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Zone1 What to Do with Gaza?

A racist apartheid state? Once again you show your ignorance. You have no clue what apartheid means. Did you even graduate from high school or get a GED?

I think we have arrived at the diagnosis of why you are so ignorant! You have a failed vocabulary. Words do not mean what you think they mean.

It's an apartheid state:

If it looks like a duck, quakes like a duck, it's a duck. It has all of the qualifying traits of a racist, apartheid state. Admiral Rockwell, ignores the evidence, but you good reader, don't do that. Go over the evidence and the Admiral can remain in his willful ignorance.
It's an apartheid state:

If it looks like a duck, quakes like a duck, it's a duck. It has all of the qualifying traits of a racist, apartheid state. Admiral Rockwell, ignores the evidence, but you good reader, don't do that. Go over the evidence and the Admiral can remain in his willful ignorance.

Got anything other than YouTube videos or is that how you were miseducated? How can Israel be apartheid with 20% of their population being Arab and have members in the Knesset? Can you explain that?
Got anything other than YouTube videos or is that how you were miseducated? How can Israel be apartheid with 20% of their population being Arab and have members in the Knesset? Can you explain that?

It's fully explained here:

All of those questions that you asked me, are addressed in the above video. The 10% of the Arab Palestinians who are citizens of the Jewish State are less than second-class citizens. They are horribly discriminated against and oppressed. Are you aware that there are neighborhoods and housing developments that don't allow Arab Palestinians, regardless of whether they're citizens of Israel or not? Are you away of the 100s of laws that discriminate against non-Jews in Israel? You don't care. You know why you don't care? Because the truth is not your concern. You don't care about the truth. I will invest my time and energy in writing a written SA, that provides all of the evidence, and you know what you will do with that SA, which I spent hours writing? You'll use it as toilet paper. You don't care what the reality and truth is.

I don't respond to your disingenuous posts, in order to convince you of anything. That's a waste of time and energy. I'll just embed a few videos, that are full of evidence that debunk your Zionist tripe, and the genuine truth seekers will watch them and learn the truth, despite your indifference and dishonest, hypocritical disposition. I do this for them, not you.
Let's see why you support the Jewish Zionist apartheid state and its current, ongoing genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza...

How does the above justify the Israeli secular Zionist state that dehumanizes and murders Palestinians and is now committing an act of genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza? It doesn't.

The above Biblical verses from the Jewish religious holy book don't in any way justify the unconditional right to take land (any real estate, regardless of where it might be), much less create an atheistic Zionist racist apartheid state that dehumanizes Palestinian Arabs and commits genocide and ethnic cleansing against them. You're obviously brainwashed and confused. You don't even know what the Bible actually says about the ancient Israelite right to the land of Canaan.

For your sake, I'm going to indulge this lunacy of appealing to ancient religious texts written thousands of years ago, to support an argument for modern statehood. First of all, why do you assume that the Palestinian Arabs (the indigenous, native population of the Levant region in the Middle East), aren't descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? European Jews are more likely to descend from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob than the incontrovertible, uncontested, SEMETIC native population of the Holy Land that never left? How do you justify that line of reasoning?

Jews from Poland and Russia are more likely to be truly Semitic descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob than the people who never left the Middle East or even the Holy Land? Your "logic" is quite skewed and fuzzy.

The same Hebrew Bible that you are citing, states that the land promise to the Israelites is strictly based on their obedience to God's law. There's no such thing as a secular, atheistic "Israel", that rejects God's law. From a Christian perspective, an Israel that rejects Jesus Christ isn't true Israel. There's no Israel without Yehoshua (Jesus), according to the Christian New Testament. You only go by what the Old Testament scriptures say, not the New Covenant scriptures? Are you really a disciple of Jesus Christ?

You like Jews so you support them committing genocide and ethnic cleansing against Palestinian Arabs?

The same Bible that you just quoted to support the Jews annexing Palestinian territory and creating a racist apartheid state, commands the Israelites to purge the Holy Land of evil, including wholesale, willy-nilly abortion and homosexuality. You clearly haven't read the Hebrew Bible. Not only is homosexuality condemned and a capital crime in the Torah, but fornication is as well. You cheery pick verses from the Hebrew Bible, that seem to support the secular, Jewish apartheid regime of "Israel", while ignoring the many verses in the Hebrew Bible (and Christian New Testament) that completely undermine your argument for the atheistic, Zionist apartheid state of "Israel". How convenient.

LOL! HAHAHA! Now you're discrediting the Bible!?!? You just cited the Bible and the Quran, to support your genocidal, atheist "Israeli" buddy, but now you discredit your source of authority to defend your Jewish Zionist buddy? You're a real piece of work.

What the heck does that have to do with the illegal occupation of Palestinian territory by the Jewish Zionist apartheid state and its current, ongoing genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza?

