What Trump needs to ask all Americans Thursday night.

Can I explain this to you, Biden stopped all leases on federal land.
What about the 90% the federal government doesn't control?
Then on there fields the corporations got the leases, the federal government wouldn't issue the permits.
On the permits they control...................So?
Making gas and energy prices high. In return making the making the products more expensive to make and transport. Until Biden work with oil companies to make it easier to get oil. No prices will go down, that's not the corporations fault. I remember Biden saying, he was going to put oil companies out of business. But blame who you want, when Trump wins the prices of everything will drop.

Record US oil and gas production keeps prices under ...​

https://www.reuters.com › markets › commodities › rec...

Mar 3, 2024 — U.S. production of oil and gas set new seasonal records in December, capping off an unprecedented year, according to data published by the ...
I said Cuomo got what he requested and still managed to kill thousands. Not Trump silly. When you put covid positive patients in a nursing home. You knowing killed thousands and Cuomo needs to go to trial for that.

Cuomo was acting on best available COVID information at the time
If Trump thought housing the elderly in nursing homes was dangerous, why didn’t he notify Cuomo?

Did he care?
I said Cuomo got what he requested and still managed to kill thousands. Not Trump silly. When you put covid positive patients in a nursing home. You knowing killed thousands and Cuomo needs to go to trial for that.
Maybe he does, bring it.
Trump failed to provide meat, canned goods, milk, eggs, toilet paper……Our shelves were bare four years ago

Thank God for Biden
Now you just making shit up, I admit there was a shortage of paper products. But people like you went out and bought more toilet paper than you needed. That wasn't Trump's fault, like I said. I took care of my family like a man and never ran out. Sorry you're a pussy. You never answered me back on mother's running out of baby formula. When biden was shipping thousands of cases to illegals on the border? I would be a little more concerned with starving American babies, while the illegal ones got their's. Than you getting your ass wiped. Lol
Now you just making shit up, I admit there was a shortage of paper products. But people like you went out and bought more toilet paper than you needed. That wasn't Trump's fault, like I said. I took care of my family like a man and never ran out. Sorry you're a pussy. You never answered me back on mother's running out of baby formula. When biden was shipping thousands of cases to illegals on the border? I would be a little more concerned with starving American babies, while the illegal ones got their's. Than you getting your ass wiped. Lol

You guys seem to excuse Trump for all liability for the effects of COVID…….loss of jobs, deaths, shortages of food and medical supplies
Not Trumps fault

But you blame Biden for all COVID related impacts……Higher gas prices, inflation….
Shows Trumps inept leadership

Only President EVER to run out of Toilet Paper
President Biden has made sure to maintain our Strategic Toilet Paper Reserves
While he let baby formula run out for American mother's, but made sure the illegal mother's that shouldn't even be here. Had plenty, Biden the only president that starved American babies while making sure the illegal ones got theirs. Oh, if you're out of Toilet Paper, you do know you can actually just wash it? We know you're too stupid to realize that.
You guys seem to excuse Trump for all liability for the effects of COVID…….loss of jobs, deaths, shortages of food and medical supplies
Not Trumps fault

But you blame Biden for all COVID related impacts……Higher gas prices, inflation….
Trump asked for a two week shutdown. It was the liberal rum cities that made it miserable for their citizens. That wasn't Trump's fault. Even Fauci admitted his shutting the schools down for as long as he did was a mistake.
While he let baby formula run out for American mother's, but made sure the illegal mother's that shouldn't even be here. Had plenty, Biden the only president that starved American babies while making sure the illegal ones got theirs. Oh, if you're out of Toilet Paper, you do know you can actually just wash it? We know you're too stupid to realize that.

Biden understands the importance of Toilet Paper in the American society and maintains Strategic Toilet Paper Reserves

Trump has someone wipe his ass for him and doesn’t care if people have to beg for toilet paper.

That is why I am stockpiling Toilet Paper in case Trump gets elected
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I'm not filthy rich and I'm better off.

Why do we have inflation?

Do others have inflation?
Most of it because Biden wants to put oil companies out of business. Stopped all leases on federal land and if an oil company gets a lease the federal government will not release the permits. Which makes the price of oil and energy go up. The manufacturers are paying over 30% more for energy to run their plants, price to make the product goes up. Then gas to ship the product is about 40% more, so the cost of the product goes up. Then those stores you shop at, their energy price is up more than 30%, so they also have to raise prices. It's more complicated than that, but I gave you a basic lesson on economics. You are welcome.
Biden understands the importance of Toilet Paper in the American society and maintains Strategic Toilet Paper Reserves

Trump has someone wipe his ass for him and doesn’t care if people have to beg for toilet paper.

That is why I am stockpiling Toilet Paper unless Trump gets elected
Lol, so toilet paper is more important than baby formula? Next time you run out of toilet paper, hop in the shower next to your toilet and just wash your ass. You know at onetime in our history there was no toilet paper.
Lol, so toilet paper is more important than baby formula? Next time you run out of toilet paper, hop in the shower next to your toilet and just wash your ass. You know at onetime in our history there was no toilet paper.
Real Mothers nurse

Trump is the ONLY President ever to run out of Toilet Paper
Why he is the most inept President ever
Most of it because Biden wants to put oil companies out of business.

We are pumping record amounts of oil.

Stopped all leases on federal land and if an oil company gets a lease the federal government will not release the permits.

We are pumping record amounts of oil.

Which makes the price of oil and energy go up.

McNally, a former energy official to former President George W. Bush, said there isn’t that much presidents can do about US oil production, short of taking drastic emergency powers.

Unlike OPEC nations, the United States oil output is largely set by the free market.

“It’s not like President Biden or any president has a dial in the Oval Office to increase production,” McNally said.

The manufacturers are paying over 30% more for energy to run their plants, price to make the product goes up.

Why are they making record profits?

Then gas to ship the product is about 40% more, so the cost of the product goes up.

We are pumping record amounts of oil.

Then those stores you shop at, their energy price is up more than 30%, so they also have to raise prices. It's more complicated than that, but I gave you a basic lesson on economics. You are welcome.
We are pumping more oil then ever.
Trump asked for a two week shutdown. It was the liberal rum cities that made it miserable for their citizens. That wasn't Trump's fault. Even Fauci admitted his shutting the schools down for as long as he did was a mistake.
I didn't know Fauci had the authority to shut down schools.
So your saying no medical worker lost their job because of Biden's vaccine mandates?
Sure they did; anyone carrying an infectious disease would lose their job in that setting. And rightly so.
Oh, I'm not the dumbfuck that went out and bought up all the toilet paper for a virus.
You’re the dumbfuck applauding that everyone had to stand in line because or hour idol the blob.
You loons were, not Trump's fault.
It was all the blob’s fault. He started and lost a trade war with China.
We are pumping record amounts of oil.

We are pumping record amounts of oil.

McNally, a former energy official to former President George W. Bush, said there isn’t that much presidents can do about US oil production, short of taking drastic emergency powers.

Unlike OPEC nations, the United States oil output is largely set by the free market.

“It’s not like President Biden or any president has a dial in the Oval Office to increase production,” McNally said.

Why are they making record profits?

We are pumping record amounts of oil.

We are pumping more oil then ever.
What the ultimate fuckstain you’re responding to is this; if Chevron can make more selling the crude oil to a refinery in Helsinki, Honduras, or Hiroshima...they will do it.

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