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Zone1 What to Do with Gaza?

Israeli invasion of Lebanon may refer to any of several Israeli military campaigns in Israeli-Lebanese Conflict:

1978 South Lebanon conflict, an invasion of Lebanon up to the Litani River carried out by the Israel Defense Forces
1982 Lebanon War, Israel Defense Forces invasion of southern Lebanon
Operation Accountability, week-long attack by Israeli forces against Lebanon in July 1993
Operation Grapes of Wrath, 1996 Israeli Defense Forces campaign against Lebanon
2006 Lebanon War, a military conflict in Lebanon, northern Israel and the Golan Heights
These Jewish Orthodox settlers and their rabbis plan to establish another Sanhedrin or religious Torah-based court that will essentially do exactly the same thing if not worse than what is described in the above article. The Torah - Pentateuch, commands the execution of the promiscuous daughters of Levitical priests through fire. They are to be burned alive. Are you in favor of that too?

TooLongDidnRead 2.gif

Israeli invasion of Lebanon may refer to any of several Israeli military campaigns in Israeli-Lebanese Conflict:

1978 South Lebanon conflict, an invasion of Lebanon up to the Litani River carried out by the Israel Defense Forces
1982 Lebanon War, Israel Defense Forces invasion of southern Lebanon
Operation Accountability, week-long attack by Israeli forces against Lebanon in July 1993
Operation Grapes of Wrath, 1996 Israeli Defense Forces campaign against Lebanon
2006 Lebanon War, a military conflict in Lebanon, northern Israel and the Golan Heights
thanks for the list-----what is the daily bombing of Israel from Lebanon now being "called"?------they are hitting houses in Haifa and its precincts ----for the glory of allah
There is no chance that Israelis will ever enforce those parts of the Law of Moses. Muslims to enforce sharia law.

Are you in favor of honor killing? Answer "Yes" or "No." Should boys be allowed to kill sisters they impregnate? Among the Palestinians they are. Those are the people you think are more worthy of the Land of Israel than the Children of Israel. I do not think they are more worthy.

Really? Religious Jews are still a minority in the Jewish SECULAR State of "Israel", BUT, these religious Jews have five, six, seven, eight, children. Their families are HUGE. At the current rate of "baby making", the right-wing Likud, religious Jews will be the majority and it won't be Hamas attacking these idolatrous, pro-LGBTQA+ music festivals or "gay pride parades", it will be these religious Orthodox Jews.

The Jewish settlers currently in the West Bank who are terrorizing Palesitnians, are of the same ilk, who stab sodomites in their blasphemous "pride parades". How do you think Christians in the Holy Land, will fair, under the authority of such religious Orthodox Jews? Here, watch:

What do you think is going to happen to the Christians of the Holy Land when these Likud, right-wing Orthodox Jews take control of the land? Do you think you're going to fair any better than the Muslim Palestinians? Nope. They don't respect or have any goodwill towards you either. You Christian Evangelicals who think the "Israel" that is on the map today is the actual Israel of YHWH are extremely deceived and confused. You are supporting a fake "Israel" because you're so desperate for Jesus to come back, that you think that a fake Israel on the map, that dehumanizes Muslims and Christians, is going to somehow hasten the return of the Messiah. It's not. If anything it will delay it and bring judgment upon both the fake Jews who think they're still "in with God" and the Christians who support them.
If you are truly a born-again, spirit-filled disciple of the Messiah, you should pray about it. Because your soul, your spirit, is in grave danger. You might forfeit your salvation, supporting the evil genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza, committed by a counterfeit, atheistic "Israel".
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The terrorist supporters here think they "win" if they bury a thread under endless amounts of cut and past propaganda.

It all comes from Hamas and they repeat it like gospel.

What an irrational, silly argument. You're the one defending genocide, by a "secular Israel" (a counterfeit "Israel"). You're a supporter of everything that the God of the Bible hates. You're a walking contradiction as a "Christian".
Really? Religious Jews are still a minority in the Jewish SECULAR State of "Israel", BUT, these religious Jews have five, six, seven, eight, children. Their families are HUGE. At the current rate of "baby making", the right-wing Likud, religious Jews will be the majority and it won't be Hamas attacking these idolatrous, pro-LGBTQA+ music festivals or "gay pride parades", it will be these religious Orthodox Jews.

