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Zone1 What to Do with Gaza?

What makes you call the Golan Heights "illegally annexed"?
Me? the entire world evaluates it as an illegal annexation - only the USA has recognized this illegal annexation.
All Syria ever used the Golan for was to shell nonthreatening Israeli targets below.
The last time Syria used the Golan-Heights to "shell" Israel was in 1967 - 55 years ago - and they were at WAR with each other, in what decade and century do you live?
Gentle correction: the Arab states have never wanted to take in Palestinians. They don't give a rats' ass about the Palestinians. The Palestinians are useful idiots for them to use to generate sympathy and hostility toward Israel.
What does the former 1973, Arab position towards Palestinians have to do with the right of the Palestinians to have their own State in 2023? NOTHING.
Jordan in 1993 has officially acknowledged the West-Bank to be Palestinian territory. this has also been acknowledged by ALL Arab and Muslim States. the UN has until today never acknowledged a State of Israel based on it's present and occupied territory.

The only thing that has been recognized by the UN - also including e.g. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and the PLO, is that the Jews have a right to a State of Israel. The territory that defines that State of Israel has been an oppen issue since 1947 - for 76 years.
The UN didn't do anything when Putin invaded, occupies and eventually absorbed South Ossetia and Crimea.
The UN condemned Russia for this action and imposed sanctions and embargoes - what has the UN done in regards to Israel? NOTHING

However it has become obvious to anyone with a brain - that the UN's and the EU's position towards Israel has reached a turning point.
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What does the former 1973, Arab position towards Palestinians have to do with the right of the Palestinians to have their own State in 2023? NOTHING.
Jordan in 1993 has officially acknowledged the West-Bank to be Palestinian territory. this has also been acknowledged by ALL Arab and Muslim States. the UN has until today never acknowledged a State of Israel based on it's present and occupied territory.

The only thing that has been recognized by the UN - also including e.g. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and the PLO, is that the Jews have a right to a State of Israel. The territory that defines that State of Israel has been an oppen issue since 1947 - for 76 years.
Seriously you need to consult better sources/.
Well of course, but that doesn't in any way illegitimate their cause or render the Palestinians unworthy of their lands. No one wanted the Jews either, hence the Jews are worthless? Is that your line of reasoning? Here Norman Finkelstein (A Jew) eviscerates the same Zionist argument on live television:

You're essentially resorting to the same argument used against Jews by the Nazis. "No One Wants Them". Really, who gives a shit if no one wants the Palestinians or the Jews? Does that mean God doesn't want them? Does that imply they're wrong or worthless? If they're mistaken or of no value, it's not due to not being wanted or liked by others. You're obviously quite confused.

You need to stop smoking crack-rock. The Jewish Zionists expelled and dispossessed the Palestinian Arabs of their lands and leveled their villages to the ground. About a million Palestinian Arabs were displaced throughout the Levant, including the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem. Most of them were forced into refugee camps. Only 10% of the Palestinian Arabs became Israeli citizens and even they to this day, continue to be mistreated. Anyone who examines the evidence for the mistreatment of the non-Jewish citizens of the Jewish State of Israel and doesn't recognize that there's a heinous injustice being perpetrated is dishonest at best. Here is some of the evidence:

It's the Zionist Jews who were committed to ethnic cleansing and genocide, not the Palestinian Arabs. Way before 1948, the Jews were already murdering Palestinians:

The Jewish Irgun and Hagana terrorists had been terrorizing Palestinian Arabs throughout Palestine since the early 1930s. Even before the Irgun terrorist group was formed, Jewish Zionist terrorists were terrorizing Arabs. If you read the Zionist literature and the transcripts of Jewish Zionist speeches in their meetings, you'll see that they were already planning to ethnically cleanse the land of Palestinians. To claim that they forced the Palestinian Arabs out of their lands and homes, burning down many of their villages because supposedly these people were trying to commit an act of genocide against the Jews is preposterous if you know the history of what happened in 1948. The Nakba or "catastrophe" that was committed against the Palestinians by Zionists was real.

Even Israeli historians admit that what occurred to the Palestinian Arab population living in Palestine at the hands of the Zionists was a crime against humanity:

Look at how this former Jewish terrorist smiles when discussing the crimes that Jewish Zionists committed against Palestinian civilians:

As shown above, your whitewashed version of reality concerning Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel is ludicrous. Anyone who examines the evidence knows the Arab citizens of Israel face horrible discrimination and many of them migrate to other countries. They're second-class citizens at best and don't have the same rights as Jews in the Jewish State of Israel. Even Netanyahu admitted that Israel is not a country for all of its citizens:

Your pretty picture of the Zionist apartheid state is dishonest, and that's putting it mildly. I'm being nice.