What about Palestinian honor killings? What about an evil brother who rapes his sister and has her murdered when she gets pregnant? That's repulsive and wicked. Do you think I can't find such crimes among Jews or any other group of people? What's your point? I can google right now and search on YouTube and find evidence for such crimes among Jews as well. Does that mean that all Jews are evil? No. Does that mean that Jews in general (ALL JEWS) should be massacred, as the Zionist Jews are now doing to Palestinian civilians in Gaza? No. You lack discernment, you need to repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You need the Holy Spirit to guide you.

Are you aware that the Hebrew Bible essentially condones honor killing and rape? Do you know why? Because it's not the original Torah revealed to Moses by the angels on Mount Horeb. It's a Jewish fraud written hundreds of years after Moses. Is that your evidence for justifying the Jews annexing the Holy Land from the Muslims and Christians, creating a brutal, Jewish, racist apartheid state? Is that your evidence? You lack the Holy Spirit. You're in the flesh and doomed. How can you be a disciple of Jesus Christ with such values and ideas? You're a disciple of Satan, not Jesus.

You need to read and understand the true Word of YHWH God. Christ revealed the parable in Matt 21:33-46, which says that the Jews who reject Him as their King and Lord will lose their covenant relationship with His heavenly Father. In the story a landowner plants a vineyard, and allows his chosen stewards and serfs to work His land, while he is far away. The landowner represents YAHWEH GOD and the serfs represent the Jews.

When harvest time comes, the owner of the vineyard sends servants to collect his share of the fruit, but the farmers beat, kill, and stone these servants. These servants represent the prophets (Luke 11:47) YHWH sent to the Jews through the centuries, and how the Jews mistreated such prophets (Luke 13:34). Lastly the landowner sends his son to collect, but the farmers also murder him. This son represents God’s Son, our King and Savior, Jesus Christ (Yehoshua).

Jesus asks his audience in verse 40 “When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husbandmen?” His audience correctly answers “He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen ….” Jesus reaffirms this conclusion by saying in verse 43: “The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.”

Precipitated by their longtime disobedience, with the final straw being the killing of the Son of God (Matt 23:37-38), the kingdom of God would be taken from the Jews and given to the faithful disciples of the Son of God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, The Holy One of Israel. The LIVING WORD.

Anybody can become a child of YHWH (and heirs of the promise to Abraham) through faith by being baptized into Christ (Gal 3:26-29). The Chosen People are those who are in Christ Jesus, not those who claim to be Jews in the flesh.

“He is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.” (Rom 2:28-29).

Now one is of the “Israel of God” not because of physical birth and circumcision, but by being a “new creature” (Gal 6:16) in Christ Jesus, THE LIVING WORD. The one who quickens the dead.

Exod 19:5-6 said about the Jews “ye shall be a peculiar … people … a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation.” Of course, this was always conditioned upon the Jews’ obedience (Exod 19:5). Their disobedience would lead to them being “plucked from off the land” (Deut 28:58,63). Now that the Jews have lost their status, I Pet 2:5,9 says the same thing about Christians: “ye … are … a spiritual house, an holy priesthood … a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people.” Christians are God’s chosen people now; it doesn’t matter anymore if one is a Jew or Gentile (Acts 10:34-35). Spiritual birth is now the entrance to the kingdom of YHWH (John 3:3,5).

There's no Israel, without Jesus. The Israel of God is comprised of the born-again, spirit-filled disciples of Jesus Christ. Be not deceived.


I was wondering were the Palestinians got the flags they burned during their protests.
Got anything other than YouTube videos or is that how you were miseducated? How can Israel be apartheid with 20% of their population being Arab and have members in the Knesset? Can you explain that?

Amnesty International says Israel is an apartheid state:

Human Rights Watch found that Israeli officials committed the crime of apartheid through specific acts and policies carried out in certain areas under their control:

17 Israeli NGOs published a report that stated Israel's actions in the West Bank today meet the criteria of apartheid, as defined in international law.

13 Israeli human rights groups issued a joint statement defending Amnesty International against "vicious attacks" due to its report on apartheid, saying: "Many of us have used the term and/or have made the legal designation of 'apartheid' in relation to various aspects of Israel's treatment of Palestinians."

And that's not anywhere near a complete list.

Here's a very good interview to watch that was just put out yesterday by Candace Owens. It's a talk with Norman Finkelstein who is not only highly educated but has devoted his life to this topic.

(I don't necessarily agree with everything he says, but it's a very informative and eye-opening talk that everyone should watch, because I think most Americans have no idea what it's actually like over there.)

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All of those questions that you asked me, are addressed in the above video. The 10% of the Arab Palestinians who are citizens of the Jewish State are less than second-class citizens. They are horribly discriminated against and oppressed.