The Jewish settlers currently in the West Bank who are terrorizing Palesitnians, are of the same ilk, who stab sodomites in their blasphemous "pride parades". How do you think Christians in the Holy Land, will fair, under the authority of such religious Orthodox Jews? Here, watch:

What do you think is going to happen to the Christians of the Holy Land when these Likud, right-wing Orthodox Jews take control of the land? Do you think you're going to fair any better than the Muslim Palestinians? Nope. They don't respect or have any goodwill towards you either. You Christian Evangelicals who think the "Israel" that is on the map today is the actual Israel of YHWH are extremely deceived and confused. You are supporting a fake "Israel" because you're so desperate for Jesus to come back, that you think that a fake Israel on the map, that dehumanizes Muslims and Christians, is going to somehow hasten the return of the Messiah. It's not. If anything it will delay it and bring judgment upon both the fake Jews who think they're still "in with God" and the Christians who support them.

If you are truly a born-again, spirit-filled disciple of the Messiah, you should pray about it. Because your soul, your spirit, is in grave danger. You might forfeit your salvation, supporting the evil genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza, committed by a counterfeit, atheistic "Israel".

Is that why the West Bank settlers are so violent? Savages.

Israeli invasion of Lebanon may refer to any of several Israeli military campaigns in Israeli-Lebanese Conflict:

1978 South Lebanon conflict, an invasion of Lebanon up to the Litani River carried out by the Israel Defense Forces

1982 Lebanon War, Israel Defense Forces invasion of southern Lebanon
Operation Accountability, week-long attack by Israeli forces against Lebanon in July 1993

Operation Grapes of Wrath, 1996 Israeli Defense Forces campaign against Lebanon

2006 Lebanon War, a military conflict in Lebanon, northern Israel and the Golan Heights
Really? Religious Jews are still a minority in the Jewish SECULAR State of "Israel", BUT, these religious Jews have five, six, seven, eight, children. Their families are HUGE. At the current rate of "baby making", the right-wing Likud, religious Jews will be the majority and it won't be Hamas attacking these idolatrous, pro-LGBTQA+ music festivals or "gay pride parades", it will be these religious Orthodox Jews.

The Jewish settlers currently in the West Bank who are terrorizing Palesitnians, are of the same ilk, who stab sodomites in their blasphemous "pride parades". How do you think Christians in the Holy Land, will fair, under the authority of such religious Orthodox Jews? Here, watch:

What do you think is going to happen to the Christians of the Holy Land when these Likud, right-wing Orthodox Jews take control of the land? Do you think you're going to fair any better than the Muslim Palestinians? Nope. They don't respect or have any goodwill towards you either. You Christian Evangelicals who think the "Israel" that is on the map today is the actual Israel of YHWH are extremely deceived and confused. You are supporting a fake "Israel" because you're so desperate for Jesus to come back, that you think that a fake Israel on the map, that dehumanizes Muslims and Christians, is going to somehow hasten the return of the Messiah. It's not. If anything it will delay it and bring judgment upon both the fake Jews who think they're still "in with God" and the Christians who support them.
If you are truly a born-again, spirit-filled disciple of the Messiah, you should pray about it. Because your soul, your spirit, is in grave danger. You might forfeit your salvation, supporting the evil genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza, committed by a counterfeit, atheistic "Israel".

You are desperate-----how many christians have been murdered by Orthodox jews this week?, year? decade? century?,
What an irrational, silly argument. You're the one defending genocide, by a "secular Israel" (a counterfeit "Israel"). You're a supporter of everything that the God of the Bible hates. You're a walking contradiction as a "Christian".
Are you ever NOT in your manic state?

There is no genocide of Arabs occuring.

Your terrorist friends murdered over a thousand innocent Jews and now Israel is going after your terrorist friends.
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Is that why the West Bank settlers are so violent? Savages.

