What Trump is afraid of by releasing his tax returns:

Trump is so incredibly insecure and so thin-skinned. The thought of people finding even a hint that his finances aren't as strong as he pretends them to be causes him to be unglued. The man is emotionally unstable and unfit for office.

Yo, can`t wait to see the insecure and thin-skinned Yankee Republican be Sworn In!!!

Trump is so incredibly insecure and so thin-skinned. The thought of people finding even a hint that his finances aren't as strong as he pretends them to be causes him to be unglued. The man is emotionally unstable and unfit for office.

Compared to what, the woman who thinks people shoot at her when she gets off of planes and admittedly has conversations with dead people?
Ask yourself this: how many Americans really GAS about his tax returns?

You guys did this to Romney as well. Nobody cared then, and nobody cares now. You have a Democrat front runner under FBI investigation, and even if that proves to be non-criminal, there is still a lot more going on in the Clinton Foundation that Americans really need to look at if they are weary about foreign entities buying political influence in the US.

If you were really confident Trump's taxes were no big deal, you wouldn't be trying to change the subject.

The fact that Trump isn't releasing them tells me that the guy won't keep his promises.
Ask yourself this: how many Americans really GAS about his tax returns?

You guys did this to Romney as well. Nobody cared then, and nobody cares now. You have a Democrat front runner under FBI investigation, and even if that proves to be non-criminal, there is still a lot more going on in the Clinton Foundation that Americans really need to look at if they are weary about foreign entities buying political influence in the US.

If you were really confident Trump's taxes were no big deal, you wouldn't be trying to change the subject.

The fact that Trump isn't releasing them tells me that the guy won't keep his promises.
Already, the Muslim ban and the wall were only suggestions.
TRUMP: It's going to be very close. I think Mitt was hurt really very badly by this whole thing with the income tax returns. I believe he should have given them April 1, but I didn't think going into a little bit of detail without going into a lot of detail was positive thing. He'll come back. He has proven to be very resilient guy. He has been hurt a number of times by number of different things, he comes back. He really seems to be very tough and resilient. You have to hand it to him.

And Newt is just great. Every time there is a debate he does so well. You have to give him a lot credit for that.

VAN SUSTEREN: Has Governor Romney been boxed on this tax return thing, and if he called you up tonight and said, Donald what should I do about tax return thing, should I release them or not?

TRUMP: I think first answer would have been good. It should have been delivered a certain way. But April 1st historically is the time that everybody gives them.

VAN SUSTEREN: I hear April 1, I think of April Fool's Day.

TRUMP: OK, make it April 2nd.

VAN SUSTEREN: If he called you in light of the situation he in now from clamoring from opponents, would it political be shrewd he would release them now?

TRUMP: I think he may have to. I think he a step went too far. I think that April 1st or April 2nd was OK. But now I think in light of the fact that he started discussing some of the things, namely the rate or approximately the rate, I think it probably be better off just to release them now.

VAN SUSTEREN: Donald, nice to talk to you, as always. I hope you come back soon.

TRUMP: Thank you very much, Greta.

Trump to GOP: Stop playing into President Obama's hands


Truly fucking hilarious!
Suddenly right wingers don't care about tax returns. Weird.
What's gonna happen is that it will look like Hillary made him release his tax returns.

Never before has a candidate had to release private transcripts for something they were paid to do but people had been showing tax returns for decades.

Because Hillary is a woman, suddenly, the rules change. I don't get it.
The I.R.S. has said when Mr. Trump first used audits as his rationale for not releasing his taxes that there was nothing in government regulations prohibiting him from doing so if he wanted to.


He's not afraid of Putin, or China, or nuclear weapons. Only of releasing his tax returns. What a pussy.

Maybe his lawyer or accountant advised him to not release his returns until after the audit.

You liberals are pushy. You know he is going to have to release them sometime.
Let's create a list:

1. He's not worth what he says he is because someone with 10 billion would make more in a year.

2. I heard him once referred to as "the least charitable billionaire in the world". Guess he didn't give to our soldiers.

3. Too many deductions.

4. Pays way less than he should.

5. Has all his work done overseas.

6. Losses from bad deals.

Any of those would make him look like a liar or even worse, not a winner.

