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Zone1 What to Do with Gaza?

Yet, they totally ignore the so-called Palestinians in the West Bank. That point makes your accusation of genocide totally moot.

They just bombed a refugee camp in the West Bank killing 200 hundred civilians. The West Bank is one of the most dangerous areas for Palestinians to live, surrounded by militant, armed religious Jewish settlers, walls, checkpoints, and plenty of injustice and violence against Palestinians.

There were massacres committed by the Zionists against Palestinians in 1948 and plenty of Jewish Zionist acts of terrorism before that which killed Palestinians. That's a fact. Most Arab Palestinians were forced out of their villages and into refugee camps and the city of Gaza. Today, your Zionist Jewish buddies are committing genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

It's awful!

How many Palestinian Arabs in the area when the Jews started doing that in 1948?
How many Palestinian Arabs in the area today?
They just bombed a refugee camp in the West Bank killing 200 hundred civilians. The West Bank is one of the most dangerous areas for Palestinians to live, surrounded by militant, armed religious Jewish settlers, walls, checkpoints, and plenty of injustice and violence against Palestinians.

They just bombed a refugee camp in the West Bank killing 200 hundred civilians.

Why did Jordan build a refugee camp in the West Bank?
Yet, they totally ignore the so-called Palestinians in the West Bank. That point makes your accusation of genocide totally moot.

How so? Hundreds of villages were depopulated of their Arab Palestinian inhabitants and in some of them, there were murderous massacres, as in Tantura and other locations. Even Israelis admit to these Zionist terrorist acts and massacres:

The evidence is so overwhelming that you have to be a soulless golem to ignore it.

The Zionists continue to terrorize and murder Palestinians to this day. They're currently carrying out a genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza and bombing refugee camps in the West Bank. So whatever stupid point you're trying to make is moot.
They just bombed a refugee camp in the West Bank killing 200 hundred civilians.

Why did Jordan build a refugee camp in the West Bank?

Is that another quiz question? Go ahead, present your irrelevant "fact" and I'll rip it to pieces, like always. Present your "evidence" and make your stupid, irrelevant point.
When was that in the 1920s? Does God care if Admiral Rockwell, the white pro-European colonizer, considers Egypt a dumb? Is that how God judges humanity?
No, I said it was a dump. Can you not read or is it a typing error? What does the color of my skin have to do with it? Genetically I am mostly from Viking stock, but my great grandfather was black. That has never affected my position on any topic as far as I am concerned. You obviously disagree because you hate Jews. I pray that is not the real you in your avatar because you look like some of my Jewish friends.
No, I said it was a dump. Can you not read or is it a typing error? What does the color of my skin have to do with it? Genetically I am mostly from Viking stock, but my great grandfather was black. That has never affected my position on any topic as far as I am concerned. You obviously disagree because you hate Jews. I pray that is not the real you in your avatar because you look like some of my Jewish friends.

I'm sure I do look like your European Zionist buddies. What does that have to do with the issue at hand regarding the Israeli apartheid state and its Palestinian victims? So what if you consider Egypt a dump? What's the point of mentioning that? Dehumanizing Arabs and justifying the illegal occupation of Palestinian territory? I've been to Dubai, it's not a dump. I've been to several Arab countries, that weren't dumps. Again, what's the relevance here? Nothing, you're just being an old white bigot, trying to justify the Israeli racist apartheid against the Palestinian Arabs.
Is that another quiz question? Go ahead, present your irrelevant "fact" and I'll rip it to pieces, like always. Present your "evidence" and make your stupid, irrelevant point.

Is that another quiz question?

There were no refugee camps in Judea or Samaria before Israel declared independence.

After Israel kicked the asses of multiple Arab armies and Jordan stole Judea and Samaria,
suddenly there were refugee camps there. Why did Jordan do that to their Palestinian brothers and sisters? Did they smell bad? Did they eat left their left hands? Were they too ugly and stupid to fit into polite Jordanian society?
Let's see why you support the Jewish Zionist apartheid state and its current, ongoing genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza...

How does the above justify the Israeli secular Zionist state that dehumanizes and murders Palestinians and is now committing an act of genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza? It doesn't.

The above Biblical verses from the Jewish religious holy book don't in any way justify the unconditional right to take land (any real estate, regardless of where it might be), much less create an atheistic Zionist racist apartheid state that dehumanizes Palestinian Arabs and commits genocide and ethnic cleansing against them. You're obviously brainwashed and confused. You don't even know what the Bible actually says about the ancient Israelite right to the land of Canaan.

For your sake, I'm going to indulge this lunacy of appealing to ancient religious texts written thousands of years ago, to support an argument for modern statehood. First of all, why do you assume that the Palestinian Arabs (the indigenous, native population of the Levant region in the Middle East), aren't descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? European Jews are more likely to descend from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob than the incontrovertible, uncontested, SEMETIC native population of the Holy Land that never left? How do you justify that line of reasoning?

