"What To The Slave Is The 4th Of July?"

These black people who were sold as slaves were probably ALREADY slaves to begin with. Does that make it any better? Of course not, but it is a fact to keep in mind, as a lot of people seem to assume that slave traders just went and kidnapped people out of their houses to be sold as slaves. Most of the people who were sold to slave traders were already slaves and were traded.

Is that what I said I assume?
These black people who were sold as slaves were probably ALREADY slaves to begin with. Does that make it any better? Of course not, but it is a fact to keep in mind, as a lot of people seem to assume that slave traders just went and kidnapped people out of their houses to be sold as slaves. Most of the people who were sold to slave traders were already slaves and were traded.

Is that what I said I assume?

Was I addressing you? It was just a general informative post.
What kind of misinformed ignorance causes you to believe that every captive slave lived in a "mudhut off of flies"?

Do you think they were living in mansions by the waterfront?

Really? Thats an amazingly stupid question. Of course they did not. But in spite of your abject misinformed ignorance, these WERE human beings with families.

Its these type of comments that are always a great reminder of how backward some are who post here.

Its a relief that this forum is not an accurate barometer of the overall intelligence of society.

Who says they were NOT human beings? Nobody has said anything like that. Of course the people who were sold by their tribe leaders were poor and considered the lowest rungs of their society. I'm sure their living conditions were difficult to say the least!

You're sure? Or you know for a fact? Its likely way above your head, but there are many first hand stories of former slsves in existence that are accesible out there that prove otherwise.

Post them up then. Why wouldn't you post these along with your post?

I saw some ignorant comments by some ignorant people and frankly believe it would be a waste of time.
These black people who were sold as slaves were probably ALREADY slaves to begin with. Does that make it any better? Of course not, but it is a fact to keep in mind, as a lot of people seem to assume that slave traders just went and kidnapped people out of their houses to be sold as slaves. Most of the people who were sold to slave traders were already slaves and were traded.

Is that what I said I assume?

Was I addressing you? It was just a general informative post.

Your "informative post" followed my statement. Disregard.
These black people who were sold as slaves were probably ALREADY slaves to begin with. Does that make it any better? Of course not, but it is a fact to keep in mind, as a lot of people seem to assume that slave traders just went and kidnapped people out of their houses to be sold as slaves. Most of the people who were sold to slave traders were already slaves and were traded.

Is that what I said I assume?

Was I addressing you? It was just a general informative post.

You quoted what I stated when you made your "informative post".

No I did not. Check again. I didn't quote anyone because I was not addressing anyone in particular.
Now, don't you dare treat me as if I "owe" you something. I owe you NOTHING. Understand that? Just because some white guy owned some slaves 200 years ago doesn't mean every white person owes you something.
These black people who were sold as slaves were probably ALREADY slaves to begin with. Does that make it any better? Of course not, but it is a fact to keep in mind, as a lot of people seem to assume that slave traders just went and kidnapped people out of their houses to be sold as slaves. Most of the people who were sold to slave traders were already slaves and were traded.

Is that what I said I assume?

Was I addressing you? It was just a general informative post.

You quoted what I stated when you made your "informative post".

No I did not. Check again. I didn't quote anyone because I was not addressing anyone in particular.

Fair enough. I corrected my response.
The slaves playing the music at their master's 4th of July celebration had it pretty good. probably wouldn't have gone back to Africa if you offered it to them.

Sure. They would have happily stayed captive in an existence equivalent to that of farm animals.
Still better than living off flies in a mud hut in Africa.

What would causes
you to believe that every captive slave lived in a "mudhut off of flies"?

You didn't become this ignorant accidently.
The slaves playing the music at their master's 4th of July celebration had it pretty good. probably wouldn't have gone back to Africa if you offered it to them.

Sure. They would have happily stayed captive in an existence equivalent to that of farm animals.
Still better than living off flies in a mud hut in Africa.

What kind of misinformed ignorance causes you to believe that every captive slave lived in a "mudhut off of flies"?

Do you think they were living in mansions by the waterfront?
In a deluxe apartment in the sky!
The slaves playing the music at their master's 4th of July celebration had it pretty good. probably wouldn't have gone back to Africa if you offered it to them.

