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Zone1 What to Do with Gaza?

you mean this?
Yes, it sounds like the party platform for the Nazi party, an excercise in racism and Colonialism.

"The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river. The Palestinians can run their lives freely in the framework of self-rule, but not as an independent and sovereign state. Thus, for example, in matters of foreign affairs, security, immigration and ecology, their activity shall be limited in accordance with imperatives of Israel’s existence, security and national needs."

Therefore annihilating any chance of seeing a Palestinian sovereign state.
Yes, it sounds like the party platform for the Nazi party, an excercise in racism and Colonialism.

"The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river. The Palestinians can run their lives freely in the framework of self-rule, but not as an independent and sovereign state. Thus, for example, in matters of foreign affairs, security, immigration and ecology, their activity shall be limited in accordance with imperatives of Israel’s existence, security and national needs."

Therefore annihilating any chance of seeing a Palestinian sovereign state.
Are we reading the same thing? The party platform rejects the idea of an Arab state in what is already Israel. Should the platform include the idea that Israel will give up its sovereignty? Nothing in it claims that the Israel that exists won't be a free country for all its citizens. I can see how this stands against a two state solution but it reflects what already exists as being non-negotiable. Does it bother you that the political system in Israel exists to continue the existence of Israel?
Are we reading the same thing? The party platform rejects the idea of an Arab state in what is already Israel. Should the platform include the idea that Israel will give up its sovereignty? Nothing in it claims that the Israel that exists won't be a free country for all its citizens. I can see how this stands against a two state solution but it reflects what already exists as being non-negotiable. Does it bother you that the political system in Israel exists to continue the existence of Israel?
Not when it's on occupied land, it can exist when there is a two state solution, but not when more and more land that could be part of that two states is being taken every day by bonkers unhinged settlers with Government backing.
Not when it's on occupied land, it can exist when there is a two state solution, but not when more and more land that could be part of that two states is being taken every day by bonkers unhinged settlers with Government backing.
But it isn't occupied (if you understand international law). And since Arabs have rejected multiple offers for a state alongside Israel, worrying about the Likud's position (which, in a democratically elected government may or may not have any weight) seems fruitless.
But it isn't occupied (if you understand international law). And since Arabs have rejected multiple offers for a state alongside Israel, worrying about the Likud's position (which, in a democratically elected government may or may not have any weight) seems fruitless.
But it is occupied, the people in Gaza control nothing, the Israelis do.
I am stumped by what to do with the two million Palestinians living in Gaza. A simple idea is to leave them alone, but this has resulted in endless war with Israel. On the other hand, no other country appears willing to assume responsibility for this area. A third possibility would to resettle these people elsewhere, but who would want to accept them? My biggest fear is that the US might try to do this.

Any thoughts/solutions?
Dump them in the middle of the Arabian Desert and tell them, "Make the desert bloom, like the Jews did in the land you mis managed."
I cannot say I do not care about the Palestinians because I do have three concerns. I want them to be deported from
Gaza. I want them to be deported form the other land Israel conquered in the Six Day War. I do not want them to be allowed to settle in the United States.
And if the Palestinians take the land in an agreement and then begin killing Jews again? Then what?
The Palestinians have had enough time to show that they can behave in a civilized manner. The should be deported.
I cannot say I do not care about the Palestinians because I do have three concerns. I want them to be deported from
Gaza. I want them to be deported form the other land Israel conquered in the Six Day War. I do not want them to be allowed to settle in the United States.
Why not just gas them and have done with it?
If I leave your house, but then control everything that goes in and out of your house, and you can't leave your house and return to your house and family, or establish any agreements with other families in the community (no diplomatic or trade relations, can't build a seaport or airport..etc.), then I didn't really leave your house or your life. I'm still there being a colonizing, occupying piece of shit. That's what you ZioFascist occupiers are, pieces of excrement.

You don't allow them to import the materials and parts that they need to maintain their infrastructure under the pretense of "dual use" (the US did that to Iraq between 1991 and 2003 resulting in the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children). Zionist Jew assholes like you control everything in Gaza.

