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Zone1 What to Do with Gaza?

Because October 7th happened in a vacuum? No context? Hamas is a Palesitnian resistance against an illegal Jewish Zionist occupation. The state of Israel has been besieging Gaza since 2006, not to speak of bombing and killing thousands of civilians. This genocidal bombing campaign that they're committing now, is nothing new. They've done it in the past several times and now it's at a larger scale. These Zionist Jews supported Hamas:

According to American and Israeli government officials, the Zionist State supported Hamas to cause division in Palestinian politics and it worked. Do you actually think bombing whole neighborhoods and leveling them to the ground, killing thousands of innocent civilians, is going to eliminate Hamas? The only way to eliminate Hamas is by stopping the illegal occupation of Palestinian territory and allowing the Palestinians to live in peace, without the heel of the Zionist state on their necks. You don't eliminate Hamas by bombing civilians in Gaza, that only grows, and increases the power and ranks of Hamas. Are you so dumb to think that bombing civilians in Gaza and refugee camps in the West Bank is going to eliminate Hamas? You need to eliminate the cause of Hamas, and that is the illegal Jewish Zionist occupation.

If you want to fight Hamas, and kill a few of them (that's all you will be able to do at best), then deploy your special forces on the ground. You conduct operations throughout Gaza to destroy Hamas tunnel networks and kill Hamas fighters. The only way to do that, is by putting boots on the ground. You deploy commandos with the mission to surgically, with precision, kill Hamas fighters and assets. That's the way a professional military of a modern, civil democracy operates, not bombing apartment buildings with hundreds of families, firing missiles into Hospitals. That's a war crime, a genocidal bombing campaign, that has no justification whatsoever. That's worse than terrorism, that is a war crime. The real "terrorist" here is the apartheid state of Israel with its dehumanizing occupation.

You don't care because you dehumanize Arab Palestinians. The "A-rabs". You hate them. So you don't care when Palestinian babies are ripped to pieces by American bombs and missiles being fired by the Zionist State. You are at best indifferent to the pain and suffering, the carnage inflicted upon the Palestinian "A-rabs". Is that how you Evangelical rednecks from the "Bible Belt" say it? A-rabs. You don't care about Arab children being slaughtered by white European Jews. You don't care, because you're not a born-again disciple of Jesus Christ. You will NEVER be a disciple of Jesus Christ, until you repent of this blasphemous sin. Associating God with an atheist, fake-Zionist, counterfeit Israel that commits genocidal acts and spits on Christ's face, pulling His beard. You're not a Christian, you're a devil.

A hillbilly devil, chewing taboco without a cup. That dip is rotting your brain.

Well, that certainly answers my conjecture.
Always. I have the private messages and compliments to prove it.
Yes, there is no end to the number of antisemites, here.
Well, that certainly answers my conjecture.

Yes, there is no end to the number of antisemites, here.

Arabs are Semites too, that's your first infraction and mistake in your post. Using a term that essentially strips Arabs of their Semitic heritage, insinuating that being anti-Semitic is ONLY being anti-Jewish. The second one is that you claim people are anti-Jewish when they criticize secular Zionism or rabbinic Judaism, and that's not true. You're resorting to gaslighting and irrational arguments because you don't have an argument. Ad hominem attacks are the refuge of a weak argument and position. You have nothing to offer the debate other than personal attacks. If you had insults and some arguments attached to them, I wouldn't mind (I'd actually be quite impressed), but all you have are old dimwitted silly insults and gaslighting.
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ChristianMan gives Christianity a bad image.
Are you a Christian? Don't be ashamed of Jesus Christ. Are you a disciple of the Lord of Lords and King of Kings?


All of the children, both Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs are with Jesus.
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You're a Bible believing Christian?
I attend church regularly. I have read the Bible from cover to cover, including the Apocrypha, nine times in eight English translations. I have read many books about the Bible.

Have you read the Bible once in its entirety?

I do not believe all of the Bible. For example, the Genesis Creation Story indicates a vastly newer universe than astronomers determine. It assumes that the similarities between humans and chimpanzees are coincidental.

The beginning of the Gospel According to St. John asserts the divinity of Jesus:

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:11-12 He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

John 1:14-15 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

So here, the word is God, and the word is also Jesus Christ.

However, Jesus also denies his divinity:

The Gospel According to St. Matthew 19:17 And [Jesus] said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.

The Gospel According to St. Mark 10:18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
The Zionist Hagana was indeed better trained and equipped, and all of these points are irrelevant. The Zionist Jews in 1947, before the ground war started, were half the population of the Palestinians, and yet the UN gave them 56% of the land, with access to both the Mediterranean and the Red Sea (Palestinians only had access to the Mediterranean). Why should Palestinians allow foreigners from Europe to take most of their country? Israeli historians admit:

Tantura Massacre:

Under the League of Nations mandate, the Palestinians/ Arabs/Muslims had already received the ENTIRE country of Jordan, which was supposed to be the Muslim country, the rest was entirely supposed to be Israel until the British slipped a knife in the Jew's backs by sub-dividing the small portion left.
I attend church regularly. I have read the Bible from cover to cover, including the Apocrypha, nine times in eight English translations. I have read many books about the Bible.

Have you read the Bible once in its entirety?

I do not believe all of the Bible. For example, the Genesis Creation Story indicates a vastly newer universe than astronomers determine. It assumes that the similarities between humans and chimpanzees are coincidental.

The beginning of the Gospel According to St. John asserts the divinity of Jesus:

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:11-12 He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

John 1:14-15 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

So here, the word is God, and the word is also Jesus Christ.

However, Jesus also denies his divinity:

The Gospel According to St. Matthew 19:17 And [Jesus] said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.

