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Zone1 What to Do with Gaza?

Here is another ZioNazi rabbi saying that Amalek (the civilians of Gaza) should be slaughtered without pity (Go to 2:20):

Sicko ZioFascist.
Israel needs to finally deal honestly with the Palestinians to create a fair and equitable 2 state solution.
And if the Palestinians take the land in an agreement and then begin killing Jews again? Then what?
Nothing you said above justifies your Jewish, racist apartheid state.
You're a funny guy. Who said anything about needing to "justify" ANYTHING that Israel does in defense of their people? The Palestinians want all the land. That isn't ever going to happen. If they are allowed to continue in that fantasy, they will continue to suffer and die, an eye for an eye, so to speak. Save us the cliche about the "world going blind". I'd say this conflict already proves that to be the case. It's people like yourself and the media you trust that keeps this fire alight. I'd say you have at least as much blood on your hands as any Zionist.
And if the Palestinians take the land in an agreement and then begin killing Jews again? Then what?

At the end of the 1948 fighting, more than 400 Palestinian villages had been destroyed and depopulated, and there were only 156,000 Arabs left in the territory of Israel. In addition, 13,000 Palestinians had been killed in the fighting. 96 The Arab minority had been reduced to under 20 percent of the Jewish population inside the frontiers controlled by Israel.97 At the time of its birth on May 14, 1948, there were about 650,000 Jews in Palestine, substantially less than the number of Palestinians who were turned into refugees, 726,000.98

For the Palestinians, Zionism turned out to be, as scholar Rupert Emerson observed, "a prolonged and tragically successful invasion [by] an alien people under Western imperialist auspices, ending in the expulsion of most of the people whose country it was."99 But without the massive slaughter and transfer of Palestinians, there would have been no stable Jewish state. This achievement was the fruition of a half-century of Zionist ambition, furthered by the opportune chaos of war, the result inherent in Zionism's quest for a Jewish, rather than a democratic, polity.
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You're a funny guy. Who said anything about needing to "justify" ANYTHING that Israel does in defense of their people? The Palestinians want all the land. That isn't ever going to happen. If they are allowed to continue in that fantasy, they will continue to suffer and die, an eye for an eye, so to speak. Save us the cliche about the "world going blind". I'd say this conflict already proves that to be the case. It's people like yourself and the media you trust that keeps this fire alight. I'd say you have at least as much blood on your hands as any Zionist.

The Palestinians want all the land.

It's morning as our NPR team is traveling from Tel Aviv to the West Bank to see a small town called Deir Istiya, and to meet a 54-year-old farmer named Ayoub Abuhejleh. When we arrive at his home, he invites us inside and makes us Arabic coffee.

Like many Palestinians in the West Bank, he tells us he hasn't been able to access his land and harvest his olives.

"I planted around 370 olive trees [and] grapes, figs, almonds," he tells us.

It's harvest season, and while his plants are groaning with fruit, he says he hasn't been able to harvest a single olive. "We faced a little bit of problems before in the harvest season, but in this season it's terrible," he says.

He explains that soldiers with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and West Bank settlers have blocked him from his land since the war started on Oct. 7, when Hamas fighters attacked Israel.


While the world has focused on Israel's response in Gaza, violence in the West Bank is also spiking. Attacks on Palestinians by the Israeli military and settlers are up, according to the UNOCHA, which estimates more than 170 Palestinians have been killed and more than 2,600 injured in the West Bank since the war began.

The IDF says it is conducting raids on militants. Abuhejleh says that when he tries to get to his olive trees, the war is the reason Israeli soldiers point to for stopping him. He is convinced they are using the war as an excuse to seize Palestinian land.