That's awful!
If you asked them, would they prefer to live in the West Bank or Gaza?
Maybe they're like to move to Jordan, Syria or Egypt?
That sounds awful!
How many Palestinian Arabs in the area when the Jews started doing that in 1948?
How many Palestinian Arabs in the area today?
Your Jewish Zionist buddies "transferred" (terrorized) the Palestinian Arabs out of their villages and cities into Gaza and refugee camps:

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Amnesty International says Israel is an apartheid state:

Human Rights Watch found that Israeli officials committed the crime of apartheid through specific acts and policies carried out in certain areas under their control. :

17 Israeli NGOs - published a report that stated Israel's actions in the West Bank today meet the criteria of apartheid, as defined in international law.

13 Israeli human rights groups issued a joint statement defending Amnesty International against "vicious attacks" due to its report on apartheid, saying: "Many of us have used the term and/or have made the legal designation of 'apartheid' in relation to various aspects of Israel's treatment of Palestinians.

And that's not anywhere near a complete list.

Here's a very good interview to watch, that was just put out yesterday by Candace Owens. It's a talk with Norman Finkelstein who is not only highly educated but has devoted his life to this topic.

(I don't necessarily agree with everything he says, but it's a very informative and eye-opening talk that everyone should watch, because I think most Americans have no idea what it's actually like over there.)

They just ignore the mountain of evidence.
They just ignore the mountain of evidence.

Some will, for sure. But I think there are other people who simply have never heard any other side of the story, because in the US a lot of people only get their info from the MSM, which of course is very controlled and slanted.

Anyone who puts truth first - above their preconceived ideas, above partisanship and tribalism - will look into it in an objective way, to get to the actual truth.
Your Jewish Zionist buddies "transferred" (terrorized) the Palestinian Arabs out of their villages and cities into Gaza and refugee camps:

That's awful! So sad.

How many Palestinian Arabs in the area when the Jews started doing that in 1948?
How many Palestinian Arabs in the area today?
It's fully explained here:

All of those questions that you asked me, are addressed in the above video. The 10% of the Arab Palestinians who are citizens of the Jewish State are less than second-class citizens. They are horribly discriminated against and oppressed. Are you aware that there are neighborhoods and housing developments that don't allow Arab Palestinians, regardless of whether they're citizens of Israel or not? Are you away of the 100s of laws that discriminate against non-Jews in Israel? You don't care. You know why you don't care? Because the truth is not your concern. You don't care about the truth. I will invest my time and energy in writing a written SA, that provides all of the evidence, and you know what you will do with that SA, which I spent hours writing? You'll use it as toilet paper. You don't care what the reality and truth is.

I don't respond to your disingenuous posts, in order to convince you of anything. That's a waste of time and energy. I'll just embed a few videos, that are full of evidence that debunk your Zionist tripe, and the genuine truth seekers will watch them and learn the truth, despite your indifference and dishonest, hypocritical disposition. I do this for them, not you.

I have to congratulate your use of biased sources. I guess that is all you have.

Have you ever visited Israel? I have several times. It is a beautiful country full of beautiful and wonderful people Jews, Arabs, and Druse. I even attended a dinner in a Druse village on the Lebanese border.

I know I have probably asked before. Why do you care about another people of a religion that would prefer you dead to being alive? You are just like Queers for Palestine supporting a group that would likely throw them off a rooftop!
I have to congratulate your use of biased sources. I guess that is all you have.

Have you ever visited Israel? I have several times. It is a beautiful country full of beautiful and wonderful people Jews, Arabs, and Druse. I even attended a dinner in a Druse village on the Lebanese border.

I know I have probably asked before. Why do you care about another people of a religion that would prefer you dead to being alive? You are just like Queers for Palestine supporting a group that would likely throw them off a rooftop!

I lived in Israel for 8 months and 2-1/2 years in Cairo, Egypt. You can flippantly dismiss everything I present, that's your prerogative,. I have no intention of convincing you of anything. I only respond to your disingenuous Zionist tripe for the sake of others. I'll let the genuine truth-seekers decide who's unfairly, irrationally "biased".
You can't show the numerical impact of all that genocide, can you?
There were massacres committed by the Zionists against Palestinians in 1948 and plenty of Jewish Zionist acts of terrorism before that which killed Palestinians. That's a fact. Most Arab Palestinians were forced out of their villages and into refugee camps and the city of Gaza. Today, your Zionist Jewish buddies are committing genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza.
I lived in Israel for 8 months and 2-1/2 years in Cairo, Egypt. You can flippantly dismiss everything I present, that's your prerogative,. I have no intention of convincing you of anything. I only respond to your disingenuous Zionist tripe for the sake of others. I'll let the genuine truth-seekers decide who's unfairly, irrationally "biased".
Then you are not a Christian?

My time in Egypt was spent repeating, "What a dump!"
There were massacres committed by the Zionists against Palestinians in 1948 and plenty of Jewish Zionist acts of terrorism before that which killed Palestinians. That's a fact. Most Arab Palestinians were forced out of their villages and into refugee camps and the city of Gaza. Today, your Zionist Jewish buddies are committing genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

Yet, they totally ignore the so-called Palestinians in the West Bank. That point makes your accusation of genocide totally moot.

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