What a monster that laughing killer was, what he talks about is no different from what the SS did in Oradour Sur Glane in June 1944 and many other places, they murdered hundreds in that village by shooting and burning, they forced them into the village church then threw grenades through the windows and machine gunned many, no different from what the Zionists have and are doing, it was on the news today babies are dying in the Gaza hospitals because the incubators have stopped working through lack of power, not like the fake news about Iraqi soldiers stealing incubators in Kuwait, this baby killing is real.
What a monster that laughing killer was, what he talks about is no different from what the SS did in Oradour Sur Glane in June 1944 and many other places, they murdered hundreds in that village by shooting and burning, they forced them into the village church then threw grenades through the windows and machine gunned many, no different from what the Zionists have and are doing, it was on the news today babies are dying in the Gaza hospitals because the incubators have stopped working through lack of power, not like the fake news about Iraqi soldiers stealing incubators in Kuwait, this baby killing is real.

These Zionists are evil. Oddly enough, most of the Zionists in America and throughout the world are non-Jewish and even pretend to be "Christians" (disciples of Jesus Christ), the irony. They're disciples of Satan.

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These Zionists are evil, whether they're Jewish or not. Most of the Zionists in America and throughout the world are non-Jewish and even pretend to be "Christians" (disciples of Jesus Christ), the irony. They're disciples of Satan.

Why don’t you set up your own Wannsee Conference? :cool-45:

There you go.

I agree, but the Palestinian's problem is that they have created so much havoc everywhere they have been allowed to immigrate to, that no Arab state will accept them as immigrants anymore. They have screwed themselves into a no-win situation.


I need to be a historian and know everything to recognize that Israel is an apartheid, terrorist state? That's essentially what you're asserting. I could also speak to you in that way and you won't know what I'm referring to unless maybe you take a few minutes or maybe longer, to google it. You'll have to google every sentence I write, which would only prove I'm a poor communicator, with an inflated ego. I don't do that but you do, because you're a shithead.
What a monster that laughing killer was, what he talks about is no different from what the SS did in Oradour Sur Glane in June 1944 and many other places, they murdered hundreds in that village by shooting and burning, they forced them into the village church then threw grenades through the windows and machine gunned many, no different from what the Zionists have and are doing, it was on the news today babies are dying in the Gaza hospitals because the incubators have stopped working through lack of power, not like the fake news about Iraqi soldiers stealing incubators in Kuwait, this baby killing is real.
Hamas has millions of gallons of fuel in its underground bunkers. If civilians in hospitals are dying, it's their fault.
" Prior to this war, the water situation in Gaza was already dire. The World Health Organization said that Gaza’s water supply was unable to meet the minimum requirement for daily per capita water consumption."
Israel left in 2005. Hamas is the government there. Strangely, they have not worked towards keeping the infrastructure left when Israel withdrew so now there is no drinkable water. You should be angry with the Gazan government.
The first are the pipelines, which were built with funding from international humanitarian aid. The pipelines run from Israel-controlled fresh aquifers and the water is paid for by the Palestinian National Authority (PA) in the West Bank. These are the pipelines that Israel stopped sending water from following Hamas’ attack on Israeli civilians.

But even in the best of times, the pipelines only supply around 10% of the water demand in Gaza. Attili from the Palestinian National Authority said that the water is combined with some of the unsafe brackish water in order to increase volume.
So Israel controls aquifers and isn't handing water over to Gaza, whose government sanctioned the murder of Israelis and this accounts for 10 percent of the water. Almost makes it seems that murder and invasion, plus ignoring your infrastructure are poor decisions.
However, even when electricity and fuel are available, over one-third of plants are not monitored, maintained, or officially regulated. “A number of construction materials, fuel and other things you would need to build and power drinking and wastewater facilities are considered ‘dual use.’” said Fischbach, meaning they could also be used to build weapons. “These are types of materials that are restricted by both Egyptian and Israeli authorities.”
That would explain the incursion into Egypt and the murdering of all those Egyptian civilians. Oh, wait, that didn't happen.
"Gaza normally gets its water supplies from a combination of sources, including a pipeline from Israel, desalination plants on the Mediterranean Sea and wells. Those supplies were slashed when Israel cut off water, along with the fuel and electricity that power water and sewage plants, in the wake of the Hamas attacks."
And Israel has no responsibility to keep providing water and electricity to those who try to kill Israelis.
As I said, Israel controls and is responsible for, the deplorable, depleted water conditions in Gaza. If Gaza wasn't under Israeli control and blockade, water access and quality, would be much better than what it currently is. You can pretend otherwise, but anyone who studies the issue with an open mind will detect your disingenuous sophistry. Your flippant denial of the crimes Israel is continuously committing against the Palestinians only convinces your fellow ZioFascists. They're the only ones who appreciate your hasbara bullshit.
Actually, and by your own quotes, Egypt is also involved. Have you asked them for water? Somehow, the people who lived in Gaza before 2005 had no problem desalinating and producing electricity. Somehow, once Israel left, all the facilities left behind stopped working. Whose responsibility is it to protect the civilians of Gaza? According to Hamas, it is the UN's. Top Hamas official declares group is not responsible for defending Gazan civilians
The Israeli government officials already explicitly stated that there aren't any innocents in Gaza.
Really? That would explain why there is no corridor created to allow for evacuations. That would explain why no one from the IDF called to let people know where bombing was happening. That must be way the IDF didn't call off air attacks when they spotted children.