Jews from Poland and Russia are more likely to be truly Semitic descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob than the people who never left the Middle East or even the Holy Land? Your "logic" is quite skewed and fuzzy.

The same Hebrew Bible that you are citing, states that the land promise to the Israelites is strictly based on their obedience to God's law. There's no such thing as a secular, atheistic "Israel", that rejects God's law. From a Christian perspective, an Israel that rejects Jesus Christ isn't true Israel. There's no Israel without Yehoshua (Jesus), according to the Christian New Testament. You only go by what the Old Testament scriptures say, not the New Covenant scriptures? Are you really a disciple of Jesus Christ?

You like Jews so you support them committing genocide and ethnic cleansing against Palestinian Arabs?

The same Bible that you just quoted to support the Jews annexing Palestinian territory and creating a racist apartheid state, commands the Israelites to purge the Holy Land of evil, including wholesale, willy-nilly abortion and homosexuality. You clearly haven't read the Hebrew Bible. Not only is homosexuality condemned and a capital crime in the Torah, but fornication is as well. You cheery pick verses from the Hebrew Bible, that seem to support the secular, Jewish apartheid regime of "Israel", while ignoring the many verses in the Hebrew Bible (and Christian New Testament) that completely undermine your argument for the atheistic, Zionist apartheid state of "Israel". How convenient.

LOL! HAHAHA! Now you're discrediting the Bible!?!? You just cited the Bible and the Quran, to support your genocidal, atheist "Israeli" buddy, but now you discredit your source of authority to defend your Jewish Zionist buddy? You're a real piece of work.

What the heck does that have to do with the illegal occupation of Palestinian territory by the Jewish Zionist apartheid state and its current, ongoing genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza?

What about Palestinian honor killings? What about an evil brother who rapes his sister and has her murdered when she gets pregnant? That's repulsive and wicked. Do you think I can't find such crimes among Jews or any other group of people? What's your point? I can google right now and search on YouTube and find evidence for such crimes among Jews as well. Does that mean that all Jews are evil? No. Does that mean that Jews in general (ALL JEWS) should be massacred, as the Zionist Jews are now doing to Palestinian civilians in Gaza? No. You lack discernment, you need to repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You need the Holy Spirit to guide you.

Are you aware that the Hebrew Bible essentially condones honor killing and rape? Do you know why? Because it's not the original Torah revealed to Moses by the angels on Mount Horeb. It's a Jewish fraud written hundreds of years after Moses. Is that your evidence for justifying the Jews annexing the Holy Land from the Muslims and Christians, creating a brutal, Jewish, racist apartheid state? Is that your evidence? You lack the Holy Spirit. You're in the flesh and doomed. How can you be a disciple of Jesus Christ with such values and ideas? You're a disciple of Satan, not Jesus.

You need to read and understand the true Word of YHWH God.
You have not even told me if you have have read the Bible from cover to cover, and yet you tell me about the Word of God. How do you know what that word is without a thorough understanding of the Bible?
I'm sure I do look like your European Zionist buddies. What does that have to do with the issue at hand regarding the Israeli apartheid state and its Palestinian victims? So what if you consider Egypt a dump? What's the point of mentioning that? Dehumanizing Arabs and justifying the illegal occupation of Palestinian territory? I've been to Dubai, it's not a dump. I've been to several Arab countries, that weren't dumps. Again, what's the relevance here? Nothing, you're just being an old white bigot, trying to justify the Israeli racist apartheid against the Palestinian Arabs.

As Ronald Reagan said of President Carter, "There you go again!" How is their occupation illegal? The territories of the West Bank and Gaza were territories lost by Jordan and Egypt during the '67 war. I am sure you have heard about that little skirmish, right?

You were the one who brought skin color into the discussion, and not me. Who is talking about Dubai? I said Egypt was a dump and I stand by that. My cousin married an Egyptian and he would tell you that is why he left!

Bigot? You are so ignorant. You don't know that Israelis, most Jews, and Arabs are all of the same race? Are you trying to achieve a new level of ignorance?
Is that another quiz question?

There were no refugee camps in Judea or Samaria before Israel declared independence.

After Israel kicked the asses of multiple Arab armies and Jordan stole Judea and Samaria,
suddenly there were refugee camps there. Why did Jordan do that to their Palestinian brothers and sisters? Did they smell bad? Did they eat left their left hands? Were they too ugly and stupid to fit into polite Jordanian society?