Yes of course. The religious Orthodox Jews see it as their duty to settle ALL of "Eretz Israel". They are positioning themselves for the complete take over of the land, not just from Palestinian Muslims and Christians, but from secular Jews as well. They will eventually turn on the secular Jews. They will massacre the secular Jews as well, once they become a strong majority. They're currently about 25% of the Israeli population. But that is going to quickly change. It is probably more than that, that's an old figure I have at the top of my head. I wouldn't be surprised if the Orthodox Jews are now close to half the Israeli population.

These Evangelical Christians and secular Westerners, think the Islamic radicals are bad, they haven't seen anything yet. They don't have a clue of who is actually the most dangerous religious group in the world. It's not the "Muzies", it's the politically oriented, Orthodox Jews. When they become the majority in Israel and take full control of Israel, politically, socially.etc, Christians will be kicked out and we'll have a nuclear power in the world, that sees itself as super-human, a nation of uber-minch, chosen by God. The Hebrew Bible states that the nations are worth nothing to God, compared to Israel.
The West has created a monster in the Middle East, and it's not ISIS. ISIS is also a monster, but it's a little monster compared to "Israel" (Israel without Jesus will terrorize the world, placing everyone under a serious nuclear threat). These people believe that the non-Jews will become their slaves:

Do you want these people in charge?
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Are you ever NOT on your manic state?

There is no genocide of Arabs occuring.

Your terrorist friends murdered over a thousand innocent Jews and now Israel is going after your terrorist friends.
Because October 7th happened in a vacuum? No context? Hamas is a Palesitnian resistance against an illegal Jewish Zionist occupation. The state of Israel has been besieging Gaza since 2006, not to speak of bombing and killing thousands of civilians. This genocidal bombing campaign that they're committing now, is nothing new. They've done it in the past several times and now it's at a larger scale. These Zionist Jews supported Hamas:

According to American and Israeli government officials, the Zionist State supported Hamas to cause division in Palestinian politics and it worked. Do you actually think bombing whole neighborhoods and leveling them to the ground, killing thousands of innocent civilians, is going to eliminate Hamas? The only way to eliminate Hamas is by stopping the illegal occupation of Palestinian territory and allowing the Palestinians to live in peace, without the heel of the Zionist state on their necks. You don't eliminate Hamas by bombing civilians in Gaza, that only grows, and increases the power and ranks of Hamas. Are you so dumb to think that bombing civilians in Gaza and refugee camps in the West Bank is going to eliminate Hamas? You need to eliminate the cause of Hamas, and that is the illegal Jewish Zionist occupation.

If you want to fight Hamas, and kill a few of them (that's all you will be able to do at best), then deploy your special forces on the ground. You conduct operations throughout Gaza to destroy Hamas tunnel networks and kill Hamas fighters. The only way to do that, is by putting boots on the ground. You deploy commandos with the mission to surgically, with precision, kill Hamas fighters and assets. That's the way a professional military of a modern, civil democracy operates, not bombing apartment buildings with hundreds of families, firing missiles into Hospitals. That's a war crime, a genocidal bombing campaign, that has no justification whatsoever. That's worse than terrorism, that is a war crime. The real "terrorist" here is the apartheid state of Israel with its dehumanizing occupation.

You don't care because you dehumanize Arab Palestinians. The "A-rabs". You hate them. So you don't care when Palestinian babies are ripped to pieces by American bombs and missiles being fired by the Zionist State. You are at best indifferent to the pain and suffering, the carnage inflicted upon the Palestinian "A-rabs". Is that how you Evangelical rednecks from the "Bible Belt" say it? A-rabs. You don't care about Arab children being slaughtered by white European Jews. You don't care, because you're not a born-again disciple of Jesus Christ. You will NEVER be a disciple of Jesus Christ, until you repent of this blasphemous sin. Associating God with an atheist, fake-Zionist, counterfeit Israel that commits genocidal acts and spits on Christ's face, pulling His beard. You're not a Christian, you're a devil.

A hillbilly devil, chewing taboco without a cup. That dip is rotting your brain.

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You are desperate-----how many christians have been murdered by Orthodox jews this week?, year? decade? century?,

That is going to go up through the roof, when the Likud, right-wing, religious Jews take power. Non-Jews in the Holy Land are up the creek without a paddle.

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