Democrats need to see this as Trump's birth certificate. Never give up, never surrender.
Nothing can be stated as fact except that Trump is obviously hiding something.

What that is can only be speculated upon. Donations to the Clinton Foundation, or to Planned Parenthood. Who knows. Nothing is a known fact.
Ask yourself this: how many Americans really GAS about his tax returns?

You guys did this to Romney as well. Nobody cared then, and nobody cares now. You have a Democrat front runner under FBI investigation, and even if that proves to be non-criminal, there is still a lot more going on in the Clinton Foundation that Americans really need to look at if they are weary about foreign entities buying political influence in the US.

If you were really confident Trump's taxes were no big deal, you wouldn't be trying to change the subject.

The fact that Trump isn't releasing them tells me that the guy won't keep his promises.

Oh yea, you have Hillary running on your side and you're worried about promises not being broken?
The I.R.S. has said when Mr. Trump first used audits as his rationale for not releasing his taxes that there was nothing in government regulations prohibiting him from doing so if he wanted to.


He's not afraid of Putin, or China, or nuclear weapons. Only of releasing his tax returns. What a pussy.

Yep, because you CAN release your tax returns even if you're undergoing an audit. Nixon released his while he was being audited, why can't Trump?

Flashback: Richard Nixon Released Tax Returns While Under Audit

Guess this means Trump is a bigger crook than Nixon.
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For federal income tax purposes, CGI members may deduct $19,000, which is your $20,000 membership fee less $1,000 for its fair value.
Let's create a list:

1. He's not worth what he says he is because someone with 10 billion would make more in a year.

2. I heard him once referred to as "the least charitable billionaire in the world". Guess he didn't give to our soldiers.

3. Too many deductions.

4. Pays way less than he should.

5. Has all his work done overseas.

6. Losses from bad deals.

Any of those would make him look like a liar or even worse, not a winner.

Democrats need to see this as Trump's birth certificate. Never give up, never surrender.

More far left propaganda to protect the worse than Bush, Hilary!
This tax meme is supid-ass shit!

Most of the public doesn't care about his tax returns even tho' the media is currently trying to get them to care (stoopid media-bots!).
Now I'm a nobody, will always be a nobody, but was audited 3-4 years ago over the previous 4 years of my filings and spoke about it on this site. While being audited, some idiot here wanted me to post my measly tax returns. Now remember, I'm a nobody, and even I was smart enough to not do it while being audited.

Trump is under advice of his attorney not to release his taxes while being audited!!!

The only people who do not understand and accept this are 1) those whom have never been audited 2) are blind partisans 3) are too fuckin' poor to ever pay taxes and face an audit!.............or a combination of any of the above three. So, bugger off dip-shits, and, besides, most of the public really doesn't care..........:slap:.
This tax meme is supid-ass shit!

Most of the public doesn't care about his tax returns even tho' the media is currently trying to get them to care (stoopid media-bots!).
Now I'm a nobody, will always be a nobody, but was audited 3-4 years ago over the previous 4 years of my filings and spoke about it on this site. While being audited, some idiot here wanted me to post my measly tax returns. Now remember, I'm a nobody, and even I was smart enough to not do it while being audited.

Trump is under advice of his attorney not to release his taxes while being audited!!!

The only people who do not understand and accept this are 1) those whom have never been audited 2) are blind partisans 3) are too fuckin' poor to ever pay taxes and face an audit!.............or a combination of any of the above three. So, bugger off dip-shits, and, besides, most of the public really doesn't care..........:slap:.

Really? Because Richard Nixon released his tax returns while running for office, even though he was undergoing an audit. There is nothing illegal or dangerous about releasing them if you are being audited.

Flashback: Richard Nixon Released Tax Returns While Under Audit
I would certainly like to know one person here who would base their vote on what Trumps tax returns are.

Well, whatever is in those tax returns isn't enough to get me to care one way or the other. After listening to his campaign speeches, there is no way in hell that I will ever vote for Trump.
Even if there was some reason why he can't release this year's return, how about previous years?

Because, he has lied about everything else and he's lying about this.

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