Sure. They would have happily stayed captive in an existence equivalent to that of farm animals.
Still better than living off flies in a mud hut in Africa.

What would causes
you to believe that every captive slave lived in a "mudhut off of flies"?

You didn't become this ignorant accidently.
And? So command of the written word is obviously not your strength, but I didnt realize that color photos were around during the slave trade.
I just feel like if you are "offended" by the 4th of July or don't like or don't want to celebrate, then that is fine, but why be an ass to everyone else about it? We don't and will never all think the SAME way. Get that through your heads!

I made the OP as a refection for whites who always want to talk abut how we should not blame those in the past for things and how we should not ascribe todays standards on those in the past. For those who consistently clamored that slavery was over, a thing of the past and as such we should just move on. The fact is July 4th, 1776 is the past. It was 241 years ago, but we still celebrate that day. We still talk about the beliefs of long dead men who are white until it's time to mention they owned slaves or were racists, then that's the past and we should forget it. The entire reason for t his thread was not to talk about slavery, but t point out the hypocrisy of white conservatives specifically and republicans relative to their ability to use the past only when it makes them look good.

Just as much as I was not a slave none of you whites here fought in the revolutionary war. The double standards need to end, the excuses you whites make need to go too. That's why this thread was made.

That you think acknowledging that day is to make whites feel good, you absolutely have no clue as to what it represents and why a war was fought to defend the action that was taken. So sad that the money wasted on you trying to educate you was spent. I guess if blacks don't want to acknowledge it, they can live with the understanding that had it not occurred they could have been slaves of the British.
The slaves playing the music at their master's 4th of July celebration had it pretty good. probably wouldn't have gone back to Africa if you offered it to them.

Sure. They would have happily stayed captive in an existence equivalent to that of farm animals.
Still better than living off flies in a mud hut in Africa.

What kind of misinformed ignorance causes you to believe that every captive slave lived in a "mudhut off of flies"?

Do you think they were living in mansions by the waterfront?

Well actually there were probably some pretty elaborate cities by the standards of the pre- colonial era. I think a lot of the slaves were taken by rivals or because of war and in that case your enemy wouldnt really care what your social status was.

Story of cities #5: Benin City, the mighty medieval capital now lost without trace


Of course the Benin Empire was pretty guilty of capturing and selling slaves though.


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We celebrate it because it's FUN. You know what FUN is? It sure doesn't seem like you do!

Well the fact is that none of you were there on July 4th, 1776. I have fun every day. I don't need to designate a day to have fun.

There is no old man attitude. There is the truth and then there is you.

Yes there is. You seem like a cranky old man! Let people alone and let them have their holidays!

No cranky old man attitude here. But what I see from you is the young dumb and fill of c-m stupidity of a person who doesn't know what the hell they are talking about.

You are really stupid. I haven't said anything about you ending your holidays. I have said I don't celebrate the fourth of July. And we are owed. Whites shouldn't have done what they did and should have stopped instead of continuing it and always trying to make excuses for it like you do.

BS, nobody OWES you anything. Most of the "whites" you refer to immigrated here long after slavery ended in the US. Get real.

Yep whites owe us. The fact whites got to immigrate here shows just how much whites were given.. The demand for reparations goes far past slavery. We are talking about continuing human rights violations. You do know what continuing means don't ya? It means things didn't stop after slavery. You are misinformed, you really need to stop trying to argue with me because I know far more than you do bout these matters and only have so much patience with excuse making lying white racists before I decide to make an example out of you.

You keep telling me what we blacks aren't owed, but you seem unable to explain why all others wronged by this government have gotten and still get, reparations. Why do they have the right to reparations but we don't? Explain that.

"You are misinformed, you really need to stop trying to argue with me because I know far more than you do bout these matters and only have so much patience with excuse making lying white racists before I decide to make an example out of you."

Insulting people and talking about how great you are is not the best way to carry on a dialogue though. Chris has every right to post here just as much as you do. Nothing makes you any more special.

The concept of reparations is an interesting subject, and there is always some argument to be made. Surely there are cases like this below that should be looked at. But wanting to blame all white people because of the color of their skin is where you are going to completely lose me every time. Just like Im not going to blame you for everything other black people do.