The Gospel According to St. Mark 10:18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
OK, so on what grounds do you support the secular, pro-LGBTQA+, wholesale abortion, racist Jewish apartheid state of Israel? One what grounds? Do you like their cream cheese baggles?
Arabs are Semites too, that's your first infraction and mistake in your post. Using a term that essentially strips Arabs of their Semitic heritage, insinuating that being anti-Semitic is ONLY being anti-Jewish. The second one is that you claim people are anti-Jewish when they criticize secular Zionism or rabbinic Judaism, and that's not true. You're resorting to gaslighting and irrational arguments because you don't have an argument. Ad hominem attacks are the refuge of a weak argument and position. You have nothing to offer the debate other than personal attacks. If you had insults and some arguments attached to them, I wouldn't mind (I'd actually be quite impressed), but all you have are old dimwitted silly insults and gaslighting.
The word "antisemitism" was coined by Wilhelm Marr well over a century ago to refer to the hatred of Jews, not Arabs, and has remained entirely consistant ever since.

If you were educated instead of just repeating the drivel you find at the hate sites you visit, you would already know that.
Under the League of Nations mandate, the Palestinians/ Arabs/Muslims had already received the ENTIRE country of Jordan, which was supposed to be the Muslim country, the rest was entirely supposed to be Israel until the British slipped a knife in the Jew's backs by sub-dividing the small portion left.

The League of Western Nations doesn't have the right to dispossess the indigenous population of Palestine of their lands and homes and give it to European Zionist Jews, nor does it justify the Jewish apartheid state of "Israel". Claiming that since a "league" of Western nations decided that Arab Palestinians have to leave Jerusalem and Palestine, the land they inhabited for centuries (even thousands of years), You have to think and improve your common sense.
The word "antisemitism" was coined by Wilhelm Marr well over a century ago to refer to the hatred of Jews, not Arabs, and has remained entirely consistant ever since.

If you were educated instead of just repeating the drivel you find at the hate sites you visit, you would already know that.

You can drivel-scribble such Zionist excuses but words have meaning. Semitic includes Jews, Arabs, Assyrians, and even Ethiopians as well. So no one should use the term "anti-Semitic" to just mean anti-Jewish, especially when you're referring to a conflict between Jews and Arabs, two Semitic people. This just shows the arrogance of many Jews who think they're the "chosen, special Semites", the Semite par excellence. No you're another Semite with the Arabs. No better than them before God.
" Fictional Ishmaelism Versus Premises Of Boundaries Between Two Genetic Religions "

* Sectarian Supremacist Arrogance For Universal Expectations *

I am stumped by what to do with the two million Palestinians living in Gaza. A simple idea is to leave them alone, but this has resulted in endless war with Israel. On the other hand, no other country appears willing to assume responsibility for this area. A third possibility would to resettle these people elsewhere, but who would want to accept them? My biggest fear is that the US might try to do this.
Any thoughts/solutions?
A premise of a genetic religion is to direct kindred clad , or eponymous lineages , to assimilate within a geographic region , so as to be assured by proof of existence , while a religious polity of orthodoxy for asceticism has been included by many .

The religious polity for the genetic religion of torahnism would not apply outside of israel .

The religious polity for the genetic religion of qurayshism would not apply outside of hejaz .

Any presumption that the generic religion of torahnism would apply outside of isreal is not presumed .

Any presumption that the generic religion of qurayshism would apply outside of hejaz is debase and termed fictional ishmaelism .

You can drivel-scribble such Zionist excuses but words have meaning. Semitic includes Jews, Arabs, Assyrians, and even Ethiopians as well. So no one should use the term "anti-Semitic" to just mean anti-Jewish, especially when you're referring to a conflict between Jews and Arabs, two Semitic people. This just shows the arrogance of many Jews who think they're the "chosen, special Semites", the Semite par excellence. No you're another Semite with the Arabs. No better than them before God.
What is undoubtedly confusing you about me is that I am sane.
What is undoubtedly confusing you about me is that I am sane.
Sane and wrong. You can be a sane psycho, which best describes Zionists who support the apartheid state of Israel and its genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza and the West Bank (you can't appeal to insanity as a defense). Sane..OK? But yo're a soulless golem.
Sane and wrong. You can be a sane psycho, which best describes Zionists who support the apartheid state of Israel and its genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza and the West Bank. Sane..OK? But yo're a soulless golem.
Are you this utterly histrionic in person?
Sane and wrong. You can be a sane psycho, which best describes Zionists who support the apartheid state of Israel and its genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza and the West Bank (you can't appeal to insanity as a defense). Sane..OK? But yo're a soulless golem.
Dont start a War and dont get smacked
Went right over your head. Oct 7th....Who started a War then???

Oh yeah, as if Oct 7th occurred in a vacuum. The Israelis have been bombing Gaza and slaughtering civilians for over a decade. They've been besieging Gaza since 2006. It's the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory and its continual abuse, oppression and murder of Palestinians that led to Oct 7th. Bombing buildings full of civilians isn't going to eliminate Hamas, it's actually going to grow Hamas.
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Went right over your head. Oct 7th....Who started a War then???
Moreover, it's not a war between two sovereign states, it's a "war" between a powerful, colonial, apartheid regime and those who are being occupied and dehumanized by that colonial power. You're quite confused when you identify the crime against humanity that the Zionist regime is committing against Palestinian civilians as a "war". When you say the word "war" it sounds like you're saying it's an actual war between two equals, with militaries and well-developed territory and infrastructure. No, you have a racist, occupying ethno-state, that is supported by the American Empire and the European Union, committing a genocidal bombing campaign against the civilians they're occupying and dehumanizing. It's an act of genocide, a holocaust.
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