Your claim that all of the devastation in Gaza is due to Hamas firing rockets from all of those buildings is ridiculous and without a shred of evidence.
Since that wasn't my claim, I'm not sure why you are telling me this.
Hamas doesn't have entrances and exits of its tunnels like that in the open.
They are built into cars Moment IDF soldier uncover Hamas tunnel entrance as they close in on HQ and otehr accessible locations. They fire (dressed as civilians, which is a war crime) from civilian areas (a war crime) and don't let civilians leave (a war crime). Funny how none of this raises your protests.
Your ZioNazi ass won't be giggling when you realize how much anti-Semiticism your Zionist apartheid state has created through its genocide in Gaza.
No one is giggling. We have been dealing with anti-Semitism for a long time. But I really like how you tie anti-Semitism with the actions of Israel. So much for separating the two. Good work!
You continue to miss the point. It doesn't matter who "remains silent" or shouts "hamas! hamas!", Israel wouldn't slaughter thousands of its civilians to kill a few Hamas fighters. There's zero evidence that Israel has killed any Hamas fighters with their genocidal bombing campaign, all we have are dead civilians.

Children, women, the elderly, and men who had nothing to do with Hamas.
right...and no one murdered in Israel was a civilian

No lies, everything I present is well supported by the evidence. Israeli occupiers deserve stones to be thrown at them.
keep parroting Hamas' propaganda. Maybe someday, you will learn something on your own.
Israel left in 2005. Hamas is the government there. Strangely, they have not worked towards keeping the infrastructure left when Israel withdrew so now there is no drinkable water. You should be angry with the Gazan government.

So Israel controls aquifers and isn't handing water over to Gaza, whose government sanctioned the murder of Israelis and this accounts for 10 percent of the water. Almost makes it seems that murder and invasion, plus ignoring your infrastructure are poor decisions.

That would explain the incursion into Egypt and the murdering of all those Egyptian civilians. Oh, wait, that didn't happen.

And Israel has no responsibility to keep providing water and electricity to those who try to kill Israelis.

Actually, and by your own quotes, Egypt is also involved. Have you asked them for water? Somehow, the people who lived in Gaza before 2005 had no problem desalinating and producing electricity. Somehow, once Israel left, all the facilities left behind stopped working. Whose responsibility is it to protect the civilians of Gaza? According to Hamas, it is the UN's. Top Hamas official declares group is not responsible for defending Gazan civilians

Really? That would explain why there is no corridor created to allow for evacuations. That would explain why no one from the IDF called to let people know where bombing was happening. That must be way the IDF didn't call off air attacks when they spotted children.


Since that wasn't my claim, I'm not sure why you are telling me this.

They are built into cars Moment IDF soldier uncover Hamas tunnel entrance as they close in on HQ and otehr accessible locations. They fire (dressed as civilians, which is a war crime) from civilian areas (a war crime) and don't let civilians leave (a war crime). Funny how none of this raises your protests.

No one is giggling. We have been dealing with anti-Semitism for a long time. But I really like how you tie anti-Semitism with the actions of Israel. So much for separating the two. Good work!

right...and no one murdered in Israel was a civilian

keep parroting Hamas' propaganda. Maybe someday, you will learn something on your own.

Israel left in 2005.

If I leave your house, but then control everything that goes in and out of your house, and you can't leave your house and return to your house and family, or establish any agreements with other families in the community (no diplomatic or trade relations, can't build a seaport or airport..etc.), then I didn't really leave your house or your life. I'm still there being a colonizing, occupying piece of shit. That's what you ZioFascist occupiers are, pieces of excrement.

Hamas is the government there. Strangely, they have not worked towards keeping the infrastructure left when Israel withdrew so now there is no drinkable water. You should be angry with the Gazan government.

You don't allow them to import the materials and parts that they need to maintain their infrastructure under the pretense of "dual use" (the US did that to Iraq between 1991 and 2003 resulting in the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children). Zionist Jew assholes like you control everything in Gaza.