Tulsa race riot - Wikipedia

One of the differences though between reparations for American Indians and African Americans would be that the Confederacy that enslaved Africans no longer exists. The Federal government who broke treaty after treaty with native Americans on the other hand actually still does exist and also Indian nations still have autonomy and land here and In many cases they have some real grievances in getting some of that land back.
Unfortunatly for African Americans, they just have to settle for being Americans unless they want to start their own country somewhere.
The slaves playing the music at their master's 4th of July celebration had it pretty good. probably wouldn't have gone back to Africa if you offered it to them.

Sure. They would have happily stayed captive in an existence equivalent to that of farm animals.
Still better than living off flies in a mud hut in Africa.

What would causes
you to believe that every captive slave lived in a "mudhut off of flies"?

You didn't become this ignorant accidently.
And? So command of the written word is obviously not your strength, but I didnt realize that color photos were around during the slave trade.
It's to show that they still live like that today. They look really happy, don't they?
The slaves playing the music at their master's 4th of July celebration had it pretty good. probably wouldn't have gone back to Africa if you offered it to them.

Sure. They would have happily stayed captive in an existence equivalent to that of farm animals.
Still better than living off flies in a mud hut in Africa.

What kind of misinformed ignorance causes you to believe that every captive slave lived in a "mudhut off of flies"?

Do you think they were living in mansions by the waterfront?

Well actually there were probably some pretty elaborate cities by the standards of the pre- colonial era. I think a lot of the slaves were taken by rivals or because of war and in that case your enemy wouldnt really care what your social status was.

Story of cities #5: Benin City, the mighty medieval capital now lost without trace


Of course the Benin Empire was pretty guilty of capturing and selling slaves though.

Sure, people who were captured in wars were slaves a lot of times throughout history. The world has always been a pretty brutal place. Human beings can be pretty cruel towards one another.
Sure. They would have happily stayed captive in an existence equivalent to that of farm animals.
Still better than living off flies in a mud hut in Africa.

What would causes
you to believe that every captive slave lived in a "mudhut off of flies"?

You didn't become this ignorant accidently.
And? So command of the written word is obviously not your strength, but I didnt realize that color photos were around during the slave trade.
It's to show that they still live like that today. They look really happy, don't they?

So your ASSumption is that they would be happier being enslaved?
Still better than living off flies in a mud hut in Africa.

What would causes
you to believe that every captive slave lived in a "mudhut off of flies"?

You didn't become this ignorant accidently.
And? So command of the written word is obviously not your strength, but I didnt realize that color photos were around during the slave trade.
It's to show that they still live like that today. They look really happy, don't they?

So your ASSumption is that they would be happier being enslaved?
No, but going through slavery like your ancestors did made life better for their descendants (like you).
Still better than living off flies in a mud hut in Africa.

What would causes
you to believe that every captive slave lived in a "mudhut off of flies"?

You didn't become this ignorant accidently.
And? So command of the written word is obviously not your strength, but I didnt realize that color photos were around during the slave trade.
It's to show that they still live like that today. They look really happy, don't they?

So your ASSumption is that they would be happier being enslaved?
Isn't that a false dilemma? They were enslaved by blacks, then BOUGHT by whites. So whether Americans did what they did or not, it seems as though those blacks would either be slaves in Africa or dead.
Isn't that a false dilemma? They were enslaved by blacks, then BOUGHT by whites. So whether Americans did what they did or not, it seems as though those blacks would either be slaves in Africa or dead.

Yes but the US had a different method of getting slaves. The overwhelming majority (90+%) of slaves in the US were bred here. So the overwhelming majority were not enslaved by blacks but by whites.

As for it making their life better, possibly. But I don't call that good in any way. Sure by about every metric, people in Norway are happier than in the US. That doesn't make me an agent of good if I grab your daughter, steal her off to Norway, and rape a family out of her then let her great great grandkids free.
What would causes
you to believe that every captive slave lived in a "mudhut off of flies"?

You didn't become this ignorant accidently.
And? So command of the written word is obviously not your strength, but I didnt realize that color photos were around during the slave trade.
It's to show that they still live like that today. They look really happy, don't they?

So your ASSumption is that they would be happier being enslaved?
No, but going through slavery like your ancestors did made life better for their descendants (like you).

And how would you know anything about my life or that of my immediate ancestors?

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