Abuhejleh planted his trees in 2011, and this was the first year he was going to be able to harvest them. When he went to check on his trees Oct. 13, he found the dirt road he normally takes to his fields undrivable. He tells us that settlers rolled in with diggers, tore up the dirt road to his fields and severed the water lines he'd installed – an accusation that NPR was unable to confirm. He has not set foot on his land since.
And if the Palestinians take the land in an agreement and then begin killing Jews again? Then what?
The only solution that I see where Israel is still on the map, as a "Jewish State" is if the US provides Israel with a security guarantee. The US would have a naval and army base in Israel, as we have in Japan and Korea, and we would guarantee their survival and security. The Jews would have their piece of the pie and the Palestinians will have theirs. If the Jews tried to take Palestinian territory, the US military would stop them and if the Palestinians tried to do that to the Jews, they would be prevented from doing that. The 1947 UN borders, should be re-established, and that would become Israel-Palestine. Israel is the Jewish State and Palestine is the Arab Palestinian State.

There are Jews now living in Iran (40 thousand Jews), and thousands of Jews in Morroco, and they haven't been slaughtered. The idea that Muslims are these savages who hate Jews and are always trying to murder them is a lie.
The Palestinians have always rejected a two state solution. That's the whole point of from the river to the .
The Jews have also always rejected a two-state solution. They were already terrorizing Palestinian Arabs before the Arab invasion of 1948. The Irgun and Hagana were planting explosives,murdering Palestinians and UK government officials, going into Palestinian villages and forcing people out of their homes, their olive groves..etc. Read the Jewish Zionist literature from 1905 to 1947. They were already planning a "transfer" of the non-Jews out of the land of Palestine into neighboring countries.

I get angry when I see the inhumanity of these Zionists, so I start shouting "From the river to the sea!", but when I calm down I begin to hear the angel on my right shoulder that tells me, the Jews should get something. They also have a deep connection to the Holy Land. The borders should be set to the original lines drawn by the UN in 1947 and both communities (Jewish and Palestinian) should get their respective territories. If the Palestinians are foolish enough to try to take the whole pie for themselves, I will be here on the forum defending the Jews against the Palestinians. For a two-state solution to work, the US has to be there permanently providing Israel and Palestine with security guarantees. We would be there as peacekeepers.

If the Israelis refuse this arrangement then it's from the river to the sea, the Palestinians will get the whole pie. The angel on my right shoulder will say "give the Palestinians all of the land".
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You're a funny guy. Who said anything about needing to "justify" ANYTHING that Israel does in defense of their people? The Palestinians want all the land. That isn't ever going to happen. If they are allowed to continue in that fantasy, they will continue to suffer and die, an eye for an eye, so to speak. Save us the cliche about the "world going blind". I'd say this conflict already proves that to be the case. It's people like yourself and the media you trust that keeps this fire alight. I'd say you have at least as much blood on your hands as any Zionist.
The Jews want all of the land too as I just mentioned in an earlier post.
That's the point, on paper it was the best chance for a deal, that's why the Zionazis wrecked it including murdering Rabin, we are not dealing with sane people.
They're mentally deranged, no doubt. They have to accept a two-state solution or they're going to lose it all. Their genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza might lead to the destruction of the Jewish state. What they're doing now is suicidal, politically and strategically.
They're mentally deranged, no doubt. They have to accept a two-state solution or they're going to lose it all. Their genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza might lead to the destruction of the Jewish state. What they're doing now is suicidal, politically and strategically.
Correct! when that toxic state goes it will probably be the Zionist fanatics who will be responsible, only question is how many people will die before it implodes?
If I leave your house, but then control everything that goes in and out of your house, and you can't leave your house and return to your house and family, or establish any agreements with other families in the community (no diplomatic or trade relations, can't build a seaport or airport..etc.), then I didn't really leave your house or your life. I'm still there being a colonizing, occupying piece of shit. That's what you ZioFascist occupiers are, pieces of excrement.
If that were true it might be sad. But people can leave and go to Egypt. People can travel all around Gaza. Why is there an expectation that they should be allowed to travel into Israel? What right do I have to go into someone else's house in your scenario. And I someonme left my house, i wouldn't then trash the house and cry that I'm homeless. You lack any understanding of this situation.
You don't allow them to import the materials and parts that they need to maintain their infrastructure under the pretense of "dual use" (the US did that to Iraq between 1991 and 2003 resulting in the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children). Zionist Jew assholes like you control everything in Gaza.
Sure we do -- that's how they got all those water pipes for the infrastructure and they were used to make bombs.
The moment the people elected Hamas in 2005, Israel punished Gaza with an economic embargo. And of course let's not forget all of the other Israeli bombing campaigns in Gaza, that have taken the lives of thousands of children, elderly, women, and men that had nothing to do with the violence. Gaza elected Hamas in 2005 because the PLO, the PA, was considered by many Palestinians to be nothing more than a puppet of Israel and the US, not meeting the needs of the Palestinians or properly addressing the occupation. It was the Israeli government that helped Hamas grow, this is according to Israeli and US government officials:
So Hamas was elected you admit. You just don't hold them accountable for anything. They certainly don't see themselves as responsible so you agree with them. The people haven't done anything to try and protest against Hamas. They have settled in and accepted Hamas' money and behavior as their government. This isn't new -- it is just the decision that the Gazans have come to.