The moment the people elected Hamas in 2005, Israel punished Gaza with an economic embargo. And of course let's not forget all of the other Israeli bombing campaigns in Gaza, that have taken the lives of thousands of children, elderly, women, and men that had nothing to do with the violence. Gaza elected Hamas in 2005 because the PLO, the PA, was considered by many Palestinians to be nothing more than a puppet of Israel and the US, not meeting the needs of the Palestinians or properly addressing the occupation. It was the Israeli government that helped Hamas grow, this is according to Israeli and US government officials:

50% of the current population of Gaza is 18 or younger. Children. They weren't even alive in 2005 and yet your psychopathic ZioNazi government officials assert that "there aren't any innocents in Gaza".

The whole population is guilty. Even your fucking Zionist scumbag rabbis say the same shit.

The Palestinians are "Amalek":

He claims the law of war that was written thousands of years ago in his Jewish religious book of baby-killing and ethnic cleansing, should guide Jews on how to wage war. Essentially justifying the genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza.

Sicko rabbis living in the bronze age:

We've already had this discussion. Do you believe the actions of your Jewish ethno-apartheid state reduce anti-Semitism in the world and make Jews safer? You're stupid.

You've been murdering Palestinians for decades. Illegally occupying their lands, and homes, terrorizing and dehumanizing them. You've been bombing them for decades, killing their children. Much of what was said about Hamas and what they did to the civilians of the Kibutz is bullshit. Israeli Hasbara. I already presented plenty of evidence, even from Israeli sources, that the Hamas fighters didn't behead babies or burn them alive. Many of the residents of the Kibtuz were killed in the crossfire between Hamas and Israel. The Israelis were shelling the Kibutz and killed Hamas fighters along with the residents that were there. There were no systematic, ritualistic actions, beheading babies and burning them alive. Bullshit.

You ZioFascists are the assholes who decapitate babies and burn them alive. You rip them to pieces with your American made bombs and missiles. Children, the elderly, women, men, crushed in collapsing buildings, bombed by Zionist-Jews. You are the scum-bag terrorists (Israel = State Terrorism):

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This is the "rated G version" of the carnage. If I show you the pictures of the real carnage the forum admins will delete this post.

IT WASN'T A LAND WITHOUT A PEOPLE, FOR A PEOPLE WITHOUT A LAND. The land had people in it, for centuries, and by the early 20th century, Jews were a minority. Most of the people of the Holy Land were Muslims and Christians, not Jews. You shouldn't have the right to go there and take all of the land for yourselves when there were people, mostly non-Jews, living there already. Germany, Poland, and Ukraine should be forced by law, to give Jews territory. That's where these Ashkenazi European Jews belong. In the modern age, after WW2, and all of the democratic institutions that have been established in the last 75 years in the West, the Jews are much better off in Europe or the United States than in the Middle East. If what Jews want to do is forcibly take other people's lands and homes, based on their Jewish religious texts, they're doomed and insane. Mentally ill.

Nothing you said above justifies your Jewish, racist apartheid state. You should have no right, to take the lands and homes of Palestinians, much less bomb 2.2 million people in Gaza, preventing them from receiving adequate humanitarian assistance. Taking their water, food, and fuel away from them. Your bronze-age Jewish book of baby-killing, rape, slavery, and ethnic cleansing has no place in the modern world. There is no place for your racist tribal god in modern society. Grow up.

you're just crying victimhood while ignoring the blatant bad-neighbor behavior of the Palestinians ever since that colonization started.
and Hamas are the type of Muslims that will GLADLY let young girls among their own become 'involuntary martyrs', so that they can serve as virgins to one of their warriors in Allah's 7th Heaven, which is despicable.
Here is another ZioNazi rabbi saying that Amalek (the civilians of Gaza) should be slaughtered without pity (Go to 2:20):

Sicko ZioFascist.

ChristianMan you're not doing the negotiations any favors by just swearing at the Israelis!
and i now show you a video that PROVES BEYOND A DOUBT that Hamas is just as intractable on some negotiation points as the Israelis are.

and THAT's the whole problem in the Palestinian-Israeli region : NEITHER side is willing to be good neighbors!

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