (1 Thes 5:1-4)

Believers may not have known exactly when tribulation and judgment would occur after Jesus warned them, but they certainly had a sense of their imminence as Roman armies surrounded the capital. The Christians were not in darkness; the day did not surprise them. Paul reminded the Thessalonians of this, but he didn’t have to, for they obviously knew in short order that the day and the hour had come. God preserved the church in Jerusalem when the saints fled to the wilderness by the thousands, largely to the village of Pella. Because they expected the coming judgment they managed to escape it.
Isn't the previous chapter just as relevant to context of today:
1 Thessalonians 4:16
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with "the voice of the archangel", and the Trump of God.
As relevant as Chapter 5.

Just curious: when he descends, will he descend on a cloud or on a white horse?
Cloud was a poetical biblical expression that meant "Gathering", usually refering to the Gathering of Hosts who's flowing robes looked like puffy white clouds when gathered. Now reread Dan's description in his NIGHT VISION- UNDERSTANDING coming out of or coming with the clouds (gathering of Kohanim) to the Mikdash (up to the gathering in Mt Zion during the procession).
At least you don't say that a cloud is a puff of condensation in the troposphere. Imagining Jesus riding in on such a cloud like a comic book superhero is just nonsense. Comical, even. And heretical.

Jesus came in power and spirit, the way Elijah came.

Clouds of witnesses are clearly identified in the New Testament, and I know the Lord also appeared in clouds of heaven before that, such as when he sent the Medes to drive out the Babylonians (Is 13:17-19). He accompanied Israel in a cloud to judge Egypt (Is 19:1). Nahum referred to clouds as the dust of God’s feet when He judged Nineveh (1:3).

Jesus never said he would come a second time (the letter to the Hebrew Christians refers to him coming a second time in a strictly New Testament context). If Christ was the Rock who followed the faithful in Israel (1 Cor 10:4-5), and if he came at least three times in the New Testament (as a baby in a manger, in his kingdom, and in judgment), then in the grand scheme, there is no "second" coming.

What time is it now from a biblical perspective? It's time for the eternal church to keep her vows to the Lamb in the eternal kingdom. It's time to reap the blessings of the new creation.

We had this discussion before on another thread, and I am not going to get into it with you again. It was like pulling teeth last time, because you refused to answer simple questions, and you refused to acknowledge things that are obvious and plain as day, that I pointed out the last time we had this discussion. In addition to that, you come across as prideful, elitist and condescending. "You shall know them by their fruit."

I've known tons of Christians, and I've never met a single Christian who believes the things you believe. I'd still like to know what denomination you belong to, but you refused to tell me that last time.

I did want to hear people's thoughts on where we're at in the grand scheme of things, but honestly I did not post this thread to get into debates or give people a platform to spout blatantly unbiblical doctrines and mislead others.

So feel free to start a new thread if you want to promote your views. Thanks.
So feel free to start a new thread if you want to promote your views. Thanks.
what else is there for christians than their own forgeries and fallacies ... as recorded throughout history, uninterrupted from the 4th century to the present day.

the 1st century religious itinerant no where claimed to be a messiah that would save anyone. ever, much less 2000 years latter.

Yeah, we already know that's what you believe, you say that about 1000 times on every single religion thread. I stated in the original post that this is for believers or people who are interested in eschatology. If you're just here to repeat the same thing you say on every religion thread, which is completely off topic here, please exit this thread. Thank you.
- is for believers or people who are interested in eschatology.
which are you ... since when is eschatology a biblical perspective.

the forgeries and fallacies of the desert religions are themselves together their own undoing as proven through history from the beginning of each to the present day.

try being more than an altarboy.

Again, we heard that the first 10,000 times you said it, on every single religion thread. At this point you're just trolling. You know where the exit is.
Again, we heard that the first 10,000 times you said it, on every single religion thread. At this point you're just trolling. You know where the exit is.
you have no response to your uninterrupted history of persecution and victimization of the innocent for the past 2000 years that would entitle you to a discussion for the fruition of humanity your religion, christianity would be in the least bit entitled for consideration.

as you are the example of the discussion.

Those things have nothing to do with actual Christianity. Christianity teaches the exact opposite.

We are totally off-topic, and you're trolling again, but apparently it needs to be stated that religion and God/truth are not the same thing.

I am against all the corrupt evil things that the Catholic church or corrupt individuals who use religion for their own purposes do. But those things go AGAINST the teachings of Christ, and if you were even remotely knowledgeable, you would know that.

Now, please stop trolling and derailing this thread, this is the second or third time I've asked you. Start your own thread bashing Christianity if that's all you can do. Pitiful.

Of course, some posters are displaying aspects of 2 Timothy 3:1-5 which is just another indication that we are in the last days. NW reads "critical times hard to deal with" (2 Tim. 3:1) which certainly applies to our times!

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