He claims the law of war that was written thousands of years ago in his Jewish religious book of baby-killing and ethnic cleansing, should guide Jews on how to wage war. Essentially justifying the genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza.
If that's what you glean from it then you haven't a clue. Unsurprising. You are full of ignorance and anger, a lovely combination.

We've already had this discussion. Do you believe the actions of your Jewish ethno-apartheid state reduce anti-Semitism in the world and make Jews safer? You're stupid.
Make Jews safer? Yes. How can anyone reduce hate in your book? Maybe by dying and not responding when attacked. Yes, that would be amuch better approach, right?
You've been murdering Palestinians for decades. Illegally occupying their lands, and homes, terrorizing and dehumanizing them.
Look at you jamming all those errors into one sentence! Good work!

This is the "rated G version" of the carnage. If I show you the pictures of the real carnage the forum admins will delete this post.
World journalists saw the actual footage of Oct 7 and somehow, they don't agree with your assessment. Well, that's because the whole thing never happened, right?

It was a land which had wandering bedouins and a sparse population of mixed religions. Go ask Mark Twain.
In the modern age, after WW2, and all of the democratic institutions that have been established in the last 75 years in the West, the Jews are much better off in Europe or the United States than in the Middle East.
That isn't for you to decide.
If what Jews want to do is forcibly take other people's lands and homes, based on their Jewish religious texts, they're doomed and insane. Mentally ill.
And if you are going to continue to say dumb and incorrect things then you are deranged and ignorant.
Nothing you said above justifies your Jewish, racist apartheid state.
Nothing you have said substantiates this claim. When you stumble on some actual facts, let me know.
If that were true it might be sad. But people can leave and go to Egypt. People can travel all around Gaza. Why is there an expectation that they should be allowed to travel into Israel? What right do I have to go into someone else's house in your scenario. And I someonme left my house, i wouldn't then trash the house and cry that I'm homeless. You lack any understanding of this situation.

Sure we do -- that's how they got all those water pipes for the infrastructure and they were used to make bombs.

So Hamas was elected you admit. You just don't hold them accountable for anything. They certainly don't see themselves as responsible so you agree with them. The people haven't done anything to try and protest against Hamas. They have settled in and accepted Hamas' money and behavior as their government. This isn't new -- it is just the decision that the Gazans have come to.

If that's what you glean from it then you haven't a clue. Unsurprising. You are full of ignorance and anger, a lovely combination.

Make Jews safer? Yes. How can anyone reduce hate in your book? Maybe by dying and not responding when attacked. Yes, that would be amuch better approach, right?

Look at you jamming all those errors into one sentence! Good work!

World journalists saw the actual footage of Oct 7 and somehow, they don't agree with your assessment. Well, that's because the whole thing never happened, right?

It was a land which had wandering bedouins and a sparse population of mixed religions. Go ask Mark Twain.

That isn't for you to decide.

And if you are going to continue to say dumb and incorrect things then you are deranged and ignorant.

Nothing you have said substantiates this claim. When you stumble on some actual facts, let me know.

Rosends: Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah....blah blah blah blah blah..blah blah.....

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