  1. Origins of Palestinian Refugee Camps
    : The establishment of Palestinian refugee camps in territories such as Judea and Samaria (West Bank) was not a result of actions by Jordan, but rather a direct consequence of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. These camps were set up by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) to accommodate Palestinian refugees who fled or were expelled during and after the conflict. This included the 1948 Palestinian expulsion and flight, as well as the aftermath of the Six-Day War in 1967. The argument that Jordan intentionally created these camps to segregate Palestinians is not supported by historical evidence.
  2. UNRWA’s Role and Host Government Agreements: For a camp to be recognized by UNRWA, there must be an agreement between the host government and UNRWA governing the use of the camp. UNRWA does not have administrative or police powers over these camps; it simply provides services. This organization also provided relief to displaced Jewish persons in Israel until the Israeli government assumed responsibility in 1952. Therefore, the establishment and operation of these camps were under international auspices, not solely determined by Jordan or any other host country.
  3. Jordan's Administrative Control and Citizenship: When Jordan administered the West Bank after 1950, residents were entitled to Jordanian citizenship. This did not include Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, who were under Egyptian domain. Following the 1967 war, those fleeing the Israeli-occupied West Bank were residents of Jordan, but those from Gaza were not. In 1988, when Jordan severed administrative ties with the West Bank, West Bank-origin individuals residing in Jordan retained their full citizenship rights, while those from Gaza remained as foreigners.
  4. Forced Displacement of Palestinians: The UNRWA provides services for around 5.7 million Palestinian refugees, largely descendants of those forcibly displaced from their towns, villages, and cities in Palestine in 1948 and 1967, who ended up in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. This large-scale displacement was not a product of actions taken by Jordan but was a direct outcome of the conflicts in the region, particularly the 1948 and 1967 wars.
The Palestinians who are the indigenous inhabitants of the Holy Land, aren't going anywhere without a fight. The Israeli Zionist Jews aren't going to purge the land of Muslim and Christian Palestinians. No matter of cruelty will convince all Palestinians to leave the Holy Land.
As Ronald Reagan said of President Carter, "There you go again!" How is their occupation illegal? The territories of the West Bank and Gaza were territories lost by Jordan and Egypt during the '67 war. I am sure you have heard about that little skirmish, right?

You were the one who brought skin color into the discussion, and not me. Who is talking about Dubai? I said Egypt was a dump and I stand by that. My cousin married an Egyptian and he would tell you that is why he left!

Bigot? You are so ignorant. You don't know that Israelis, most Jews, and Arabs are all of the same race? Are you trying to achieve a new level of ignorance?

  • Legality of Occupation
    : The Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, which began in 1967, is widely considered illegal under international law. This is primarily due to its prolonged nature, violations of the Palestinian right to self-determination, and acts of annexation. The United Nations General Assembly has repeatedly described the occupation as illegal, and international law scholars have echoed this view.
  • Annexation and International Law: The annexation of territory through the use of force is explicitly illegal under international law. This principle applies to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, including the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The occupation's nature, deemed as a form of annexation or territorial aggrandizement, is considered illegal. Israel's justification of the occupation as self-defense is heavily contested and does not align with the principles of international law regarding the use of force.
  • Palestinian Self-Determination: The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination is internationally recognized. The sovereignty of the occupied Palestinian territories belongs to the Palestinian people, and international law mandates their freedom from occupation-imposed impediments to self-rule.
  • Violation of Humanitarian and Human Rights Law: The occupation has also been associated with violations of international humanitarian law (IHL) and international human rights law (IHRL). These violations further aggravate the illegality of the occupation, as they are seen as acts of foreign domination, political subjugation, and economic exploitation.
  • Temporary Nature of Occupation: Occupation law, a branch of IHL, suggests that occupation should be temporary. The prolonged nature of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, therefore, constitutes a violation of this principle. This prolonged occupation undermines the rule that sovereignty cannot derive from occupation.
The League of Western Nations doesn't have the right to dispossess the indigenous population of Palestine of their lands and homes and give it to European Zionist Jews, nor does it justify the Jewish apartheid state of "Israel". Claiming that since a "league" of Western nations decided that Arab Palestinians have to leave Jerusalem and Palestine, the land they inhabited for centuries (even thousands of years), You have to think and improve your common sense.
The League of Nations DID have that right. They were the victors of WWI and until recently “to the victors went the spoils”. YOU may disagree, but those were the rules for almost all of human history. No one complains about the League stripping Germany of all its overseas possessions and giving them to Japan, France, Italy and the USA. Britain got the Mandate for the Mid-East and screwed it up. Plus the League never even attempted to force the Palestinians to leave, it just changed their overlords to first the Brits, then the Jews. The Palestinians decided to leave on their own at the orders of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to clear the battlefields to make it easier for the Muslim armies to exterminate the Jews. Many Palestinians stayed and are valued citizens of Israel with all the rights and duties of any other citizen. Muslims, Christians and Druze all serve in the IDF alongside Jews. Muslims have seats in the Knesset.
The Palestinians who are the indigenous inhabitants of the Holy Land, aren't going anywhere without a fight. The Israeli Zionist Jews aren't going to purge the land of Muslim and Christian Palestinians. No matter of cruelty will convince all Palestinians to leave the Holy Land.
The Israeli Defense has the power to deport the Palestinians any time it chooses to. The best the Palestinians can hope for is that the rest of the Arab world will support them. That did not work for them in 1948 or 1967.

If the rest of the Arab world cared about the Palestinians it would welcome Palestinian immigrants. Instead it keeps them out.

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