The moment the people elected Hamas in 2005, Israel punished Gaza with an economic embargo. And of course let's not forget all of the other Israeli bombing campaigns in Gaza, that have taken the lives of thousands of children, elderly, women, and men that had nothing to do with the violence. Gaza elected Hamas in 2005 because the PLO, the PA, was considered by many Palestinians to be nothing more than a puppet of Israel and the US, not meeting the needs of the Palestinians or properly addressing the occupation. It was the Israeli government that helped Hamas grow, this is according to Israeli and US government officials:

50% of the current population of Gaza is 18 or younger. Children. They weren't even alive in 2005 and yet your psychopathic ZioNazi government officials assert that "there aren't any innocents in Gaza".



The whole population is guilty. Even your fucking Zionist scumbag rabbis say the same shit.

The Palestinians are "Amalek":

He claims the law of war that was written thousands of years ago in his Jewish religious book of baby-killing and ethnic cleansing, should guide Jews on how to wage war. Essentially justifying the genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza.

Sicko rabbis living in the bronze age:

We've already had this discussion. Do you believe the actions of your Jewish ethno-apartheid state reduce anti-Semitism in the world and make Jews safer? You're stupid.

So Israel controls aquifers and isn't handing water over to Gaza, whose government sanctioned the murder of Israelis and this accounts for 10 percent of the water. Almost makes it seems that murder and invasion, plus ignoring your infrastructure are poor decisions.

You've been murdering Palestinians for decades. Illegally occupying their lands, and homes, terrorizing and dehumanizing them. You've been bombing them for decades, killing their children. Much of what was said about Hamas and what they did to the civilians of the Kibutz is bullshit. Israeli Hasbara. I already presented plenty of evidence, even from Israeli sources, that the Hamas fighters didn't behead babies or burn them alive. Many of the residents of the Kibtuz were killed in the crossfire between Hamas and Israel. The Israelis were shelling the Kibutz and killed Hamas fighters along with the residents that were there. There were no systematic, ritualistic actions, beheading babies and burning them alive. Bullshit.

You ZioFascists are the assholes who decapitate babies and burn them alive. You rip them to pieces with your American made bombs and missiles. Children, the elderly, women, men, crushed in collapsing buildings, bombed by Zionist-Jews. You are the scum-bag terrorists (Israel = State Terrorism):



This is the "rated G version" of the carnage. If I show you the pictures of the real carnage the forum admins will delete this post.

IT WASN'T A LAND WITHOUT A PEOPLE, FOR A PEOPLE WITHOUT A LAND. The land had people in it, for centuries, and by the early 20th century, Jews were a minority. Most of the people of the Holy Land were Muslims and Christians, not Jews. You shouldn't have the right to go there and take all of the land for yourselves when there were people, mostly non-Jews, living there already. Germany, Poland, and Ukraine should be forced by law, to give Jews territory. That's where these Ashkenazi European Jews belong. In the modern age, after WW2, and all of the democratic institutions that have been established in the last 75 years in the West, the Jews are much better off in Europe or the United States than in the Middle East. If what Jews want to do is forcibly take other people's lands and homes, based on their Jewish religious texts, they're doomed and insane. Mentally ill.

"And Israel has no responsibility to keep providing water and electricity to those who try to kill Israelis.

Actually, and by your own quotes, Egypt is also involved. Have you asked them for water? Somehow, the people who lived in Gaza before 2005 had no problem desalinating and producing electricity. Somehow, once Israel left, all the facilities left behind stopped working. Whose responsibility is it to protect the civilians of Gaza? According to Hamas, it is the UN's. Top Hamas official declares group is not responsible for defending Gazan civilians

Really? That would explain why there is no corridor created to allow for evacuations. That would explain why no one from the IDF called to let people know where bombing was happening. That must be way the IDF didn't call off air attacks when they spotted children.


Since that wasn't my claim, I'm not sure why you are telling me this.

They are built into cars Moment IDF soldier uncover Hamas tunnel entrance as they close in on HQ and otehr accessible locations. They fire (dressed as civilians, which is a war crime) from civilian areas (a war crime) and don't let civilians leave (a war crime). Funny how none of this raises your protests.

No one is giggling. We have been dealing with anti-Semitism for a long time. But I really like how you tie anti-Semitism with the actions of Israel. So much for separating the two. Good work!

right...and no one murdered in Israel was a civilian
keep parroting Hamas' propaganda. Maybe someday, you will learn something on your own.

Nothing you said above justifies your Jewish, racist apartheid state. You should have no right, to take the lands and homes of Palestinians, much less bomb 2.2 million people in Gaza, preventing them from receiving adequate humanitarian assistance. Taking their water, food, and fuel away from them. Your bronze-age Jewish book of baby-killing, rape, slavery, and ethnic cleansing has no place in the modern world. There is no place for your racist tribal god in modern society. Grow up.
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